Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 531 Flying Training Across Day and Night

The setting sun hid half of my body behind several hills to the west of the base. The temperature dropped sharply. Spring was already blooming in the south, but the wind was still biting here on the coast of the Bohai Sea. It was extremely cold today.

Lao Chen issued a supplementary order requiring pilots participating in the day-night crossing to wear autumn clothes. Cadres who have worked in political affairs will probably pay special attention to such details and issue them in the form of orders. Not to mention, if it weren’t for this supplementary order, many pilots who participated in go-arounds during the day and night would just wear a flight jacket. Too much clothing would always affect their movements.

Many infantrymen in Laolu prefer camouflage rubber shoes to combat boots. Combat boots look powerful and have a strong smell of weapons, but they are bulkier than camouflage rubber shoes, and their heat dissipation is not good. In summer, the smell is very chemical. Especially for veterans who are stationed in hilly and mountainous areas, it’s amazing how easy it is to put on camouflage rubber shoes and run wild in the mountains. It’s good if you can run in combat boots.

However, combat boots have many advantages that camouflage rubber shoes cannot match, such as fire protection, puncture resistance and heat insulation, which camouflage rubber shoes cannot do.

Seven or eight Warhawks are ready and lined up in the arched hangar. Each maintenance team has completed the final inspection preparations and is now lined up next to the Warhawks waiting for the pilots to arrive. Under the afterglow, the officers, soldiers and war eagles were as uniform as sculptures.

The pilot detachment came over. As an assistant instructor, Zhang Xueyang held a flight helmet in his right hand and stepped forward in the command position. From time to time, he issued "one, two, one" adjustment commands. On his right were two columns of pilots participating in the day and night. They were also holding the flight helmet in his right hand and swinging his left hand back and forth thirty centimeters away from the body.

With neat steps and a full spirit, the day and night detachments of the Flying Sharks training team are coming towards us.

"Yao Ge Yi, Yao Ge Yi, stand still!" Zhang Xueyang stopped the team, then raised his fist with his left hand to his left hip and ran around to the right side of the team. He stood facing the hangar, then turned back to face the team and gave the command. "Turn right! Turn right! Look right! Look forward! Take a break! Talk! Take a break!"

After Zhang Xueyang saluted the team, he gave the command to take a break and began to speak, "Comrades, today's go-around will take place day and night. Mr. Chen has great confidence in us and our aircraft maintenance. I would like to emphasize a few points!" "

The team stood at attention.

"Take a break!" Zhang Xueyang said seriously, "There will be no landing and landing training scheduled across the day and night. Everyone, including the concealed landing test team, will use conventional taxiing for takeoff and conventional taxiing and landing. In order to enrich the training content, We arranged alert eviction training, and each training team strictly followed the requirements. This day and night, two key points should be highlighted. First, the cooperation between the leader and the wingman. The leader must have the consciousness of the leader, and the wingman must have the responsibility of the wingman. Never allow separation from teammates. Second, alert eviction is our basic tactical subject, and it is also the most common form of combat we will encounter in the future. Mr. Chen instructed each team and every pilot to take it seriously and not just because they are all People who are about to board the ship will look down on basic tactical subjects. Having said that, in the future, when the ship goes out to sea to perform warning and expulsion missions, it is also a tactic that is likely to be used the most. "

"Finally, I would like to remind everyone that the simulated blue army is conducting routine navigation training in the international waterway of the Yellow Sea. Some of your groups may encounter them, and they may also come to your door. The Haisi will issue temporary simulations at any time based on the actual situation. Confrontation orders, this move is to hone the troops' emergency response capabilities. The simulated Blue Army is an old rival. They have rich experience. I believe many people have dealt with them. Mr. Chen requested that if he receives a temporary In the simulated confrontation mission, we must counterattack with reason and evidence, and we must neither act beyond the rules of engagement nor allow them to overwhelm us and fight, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The team's reply was earth-shattering.

Zhang Xueyang said, "The characteristic of flying across day and night is that the light changes. I won't go into details about the dangers hidden in it from day to night. You are all veterans. The least one has more than a thousand flight hours. I believe You can handle it very well. That’s all I have to say, that’s it!”

The team stood at attention.

Zhang Xueyang issued the command: "At a moment's notice, each team will lead away the acceptance aircraft!"

"First group turn left!"

"Group 2 turn right!"

The team divided into several small groups and ran to the hangar where their respective planes were located to immediately inspect the aircraft. The entire flight preparations were carried out in an orderly manner.

The hidden landing test team stayed where they were. Zhang Xueyang walked in front of everyone and said to Li Zhan with a smile, "Old Li, then you will open 588 and I will open hole 8."

"No problem." Li Zhan smiled.

Zhang Xueyang rushed back non-stop just to participate in the Day and Night Crossing. He had been holding it in for several days. Naturally, he was not someone who cared about the rod fee, but it was also his creed that he would rather die than fly.

"You don't have any objections to running back just like this?" Cao Fufei asked with a smile.

Zhang Xueyang was very happy, looked at you left and right, and said in a low voice, "Basically won."

Hearing this, Li Zhan, Cao Fufei, and Tang Leilei looked at each other and gave a thumbs up in unison. It's hard not to admire them! It's only been a few days!

Zhang Xueyang wanted to re-familiarize himself with the J-11A, so he and Li Zhan made an exchange, letting Li Zhan fly the J-15 No. 588 and he drove the J-11A No. 08.

Putting away his smile, Zhang Xueyang said solemnly, "Mr. Chen judged that Haisi will definitely issue a temporary simulated confrontation task, so he handed this task over to you and Tang Leile."

Li Zhan's brows jumped sharply, and all the fighting cells in his body became active, "I completely understand."

"Lao Cao and I will always be on the outside to cover you and can provide support at any time, but Mr. Chen means that he hopes that you can complete the task alone. According to Haisi's usual practice, temporary simulated confrontations are usually two-plane formation confrontations. In order to ensure that there is With enough time in the air, all four of our aircraft will take off with full fuel. The J-11A each carries two blank bombs. Lao Li, your 588 fire control function has not been activated yet, so you only carry aerial cannons." Zhang Xueyang explained carefully.

Li Zhan nodded slowly, "You don't need blank bombs for warning and expulsion. Air cannons are enough."

Zhang Xueyang took the trouble to explain again, "Old Li, after the temporary simulated confrontation mission was issued, you were in charge. You have the most experience in fighting against the simulated blue army many times."

"The last time I conducted a J-16 test flight, I encountered a simulated Blue Army task force in the southern part of the South China Sea?"

"That's right. They are the ones who conduct navigation training on international waterways. You have to do it well, don't let the simulated Blue Army headquarters say all day long that our Red Army's training progress is slow. But their progress is indeed fast, in a few years In the past, there was still a simulated blue air force with a dozen old aircraft, but now it is simply simulated with the entire fleet.”

Li Zhan smiled and said, "If you have money, you can do whatever you want."

"Expand it." Zhang Xueyang ordered.

Everyone quickly headed to their respective planes.

After Li Zhan accepted the aircraft, he boarded the plane. He put the combat flight handbag on his thigh and took out a SLR from it. He placed it on the side of his right thigh and fixed it. Then he put the combat handbag on the holder behind the seat. The machine The teacher helped fix it. If necessary, the pilot only needs to reach back and pull the rope to pull the combat flight bag to the front.

He then adjusted the navigation chart strapped to his left thigh, pulled out his pencil, confirmed the training route again, put the pen away, and nodded to the mechanic.

The mechanic quickly evacuated and the boarding ladder evacuated. Li Zhan tightened the white labor protection gloves on his hands, closed the canopy, habitually looked to the right, raised his right hand in salute, the signalman was stunned for a moment, and raised the green signal flag. A command was given to slide out.

It is the habit of the Air Force to salute before taxiing out. Here at Feisha, the meaning of the pilot saluting the ground crew is very important - it means that the pilot is ready to take off, which is a very important signal. After the ground crew has completed all pre-takeoff preparations, it sends a signal to the takeoff controller. It cannot take off at this time, but must wait until the pilot sends a "ready for takeoff" signal. This signal is the pilot saluting the ground crew.

J-15 No. 588 slid out and was at the end of the takeoff queue. He and the other three fighters of the hidden landing test group were all at the end of the take-off queue in order to retain the most time in the air. In addition to their four fighters, there are also four J-15s (the one recently delivered by the manufacturer is officially performing training missions). All eight fighter planes were dispatched throughout the day and night, and it was also a major operation that required approval from the headquarters for filing.

The actual preparations had been started a few days ago, and every link was carried out in strict accordance with the regulations.

Following the order from the tower, the fighter planes took off one after another, roaring into the winter dusk sky. The setting sun coated the war eagles and pilots with a layer of golden color, so that the tower ordered all planes to fly clockwise to the southeast. Turn the direction to avoid the still dazzling sunset.

Li Zhan finally took off. With full fuel, he performed a clean and sharp afterburner vertical climb straight into the sky, climbing to an altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level in a short period of time. As his wingman, Tang Leilei first followed the large force to the southeast and started a regular flight. After entering the sky over the exclusive economic zone, he followed the instructions and ascended to an altitude of 4,500 meters to conduct a warning patrol flight in front of Li Zhan. .

There was a beep in the headset, and Shi Moying said: "Attention to the training team, you have entered the first air defense identification zone, repeat, you have entered the first air defense identification zone! The alert and expulsion training has begun, and each team starts training! "

"The first group received it!"

"The second team received it!"

"Team 3 received it!"

After confirming the instructions, several training groups disbanded the large formations and trained separately.

The Air Defense Identification Zone is an airspace set up by our military that is different from the civil aviation flight information zone and is unilaterally demarcated based on national defense and air defense needs. Its main purpose is to provide more air defense warning time and create more powerful conditions for early detection, identification and interception. . The specific operation is to usually verify and identify aircraft in the airspace by the military, and any aircraft flying through this airspace must cooperate with the military's verification and identification.

Otherwise, the fighters undergoing normalized alert training will not be vegetarian.

After taking off, the Flying Shark Day and Night Squadron flew southward for 30 minutes and entered the first air defense identification zone, so this is the best airspace for them to conduct warning and expulsion training.

Li Zhan conducted a routine flight in the northern airspace outside the first air defense identification zone as planned. He mainly performed some routine maneuvers as required to re-familiarize himself with the fighters and the situation. Li Zhan couldn't actually do many maneuvers when he was full of fuel. He was very nervous even rolling over, let alone doing a large overload maneuver. He prepared to conduct a negative gravity dive but found that the fuselage was shaking violently, so he gave up.

The J-15, like the J-11 series of fighters, generally only uses the fuel tank in the fuselage, which can already give the fighter a combat radius of seven to eight hundred kilometers. In order to obtain a maximum combat radius of 1,500 kilometers, the J-15 must be full of fuel. Full fuel also means that it cannot be fully loaded. However, the airborne radar systems of several J-15s do not have fire control functions, so even if they are equipped with air-to-air missiles, they cannot be used, and they are not as practical as aircraft cannons.

In fact, no one is willing to bring live ammunition, because they know that it will definitely not be able to fight, so they have to bring the ammunition and return home. No one wants to land with bombs. It is impossible to throw them away. Our military will never let pilots throw away live ammunition, and they cannot be destroyed casually. They can only take them back and restock them for later use.

Therefore, Li Zhan is more relaxed than others - you have to pay the price for letting you carry blank ammunition and pretending to be cool!

After various training groups entered the first air defense identification zone to start training, the airspace immediately became lively. Related and irrelevant, concerned and indifferent, etc., various radars scanned the sky and suddenly appeared several aircraft that were not at all. A fighter plane that intends to hide its traces.

However, the ships passing through this sea area have long been accustomed to it. The top of the head is the key training area of ​​Hainan Airlines. It is strange not to see any fighter jets.

After Li Zhan performed a few routine flight maneuvers, he was ordered to patrol at high altitude. He cruised in the cracks of international routes, patiently waiting for orders from his big finger. The command and communication radius of the tower is usually 150 kilometers. If the distance exceeds this distance, the command will be handed over to the ground command post.

HNA fighters are also controlled by the Air Force command post.

The status of the second brother in the Air Force is evident.

It is obvious that there are problems with the current command mechanism. In this regard, the emergence of the Beikku Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center and the Beikku Air Defense Base is a very meaningful attempt with a clear direction. Having said this, I have to give a considerable part of the credit to Li Zhan, especially the most important tactical intelligence exchange center. Without this intelligence center, the air defense base's flat command of the troops would be a mirage.

Old Chen Tou stole a trick.

What is a temporary simulated confrontation drill? Since it is temporary, the other side should not be prepared. But Lao Chentou obviously asked Li Zhan to be on standby at high altitude. As soon as Haisi's order came, he immediately went over to conduct confrontation drills. This means that they are prepared, and the significance of Haisi's sudden random inspection is somewhat reduced.

However, there are difficulties at the grassroots level, and Haisi will not pursue it even if he knows about it.

-4000, there are still 16,000 words left this month, currently ranked 102nd, 100 words away from the 100th place, brothers, start a monthly ticket!

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