The temporary confrontation drill mission itself has a strong sense of random inspection. The higher-level leadership agency cannot just issue an order on what to do without asking, without giving the grassroots time to react. Even if it is a war, there is still time to prepare for war.

Therefore, in order to better deal with the possible temporary confrontation drills, Li Zhan was asked to remain on guard at the periphery and at the same time use a SLR camera to take some pictures of the training process. This means he needs to constantly maneuver quickly between training groups to film them.

The photos taken are not for publicity, but as a visual presentation method for later day and night training evaluation meetings. Used in conjunction with flight parameters, it can give students a clearer understanding.

Therefore, Li Zhan had to complete the shooting task quickly while the visibility was still ideal.

After staying briefly in the north of the First Air Defense Identification Zone, he quickly flew to the airspace where the First Training Group was located, contacted them, and then moved over to prepare to take photos. This places high demands on the pilots, who must not only control the aircraft but also use the camera. They must also ensure that they are outside the flight path of the shooting target. If they accidentally break in, there is a possibility of a mid-air collision.

This is the reason why this task fell on Li Zhan.

Looking at this day and night flight training, there is nothing special. Since the establishment of the Flying Shark Force and the training team, in addition to short take-off and landing training, the other training contents have been basically guaranteed. Tactical training cannot be neglected just because special training is held. Not only must it not be neglected, but it must be adjusted to conduct more appropriate training based on the actual conditions of maritime operations.

Moreover, the Flying Shark Force is different from other shore-based naval forces. Their maritime combat environment has no rear.

There were four training groups of eight fighters. Tang Leile followed Zhang Xueyang and Cao Zuofei to conduct the first phase of training, while Li Zhan filmed the process of the three training groups' alert and expulsion training, focusing on the formation situation, fighter aircraft posture and the distance between them and the target. positional relationship.

Tang Leilei simulated an unidentified aircraft that broke into the first air defense identification zone and flew steadily southwestward at an altitude of 4,000 meters, on route 210. Zhang Xueyang and Cao Youfei conducted verification, identification, warning and expulsion. It is a standard training method.

Zhang Xueyang and Cao Youfei sandwiched the No. 10 J-11A driven by Tang Leile on the left and right, and advanced in a conventional manner.

Li Zhan took a lot of photos before and after but was still not satisfied. He called to the three of them: "Dong Ba Dong Gou Yao Dong, you keep your posture and don't move. I'll get closer and change the angle to take some close-ups."

All conversations were heard by the command post, and calls from the command post to any pilot could be heard by anyone.

Da Zhi was not familiar with Li Zhan's style, so he asked, "Wu Ba Ba, what are you going to do?"

After all, the Air Force Command Post is not the same branch of the military that commands Hainan Airlines fighters, so the commander on duty in Da Zhi was very polite.

"Big finger, I want to get closer and take some close-up shots of the third training group. The specific method is to fly over about 30 meters in front of their nose, and use a wide-angle lens to focus on it from a 45-degree angle..."

"Understood, pay attention to maintain the height difference, over." The commander on duty interrupted Li Zhan's tirade and reminded him.

Li Zhan smiled, it was you who asked me about my specific method.

There is no height difference. The Flying Shark Force's free air combat training has no height difference restrictions from the beginning. It can be said that they have learned very solidly from Beiku. Alert expulsion is a form of free air combat in low-intensity armed conflicts. Training in this area naturally strictly follows the principle of no altitude difference.

In fact, Da Zhi didn't understand what Li Zhan was going to do.

Tang Leilei simulated an unidentified aircraft that broke into the air defense identification zone and flew in the middle. Zhang Xueyang and Cao Zuofei sandwiched him on the left and right, limiting his left and right maneuvering space. The three planes were at the same altitude and heading in the same direction. According to Li Zhan's request, they maintained this posture.

So if Li Zhan wanted to shoot from a 45-degree angle in front of them, he would have to fly in front of them at a close distance. Li Zhan planned to place this distance at 30 meters, which means that if anyone has an error of less than half a second, All four planes will crash into each other.

But this is something that veterans are familiar with.

Li Zhan controlled the fighter jet, adjusted the direction of the nose, and then pushed the throttle lever to the bottom, and the fighter jet roared towards the three fighters. He calculated the lead time, and when the fighter plane flew about 30 meters in front of the three fighter planes, he quickly raised his SLR and took continuous shots. Several of the photos were frozen in the classic 45-degree angle. horn.

Tang Leilei and the others only felt that J-15 No. 588 flashed past in front of them, and they felt as if the airspeed tube on the nose of the aircraft was about to hit them at such a close distance.

Before they could recover, Li Zhan turned around and entered from above the three-machine formation. Keeping the nose of the plane in the same direction as them, he quickly drove to the front and then descended.

He said, "The third training group, the mission is completed. You continue to train. Yaodong breaks away from the formation and follows me."

After saying this, Li Zhan patted the left canopy with his left hand. Zhang Xueyang, who was on Tang Leile's left wing, saw this sign language - he couldn't even think about it. The white labor protection gloves were very eye-catching. He quickly broke the pole to the left. , No. 08 J-11A turned left on its belly and broke away.

Li Zhan used his right hand to hit the canopy on the right side. Cao Fufei, who was on Tang Leile's right wing, turned his belly to the right and quickly escaped.

So only Li Zhan and Tang Leile were left, and the formation was a standard long wingman formation. Tang Leilei stared at Li Zhanfei closely, putting himself in the right position to understand. During formation flying, the wingman does not care about navigation. They will only watch the actions of the leader aircraft or accept the instructions of the leader aircraft. In flight performances and aerial formations, there is an aircraft called a reference aircraft, which is the position reference aircraft that all formation flying aircraft must refer to to ensure that the formation meets the requirements.

The march of the air queue is essentially the same as the march of the ground queue. The benchmark aircraft is the benchmark soldier in the ground queue. All actions are based on it, especially the distance.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the wingman keeps a close eye on the lead aircraft and keeps their relative position unchanged, then the entire formation will be a unit and there will never be a collision. To a certain extent, it is not easy for a wingman to fly well. As the number of aircraft in the formation increases, the difficulty increases.

Many years ago, one of the most commendable performances of the Bayi Aerobatic Team was the large aircraft formation flight performance - a dense formation of nine aircraft. Later, this subject was cancelled. One of the important reasons was that it was very difficult and very dangerous.

Li Zhan conducted a low-altitude penetration in a dense formation in Beiku. Although the formation had a large number of aircraft, it did not need to perform aerobatic maneuvers, so the difficulty was not as high as the aerobatic flight of the Bayi Aerobatic Team's nine-aircraft dense formation.

Li Zhan and Tang Leilei entered an alert cruise state. They flew northeast along route 030. After going 300 kilometers into international airspace, they adjusted to route 180, which was parallel to the coastline more than 500 kilometers away. They flew for 20 minutes. Then transfer to route 210.

At this time, DaZhi received a temporary confrontation drill order from the Air Force. The order was conveyed by HaiSi through the Air Force, so the personnel on duty at DaZi could only feel sad that their aviation units did not take advantage of this temporary confrontation. Exercise mission.

Li Zhan received the order. After preparing for a long time, he gave the order to Tang Leile: "Yudong, turn on the afterburner supersonic speed, and arrive at the battlefield in five minutes!"

"Understood!" Tang Leilei pushed the throttle lever to the end and turned on the afterburner. Then he saw that the two anus of Li Zhan's No. 588 J-15 had been stretched to the maximum, emitting powerful tail flames and running wildly. It looks like the main body of the rocket suddenly accelerated into space after the booster fell off after launch!

Tang Leilei was startled and thought to himself that Brother Yi is so fast!

He quickly urged the fighter plane to catch up, maintaining a certain height difference very well, that is, flying higher than the lead plane. His role was to cover, and when necessary, he was the main attacker. But Tang Leilei suddenly found that the distance between himself and the lead aircraft was slowly widening. He felt anxious and shouted: "Five-eight-eight, you are too fast, I can't catch up!"

Li Zhan had already noticed this situation. He was surprised to find that the J-15 with 70% fuel remaining had such strong acceleration performance! The No. 10 J-11A driven by Tang Leilei was also full of fuel, but Li Zhan had done more maneuvers before and flew a longer range per unit time, so Tang Leilei's fuel consumption was more than Li Zhan's.

The lighter the fighter plane, the faster it will naturally accelerate.

The problem is that Li Zhan is keenly aware that it is not just a matter of weight. He has extensive experience in using the J-11 series of fighters. Under the same circumstances, the J-11A definitely does not have such excellent acceleration performance, and the J-11B may be worse.

Li Zhan believes that it is due to the relationship between the aerodynamic layout and the engine. The J-15 has an extra pair of front canards, and the engine used has better performance. The J-15's short takeoff capability is closely related to its powerful engine, which requires the engine to reach maximum thrust in a shorter time.

As we all know, the shorter the time it takes for the engine to reach maximum thrust, the better the acceleration performance. Perhaps there is not much difference between the J-15 and the J-11 in terms of technical indicators such as maximum flight speed (including cruising altitude and sea level altitude), but the former has better acceleration performance.

Acceleration performance is so important in air combat.

In short, the J-15 is Taihang's "turbo duck" model.

That's why Tang Leilei clearly saw that Li Zhan was getting faster and faster, and even when he was using the maximum throttle in the afterburner state, he was chasing further and further away. Of course, this was within a certain period of time. If both machines reached their maximum speed, , in theory, it won’t get further and further away.

Li Zhan slowed down a little and waited for Tang Leile.

Any act of staying away from your teammates in an air combat is tantamount to suicide. Of course, there are also lone rangers who are used to fighting alone, but after all, they are rare air combat geniuses. But having said that, even aerial combat geniuses will never be able to withstand a "multi-aircraft group attack".

After Tang Leilei caught up, Li Zhan received the instruction from the big finger: "588, the target is in direction 230, distance 30 kilometers, altitude 3000, pay attention to the search, over."

"Understood, heading 230, distance 30 kilometers, altitude 3000, completed." Li Zhan confirmed that the instructions received were correct.

The simulated Blue Army task force is conducting sea-air cooperative combat training on international waterways. At this time, a highlight is taking place - a submarine-aircraft anti-submarine drill (submarine and aircraft collaborative anti-submarine). A replica Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter is towing a sonar for search, while a Loshan-class submarine on the water is conducting surface cruise search at periscope depth.

Their operation was provided with air cover by a two-plane formation of simulated Super Hornets.

Li Zhan hadn't noticed the simulated Super Hornet in the sky yet, but he first saw several white tracks of different thicknesses and lengths on the sea. At this time, there was still good visibility thousands of meters in the air because of the sunlight, but a large part of the sea surface was already dark, and the white track was very conspicuous in the darkness.

Undoubtedly, he discovered a maritime task force simulating the Blue Army, and the thickest and longest white track must have been left by a large surface aircraft-carrying ship.

"Command post, I found the target fleet, but I haven't seen the air target yet. Over." Li Zhan reported.

About thirty seconds later, the command post suddenly said, "588, the air target has turned north, they are detouring, pay attention to your right wing, over!"

"Understood!" Li Zhan subconsciously looked to the right and reminded Tang Leile, "Pay attention to the right wing!"

"Understood!" Tang Leile kept looking to the right. The distance should be quite close. When neither side turned on the airborne radar, in addition to relying on ground guidance, they could only find the target through visual search.

Visual search is a basic skill, especially in close air combat. Pilots do not have time to wait for radar search results. The fastest way is to receive information directly with the eyes.

At this time, Li Zhan made a decision that turned out to be very correct - to descend.

The commander on duty at the command post was very surprised when he saw Li Zhan and his wingman separated and quickly descended. This is the time to climb and occupy a higher position to deal with air targets.

"What is he going to do?" the commander on duty asked with a frown.

The staff officer beside him shook his head, "Is he a newbie? He shouldn't go down, let alone be separated from his wingman."

Why didn't Li Zhan inform Tang Leile?

Because they were very sure and certain that they had entered the electronic detection range of the simulated Blue Army task force at this time, their conversation was very likely to be intercepted by the other party. In order to ensure the smooth operation, Li Zhan used command sign language! So while he quickly descended, Tang Leilei continued to climb up, forming a suppressive advantage over the upcoming air targets and ensuring that he had more energy to support Li Zhan at any time.

More importantly, as Tang Leilei continues to climb, he will become "the most dazzling star in the sky", which means that it is very easy to be discovered by the simulated blue army's task force, and it is also easier to be discovered by the opponent's simulated super Bumblebee discovered. As the sun sets in the west, the visibility in the sky decreases from top to bottom. Tang Leilei is arguing that he is in the brightest airspace layer.

In order to achieve a better effect, Tang Leilei chose to climb vertically with afterburner. The posture of soaring into the sky was the most beautiful boy in the sky, and it was impossible not to attract attention.

The reason for this is to cover Li Zhan.

Because Li Zhan made a major discovery, a major discovery that made him willing to give up fighting against the Super Hornet that simulated the Blue Army!

PS: -4,000 words, there are still 12,000 words left before midnight today. Ranked 100th, but the votes were very, very close, and the situation was still very tense. If you don’t want to do anything today, just do this, give up your fantasies and prepare for war, here’s the ammunition (come with monthly tickets)!

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