Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 533 Non-professional photographer Mr. Li’s billion-dollar photo album!

"What the hell is that?"


And it seems to be communicating!

When Li Zhan conducted a visual search of the sea, he found a relatively vague track, which seemed to be left by a small surface ship. However, he was very sure that the task force simulated by the Blue Army did not have small surface ships, and the standard displacement of the smallest tonnage ship was seven to eight thousand tons.

He suddenly thought that according to the simulation of the Blue Army's task force, as long as they went to sea for training, they would be followed by nuclear submarines, acting as invisible escorts underwater.

What do large surface aircraft carriers fear most? The answer is the only one: submarines.

But the submarines that simulate the Blue Army have always been very mysterious, at least to the Air Force and Navy. The confrontation drills over the years have been conducted with their carrier aircraft. Occasionally, the three major fleets will send some surface ships to engage with their surface ships. There is a rare chance of hitting their submarines.

Li Zhan realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

It's a pity that he didn't bring an electronic reconnaissance pod!

But if you can take some photos, especially close-up photos, that is also a significant "result!"

Time may be running out. Once the simulated Blue Army task force discovers Li Zhan's intentions, they will immediately order the submarine to dive emergency and call in fighter jets to expel him.

In order to buy time, Li Zhan decisively adopted radio silence, so the command post did not know what was happening.

Li Zhan rolled several times and dived at maximum throttle, but he braked before going supersonic, for fear that the sound of breaking the sound barrier would wake the opponent. He even held his breath for fear that the sound of breathing would wake the other party...

At high altitude, Tang Leilei had already discovered the two simulated Super Hornets that were coming over. At the same time, the shore-based radar and the ship-based radar that simulated the Blue Army task force were all paying attention to the "battle situation" in the sky. Moreover, the commanders of both sides discovered that there was something going on. A red fighter plane disappeared, but no one paid much attention to it, because as soon as they started to "engage the enemy", the disappeared red fighter plane would definitely appear.

The commander of the simulated Blue Army task force had no idea that Li Zhan had made up his mind to take a few G photos of their rare nuclear submarine even if he "sacrificed" Tang Leile!

If in wartime, a J-11A was exchanged for a nuclear submarine, it would be a super deal no matter how you calculate it!

A submarine sailing on the surface is a surface ship. The J-15 can completely use air-launched anti-ship missiles to turn its target into a submarine that will never surface.

Li Zhan and his No. 588 J-15 are now like desperate people who have not eaten for 7,749 days. They are walking on the bustling streets. Suddenly they see a red hundred-yuan bill on the ground. Countless people wearing various clothes. Shoe-booted feet passed by but no one noticed this windfall. The hungry Li Zhan's adrenaline surged, but he had to control his excitement. With difficulty, he pretended to be calm and calm and quietly approached the windfall, step by step, step by step, in a highly tense situation. Get closer step by step, even praying to God to save face from a gust of wind, praying that the windfall will lie there obediently and not move, praying that all the feet passing by will move forward without hesitation and not miss the scenery on the road...

The cooperative anti-submarine drills between submarines and aircraft are still going on. The simulated Blue Army task force is very good. They believe that the incoming red fighter jets will not affect their training, so the fleet commander did not suspend the training.

This also illustrates the fact that the construction of the simulated blue army is very good. They are so powerful that they don't even care about the two red fighters, and they don't care about a few more.

Of course, as a simulated Blue Army task force that had been humiliated and humiliated in the southern part of the South China Sea, every one of their officers and soldiers had some shadows in their hearts. At that time, the No. 1616 J-16 fighter painted by the manufacturer was against The "high-speed ship-touching go-around" they implemented has caused severe psychological trauma to many pilots, and also left an indelible psychological shock to the ground crew.

However, according to reliable information, the J-16 No. 1616 is still conducting test flights in the South China Sea, so it is impossible to encounter that mad dog here.

Li Zhan: I seem to hear someone saying that I am handsome.

Everyone was completely unaware of the situation.

No. 588 J-15 descended to a height of fifty meters above the sea with extremely slight and rapid movements. At this time, Li Zhan could clearly see the nuclear submarine with its small body exposed on the water. Li Zhan focused on observing The command podium enclosure is undoubtedly Rocky Mountain class (simulation of Kilo class).

There was still some visibility, and Li Zhan realized that he didn't have much time, so he acted quickly.

He urged the fighter plane to accelerate and catch up. His route was 30 meters to the left of the target submarine, and his flying altitude dropped to 20 meters above the sea, parallel to the target submarine. After calculating the distance in his mind, Li Zhan began to slow down. In order to gain more shooting time, he put the speed-reduced version of the back of the machine up, looking like an angry fighting cock!

Li Zhan turned on the SLR and faced the right side through the canopy glass to look at the target submarine and began to consume the life of the shutter!


Medium shot!

Close shot!

close up!

Big close-up!

Detail close-up!

Absolutely no consideration is given to artistic effects, just to be able to capture more and clearer details!

There were several naval personnel on the command platform who were looking out. They couldn't hear the sound of the fighter planes when the submarine was chopping through the waves, and they didn't look back at all. When they saw a huge and vertically reduced fighter plane suddenly appeared less than thirty meters away on the left parallel position, their hearts were so scared that they fell into the sea!

Li Zhan quickly adjusted the focus to give them a close-up: the stunned and helpless expressions of several naval personnel were perfectly captured.

During the rapid shooting process, Li Zhan used his feet to control the fighter plane's smooth flight by constantly pushing the rudder slightly. The throttle lever and joystick were at fixed positions, so his posture was like stepping on rowing tourists in the park, with his feet constantly moving. Paddling on the ground, holding the camera with both hands, busy taking pictures...

The naval personnel on the command platform finally came to their senses, yelling and running down in panic. I believe they were also shouting "emergency dive" at the same time. Of course, as a non-professional videographer, Mr. Li, who had a SLR in hand, did not miss such a wonderful scene, and the shutter clicked and recorded everything.

What is the concept of a distance of thirty meters?

This means that the memorial service for this nuclear submarine is almost over, if it is an actual battle!

The simulated Blue Army task force finally reacted. It was too late to mobilize fighter planes, and it was also too late to take off the fighter planes. The commander was more experienced. He ordered the imitation Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter that was towing the sonar search a few kilometers in front of the submarine. Immediately abandon the sonar and turn around to support the submarine!

Only this imitation Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter is closest to the submarine!

The imitation Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter took action quickly after receiving the order, and the crew was also very experienced. Immediately disconnecting the towed sonar, they made a sharp U-turn and accelerated towards the submarine. Then the crew saw a scene that made them feel like they were in a dream:

Li Zhan freed up one hand to hold the joystick. In a very short period of time, he suddenly pushed on the rudder and turned the joystick to the right!

The No. 588 J-15 heavy carrier-based fighter suddenly turned 180 degrees to the right. After the turn was completed, the axis of the fighter was almost consistent with the axis of the submarine. In other words, at this time, the No. 588 J-15 was flying upside down, at a super low altitude of 20 meters, and right above the submarine!

Li Zhan, who was in the inverted state, looked toward his forehead. He was startled by how close the cockpit cover was to the enclosure of the submarine's command podium - it seemed to be only two or three meters away!

He quickly raised his monocular and aimed it at the inside of the command platform enclosure to take pictures. At this time, before the naval personnel had time to close the hatch, they saw the huge heavy-duty fighter plane appearing at the tip of the nose. His thoughts Completely stopped - is this about to hit?

The completely dull expression of the naval officer added a meaningful popularity to Li Zhan's photo. Judging from the military rank, he seemed to be a colonel?

The captain of the imitation Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter called in panic: "Beautiful, beautiful, the target fighter plane hit the submarine's command podium enclosure! Beautiful, beautiful!..."

He was so frightened that he even used the "Meidi" for the aircraft in the emergency call.

From his point of view, it looked like the No. 588 J-15 had hit the submarine's command podium enclosure! A vertical distance of two to three meters is simply impossible to clearly detect from one or two kilometers away!

The staff on duty at the fleet intelligence command center who received the emergency call were also stunned.

That's a nuclear submarine worth billions of dollars. Oh my God!

An advanced nuclear submarine worth as much as the annual gross national product of many countries!

The maintenance cost for one year is equal to the entire worth of many of the world’s richest people, what a gold-swallowing behemoth!

Li Zhan retracted the speed brake and controlled the fighter plane to slowly gain altitude. At this time, the submarine began to make an emergency dive. He still kept flying upside down, unscrupulously photographed the submarine from such a vertical overlooking angle and turned on the recording function! This angle is like the traditional man-on-woman position. The man looks down at the woman vertically, and the submarine is the frightened woman who keeps hiding back and hiding in the sea!

After turning back to his normal posture, Li Zhan still did not miss the last scene. He used his SLR to painstakingly record the entire process of the submarine's emergency dive with its butt raised high, until the sea surface returned to calm...

Then Li Zhan saw an imitation Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter blocking the front without overestimating its capabilities.

Li Zhan laughed - the mantis is acting like a chariot!

He turned on the afterburner and rushed forward. When the crew of the imitation Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter had dilated pupils and watched the huge heavy fighter plane crashing into it like a mountain without any reaction, Li Zhan suddenly pulled the joystick back to the end. In the restricted position, the nose of the No. 588 J-15 was raised high, the tail moved forward under the action of inertia, and then the two chrysanthemums slowly moved towards the imitation Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter, and then farted twice!

Li Zhan reconnected the elevation limiter, but he did not press the lever. Instead, he allowed the fighter plane to climb vertically with afterburner in the direction of the nose!

No. 588 J-15 farted twice at the imitation Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter and then ran away.

These two farts are not simple!

The crew of a replica Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter found themselves caught in a tail vortex!

"Didi, didi, didi..."

Alarms blared in the cockpit and the plane began to spin uncontrollably.

"Beautiful!" the captain called again. This time he didn't use the wrong word, but the plane crashed at the next moment...

"It's so beautiful, the sea eagle and the dog should come, the dog who loves me should come..."

Li Zhan didn't care at all. He marked Tang Leile's position and Supersonic rushed to support. At this time, Tang Leilei was already at a disadvantage and was struggling to deal with the flanking attack by two simulated Super Hornets.

"Yodong, I'm here, enter the battlefield from your left wing and lead them over!" Li Zhan broke the radio silence and called Tang Leile.

The commander of the simulated Blue Army task force went crazy. When he ordered the ejection of the second batch of fighters, the staff officer in charge of the "Shirley" system rushed over in a panic. The look of panic made people see four words - disaster is imminent.

"Why are you panicking! How unbecoming! Faka!" the commander scolded the staff officer who ran up to him.

The staff officer's face was miserable, his lips were trembling, and he handed over an analysis cable with both hands. His hands were shaking violently, and he trembled and said, "Yes, yes, it's the South China Sea, the mad dog, it's him. It's him who just teased the submarine and the Seahawk. It's him." , he is everywhere, nothing can stop his flight, he is the best pilot in the world, there is no defense line in the world that he cannot break through, there is no target that he cannot deal with, in fact, his flight is so wild and outstanding, he He is the living god of destiny!”

Everyone in the intelligence command center was silent. Their organs and lungs were trembling. It was the kind of trembling that they couldn't control at all. The unforgettable scene appeared in front of everyone's eyes - a plane painted by the manufacturer was obviously not painted. The J-16 heavy fighter with attack capabilities carried out a go-around against their mothership at a speed of nearly 900 per hour!

The violent movements and huge sound barrier made everyone vividly see that death was close at hand. Although they had a complete and time-tested air defense network, they could not stop the penetration of the fighter plane that obviously had no attack capabilities. through!

That kind of powerlessness and fear is hard to understand personally!

"Richard is still receiving psychological treatment. I can't lose another senior pilot anymore. Let's go back! Let's go! Contact the commander, we lost!" The commander made a decisive decision.

He comforted himself and seemed to comfort others by saying, "We are normal people, there is no need to argue with madmen, let's go, let's go! Power up the big finger, this time the blue team lost the confrontation exercise!"

Everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief. If they had wings, they would want to fly home and lie down in bed and cover themselves with quilts. Only in this way can they feel safe.


Maybe he got shot down by that mad dog before he got home!

Li Zhan was surprised by the sudden withdrawal of the simulated Blue Army task force. He did nothing but called Tang Leile...

PS: -4000, and 8000 more. It's so cool...the number of votes is very tight, monthly tickets are required

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