Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 534 I didn’t do it, so don’t talk nonsense

In the dark, the day-night training fleet returned.

One after another, they landed and glided lightly, and the war eagles returned to their nests.

Lao Chentou, Shi Moying and others left the control tower and went to hangar No. 588 to wait. Everyone was in a very good mood, chatting a few words from time to time and then burst into hearty laughter.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't expect that this guy Li Zhan has such a great reputation." Shi Moying couldn't help but laugh when she thought about the simulated Blue Army task force getting out of the house after hearing Li Zhan's voice. "What is this called? Subduing the enemy's army without fighting."

Old Chentou smiled very reservedly, but he was actually very happy. Those were his students!

"This guy has fought against the simulated blue army many times. In just three months after he joined the Second Division, he conducted three confrontation drills with the simulated blue army. Each time he came up with some new tricks, which created a very special situation. An effective deterrent. The nickname "South China Sea Mad Dog" was given by the simulated Blue Army troops at that time, and it is quite vivid." Old Chen Tou said with a smile.

Shi Moying was very happy, clapped his hands and said, "Not bad, not bad. If we have a few more South China Sea Mad Dogs, we won't have to be beaten by the simulated blue army again and again in the future. So, in the end, the personal ability of the pilot is very important."

The latter sentence is addressed to the teachers and counselors behind him.

"came back."

Lao Chentou saw the last War Eagle landing, with its navigation lights flashing. In the dim light, he could see that the speed brake on the back of the aircraft was raised. It could be seen that the aircraft was approaching at a very high speed and had to be raised. Speedbrakes to assist deceleration. Strong Li Zhan style.

The fuel alarm kept sounding in the cockpit of J-15 No. 588. Li Zhan followed the simulated Blue Army task force and flew out for more than a hundred kilometers before returning. The fuel reserve was reached thirty kilometers away from the base. Alarm boundary. However, this did not have a big impact. After the fuel warning, the aircraft was still able to fly 200 kilometers.

Zhang Xueyang, Cao Zuofei, and Tang Leilei, who landed first, got off the plane and ran over with flying helmets in hand, joining the team welcoming Li Zhan back home.

Old Chentou caught Tang Leilei and asked him carefully about the specific situation.

The base did not know what happened on the sea and air at that time, and even the command post knew only a limited amount.

After Tang Leilei said a few words, he felt that he couldn't go on like this, so he simply said, "Mr. Chen, I was responsible for covering the lead aircraft at the time. I really don't know much about the situation of the lead aircraft at that time. Why don't you just ask the first brother directly."

"Brother No. 1? Who is Brother No. 1?" Lao Chentou asked in confusion.

Tang Leilei said, "Li Zhan."

"Oh, Brother Yi, he has quite a few nicknames." Old Chentou said with a smile.

Zhang Xueyang said, "At that time, Li Zhan in the Second Division encountered the most dangers, and they were all concentrated in a short period of time. Everyone said that Li Zhan was number one in this aspect, and started calling him the nickname First Brother. "

Old Chentou smiled and said, "There are quite a few nicknames, but none of them are good. The little prince of the lever and the little political expert, well, the nickname of the political expert is a compliment."

Nicknames such as Little Prince of the Pull Rod, Mad Dog of the South China Sea, and Brother No. 1 are not necessarily derogatory, Tang Leilei thought to himself, but of course he did not dare to say it out loud.

When the command post receives a call from the simulated Blue Army task force, of course it will not admit defeat directly. It must not lose the battle at hand if it loses the big talk. Therefore, they said that according to the next training plan, they would turn eastward to engage in ocean navigation training, so they stopped the confrontation drill in advance. Of course, the command post did not criticize the situation and reported the situation to the superiors in an obedient manner. Haisi agreed, so the command post ordered the fleet to return.

The day and night training ended as a matter of course.

The base was even more unclear about what happened at that time, and all they had were reports from the command post.

Old Chen and others ran over to the hangar to wait for Li Zhan. They were eager to know the specific situation at that time.

Finally, Li Zhan came back.

Li Zhan got off the plane with a SLR around his neck. Lao Chentou strode up, patted Li Zhan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Well done! I didn't expect you kid to be able to defeat someone without a fight!"

Tang Leilei and others also came up to meet them. They almost laughed out loud when they heard this sentence - God can conquer others without fighting, and Brother Yi almost killed them in battle.

The sea eagle dog should arrive...

Li Zhan felt embarrassed when he saw so many people greeting him. He smiled shyly and said, "Mr. Chen, you are too polite. You make me look like a new recruit who succeeded in his solo career."

"Aren't you a new recruit? If you don't get the qualification certificate to prevent landing, you will still be a new recruit." Old Chen Tou said.

Li Zhan laughed.

Old Chentou waved his hands and told everyone to do what they should do. He and Li Zhan were walking and asked, "Tell me about the situation, the specific process at that time, how you handled it, and call Tang Leile over."

Li Zhan called Tang Leile over and reported the situation directly to Lao Chentou on the taxiway in front of the hangar.

"I discovered a nuclear submarine." Li Zhan reported directly. "I have never encountered a submarine in so many simulated confrontation exercises. I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The submarine was cruising on the surface at the time. The simulated Blue Army said they were doing Submarine aircraft cooperated with anti-submarine training, but I think the submarine must have been sending and receiving important instructions at that time, because anti-submarine training submarines should not be cruising on the surface."

Old Chen's brows jumped sharply, and his attention was completely attracted. He knew very well what Li Zhan's discovery meant, but he also had some vague regrets - the No. 588 J-15 did not carry an electronic reconnaissance pod. In fact, who would have thought of carrying an electronic reconnaissance pod anywhere and anytime. This also shows that as the only carrier-based fighter jet, the J-15 needs to have multiple functions, including certain electronic reconnaissance and detection capabilities.

As expected, Li Zhan said with regret, "It's a pity that we didn't have electronic detection capabilities at the time, otherwise the harvest would have been greater. However, I also took some valuable close-up photos, which can be said to be from all angles above the sea. When I returned, I After a quick glance, there were more than a thousand photos, mainly because I was short of time and took continuous shooting mode, and there were also a few videos.”

He took off his SLR and showed the top-down photo of the inside of the submarine's command platform enclosure to Old Chen.

As soon as Old Chen saw this angle, he asked, "How did you take this shot?"

Li Zhan made gestures, "Fly upside down, close the distance to the target, and take a few pictures in succession while their hatch cover is still open."

He enlarged the photo and said, "You can see some details inside. I believe the submarine force is very interested."

Old Chentou took the SLR in his hand without hesitation and said, "Even if there are no details, you have done something that can be called a miracle."

None of them realized how significant the photos taken by Li Zhan were.

"Very good, Li Zhan, well done!" Old Chentou said in a deep voice.

Li Zhan said, "At that time, I was worried that the radio call would be intercepted by the other party and I would scare away the submarine. The situation was very urgent, so I did not report it to the command post in time. The command post would probably blame me for not following the instructions."

"They won't." Old Chen shook his head and said, "I will explain the situation. An excellent combat pilot should have such a reaction ability. In such a short time, waiting for you to ask for instructions and get approval, the target may have already escaped. Be good at catching The fleeting fighter plane is precisely the rare quality of a combat pilot."

Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Old Chen looked at Tang Leilei and said, "Xiao Tang, you are Li Zhan's wingman. Didn't you see the situation at that time?"

Tang Leilei was shocked and said quickly, "No, Mr. Chen, I was covering the lead aircraft at an altitude of several thousand meters. The two simulated Super Hornets later felt something was wrong and wanted to escape. It took a lot of effort for me to They were entangled. So I don't know what happened on the sea surface at that time."

"Well, Xiao Tang is not bad either. He provided good cover and bought time for the lead aircraft. I will give you credit after the flight parameter data comes out and the analysis meeting is held." Old Chentou said.

Li Zhan suddenly said, "Mr. Chen, third-class merit is ready."

"Isn't it just third-class merit? You just took a few photos and you still want first-class merit?" Old Chen glared.

In the half-dark and half-light environment, Li Zhan looked at Old Chen's political worker face, which was a little frightening, and he laughed awkwardly. The third-class gong is good. There are already two third-class gongs. It will be so comfortable to see a few more and the first-class gongs.

Li Zhan said seriously, "Mr. Chen, I think the biggest credit should be given to Tang Leilei, Zhang Xueyang and Cao Xifei. In fact, it was precisely because of Tang Leilei's excellent cover that entangled the opponent's two fighter planes that I was able to fly without any interference. Completed these things under the circumstances. Zhang Xueyang and Cao Zhengfei, who had been on alert at the periphery, actually attracted a lot of attention from the other party and coordinated my actions very well. The credit should go to them."

Old Chentou was even more satisfied. It was outstanding but not taking credit, arrogant but not greasy, what a great quality.

"Okay, I understand. You go and rest."

After Old Chen sent Li Zhan and Tang Leile away, he immediately returned to the agency building and entered the confidential communications room to report all the image data in the SLR to the superior leadership agency without delaying for a minute.

On this side, Li Zhan and Tang Leile returned to the dormitory. After entering the door, Tang Leile finally couldn't help it. He deliberately suppressed his voice and said with a little trembling, "Brother 1, you still have something you haven't reported to Mr. Chen. , you didn’t say that?”

"What did you say?" Li Zhan sat down and frowned.

Tang Leilei walked over as quietly as a thief, and his voice was even lower, "I saw it all. Although it is far away, I am sure that the Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter fell into the water..."

"You must have seen it wrong." Li Zhan shook his head and said, "If you don't believe it, wait until the flight officer report comes out and you will see that there are many aerial cannons, and I have not encountered them at all."

Tang Leilei looked at Li Zhan suspiciously, "Really?"

"Could it be cooked? Simulated confrontation. Simulated confrontation is just a few gestures and moves. How about a real fight? They are all from the same village, and I can't do it!" Li Zhan said with a smile.

Li Zhan: I didn’t. It wasn’t me. It’s none of my business. Don’t talk nonsense.

Tang Leilei was dubious, but Li Zhan was so sure that he must have seen it wrong. After all, the helicopter was very close to the sea, and he was at such a high altitude at the time. That's right, Brother Yi will definitely not lie. The number of aerial cannons can speak for itself.

Li Zhan said, "Xiao Tang, when you were covering for me today, did you ever think that if it was an actual battle, you would probably have been shot down."

"I have thought about it." Tang Leilei nodded solemnly and said, "I don't think I have the ability to deal with two world-advanced third-generation aircraft, and the opponent has much more actual combat experience than us. But I am very confident that we can fight against them. They buy you time to sink the submarine!”

"That's right." Li Zhan was convinced, especially satisfied with Tang Leilei's awareness.

In fact, if it were an actual battle, would Li Zhan be able to escape even if he succeeded? At such a close distance, Li Zhan's attack submarine will definitely be attacked by saturated ship-to-air missiles after it succeeds, and the enemy's air defense fighters will swarm him and tear him into pieces.

Exchanging two third-generation aircraft for one nuclear submarine is not a good deal, and the tactical and operational significance is not of the same magnitude, and the political significance is also incomparable.

Judging from the cooperation with the "photo" operation this time, if someone else were to partner with Li Zhan, the effect might be worse. Tang Leilei was Li Zhan's old subordinate when he was in Beiku, and he was also an old comrade in the Second Division. They had a very tacit understanding with each other. There is such a tacit understanding that when the other party makes a move, you already know what to do next.

The two-aircraft formation is the most basic tactical unit, and the cooperation and tacit understanding between the wingmen is extremely important.

Zhang Xueyang and Cao Fufei, who had been arrested for a meeting, came and gave Li Zhan a thumbs up when they entered the door, saying in unison, "Old Li is so awesome! He is so awesome! He is so awesome!"

Li Zhan pressed his hands and pretended to be polite and said, "They are all people who have been deputy captains and are very cautious."

Apparently, Lao Chentou had made a brief report about the No. 588 J-15's reconnaissance of a simulated Blue Army nuclear submarine, and made some photos and videos public, which greatly boosted the morale of the officers and soldiers of the Flying Shark Force! In the future, they will often have to confront the simulated blue army's ship fleet. In the past few decades, the simulated blue army's force has shown a strength that is almost the same as that of the U.S. Navy. For a long time, everyone has been somewhat shadowed.

There is a saying that if a lie is repeated too many times, it ceases to be a lie.

All kinds of propaganda say how powerful the simulated blue army is. If they are repeated too many times, everyone will subconsciously believe that this is a fact. Of course, this is really a fact.

It is also true that a small number of people have a fear of simulated blue syndrome.

Today, Li Zhan danced on the head of the simulated Blue Army's nuclear submarine and played with the opponent as casually as kneading dough. However, the other party did not react at any level except being stunned, stunned, panicked, and confused. This exposed the invincibility of the simulated Blue Army. Myth, greatly boost the morale of my red side!

The significance in this aspect is very significant.

Zhang Xueyang pressed Li Zhan's shoulders and said excitedly, "As expected, I have been covering you from the outside for so long. You don't know that I was locked by the fire control radar simulating the Blue Army's air defense ship for a minute. That's enough." It’s been a full minute! That damn alarm didn’t stop! At least I got through it!”

"I was about the same. I almost rushed in and started fighting with them!" Cao Youfei was also very excited.

Who can not be excited to see photos and videos like that? Who wouldn’t understand the meaning? In future wars, if we can sink an enemy nuclear submarine, it will be worth it even if we destroy the entire Flying Shark Force! Judging from the photos and videos taken by Li Zhan, the submarine can be sunk by just the aerial cannon at that location - if the aerial cannon can penetrate the submarine shell!

"Flying upside down to shoot! What a genius idea!" Cao Zoufei said excitedly, "From the photos, you should have been only about ten meters away from the submarine command platform. This distance is unimaginable!"

Li Zhan shook his head slightly and said slowly in the expectant eyes of everyone, "There was no focus adjustment, so the distance at that time should be three meters, maybe less than three meters. The antenna of the command platform is on the side of the cockpit cover. If it shakes, it will Encountered."

The three of them were stunned. Sanmi, how handsome he is!

PS: -4300, there are still 4000 words left, I will finish it tonight. Thanks to everyone's hard work, I managed to squeeze into the top 100, and the final ranking is 96th. Not bad, not bad. I'll get a guaranteed monthly pass. I'll do my best these days to ensure that I write two 4,000-word chapters every day!

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