Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 535: The sea and air guards are so magnificent!

Old Chentou was reading the day's newspaper. Qin Ming, the director of the flying ginseng office, called and said that he had something important to report and hoped that he could go to the flying ginseng office. The fact that he needs to go to the Flying Counselor's Office instead of Qin Ming to report in his office shows that it is an extremely important and secret matter.

Old Chentou, who came here early in the morning and hadn't finished half of his cup of tea yet, put down his newspaper and went out.

In the newspaper, the camera was fixed on the international military briefing column, and there was an ordinary piece of news: According to a Reuters report, when the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier battle group was conducting anti-submarine training in the international waters of the Western Pacific, an SH-60 "Sea The Eagle anti-submarine helicopter crashed into the sea during training, killing five crew members. Preliminary investigation results showed that it was a mechanical failure...

It's very ordinary news. The US military and the Indian army crash into so many planes every now and then. This is something that people all over the world are used to. So even the newspaper office didn't take it seriously and just gave it a small square.

Qin Ming was waiting in the office, smoking cigarettes one by one, pacing back and forth in front of his desk, feeling hot despite the cold weather. He was excited, but also worried, and the different emotions were mixed together to make him look like this. He stayed up all night last night. After all, he had dark circles under his eyes due to his age and his eyeballs were red, but he was very energetic.

All this happened after the flight parameter interpretation results of No. 588 J-15 came out.

Just ten minutes ago, Qin Ming sternly told several staff members involved in the interpretation: "The flying ginseng of 588 must not be leaked. No one can say it without my approval. Remember, it is anyone!"

Several technical staff naturally know the importance.

Immediately, Qin Ming reported to Lao Chentou and asked him to come over in person.

Not long after, Old Chen came.

"Mr. Chen." Qin Ming quickly put out his cigarette, asked Mr. Chen to sit down, took out the flying ginseng interpretation report from the drawer and handed it over, "588 flying ginseng interpretation results."

Old Chen frowned slightly, and without asking any further questions, he opened it and took a closer look.

The more I looked, the more frightened I became.

The simulated confrontation exercise conducted by No. 588 J-15 yesterday across the day and night was much more intense than he imagined. The filming process of the submarine was even more frightening than what Li Zhan reported. Almost every maneuver was Constantly testing on the edge of death!

"He did a Cobra maneuver in the end?" Lao Chentou kept gasping. He suddenly realized that he had seriously underestimated the courage and skills of this student Li Zhan.

Qin Ming said in a deep voice, "Strictly speaking, it was a half-Cobra maneuver. He did not press the nose of the aircraft, but climbed vertically. At that time, his tail nozzle was facing forward and pointed downward."

Old Chentou didn't understand.

Qin Ming pulled out a radar route diagram, which showed the routes of all aircraft at that time, including altitude, speed, heading and other information.

He pointed to the location of the Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter at that time.

When Old Chen looked at it, his expression suddenly became serious.

It was so quiet that only the sound of breathing could be heard. Old Chen collected the information and put it into the portfolio, "You don't want to keep any files here."

"Yes." Qin Ming replied decisively, "I have already explained several people involved in the analysis."

Old Chen shook his head, "Just explaining is not enough. Organize them to conduct a closed study, and focus on safety and confidentiality. This will last for several months. I will arrange for a dedicated person to take charge."

Old Chen is only a few years older than Qin Ming, but he has been a political commissar and is extremely sensitive in this regard.

"Understood." Qin Ming nodded solemnly.

"Old Qin, please make a new report." Old Chentou said.

Qin Ming understood and nodded slowly.

Qin Ming sent Old Chen away and closed the door. He couldn't help but punched the air hard. He returned to his seat, sat down, opened the drawer and took out a group photo, making Old Chen burst into tears.

"Xiaowei, have you seen it? You have seen it..."

He took out a bottle of wine that had been stored for eleven years from the depths of the drawer, opened it and took a sip. This was the first time in his twenty-five years in the army that he violated discipline.

Conquer the enemy without fighting!

Conquer the enemy without fighting! !

Conquer the enemy without fighting! ! !

The sea and air guards are so magnificent! ! !

The maintenance staff pulled out the No. 037 J-7EGGH. After Li Zhan accepted the aircraft, he boarded the aircraft and taxied out, stopping at the take-off position in the first training area. Li Zhan pushed the throttle lever all the way and turned on the afterburner. The wheel blocks blocked the main landing gear and kept the fighter stationary. The hot tail flames from the tail nozzle hit the spoiler.

"Maximum thrust, over."

"Ready for takeoff."

The takeoff assistant gave a thumbs up.

Li Zhan saluted him, and then made a slashing motion with his hand knife.

The takeoff assistant immediately gave the "go away" signal.

The wheel blocks suddenly fell, and the improved turbojet engine of No. 037 J-7EGGH made a shriller sound than the turbofan engine. The powerful thrust pushed the fighter plane with three auxiliary fuel tanks forward and rushed forward. The acceleration of No. 037 J-7EGGH seems to be faster than that of the J-15!

The fighter jet rushed onto the ski jump deck and lifted its nose off the ground.

Li Zhan felt the fuselage suddenly sinking for a moment, then firmly stepped on the steering wheel and grasped the control stick, then pulled the stick to the right and pulled back at the same time. No. 037 J-7EGGH slid to the left and climbed with afterburner at an elevation angle of almost 45!

"Oh, it's much faster than the J-15's take-off." Cao Youfei couldn't help but praise it.

At this time, there were several fighter planes waiting in line to take off, and the remaining three members of the concealed cabin landing test team were also among them. However, they had not covered the cockpit covers at this time, so they could all see Li Zhan's powerful take-off. posture.

Li Zhan looked back at the gradually shrinking base and said with a smile, "People can be ugly, but their take-off posture must be handsome!"

"Your light fighter has been replaced with a high-thrust engine, and the turbojet engine has better acceleration at maximum thrust." Zhang Xueyang said with a smile, "You will have to return while I'm still flying, so you'd better take your time. "

The fuel consumption of the turbojet engine is greater, and the No. 037 J-7EGGH has less internal fuel. Even if it carries three auxiliary fuel tanks, it cannot compete with the long-legged J-11A and J-15.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "This is a test flight, so being gentle is not necessarily a good thing."

The tower commander interrupted their conversation, "Turn three, heading 180, keep the altitude below 4,000. After entering the airspace, start the flight test on your own. Report any problems. It's over."

"Dong Sanguai understands!"

Everyone laughed.

Li Zhan was rushed to the south to conduct flight tests in the sea and air. The main purpose was to conduct relevant tests on the repaired No. 037 J-7EGGH to ensure that there would no longer be problems with the fighter.

Except for him, everyone else has resumed normal training. Yesterday's day-night and day-night temporary confrontation exercises have also come to an end. For the combat pilots, it is just a small episode in their military career. The mission Still on my shoulders, the battle never ends!

The concealed cabin landing flight training gradually began. All three J-11As were put into battle, a fixed route was drawn and assembly line operations began. The upgrade training in the first training area also started at the same time. All the pressure was on the tower. The most At that time, the tower command team needed to command eight fighters at the same time to conduct training in the airspace with a radius of 100 kilometers. This is a good exercise for the command team.

It should be pointed out that all positions have second-tier personnel. For example, the position of takeoff assistant is established for two people, but there are actually four people on the job, and the other positions are handled accordingly. The purpose of this is to train more ground staff in the shortest possible time.

Relatively speaking, pilots have no way to adopt such a training method. They can only train one person per aircraft, and with only one J-15S two-seater aircraft, the recruitment of new students is quite slow. Fortunately, there are basically standards for the concealed cabin landing flight test. In the future, new students can be arranged to conduct the concealed cabin landing flight first, fly the position of the main landing gear contact point, and have a certain muscle memory for the relevant controls before arranging it. Real aircraft landing training.

Li Zhan flew up and down over the Bohai Sea and performed various maneuvers wantonly. It wasn't until he ran out of fuel in the auxiliary tank that he began to test the maximum level flight speed at sea level at supersonic speed, and then the minimum level flight speed test. Within two hours, I did all the maneuvers I needed to do, and even flew an 8G overload maneuver to satisfy my cravings. Then I followed the tower's instructions and returned.

The old man is very impressive. It seems that the previous judgment of the old man's skeleton was wrong. The bones in his body can still exert their residual heat for a few more years.

Zhang Xueyang and the others also flew several ups and downs, and each time the effect was better than the last. After landing, Li Zhan stayed in the dark cabin landing training area to observe their movements and found that Zhang Xueyang had made the fastest progress. In the last three go-arounds, Zhang Xueyang's main landing gear was basically in the same position. This shows that Zhang Xueyang has basically found the feeling, instead of rigidly executing the prescribed control actions as before.

The pilot's control feeling is very important in high-precision flight operations such as ship arrest and landing, and the so-called control feeling refers to the body's most direct and precise precise reaction. Just like driving, when an experienced driver is driving, his eyes and attention are focused on the road ahead and the rearview mirrors on both sides. When his eyes see the vehicle in front of him braking suddenly, his limbs will immediately make sudden braking movements without thinking. , or that the brain process is extremely short. How much steering wheel should be turned to turn and how to reverse the steering wheel are all direct reactions from the body.

There is only one way to achieve this level - open more.

Arrested landing on a ship is of course a hundred times more complicated than driving a car, a hundred times more difficult and a hundred times more dangerous. Therefore, the same training is carried out in a dark cabin, which raises the standard and increases the difficulty, but achieves the goal of achieving the integration of man and machine in a shorter time. .

How dangerous is it to arrest a landing on a ship?

If the second blocking rope is hooked, the nose landing gear will be less than 30 meters from the edge of the forward deck when the fighter comes to a complete stop. If it is the third blocking rope, the distance will be less than 20 meters. If it is the fourth blocking rope, the distance will be less than 20 meters. If there is no blocking rope, then the distance will be less than ten meters, maybe only a few meters, which means that the nose of the aircraft will be suspended in the air.

The general teaching principle of the Flying Shark Instructor Team is that they would rather spend more time on land-based training, and do not want future ship-based training to be more dangerous. Especially the most basic movements, you need to practice them over and over again. Only by mastering the basic movements can you have the ability to challenge more difficult subjects.

After five days of continuous flight training, Li Zhan believed that Zhang Xueyang, Cao Zuofei, and Tang Leilei had all reached the excellent standard of concealed cabin landing flight, and this standard would also be implemented as the standard line for future training. Entering April, concealed cabin landing flight has been officially included in the first basic training subject of the Flying Shark training. All new trainees must undergo this training and reach excellent standards before they can enter the next actual aircraft landing training.

This resulted in six of the eight new trainees selected in April being eliminated during the dark cabin landing flight training. They did not even have a chance to touch the J-15. Those who were eliminated midway before would at least have a chance to fly the J-15. If this group of people knew that the instigator was Li Zhan, they would probably give Li Zhan the nickname "Little Digger."

After the weather starts to get warmer, there are more and more sunny days. The next three months are the most flying days of the year. The Fertile Naval Flying Training Base, surrounded by the sea on three sides, is affected by marine weather. If the crosswind is strong, training will be canceled. Therefore, the entire Flying Shark Force is fully geared up to take advantage of the rare good weather to conduct training as hard as possible.

It used to be that Zhang Xueyang had to talk to Yu Su on the phone every day to talk to her heart-to-heart, but this gradually became less frequent in April. After returning to the dormitory and washing up, he would turn off the lights and fall asleep as soon as the signal went off. The others were almost the same, they were really exhausted. Pulling the lever until my hands feel sore and pedaling on the rudder until my legs cramp, you can imagine how intense it is.

On April 3, Li Zhan piloted a J-11A to the Air and Sea Eagle Force Station. This maritime airport station located in the prosperous Dongfang City is very famous for its bald eagles and eagles in the sea and air. Li Zhan is no stranger to this place. Last year, he flew a H-6KZZ strategic reconnaissance aircraft with Liu Changxi, Yu Chenglin and others for long-distance training and ran out of fuel on return, and finally made an emergency landing at this station.

Li Zhan came to return the plane. A new J-15 had entered the fleet. In addition, the new fighter from the Sea and Air Eagle Force had also started flying solo. The plane was relatively nervous, so Old Chen decided to return it to them first. shelf.

Taking this opportunity, Old Chentou gave Li Zhan a five-day holiday to go home and celebrate the Qingming Festival. Li Zhan also happened to need a few days of vacation. First, he wanted to go home to worship his ancestors. He had not worshiped his ancestors for three years. The local clan concept was very strong. He did not need to go home for the Spring Festival, but he must go home to worship his ancestors during the Qingming Festival. No matter how much his father supports his work, he will inevitably have objections. Being a soldier does not mean going to jail, and besides, he is still a cadre. How come he doesn't have any favors? When Old Chen understood the situation, he approved a five-day leave with a wave of his hand.

The second is that before returning to the team, he has to pay homage to Liu Guisong at the Martyrs Cemetery hundreds of kilometers away from the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base. It is only at this time of the year that he has the opportunity to visit.

Only after this guy got on the direct civil flight from Dongfang to Nangang did he remember that he had not contacted Ying Wanjun for half a year!

-4000, 0 remaining. I’ve finished writing, and once again thank you all for your help. Due to well-known reasons, the Fighting Falcon has no recommendations in May, which adds a lot of difficulties to the ranking. However, the combat effectiveness of the gun regiment is obvious to all. In the last three days, it rose from 120th to 96th. , already very awesome. Once again, we call for guaranteed monthly tickets!

In addition, some readers reported that the update last month was unstable. In fact, the updates in April and May were not stable. The total number of updates was not much less, but even perfect attendance was not available. Not much else to say, I will try my best to maintain stable updates this month, and I will also try my best to achieve a monthly update word count of no less than 180,000 words.

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