Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 536: Go home to worship ancestors

Chapter 536 Returning home to worship ancestors

After getting off the plane at Nangang International Airport, Li Zhan took out his mobile phone and fumbled to find Ying Wanjun's number to call. He had not used his mobile phone for several months and was not very good at using it.

The phone rang for a long time but no one answered it. Li Zhan's heart skipped a beat. Could it be...

He had already walked out of the arrival gate and stopped, looking around aimlessly and continuing to call. It rang for a long time, but no one answered. This time Li Zhan was completely anxious. He was so calm but he had never encountered such a situation before! He knows Ying Wanjun very well. This woman is definitely not someone who deliberately shows her temper and refuses to answer the phone, so there is only one possibility!

Li Zhan was immediately frightened and stared blankly at the road ahead as cars came and went to pick up waves of passengers. People were all in a hurry, and there were also men and women meeting each other and hugging each other. All this was affecting him now. It seems like a huge irony. He remembered everything. It had been half a year since he spent a few days with Ying Wanjun at Guibichang Station during the National Day last year, and he hadn't even made a single phone call.

He believed that Ying Wanjun must have contacted him, but his personal mobile phone was always turned off. Busy work with very strict discipline requirements. In addition, he was so focused on training that he never even thought about having a girlfriend!

Maybe there is no need to doubt that Ying Wanjun must be heartbroken.

A man and woman passed by. The girl smiled brightly and was very close to the boy. When Li Zhan thought of Ying Wanjun's heartbroken look, his heart suddenly hurt like a knife. Damn it! How could I do this to myself! How could you forget Ying Wanjun so hard! No matter how busy you are, you never have time to make a phone call!

Zhang Xueyang talks to Yu Su on the phone every now and then!

So Li Zhan had a terrible suspicion - maybe he didn't love Ying Wanjun as much as he thought, or even didn't love her at all! There was a voice roaring crazily in his ear: There is no place for Ying Wanjun in your heart. You and her were a well-intentioned mistake. You and her are basically two parallel lines that were pulled together. You don't love her at all. Wake up, wake up!

Li Zhan was stunned.

Passengers passing by were surprised to see a handsome lieutenant commander in navy winter uniform slowly squatting down with the bottom of the completely mismatched flying backpack behind him touching the ground. Then the lieutenant commander sat down on the side of the arrival gate. Slowly taking off his big sunglasses, he revealed a face so handsome that it made heaven and earth change color.


I love her!

But why have I never thought of her in the past few months? I even dreamed that the people I slept with included Zhu Qingying, Niu Jun, and even Huang Xiaoyue, but never Ying Wanjun?

The phone suddenly vibrated.

When he picked it up and looked at it, Li Zhan stood up suddenly, shocking the flight attendants who were dragging their suitcases by. It was Ying Wanjun calling!

"Hey, I was just doing hygiene, what's wrong?" Ying Wanjun's voice was very normal.

Li Zhan was in a daze.

Ying Wanjun said, "Hello? Li Zhan? Is it you? Speak."

After finally coming back to his senses, Li Zhan said, "I just got off the plane. I'm back and I'm at the airport now."

"Ah? Don't move around there. I'll be right there!" Ying Wanjun said the next sentence and hung up the phone.

Li Zhan continued to be in a daze.

He suddenly laughed and mocked himself for being stupid when flying a plane - that was his wife!

Nothing happened, everything was just his imagination.

After letting out a heavy breath, he realized how eye-catching the position he was standing on was. He smiled and moved to the smoking area on the side to wait calmly.

There was a man of similar age smoking, but he was wearing an Armani long windbreaker, business style. He had a diplomat limited edition boarding case and red dragonfly Olympic commemorative edition business leather shoes (2008 pairs released worldwide). The unit price is 8888 yuan (the market sells for 30,000 yuan per pair due to the scarcity of quantity). The hair style is a neat big back, the skin on the face is white and clean, but the beard is carefully trimmed. You can tell by the look that this is a lady. Successful people.

He glanced at Li Zhan and continued to smoke the three-letter soft Chinese in the ashtray. He suddenly paused and slowly turned his head to look at Li Zhan again. He looked at it seriously, and his eyes gradually brightened.

He walked over hesitantly but resolutely, and asked tentatively, "Li Zhan?"

Li Zhan was smiling to himself as he recalled every detail he had with Ying Wanjun. He was suddenly startled, and quickly stopped his smile and looked over. He was suddenly pleasantly surprised, "Lin Dingwei?"

"It's really you! Li Zhan, it's really you!" Lin Dingwei shouted excitedly and patted Li Zhan's shoulder hard.

Li Zhan is 1.75 meters tall, but Lin Dingwei is 1.8 meters tall. He looks half a head taller than Li Zhan, and looks a bit condescending.

Li Zhan was even more excited than Lin Dingwei, and he was in a good mood after just self-reflection. He hugged Lin Dingwei and said excitedly, "Dingwei is really your kid! I haven't seen you for ten years!"

Lin Dingwei's smile was a bit embarrassing. He had just bought an Armani coat worth tens of thousands when he went abroad for business a few days ago. He took advantage of the opportunity to push Li Zhan away and said with a smile, "It has been eleven years since I graduated from high school. It will be eleven years in June." , time goes so fast!”

Li Zhan had reason to be excited. Lin Dingwei and he were both children of a machine factory. They were in the same school from the first grade of elementary school to the third year of high school. They were genuine childhood friends. They had the best relationship in middle school. They did everything together. Even the love letters for girls were arranged by Li Zhan!

"Yeah, it's been eleven years. I didn't expect to see you here. How are you? After graduating from high school, I heard that you were admitted to Beijing Normal University. I haven't heard from you since then." Li Zhan patted the camera with emotion. Lin Dingwei's arms were accustomed to him in the army, and when he spoke, he seemed to be talking to his subordinates.

You can't blame Li Zhan for this.

After the air gunboat unit was disbanded, he returned to the Huaqing University pilot class to study. From that time on, his soldier was different from other soldiers. Even though he didn't have so many meritorious achievements at the beginning, all superiors and leaders cherished him very much. They didn't care about his bias, but put it on the table!

In such a unit, only two soldiers from the combat unit survived, one went to the Civil Aviation Administration, and only Li Zhan remained in the unit. To be rude to such a soldier, the superior commander treated him as if he had asked for it, just like grandparents doting for their grandson who wants the moon and will never give him the stars!

Without these foundations, how could things like Li Zhan's confrontation with the division commander in the Second Division and beating up the military region's investigation director in Beiku be just like this? It would be merciful not to send him to a military court and give him a demerit!

The attitude of the superiors towards Li Zhan was almost conniving. What is commendable is that Li Zhan was not a arrogant person. He always regarded himself as an ordinary soldier. In the end, several emotional and excessive actions were completely understandable. This is even more This made the superiors like him even more.

The result is that although Li Zhan is only a junior major in the camp, people with much higher military ranks than him usually subconsciously place themselves in an equal position or even a lower position in front of him, in a highly hierarchical army. , it is understandable that Li Zhan developed the habit of patting the superior officer's arm and teaching him a few words in this environment.

Don't you see, Colonel Zhang Xueyang ordered Li Zhan to reprimand him as he would his grandson.

Fa Xiao, whom he had not seen for eleven years, was now alive in front of him. Li Zhan, who had experienced the death of people around him, knew how to cherish friendship more and more. He was so excited that he didn't even notice that the tone of his words was the same as in the army. of.

Lin Dingwei, who had already reached a middle-to-senior management position in a well-known foreign company, felt a little uncomfortable. Even the CEO of China would not speak to him in this tone. He was a person of real ability. However, since he was an old classmate and met each other after 11 years since childhood, he naturally didn't care about these little problems and immediately put them behind him.

"Beijing Normal University Zhuhai College, I didn't do well in the exam and could only get 2B, but then I went to graduate school and joined my current company after graduation and worked until now." Lin Dingwei said with a smile.

(2B, the second batch of undergraduate B line, A line is referred to as 2A. The difference is probably that 2B is not a national mission student, and the tuition is very expensive, 10,000 to 20,000 a year, 2A is 4,000 to 5,000. This is the situation in Guangdong in 2008. In addition, A group of undergraduate programs are referred to as key ones, such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhongda University, and Xi’an Jiaotong University.)

Li Zhan gave a thumbs up, "You are still so good, you have even gone to graduate school."

"Let's find a place to catch up on old times. I haven't been home to worship my ancestors for several years. Most of my former classmates have lost contact. You, a handsome boy, can do it too. I heard that you joined the army and are now an officer. ?" Lin Dingwei knew some common sense about the army, but he couldn't understand Li Zhan's suit-style navy spring and autumn uniform, and he didn't know where the military rank was!

Not to mention he is a commoner, many soldiers cannot understand the uniforms of the navy. Their military ranks are embroidered on the cuffs.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Just a small officer, a major in the main camp."

"I'm now a battalion commander! My classmates are so awesome!" Lin Dingwei gave a thumbs up.

Ordinary people don't understand the relationship between rank and position. When they hear you talking about the chief battalion, they subconsciously think that the chief battalion commander is the biggest in a battalion. There must be a deputy battalion commander or something below him. In fact, this logic cannot be said to be completely wrong, at least it is correct sometimes.

He couldn't explain this clearly, so Li Zhan smiled and said, "It's just a small cadre."

Lin Dingwei suddenly remembered that he had not smoked yet, so he quickly took out the cigarette and handed it over, "I forgot, I just smoke one after another. I went to Germany on a business trip and smoked cigars for a few days. I am really not used to smoking that thing. Yesterday, when I returned to the Guangzhou company, I was told to go to Yangcheng to deal with an urgent matter. After finishing the processing, I came back directly from Yangcheng. I bought it at the Yangcheng Airport. You can try the taste to see if it is genuine."

Li Zhan wanted to refuse, but the kindness was hard to come by and he felt so young after not seeing each other for many years. He took a sip and then felt dizzy.

"What's going on with you? Does smoking make you dizzy?" Lin Dingwei was surprised. "When you were in high school, you were a master of tobacco and alcohol. You can tell the authenticity of any cigarette as soon as you smoke it. There is no cigarette that you haven't smoked before."

Li Zhan was a little embarrassed and explained, "The army has stricter control and I rarely smoke, but I can tell you for sure that the cigarettes you Lin Dingwei bought are not fake."

This sentence made Lin Dingwei laugh happily. He looked back and said, "The car has arrived. Let's go and find a place to have a good chat. The company has a branch in Nangang and sent a GL8 to pick him up."

Li Zhan said, "I haven't been back for a long time. The family is in a hurry and I have to go back to report first. You tell me the place and we'll have dinner as soon as possible."

"That's it, that's okay. Let's do that. I'll ask the driver to take you back, and you still live in the factory, right? The factory said that the demolition had already started, but somehow it was stopped." Lin Dingwei was obviously worried about the situation in his hometown. Things are kept in focus.

Li Zhan was embarrassed to say that the demolition company might have kicked his iron plate and exposed a lot of problems and was stopped.

"No, my girlfriend will be here soon. I'll go back with her," Li Zhan said.

Lin Dingwei said, "Then I'll wait with you, and I'll also see my siblings. That's good, A Zhan, when are you getting married? You must send me invitations. Calling and texting will not count."

"No problem, I'll mail you a handwritten invitation." Li Zhan said with a smile.

The two just stood there smoking and chatting.

Lin Dingwei asked, "Where are you serving as a soldier? I heard it's the Air Force? Air Force ground support, right? Our company specializes in electronic technology and has some products specifically for the military. The Air Force ground support force in Meizhou uses our equipment."

"Oh? That's very good." Li Zhan was a little surprised. In recent years, some non-combat equipment of the army has begun to be purchased through local bidding. Some equipment made by local enterprises is much better than that of military factories, and it is cost-effective. .

Li Zhan said, "I came back from Dalian."

He could neither tell me where I was actually stationed, nor could he say that I flew a fighter jet from the base to Dongfang City and then returned by civil aviation. That would not only be suspected of leaking secrets, but also appear to be pretentious. The military pilots are amazing. They fly fighter jets home.

Therefore, there is no truth in the mouth of an active-duty soldier, especially in some confidential units. Eleven of the ten sentences he says are false. If you ask some questions, he chooses to remain silent or is so self-indulgent. Congratulations on being suspected of inquiring into military secrets.

"Dalian is a great place. I have been there twice and that city left a deep impression on me." Lin Dingwei smiled and started to talk about some of his impressions and understanding of the city of Dalian.

Lin Dingwei made a few phone calls along the way, and finally said, "I have booked a place, Guanhai Building, you know the one on the seaside. I only have the contact information of a few classmates, please call all the ones you can. Ten It’s been a year, so I’m going to get together with my old classmates during the Qingming Festival when we go home to worship our ancestors.”

Li Zhan said helplessly, "I can't contact anyone. The army is too strict. It's very troublesome to apply on the phone, and the training tasks are very heavy and I don't have time. I haven't called my girlfriend for a long time." I called, she should reprimand me later.”

"That's right, the troops don't have that much freedom. Okay, I'll mobilize them to look for them. Find everyone at home. Let's have a good gathering in the evening and I'll make arrangements." Lin Dingwei said calmly.

Li Zhan was very happy and really wanted to get together with his old classmates if he had the chance. He had not had the chance in the past few years. Being a soldier is like being separated from the circle of friends in the past. We are in two different worlds. I am engaged in protecting my family and country, and you are engaged in your "small goals". It can be said that there is no possibility of intersection again.

It is only during major traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival and Qingming Festival that we have the opportunity to meet old classmates at home.

Ying Wanjun drove her tall and powerful Pajero V93 and slowly pulled over to the side. Unfortunately, there was no free temporary parking space, so she simply parked on the shoulder of the road. Not far away, there was a traffic policeman on duty ready to rush people away. , his eyes glanced at a pass placed on the front windshield, and he decisively turned around and left.

They haven't met yet.

At this time, Lin Dingwei suddenly said, "Hey, I can contact Liu Minyan. She works in Nangang City. Can I call her at night?"

"Hello, I'll make an appointment with everyone I can get in touch with."

Li Zhan had no reaction.

Lin Dingwei was puzzled, that was your girlfriend in high school!

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