Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 537 Lao Li’s Ambition

Ying Wanjun, who was walking against the passengers walking to the parking lot on the sidewalk, stood out. They were all walking out. Only a few people came to the arrival gate. The most important thing was a little girl driving a very domineering black V93. , On the contrary, the clothes are very simple, but the clothes of college students are simpler than those of college students.

Lin Dingwei's eyes focused when he saw Li Zhan staring ahead and smiling. He looked over and saw Ying Wanjun. He was surprised for a moment, patted Li Zhan on the shoulder and said, "A Zhan, it's okay, little girl." friend."

"Yes, she is still in college." Li Zhan said proudly.

Lin Dingwei calculated and said, "Oh, he's not too young, he looks like a middle school student. That's okay, kid. Who is he?"

"It's also from our county, Nanjiao Village." Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun now doesn't look like a middle school student. The temperament formed by the confidence brought by that knowledge is not what a young middle school student should look like. It's just that Ying Wanjun is really bad at dressing up. In terms of dressing, she is the same as Li Zhan. She wears whatever is comfortable for her. She pays attention to simplicity and cleanliness.

Li Zhan couldn't stand any stains on his white labor protection gloves. He had to wash them every day.

In other words, their thoughts are not on dressing up. Li Zhan thinks about flying every day, and Ying Wanjun puts all her energy on her studies. It’s the second semester of her junior year, and Ying Wanjun, who has already secured a postgraduate degree, not only did not relax, but worked harder and harder. It is important for children from poor families to have the best knowledge, because this is their only chance to change their destiny.

Even if she has a boyfriend who earns hundreds of thousands of rod fees every year, Ying Wanjun has never had the mentality of relying on him. She was the eldest in the family. She started doing housework when she was in elementary school and took care of her younger brother in the third grade. She was a girl who became independent early and never thought that one day she could rely on others.

What has stimulated Ying Wanjun the most in the past two years is an extremely cruel reality: her boyfriend's family has become prosperous, and he has become a real estate developer in just two years with hundreds of thousands of capital. Based on her family's situation, there is no other way to "match" Li Zhan but to study hard to increase her own value.

This is a very real problem.

Although Li Zhan and his father don't care about this, neighbors, relatives and friends do have something to say!

Oh, then whose daughter is married to a rich man!

Oh, the eldest daughter of Lao Ying's family has a doctorate from a certain unit. Her husband flies a plane in the army, and her husband's family owns a real estate company.

The two statements are completely different.

Therefore, no matter what angle she considers, Ying Wanjun will not let herself relax. She must keep up with Li Zhan's progress. From a woman's perspective, this is the only way to feel safe. Ying Wanjun knew that she had a competitor, and besides, getting married these days was not safe, and someone could take advantage of her if she wasn't careful. Battles such as love and marriage are truly fought to the death!

Li Zhan introduced Ying Wanjun to Lin Dingwei, "Ying Wanjun, my fiancée. Wanjun, this Lin Dingwei is also from our machinery factory, a friend who grew up together."

Ying Wanjun greeted him generously and left after a few words.

Before Lin Dingwei got in the car, he was slightly surprised when he saw Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun getting into the Pajero V93 parked in a non-parking space. However, when he thought that each employee was divided into hundreds of thousands after the demolition of the machinery factory, he didn't feel surprised at the moment. .

The county machinery factory was successfully demolished, but there were problems with the development. Some employees who chose to move back regretted it. They would have chosen cash compensation if they had known better. Now they can neither see the shadow of their future houses nor have much money in their hands. . It is said that the city did not side with the county regarding whether the land for the machine factory should be used for commercial development or continue to be used as industrial land.

After returning to Wenyuan Garden Villa, Li Jianguo talked about this matter with Li Zhan. Li Xiang had been working in Shanghai for many years, and there was a big event in his family. Li Jianguo didn't know who to tell. In his eyes, women cannot be a big deal, so the eldest son When I came back, I started talking before my butt was still hot.

It's not that Li Zhan needs some advice, but that as the head of the family, Li Jianguo needs someone he can negotiate with. In a place where the clan concept is very strong, whoever has more sons will be more powerful. Especially in rural areas, if you have more brothers, you can be tough, but if you have few brothers, you have to accept it - you can't beat them in a fight!

In Li Jianguo's generation, there were more three or two sons and almost no only children. They had to have children no matter what the punishment. Li Jianguo was almost fired because of the two brothers Li Zhan and Li Xiang. In the 1980s, he spent thousands of dollars to keep his job. Saved two sons.

A few thousand yuan in the 1980s was not an easy job, and it was precisely because of this that the Li family suffered for more than ten years. It was not until Li Zhan joined the army that things began to improve.

Li Jianguo combed the back of his hair (an old leader's hairstyle) with his hands, and said, "The county wants to sell it to build a house. Now that real estate has become more attractive, selling such a large piece of land can make a lot of money. We don't have anything like this in West County." As a pillar industrial enterprise, this money is a big piece of cake for the county.”

"But the city suddenly stepped down and said that it wanted to re-study. The location of the machinery factory is quite special. It is close to the train station. I heard that the city wanted to continue to use the land for industrial purposes and turn it into an industrial park to receive a batch of people transferred from the Pearl River Delta. Factory, boost the economy of West County."

Li Zhan found that his father was becoming more and more like a chairman. He was sitting there and talking calmly. He was very happy. The second spring of his career was well on track.

He asked, "Dad, do you have any ideas?"

A good father is better than a son. Even though he hadn't called once in several months, he could basically guess Li Zhan's purpose as soon as his father opened his mouth.

Li Jianguo said with a smile, "After the Blue Sky Garden is completed, I plan to start a business."

His voice was loud.

Li's mother Ye Huihua, who was busy with Ying Wanjun and Li Ling in the restaurant twenty or thirty meters away, said from a distance: "You just think about it. Have you ever done business? It's like running a factory."

Li Jianguo turned around and waved his hand: "What do you know about women?"

Ying Wanjun and Li Ling couldn't stop laughing.

Brother-in-law Qiu Guohao, who was sitting on the single sofa farther away, was holding back his laughter. Qiu Guohao is also different. He looks very good and is in good spirits. Money is not only a man's courage but also his spirit. The seafood business is getting bigger and bigger, and dried seafood is being shipped out in batches, and he has become a millionaire.

Not to mention anything else, at least he dared to sit up straight in front of Li Jianguo. No matter how capable the brother-in-law is, he is still a brother-in-law. On the contrary, he is not under so much pressure in front of Li Zhan.

Li Zhan echoed his mother's words with a smile, "Mom is right, you have never done business, so starting a factory is a bit risky. Real estate is okay now. After the Blue Sky Garden is built, you can just buy a piece of land and build on it. Hold on. Quality control and capital risks are basically no problem, and real estate development is relatively simple.”

It's not easy, but it is really easy when you get to Li Jianguo. Well-known military families, the national policy itself is skewed, and Blue Sky Garden is simply the conscience of real estate. Not only is the quality excellent and the design reasonable, the price is the lowest in the city center. That’s not all. Military families directly receive a 10% discount, and Air Force military personnel directly receive a 80% discount. discounts, and even gave two sets to two local martyrs.

It can be said that Li Jianguo doesn't know how to do business at all, even if he has to take care of active soldiers, he can't do it, but he just does it. In the final analysis, Comrade Li's thinking is still the same as that of the old state-owned enterprise. When he saw the horrifyingly high profits, he couldn't sleep for several days. He tried every means to dilute it. In the end, the proportion of profits in his pocket was much smaller than that of other real estate companies. Even so, he was still restless. If it weren't for the strong opposition from the so-called board of directors composed of several retired cadres, workers, and old farmers, Li Jianguo would probably have to give some away.

So on the opening day, Blue Sky Garden immediately smashed the local real estate market, and sold 90% of it within three days...

Blue Sky Garden has the first elementary school in the city!

This makes it even more clear that Li Jianguo doesn’t know how to do business. He never thought that some people come here for the purpose of investment and real estate speculation. Just because you sell it cheaper now does not mean that the value of the house is also cheaper. The average price of Blue Sky Garden Sooner or later it will come up, this is the law of the market.

Sure enough, in less than a month, second-hand houses in Blue Sky Garden appeared on the second-hand housing market, and their prices doubled.

Li Jianguo, who left the two remaining buildings for his two sons to collect rent, refused to sell them at all. In the final analysis, he still put his two sons and his future grandson first. As a result, the rents of the two buildings that were only used for rentals soared, which almost made Li Jianguo suffer from high blood pressure.

Several big real estate companies plan to make trouble for Li Jianguo. If you do this, you will destroy the market. You will smash all the plates. What will everyone eat? They are going to show off to Li Jianguo's so-called real estate development company. The first step is of course to start with a bank loan. When I look at the results, oh, there are tens of millions lying quietly in the account, and the bank loan has been paid back long ago. Looking at the project payment and land payment again, they are all clean and absolutely no arrears.

Then I wanted to do some other side-effects, start a rumor or something, but everything was turned off as soon as I inquired about it. Many family members of local active-duty soldiers lived there, and the city government issued a sign of "Military-civilian Co-modeling Model Community" Hanging at the gate of the community. Money can be earned slowly, provided you have the opportunity.

The most important thing is that Li Jianguo, an old man, is not a simple man. City leaders personally come to his home to express condolences during festivals. During the August 1st and Spring Festival, he also invites him to celebrate and pay homage to the city leaders and garrison leaders. Compared to many people, this can be said I often meet with city leaders. This alone makes many people think that you dare to cause trouble.

It's really just a matter of an A4 piece of paper to make trouble for the army, and the army doesn't even care about it, and the local government will clean it up for you. Nangang is a city with garrison troops, and the city government attaches great importance to military-civilian relations.

In addition, since the navy began escorting troops in the Gulf of Aden last year, the prestige of the army has been at its peak, and the enthusiasm of the people to love and support the army has reached a new level. It is conceivable that as long as you cause trouble, netizens can strip you dry. That real estate company is not a bunch of shady people.

After Li Jianguo told these things, Li Zhan became very serious. He would not tell him anything at home when he was working in the army, so as not to affect his work. For Li Jianguo, his son always comes first, and there is no need to choose at all, so Li Jianguo and several so-called directors took care of these matters.

In fact, it was not dealt with at all. Li Jianguo only found out about it later and immediately fell silent for several days. After careful consideration, I decided to give up my plan to continue building a house and switch to industry. He originally felt that the money coming from real estate was too fast and he felt uneasy, but now there was no need to hesitate.

He thought relatively simply. After the Jianguo Hotel was on track, the average monthly profit was more than 100,000 yuan. This amount of money alone was enough for the family to have enough food and clothing. Even if he lost all the money earned by Blue Sky Garden, it would still be a safe bet. It's a back road, and there are two eleven-story buildings for rent.

In the final analysis, it is because Comrade Lao Li has not yet become a real businessman, and the perspective and thinking of thinking about problems are still the way of an old state-owned worker.

Li Zhan basically understood his father's thoughts without any effort, and he fully agreed with it. It was not because he had industry discrimination, but because he did not take these things as a big deal at all. The old man just wants to have a career. After working as a worker for most of his life, he is now reaching the age of retirement. After doing business, he is in a good mood and his spirits are much better. So why are you hesitating? Just do it.

He said, "Dad, if you want to open a factory, just open it. Leave the professional things to professionals, and just manage the money in a good direction. Don't feel bad if you lose money. Even if you lose money in industry, that's fine." Making a contribution.”

Qiu Guohao couldn't help seeing Li Zhanfeng's calm look and said, "Azhan, dad is going to invest 10 million."


Li Zhan, who was drinking tea, spit out the tea.

He quickly packed up and asked, "Dad, where did you get so much money?"

Ten million can buy several aviation engines, and Li Zhan still has a very clear idea of ​​this.

Li Jianguo said, "Blue Sky Garden has been sold out. There are only two buildings left as planned. You have one building and Li Xiang has the other one, making more than 30 million yuan."

Li Zhan was a little scared now, "More than 30 million? How come there are so many?"

"This is really not much." Qiu Guohao explained, "This is our dad. The net profit of another real estate company would be at least hundreds of millions."

Li Zhan said with emotion, "Real estate makes so much money!"

At the same time, he didn't expect that he would become the second generation of rich people!

"Yeah, so I always feel uneasy. It's abnormal to build a house and sell it for such a high profit. Although your dad and I have just entered the business, it doesn't mean that I don't know anything. Look at how much ordinary people earn in a year. This price has doubled every month in two or three years. Who can afford to buy a house if this goes on? I don’t feel comfortable making this money." Li Jianguo said in a deep voice.

Qiu Guohao said, "Dad, it's the same everywhere now. You see, governments all over the country are selling a lot of land and strongly supporting the real estate industry. We were lucky and then Blue Sky Garden entered the industry and made a good accumulation. It's time to show off our talents. , it would be a pity to give up at this time.”

Obviously this topic has been discussed a lot, and it is certain that few people support Li Jianguo's idea. He obviously wants to get the support of his eldest son by talking to Li Zhan about this. If Li Zhan supports him, no one will have anything to say.

"Whoever wants to make money will make it. I will never do real estate again." Li Jianguo's attitude was very firm.

Li Zhan smiled. There was not much difference between ten million and one million in his eyes. He was just frightened by his father's generosity. His father had always been a cautious to timid person, so he was very surprised. In fact, many people think that the reason why Li Jianguo chose to change careers when he was doing well in real estate was because he was timid!

"Dad, I support you. Industry saves the country, and the foundation of the economy is ultimately industry. Do you have any ideas and what do you plan to do?" Li Zhan asked.

Li Jianguo was relieved when he heard this. He was afraid that Li Zhan would not agree.

Qiu Guohao on the side said with a strange expression, "Dad wants to develop agricultural technology, that is, agriculture."

Li Jianguo explained, "Before I was transferred to the machinery factory, I was the business editor of the Animal Husbandry Bureau. You were still young at that time, and I was transferred to the machinery factory after the unit's establishment was streamlined. When you were in elementary school, I went to university, majoring in It’s agriculture, and I have some experience in this aspect.”

"Don't be ridiculous, your worker-peasant-soldier college student can't do math." Ye Huihua exposed Li Jianguo's "lies" from a distance.

Li Jianguo retorted loudly: "That's a college student too!"

Li Zhan couldn't help but laugh, "Yes, they are considered college students. There are also many leaders in our army who are workers, peasants and soldiers. Dad, please tell me your specific ideas and I will give you some advice."

Li Jianguo spoke slowly.

If you look at the word count, there have been a lot of updates in the past two days. Not counting the third issue that just started, 16,000 words have been updated in two days.

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