Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 538 ?Inheritance

Chapter 538 Inheritance

Late at night, Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun were both sleepless after completing the actual night flight training, so they got up and went to the balcony of the bedroom to sit and talk. The balcony is very large, with two leisure wicker chairs and a simple coffee table. Ying Wanjun wore furry pajamas, and Li Zhan wore his physical training clothes as pajamas.

The night before Qingming Festival in Nangang is slightly cool and the body feels very comfortable. After Qingming Festival, it will enter the hot season that lasts for six months.

Ying Wanjun whispered, "Your mother urged me to have a baby."

"Oh?" Li Zhan took a sip of tea and asked, "What do you think?"

Except for the first time, Li Zhan wore a barrel holster the rest of the time. Ying Wanjun was still a student after all, and the image of going to school with a big belly was really weird.

"I want to wait until I start working before I think about it," Ying Wanjun said.

She also had the same consideration. If she were not busy with studies, she would be willing to have children earlier. No matter how high her academic qualifications are, she is still a Nangang girl, and her thoughts in this regard will not change much due to changes in academic qualifications or anything like that.

Li Zhan said, "Just say it, they will understand."

Ying Wanjun seemed to have something to say, but Li Zhan didn't notice and continued, "I have something to discuss with you."

"What about uncle opening a factory? I think it's very good. The reason why agriculture is the first industry is because it is the most basic thing. There is no such thing as a sunset industry in agriculture. The No. 1 document of the country every year talks about agriculture and rural farmers. Agricultural modernization is an aspect that the country has been doing but has not done well yet." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan smiled and shook his head, "We will discuss this matter later. I have officially been transferred to Hainan Airlines, not Hainan Airlines, but Naval Aviation. I have been so busy during this period that I feel dizzy and the new unit has stricter discipline requirements, so I have not contacted you. "

"I know, you don't have to worry. All in all, I will support you in whatever you do, and I will handle family matters." Although she hasn't registered yet, Ying Wanjun has already regarded herself as the daughter-in-law of Li's parents.

Li Zhan said, "The new unit plans to organize a collective wedding on August 1st. As you know in the army, everything is done as a group. Firstly, it is because we cannot arrange our own time as soldiers, and secondly, it is also a matter of collective honor. I If you don’t want, we can just register on August 1st and participate in the army’s mass wedding.”

Ying Wanjun was stunned.

What she wanted to say but didn't say was this matter. As a girl, she couldn't take the initiative to tell Li Zhan about marriage, but Li Zhan didn't forget that he was thinking about this matter in his heart.

They are all living in the Li family. It will be uncomfortable for everyone if they are left without a name or status.

Ying Wanjun thought more about it. After all, Li Zhandu had a special profession and it was normal not to see anyone for a year and a half. If something unexpected happened during this period, she would move into the Li family's house without registering and it would be the most shameful thing in her life. thing!

"You, you, do you consider this a proposal?" Ying Wanjun asked in a low voice with tears streaming down her face.

Li Zhan was very nervous and said, "No, group weddings include a proposal. By the way, I also participate in the organization. Tell me what kind of model you like. Let's discuss it now. I will give you an unforgettable one." Your wedding is only once in your life!"

Ying Wanjun hugged her knees and cried.

Li Zhan was silent for a long time, sighed and looked at the starry night sky, "Comrade Ying Wanjun, you have suffered..."

It took a while for Ying Wanjun to come out of her emotions. The biggest worry in her heart was gone. Her mood suddenly improved and her smile became prettier.

Speaking of her father's factory, Ying Wanjun said, "It's actually an agricultural company that raises cattle and pigs, uncle..."

"Change your words and make your parents happy. I will go back to your parents' house with you tomorrow and officially settle the matter." Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun smiled sheepishly, "Well, dad, dad means to engage in breeding. It doesn't seem to require any high technology, but I have learned that large-scale breeding is not easy. Dad plans to start from seedlings to create an industrial chain. Even though ten million is a lot, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket if you really want to do it.”

"I just thought about it, let him do the hard work. You can help the staff and staff when you are free. All in all, it is a good thing for the country and the people. If you lose, you will lose. I have been a step-by-step worker for most of my life and it has come to an end. He was laid off and finally had a second spring in the industry, so let him have a good time." Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun has the same mentality. It's not that she doesn't know how rare money is, but that she doesn't have a strong desire for money. Some people like Ying Wanjun, who come from poor backgrounds, only make money when they come out of society. They are afraid of poverty and want to live a good life, so they work hard. This is the norm.

If it weren't for Li Zhan, Ying Wanjun might be like this. After arriving at Xi'an Jiaotong University, she was exposed to more and more knowledge. Ying Wanjun, who has a strong interest in knowledge, did not need to worry about three meals a day, so she naturally regarded becoming a research technician as her own development. direction.

"Oh, by the way, your bank card has made a lot more money every month. Did you get a promotion and a salary increase?" Ying Wanjun remembered that the CCB card Li Zhan gave him had a lot more money every month. He asked.

Li Zhan was also puzzled and asked, "No, the major is still in camp, and there is no post subsidy. Is it a lot more?"

Ying Wanjun said, "Yes, it's more than 2,000 yuan a month. It's a fixed amount, and it's definitely not a rod fee."

Li Zhan said strangely, "That shouldn't be the case. That card of yours is a lever fee card. What else could it be besides a lever fee?"

"You don't know." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan shook his head, "I've never paid attention to it. I haven't touched my salary card for a long time."

After his family's career improved, Li Zhan stopped sending money to his family. To put it bluntly, his little wage subsidy was not enough to pay the bank loan interest. Liu Guisong's family has also made arrangements, and there is nothing that requires spending a lot of money. Once a year, money is sent to the homes of comrades who died in the gunboat unit. Then the result is that Li Zhan no longer pays attention to salary subsidies, and he probably forgot where to put his salary card. The China Construction Bank card that paid for the lever was always with Ying Wanjun.

"What to do with the money? It's more than 100,000 yuan." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan said, "It's a betrothal gift. I'll collect two hundred thousand from my father tomorrow, and I'll give you a betrothal gift tomorrow."

"Too many!" Ying Wanjun was stunned and said, "Besides, do you think it's so easy to give a betrothal gift? You didn't do it just by asking."

Li Zhan didn't understand, "It's not much. Why is it complicated?"

"You can watch it tomorrow." Ying Wanjun said with a smile.

After chatting for a while, we started firing live ammunition again. Of course, I didn’t forget to put on the barrel cover.

The next day, Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua were so excited when they talked about the marriage registration on August 1st. When it came to the betrothal gift, Li Zhan was dumbfounded. He really didn't give the betrothal gift just because he said so. He didn't have any The right to speak and decide!

What auspicious days, this process, that process, just the things that need to be prepared dazzled Li Zhan!

In Nangang, marriage is a matter between you two, and the wedding is a matter for your parents. Not only do you have no say in making decisions, you also have to implement every instruction from your parents to the letter!

Li Zhan said, "This is too complicated. Just save the red tape and save energy. Just do it as simple as possible." He was immediately stared at and seriously educated by the second elder for more than half an hour. The posture is that if you don't follow the "red tape", you have committed a "capital crime" that deserves to be shot.

Ying Wanjun secretly laughed for several times. She knew these things better than Li Zhan. She had basically attended all the weddings of her cousins. She had never eaten pork and had never seen a pig run away. Li Zhan has been in the army since graduating from high school, so it is completely normal to not understand this.

The final result is - a banquet will be held in the hometown before the collective wedding of the army!

Li Zhan was stunned.

I wanted to take some time to get married, but it turned out that things were not that simple!

Originally, I wanted to save trouble by participating in a group wedding organized by the army. Another group wedding like this would be more meaningful, but in the end, I ended up getting married twice!

In the Nangang area, your marriage must be registered, and the village will not recognize it if you don't put out a banquet for everyone. It's not as simple as verbally admitting it, but it's not as simple as actually admitting it - your legal wife cannot enter the ancestral hall, cannot participate in ancestor worship, and cannot claim to be a member of her husband's family...

Nowadays, in rural areas of Nangang area and even in urban areas, there are many couples who have held wedding banquets but have not registered. In the understanding of the older generation, marriage certificates are a matter of the state. Whether you two are husband or wife depends on whether you have The wedding ceremony that has lasted for thousands of years has not been completed.

The thoughts of the older generation influence the thoughts of the next generation. Isn’t that how inheritance comes about?

Once this matter is confirmed and implemented, it is not something that Li Zhan can interfere with. Mom and Dad will take care of everything. Just give him an order and execute it.

Lin Dingwei originally planned to get together on the night of the reunion at the airport, but after a phone call, he found out that everyone was free only on the evening of Qingming Festival. Usually, they worship their ancestors on the Qingming Festival, gather with friends in the evening, and then go their separate ways to work hard for life the next day. So the party was scheduled for the evening of Qingming Festival.

Early in the morning on Qingming Festival, Li Xiang took an early flight back to Nangang. Li Zhan and his parents drove to the airport to pick him up and went directly to the village a hundred kilometers away. Ying Wanjun can't go. Even if she registers and doesn't hold a wedding banquet, she has not entered the ceremony. She absolutely cannot participate in ancestor worship because the ancestors will not recognize her. Li Ling is a married daughter, so she naturally belongs to her husband's family.

Originally, my father was driving, but after picking up Li Xiang, Li Xiang took over, saying that driving in Shanghai was like having constipation, and he should have a good time when he got home. As a result, I regretted getting off the airport expressway. Traffic jams started before eight o'clock in the morning, and traffic jams usually occur on provincial and county roads heading to rural areas.

I drive a Pajero V93. This car is a perfect tool for worshiping ancestors during the Qingming Festival. The trunk is very large and can be put in the third row. The Li family is a big family. Li Zhan’s great-great-grandfather is his grandfather. His great-great-grandfather’s father married four wives, with two, three, and four bedrooms. Li Zhan’s great-great-grandfather was born in the fourth bedroom, so Li Zhan’s One branch was the fourth branch, and that is still how it is called today.

Li Zhan's great-great-grandfather was the eldest son and grandson, so Li Zhan's lineage had a very high status among the entire big family in the village.

The Republic of China came after my great-great-grandfather, and the Li family began to decline at that time. His great-great-grandfather had only one wife and two sons. The eldest son was Li Zhan’s great-grandfather. His great-grandfather had two sons and one daughter. The eldest son was Li Zhan’s grandfather. When Grandpa Li Zhan was 13 or 14 years old, it was during the Anti-Japanese War. He picked up a hoe and followed the Japanese army. Later, he became the captain of the guerrillas in that area. He then fought against the Kuomintang and bandits. After liberation, he became the secretary of the brigade. It is said that my great-grandmother refused to let my grandfather go with the field army, otherwise Li Zhan would be the third generation of the revolution.

There are three families who worship ancestors with Li Zhan's family (counting from his grandfather's generation, they are his grandfather's cousins), and this has been the case for as long as Li Zhan can remember. The continuation of a family is actually a process of gradual decline and growth, and many details cannot be studied.

There are three generations of old, middle and young people in the three families. The young generation (Li Zhan's generation) has four generations if they have children. Therefore, the ancestor worship team is quite large, with more than thirty people in total. This is not all. There is no gathering.

Among the young generation, Li Zhan is undoubtedly the protagonist. Good guy, army cadre, battalion commander, the ancestors of the old Li family have blessed him. There are a few people in the family who do some business and earn two or three hundred thousand yuan a year, which is considered good in the city. When they get to the village, they are even more envied by their bosses. As soon as the Accord Camry parked in front of the house, that guy The sense of accomplishment is overwhelming.

But in front of Li Zhan, no one dares to pretend to be a small boss. Not to mention his inconspicuous Pajero V93, which has no aesthetics at all, is worth two of your Camrys. His status as a battalion commander is enough to intimidate people. Yes. The army is mysterious, and because of its mystery, it shows infinite energy.

There were a few civil servants and a few business staff, including people from the town government, county institutions, courts, procuratorates, and oil companies. They knew more about the army cadres and were more polite to Li Zhan.

There is no pretentious plot, and you always have to show off how awesome you are, that's in a novel. They are all young people and most of them have families and careers. They just pay attention to emotional connection. This is what adults do. There were also those who wanted to build a good relationship with Li Zhan and seek some army resources to do army business, but Li Zhan also popularized the relevant common sense in detail and refused.

But no matter what, the fourth branch of the Li family has a full-level official, and Li Zhan is so young. It is very likely that he will be the largest officer in the fourth branch in the future, and he will also be an officer in the army. This is really a glorious ancestor. . The fourth house of the Li family has been in decline since Li Zhan's great-great-grandfather. There are ordinary civil servants, and the biggest one is just a deputy department. This is already very impressive, the deputy mayor.

There is a man in the village who is said to have a business worth over 100 million and has launched a business in Malaysia. He is the richest man in the village. However, the people in the village have a very bad opinion of that family. One reason is that no matter how much money is made in business, he is still a businessman. The cadres are different. That is Officer! Moreover, that family has not been back for many years, so they have probably been cleared out of the family tree long ago.

Only those who are capable but not forgetting their roots can win the respect of the villagers. Li Jianguo was very generous in rebuilding the ancestral hall and building a new stage. He donated 100,000 yuan, and his prestige in the village was at its peak.

Large families have a lot of Feng Shui, and the locals call the graves Feng Shui, and there are many scattered across several towns in a small half of the county, and two of them are still deep in the farm. Xi County is not a plain. The terrain is hilly in the south. Most of the Feng Shui is in the mountains and forests. The mountain roads directly make the cars shout that I can't do it. The Pajero V93 is happy and runs so happily. My uncle drove most of the sacrifices in a four-wheel-drive pickup truck, so worshiping with this vehicle was smooth.

In the afternoon, when we went to the farm to worship the two most difficult-to-reach feng shui places, the older generation did not allow everyone to participate. They chose the best soldiers and generals, which was actually the best ones to go to. The rest were waiting at the east end of the village.

Those two places are the oldest Feng Shui, that is, the tombs of the two great ancestors. Li Zhan vaguely remembered that when he was still in Beiku, his father said that he wanted to rebuild the tomb of the great ancestor, and it should be those two Feng Shui areas.

The cars were also chosen with high chassis. The Pajero V93 and Picar were undoubtedly the main ones. With the addition of three SUVs, the elite team set out to pay homage to the great ancestor and rushed back to the east end of the village to join the rest of the people before it got dark. .

There is also the last feng shui, Li Zhan’s grandfather.

PS: I’ve written 9,000 words today, and it’s just as impressive at the beginning of the month, so I’m calling for monthly votes again.

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