Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 539 The old house and the green years

Grandpa had a great influence on Li Zhan.

When his parents were busy with work when he was a child, Li Zhan was left to his grandfather to take care of. His sister and younger brother followed their parents. Li Jianguo admired his father very much and thought that his education was better, and he was also the secretary of the brigade. Li Zhan was the eldest son and grandson, and Li Jianguo tried his best to think of various ways to educate.

I yearn for the army precisely because of my grandfather’s influence. The old revolutionary is no joke. When Li Zhan was in junior high school, his grandfather still had several guns from the Anti-Japanese War hidden in the bottom of the box, as well as several Japanese swords.

Li Zhan, who was raised in this environment, determined early on that he wanted to be a soldier, but what he never expected was that he would become a pilot.

His grandfather was the person who had the greatest influence on him in his life.

Among the older generation, my grandfather has the highest seniority and has been the secretary of the brigade for decades. The only nine-year consistent school built by the village in the county was built brick by brick by my grandfather at that time. Later, a kindergarten was added, and now it has become a very famous school in the city. Parents from other towns and villages are attracted to send their children to school.

It takes ten years for trees to educate people for hundreds of years. Grandpa’s contribution to the local area is very great. Almost every household in the family has received relief from his grandfather. Especially in the 1950s and 1960s when supplies were extremely scarce, some families would probably have lost their lives if it hadn’t been for grandfather’s relief. Can't survive it.

Therefore, every year when ancestor worship is held, grandfather's Feng Shui is put last. It is the one that everyone values ​​​​most. Now that Li Zhan has made a fortune and Li Jianguo has engaged in real estate, he has become more and more valued.

Grandpa's Feng Shui is located at the east end of the village, not a few hundred meters away from the village. There is a dragon head there. There is a small forest between several farmland, which is very conspicuous. This area of ​​dozens of square meters has always been empty, but no one has ever buried their deceased family members here. Feng shui treasures vary from person to person. If you don't control the pattern, good things will turn into bad things.

The respected old revolutionary can completely control the leader. Everyone thinks this is natural and this is what the people want.

Li Jianguo was so excited that he burst into tears while kowtowing. Behind him, more than 30 people lined up neatly and filled the field ridge, all kneeling down and kowtowing. Li Zhan's nerves had been tempered to steel, but he couldn't control it after the relevant memories emerged.

Li Xiang's memory of his grandfather was not that deep. He had always been with his parents, but he knew that his brother and his grandfather had a deep relationship, and he felt the same and shed tears.

Then I was happy. There was a military cadre and a battalion commander in the family. I had to report loudly to my grandfather.

It was busy until the sun went down, and there was a big dinner in the evening. Everyone had a meal together. In previous years, many people went directly to work to be busy with business. This year, they basically stayed in the village to eat. The women had already prepared the banquet, which was enough. Eight large tables were lined up in the large courtyard in front of Li Zhan's house. All the lights were turned up and Li Zhan's uncle was in charge. All cigarettes and drinks were prepared according to high standards.

Before the banquet started, Li Jianguo called Li Zhan and Li Xiang to the roadside on the east side of the village, pointed to the wasteland on the side of the T-intersection and said, "This homestead belongs to you two brothers, one half of each. I discussed it with your mother, and now Now that we have money, and the old house is decades old, we might as well build a new house and see what you two brothers want."

Neither Li Zhan nor Li Xiang believed in discussing it with their mother. Lao Li always had the say in the family, but Lao Li had one advantage - he never cared about money, which was managed by his mother, Ye Huihua.

Li Xiang said, "Dad, I have been away from home all year round and you have the final say. You decide how much it will cost."

He really did research work on infrastructure engineering, but he didn't listen to Li Jianguo's advice and take the state-owned enterprise exam. Instead, he took the money and started a small company of his own. It was a so-called engineering design company with three or two cats, and took on small outsourced jobs. Last year, the four-trillion-yuan infrastructure project began to take effect, and infrastructure construction exploded across the country. Li Xiang's small company also made hundreds of thousands of dollars, which made Li Xiang's voice even higher.

In fact, career is not difficult at all. The premise is that you get high-level weapons in the novice village. How did Blue Sky Garden get started? It had a starting capital of 800,000 yuan. Li Jianguo spent 800,000 yuan to buy that piece of land. As a result, the value of the newly planned land skyrocketed, and he used mortgage loans to build buildings, which were sold for hundreds of millions at a time. But if you don’t have the 800,000 yuan, you will most likely spend your whole life working hard to save the 800,000 yuan.

The same thing happened with Li Xiang's small company. Where did the start-up capital come from? It came from his family. Without support from his family, he had to work part-time to earn money. In the Year of the Monkey, he was able to save hundreds of thousands of starting funds. The other one is the human resources. Why should I give you the contract? There are not many companies that can do it and they are much more capable than you.

Without support from his family, he is just a young man who is still studying in graduate school just two years after graduation?

"What kind of money do you have? My money is not enough and yours is not enough." Li Jianguo said with a sneer.

Li Xiang laughed. Of course he knew that there were tens of millions lying in his mother's account, and the interest alone was a lot of money.

Li Zhan said, "If you want to build it, just build it. It will be built sooner or later. I will have a place to stay when I go home in the future. If the upper house is in disrepair, it will no longer be inhabitable. It is very dangerous."

Their family has too many old houses, five in total. Following the development of the village, they are basically one for each generation, and each is a homestead. However, except for the upper house (from south to north, the further north the house becomes, the more New, the old house in the north is called the Shangwu) and the others are basically uninhabitable. The upper house was built when Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua got married. It is a large "gate"-shaped compound building with a poured flat roof and an arched tile roof, but it is also more than 30 years old.

"Then it's settled. Each of you two brothers will build a three-story villa of the same size and height. No one will suffer." Li Jianguo poured out a bowl of water.

Li Zhan and Li Xiang just laughed and didn't care at all. Li Xiang will return to Nangang in the future. This is something that has been decided a long time ago. Raising a son to protect the old son will not protect him when he is not around. His brother will definitely not be able to serve him in the army, so this task falls on his shoulders. Therefore, there are definitely more houses in the village than Li Xiang and the second elder live in, but they can stay in the village a few nights a year. This is much more than Li Zhan. If Li Zhan can go home to visit relatives once a year, it is considered "the emperor's grace".

The older a person gets, the more important they are to return to their roots. Li Jianguo paid more attention to the construction of new houses in the village than when he built the Blue Sky Garden. During the dinner that night, he met with several elders and peers in the village. Sitting at the same table, drinking and discussing at the same time, it was a very exciting time.

There was a class reunion in the evening, so after eating, I went back to the city with Li Xiang. My parents were staying in the village for one night, and Li Xiang would go back to pick them up tomorrow. Li Xiang was sent directly to Guanhai Building and Li Zhan was about to get off the car. Li Xiang said, "Brother, are you going to a party like this?"

Li Zhan asked, "What's wrong?"

"You haven't showered or changed your clothes since you've been working all day today. This is still Guanhai Tower, and your image..." Li Xiang reminded.

Li Zhan realized that he had been doing civil engineering work all day today and he was smelling of sweat. And because he knew that the Qingming ancestor worship would require civil engineering work, he specially wore sportswear. His casual clothes were also suitable. It was indeed appropriate to attend a class reunion with this image. Seems not enough attention.

I looked at the time and found that it was almost nine o'clock. Maybe everyone had almost eaten and it was too late to go back. He immediately said, "Forget it, forget it. I am not a decent person in the first place. I am also a menial worker in the army. Everyone should I understand. Okay, you can go back quickly."

"I'm also here for a class reunion, and I'm not going home tonight, so I'm staying outside." Li Xiang chuckled.

Li Zhan glared at Li Xiang but said nothing.

Guanhailou is a long-established hotel. As its name suggests, it was built directly on the seaside. Nowadays, if you want to build a hotel on the beach, don’t even think about it. You won’t be able to pass the environmental impact assessment. No matter how old you are, you will be directly voted down. Therefore, Guanhailou is becoming more and more scarce. It is an old-style restaurant with a history of 40 or 50 years, and the consumption is high. Even if you don't make a reservation in advance, you can't make a reservation.

Lin Dingwei wanted to invite his classmates to have a good gathering and at the same time demonstrate his current abilities, so he had to arrange it in Guanhai Building. Naturally, he couldn't book a room on the day he returned, let alone a good room, so he postponed it. There are reasons for this today as well.

After asking for the location, the waiter led him over and opened the door to invite Li Zhan in. As soon as he entered, about ten people who were chatting happily stopped in unison and looked over. Li Zhan glanced around and saw that the table was large enough to seat at least twenty people. The automatic rotating turntable was filled with all kinds of seafood. The lobsters as thick as calves were particularly conspicuous. There were also several complete ones, and the other dishes were basically a little bit damaged. , obviously eating for a long time, and at the same time looking at people, luckily I can recognize them all.

Cao Pao is also there. Among these classmates, he is the most aware of Li Zhan's current situation. Not to mention other things, he also bought a two-bedroom apartment in Blue Sky Garden, and his eyes almost popped out when he found out that it was a community developed by Li Zhan's family.

The person sitting in the main seat was naturally Lin Dingwei. He was stunned when he saw it. He immediately stood up and pointed at Li Zhan and said, "Hey Li Zhan, I have called you a hundred times, why don't you answer the phone? "

Li Zhan was stunned, and quickly took out his phone to look at it. He said with an apologetic smile, "The battery is out."

"Sit, sit, sit, sit down quickly." Lin Dingwei said.

There are a few empty seats closest to the door, usually for waiters and escorts, guest of honor, hostess, etc. Dinner tables are very particular, but Li Zhan has no concept of this. He only knows command positions and staff positions. Because recently, he just pulled out the empty escort chair and sat down.

What he was thinking about was that there was no one around here and the smell of sweat on his body was relatively strong, so it was perfect.

Others didn't react at all. When they saw Li Zhan's appearance, most people made a judgment. Alas, he was another bitter classmate, so it didn't matter where he sat.

Cao Pao couldn't stand it any longer, and immediately jumped up and trotted over to pull Li Zhan up, "Brother Zhan, why are you sitting here? Take a seat, take a seat, take a seat!"

"If you don't pay attention to this, don't pay attention to this." Li Zhan said with a smile, but Cao Paosheng pushed him hard.

Lin Dingwei also spoke and said, "Azhan, come sit here with me. I told you that you will have to drink as a penalty. I said the banquet would start at seven o'clock sharp and you were two hours late! You deserve to be a soldier."

Basically, everyone had a few drinks, so everyone started talking more freely.

There is still an empty seat next to Lin Dingwei, but there are used dishes and chopsticks in front of it. Cao Pao put it away himself and asked the waiter to get new bowls and chopsticks for Li Zhan to put in place. He said, "Brother Zhan, can you have a drink? How much."

"Be disciplined, don't drink or smoke." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Many people lost their smiles. Half of them were men and half were women, and most of them were drinking. Two female students had white wine glasses in front of them, which showed that they were female generals.

Li Zhan changed the subject, "But, if we get together again after eleven years, I will have a drink with everyone if we violate discipline."

He picked up the wine glass and swept it around, "I wish you all good health!"

Just did it.

"Hey, hey, hey, Li Zhan, you can't do this. You're fined for being late. You're two hours late, so you have to drink three drinks first. Besides, it's not such a good thing for you to toast the whole audience with a glass of wine. , please tell me if it is true." A male classmate with a red face knocked on the table and said.

It's Xiao Zhenghong. He has been an organizing committee member for three years in high school. He is eloquent and has strong organizational skills. The organizing committee members in the class are not like members of the organization department. They almost actually do the work of organizing activities. This guy is nice, but he was a bit snobbish in high school, which is normal in society.

Without saying a word, Li Zhan poured two taels of wine into the teacup, picked it up again and said with a smile, "Dear students, I'm late, I'll punish myself with two taels!"

Just raise your neck and do it.

Xiao Zhenghong couldn't be happier, Li Zhan was too proud. At school, Li Zhan was the captain of the school football team, and his authority was much greater than that of his class organizing committee member. He was good at football and basketball, he could hit any shot, and he could play any ball game for a while. In addition, he was handsome. In high school, Li Zhan was the object of girls' admiration. Boys wanted to tear him apart and fry him. Pi's public rival.

Eleven years later, look at the captain of the school football team who was once the all-powerful high school football team, wearing a Li Ning sportswear that has not been cleaned of dirt. He doesn’t even have a watch. His mobile phone is a candy bar Nokia that has begun to be eliminated. You can tell at a glance Not doing well. Cao Pao is a small boss. He is polite to Li Zhan because Cao Pao was a member of the school football team and called Li Zhan the captain for three years. Everyone thinks so.

They started chatting, and everyone else had been chatting for two hours. Li Zhan had just arrived, so the topic was undoubtedly focused on him for the time being. This person asked what his current job was, another asked if he was married, and some were concerned about the health of the elders in the family. Not one is enough.

Li Zhan's principle of flattery is to resolutely say nothing if you can, and resolutely say less if you can.

So when Li Zhan introduced himself, his situation was as follows: After graduating from high school, he joined the army. He is currently serving in a unit in Dalian as a volunteer and preparing to get married.

The term "volunteers" is completely different from the term "volunteers to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea." The locals refer to the non-commissioned officers who have been transferred to Japan. Li Zhan didn't take the initiative to say that he was a non-commissioned officer, but let Xiao Zhenghong rush to admit it passively. He couldn't deliberately explain and say, "I'm sorry, I am an officer." This seemed particularly stupid.

So Li Zhan is such an ordinary soldier who joined the army and stayed in the army after graduating from high school, which completely meets everyone's imagination. If you deliberately explain that I am not, I fly a fighter jet, and it costs tens of dollars a minute, and I get paid by sea, then people should say that you are just a pilot, why are you so proud of yourself?

That would not be in line with the plot of the life story of a troubled young man that everyone automatically imagined when they first saw Li Zhan, and everyone would be unhappy because of it. I have already had a very hard life. How can I get rid of the inexplicable anger in my heart when I have classmates like Lin Dingwei and Cao Pao who have made money?

Cao Pao didn't reveal a word about Li Zhan's situation. He knew that the army Li Zhan served in was quite special, so when he saw how Li Zhan avoided the important points and ignored the light when he introduced the situation, he immediately knew that there might be military secrets involved, so he was tight-lipped.

As for Lin Dingwei, he also found that Li Zhan was forced to admit that "an ordinary non-commissioned officer earns three to four thousand yuan a month", so he did not find out. At least he knew the salary of an officer at the level of a battalion commander. It would definitely not be three or four thousand yuan. When he thought about seeing the Pajero V93 driven by Li Zhan's girlfriend at the airport, he naturally thought that Li Zhan must have found a girl from a rich family.

Obviously, he didn't believe that Li Zhan was able to buy a Pajero V93 with gold standard top trim which cost nearly RMB 400,000. If Li Zhan was really an ordinary battalion-level cadre, he really wouldn't have the money to buy such a car, but it's a pity that he flies a plane.

The reunion of classmates really revolves around work, making money, houses and cars. They are no longer teenagers. After the friction and baptism of society, their youthfulness has faded and their illusions have faded away. What is in front of them is more realistic than the last. Problems and hurdles, one after another severe beatings from society, people no longer dare to speak up about their ideals. The pressure of life is so tiring. Isn’t it a good thing to have the opportunity to regain a sense of superiority in front of classmates who are not as good as themselves? A pleasure.

Natural friendship is there. If you don’t make a lot of money, how can you shout at Nangang? His biggest style is to show off, but isn’t it human nature to show off? He should show his importance to the unit and the company in words and words. Isn’t it human nature to reveal that my life level is higher than yours? It’s unthinkable to drink without bragging.

Having lived a rigid life in the army for a long time, Li Zhan found this kind of class reunion dinner to be quite interesting. To use a fashionable saying, it means that everyone is talented and speaks well and likes this feeling. After a few taels of white wine, Li Zhan also wanted to brag, not for any other reason than to be able to better integrate into this atmosphere. It really is what he said, no matter how old you are, boss or official, you can pretend in front of classmates, but you can't pretend too much. It's too much, but it's not okay to elevate yourself so high that you are out of tune with everyone. It was purely because Li Zhan had been isolated from the world for too long that he finally saw his old classmates and wanted to have a pleasant chat with them.

However, after searching for a long time, I still couldn't find any material that I could use to brag. I couldn't talk about the gunboat troops. In short, I couldn't talk about anything involving secrets.

So we could only talk about interesting things in high school from time to time, and naturally we talked about the campus love at that time. Before the dinner ended, a woman appeared.

Liu Minyan.

A big chapter of 5,000 words, and I will try to write a small chapter during the day.

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