Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 540: They are all classmates, pretending to be stupid

Chapter 540 We are all classmates, pretending to be stupid

If a male classmate is not eloquent enough when preparing to end the first half, he will definitely be criticized by everyone and even half a catty of alcohol will be fined. Moreover, if he is a male classmate with no ability, he will definitely be ridiculed and ridiculed in all kinds of weird ways. Especially when everyone drank a lot.

But when Liu Minyan came, the situation was completely different.

Li Zhan is not in the squad. The army has disciplinary requirements and is not allowed to use Internet equipment. The Internet is absolutely not allowed. Li Zhan's only personal electronic device was the straight Nokia mobile phone. When he was working in Beiku, he bought a GPS locator, but it was also included in the military equipment management catalog.

Therefore, the eleven years after graduation were basically the eleven years when he was completely separated from the past. His impressions and memories of all his classmates ended abruptly in his senior year, except for Cao Pao, a classmate he had already met once.

Others are different. They know Liu Minyan's situation very well.

When she was in school, Liu Minyan was neither a class beauty nor a top student. She was just a quiet and good student who studied step by step and didn't attract attention at all. But after graduating from college and entering the society, the situation is completely different. It is amazing. The so-called female transformation does not only refer to appearance.

The piano teacher at the Conservatory of Music has a strong intellectual presence in his quiet manner. He is a good person to begin with, but when he dresses up, it is almost impossible to recognize him - he is simply a combination of a talented artist from a professional class and an idol actor. !

The most important thing is that I married a young cadre who works in the city government. He is already a deputy director-level cadre in his thirties. The previous two generations of my husband’s family have worked in government agencies. A bunch of relatives are all civil servants. A family like Nangang, which is very selfish in thinking, is simply perfect.

Now Liu Minyan is not only the new goddess in the eyes of old classmates, but also the envy and jealousy of all female classmates. She can be called a winner in life!

Such a female classmate arrived just as the first half was about to end, directly pushing the atmosphere to a new climax. Everyone showed off their skills and chatted with each other, not for anything else, but to ask for help for the children to go to school in the future. Just say a favor!

Everyone thinks that Li Zhan and Liu Minyan are in love for the first time. In fact, the real situation is "being in love for the first time". Li Zhan also had a sharp eye. He didn't like any of the more dazzling female classmates at that time, but he felt that Liu Minyan, a gentle and quiet girl, had great potential. In the lying-down meetings held every night, he had expressed such views many times on the topic of selecting the most beautiful classmate, which was different from everyone else's views. So just talking like this, coupled with the usual teasing between you and me, hey, the person involved was confused-how did we become boyfriend and girlfriend?

The social atmosphere at that time was still relatively reserved, and campus romances were mostly letters. It was impossible to have a mobile phone. In an era when you could eat for ten yuan a week on Wednesday, a mobile phone was a high-end luxury product. To purchase such an item required family strength.

So when you express your admiration for someone, no matter what the occasion, even if you say "so-and-so is the most beautiful" in the dormitory, everyone will take it for granted that you want to date her. The next gossip will push you away, you can't help it, and it can't be explained at all.

So until they separated after graduation, Li Zhan, who had not spoken a few words to Liu Minyan, was "first in love" for a full year. The two semesters of his senior year of high school were the craziest year for Li Zhan. His family's financial situation was not good. He was determined to get a big score difference and then choose a lower school in order to get the school's tuition-free treatment. He basically achieved both. Don't hear what's going on outside the window.

Seeing his "scandalous first love" again after eleven years, Li Zhan felt quite disappointed - he found that he didn't know the woman at all. Of course, it's not that he doesn't know her, but it's that there's a huge gap between the woman and his memory, and she can no longer be replaced at all.

So when Liu Minyan graciously sat next to Li Zhan despite everyone's kind teasing, and Li Zhan subconsciously stretched out his hand to shake her hand, everyone was stunned.

This is a very vivid action.

They are all of the same age. Liu Minyan has already become a mature young woman and a piano teacher at the music school. She has never seen anything before. She smiled and shook hands with Li Zhan, "Old classmate, long time no see."

"Long time no see, hello." Only then did Li Zhan realize that his behavior was not right.

Xiao Zhenghong said, "Li Zhan, what are you doing? You pretend that we don't know each other. After all, we were close classmates in high school. Hahaha, Minyan, don't you think so?"

"Yes, Battalion Commander Li, we had a relatively good relationship at that time. I remember you often taught me how to do questions." Liu Minyan said with a smile.

Li Zhan was stunned for a moment, and he understood without much thought that Liu Minyan must have learned about her situation from Lin Dingwei.

Xiao Zhenghong and other classmates were even more surprised and asked in confusion, "Batalion Commander?"

"Huh? You don't know?" Liu Minyan was also surprised. She smiled at Li Zhan with her beautiful face and said, "My old classmate is still hiding it."

Lin Dingwei couldn't stop talking and said, "It's my fault. I didn't introduce Li Zhan's situation at the beginning. Just now everyone was in a hurry and you appointed Li Zhan as the sergeant squad leader without giving him a chance to explain, haha. "

"Li Zhan, I didn't take you like this. You are an old classmate and you still hide it, making everyone laugh, right?" Xiao Zhenghong picked up the wine glass and said over the embarrassment with one sentence, "Captain Li, I will punish myself with one drink. "

Everyone doesn’t understand the military ranks, but they know about the company and battalion commanders. Who hasn’t played military chess, and who hasn’t watched the anti-Japanese drama? Battalion commander, the army is not a small officer, and Li Yunlong will only be an agent until his death. The division commander, his second battalion commander Zhang Debiao, division chief of staff, how could one fail to understand the weight of the battalion commander through such a quick comparison.

Li Zhan secretly complained in his heart. Sure enough, beauty is a curse. You ruined it with just one sentence. I dare say you won't believe it even with my eight first-class merits!

Being put on stage and having no choice, Li Zhan could only clasp his fists and explain quickly, "Dear classmates, classmates, I really didn't hide it on purpose. You may not know much about the army. I am a cadre at the battalion level and I don't have any position. As a battalion commander." It's a position. There are hundreds of soldiers under the battalion commander. An officer of my level is just an ordinary section officer, not even a chief section officer. So it's not really a secret. I The rank of officer corresponds to a sergeant in the past, and a second-level non-commissioned officer, to put it bluntly, is a working soldier."

There are truths and lies. First of all, there is no comparison between officers and non-commissioned officers as they are cadres and soldiers. Secondly, he, a flight commander who has been in charge of more than 20 third-generation aircraft, is more valuable than ordinary regimental commanders. The most important thing is that he still has not revealed that he is a pilot!

Pilots are a mysterious and high-end profession in the eyes of most people, let alone military pilots.

What Li Zhan thought was that since it was a class reunion, he should try not to get involved in other miscellaneous things. Eleven years ago, everyone was a high school student. It would be so happy to keep it simple and reminisce about the past.

He has little social experience, and has no idea that what was once a simple class reunion has long since turned into a large-scale show-off scene, a meeting for communication of network resources, etc., except that the original meaning of a class reunion is not included.

Cao Pao, who knew the situation best, had another feeling in his heart when he watched Li Zhan's performance: Look, this is the real talent, not pretentious but with real fear. Look at you again, I bought a house somewhere. I bought another car of some kind, and they just built a community with two buildings to collect rent!

They are all classmates, pretending to be stupid!

After the last climax of the first half, a group of people rushed towards the KTV. Lin Dingwei decided on a certain place. Immediately, several people with more nightlife interests came. It is the most high-end KTV in the city, with a large balcony, facing the sea. , the minimum consumption starts from 18,888 yuan. Lin Dingwei also went all out for this class reunion, and he couldn't afford to spend more than 20,000 to 30,000 yuan that night.

However, after leaving the house, Li Zhan expressed regret that he could not participate.

"Everyone, I really can't go, the army has discipline." Li Zhan said apologetically.

Xiao Zhenghong said, "Oh, being a soldier is so boring. I also know a few soldiers who don't have such discipline."

Others echoed one after another. The atmosphere was just getting up and someone suddenly wanted to leave midway, which greatly affected everyone's interest.

Lin Dingwei said, "Azhan, aren't you on vacation? You should be fine during work. The army is not a prison. Why don't you give me my face?"

"Brother Zhan, we must be in a fasting place, should everything be okay?" Cao Pao came over and asked in a low voice.

Liu Minyan, who was tall and graceful, also smiled and said, "My man will come over to sit here soon. He really wants to get to know you all. We are old classmates and we will meet again after eleven years. Is everything going to be okay?"

Everyone is persuading.

Li Zhan was embarrassed, gritted his teeth and said, "Well, please wait a few minutes and I'll ask for instructions. I'm really sorry for disturbing everyone's interest."

The attitude should be as good as possible and the posture should be as low as possible.

Li Zhan walked aside and made a phone call.

Xiao Zhenghong twitched the corners of his lips, "I'm not a big official, but I'm pretty arrogant. Why don't I just sing a song and ask for permission?"

No one said anything because it was difficult for everyone to understand. Could it be that if you become a soldier, you cannot enter entertainment venues?

Really not, active duty military personnel are prohibited from entering any entertainment venues, and some troops have their own relevant regulations. This is a very serious disciplinary requirement!

Li Zhan was not joking when he said he called to ask for instructions. He really called Mr. Chen!

If there were another situation, Li Zhan would never do this and leave immediately. But an active-duty officer who has been away from home for eleven years and cut off contact with his original circle of friends for eleven years, a young officer who has lost many comrades and brothers around him, has the opportunity to reunite with his friends from his youth. , too rare, too rare, too precious.

Because for Li Zhan, this may be the last time in his life!

He had no way to guarantee whether he would be able to return safely on a certain flight in the future, so he always regarded every day as the last day. That's why he worked so hard. Only by working hard could he have no regrets and be able to shed blood at any time!

So he never thought about gaining any sense of superiority in front of his classmates. As long as he saw that everyone was good and everyone recalled the past with the same heart, he would be satisfied!

After reporting the matter in detail, Old Chentou agreed.

Old Chentou talked a lot, and he talked for five minutes. He could sum it up in one sentence: Don’t fight, don’t sing, and don’t drink too much. At this time, Lao Chentou was standing from the perspective of an elder.

Is it really that strict?

To put it bluntly, soldiers are also human beings. After a vacation, they come home and have a party with friends and classmates to sing songs and drink. They are all human beings and can fully understand that it is not a big deal. The premise is not to cause trouble. Local governments cannot control active military personnel, because active military personnel have military registration and their household registration is not in the local area. Local governments have no jurisdiction over active military personnel. Therefore, if nothing happens, it will be fine. If something happens, the military will coordinate with the local people. We have learned profound lessons in this regard over the years.

Li Zhan was born in the air gunboat force. It is difficult for most people to understand this concept. Simply put, the confidentiality level of this unit is three levels higher than that of all special forces in all military regions. In other words, it is completely unclear what this unit really does if you only understand it literally.

The requirements for such a force are naturally very strict, which means that Li Zhan has a deeper understanding of discipline than many people.

The reason why he called Lao Chentou for instructions was very simple - he was from the new HNA.

If he was still the captain of Beiku, he wouldn't need to do this at all. The army will not interfere in everyone's personal life, as long as you don't cause trouble. Once upon a time, something happened in Beikuku that made people sigh. One year, the Beikuku Station and the 101st Regiment organized troops to provide military training to local colleges and universities. Most of the soldiers were young people. Not to mention the compulsory soldiers, they were only 20 years old when they retired. The officers were all very young, in their twenties and early twenties, and all were unmarried.

Well, there was a lieutenant who was attracted by a female college student, got married under pressure, and got divorced a year later. I won’t go into details about the process. In short, it is a typical case of real-life military marriage. A woman marries you because of the military uniform you wear, and her admiration for soldiers dominates. Once it comes to the real life of marriage, conflicts will continue. You are considered happy if you can take one month off a year in the army. How can a young girl withstand such a cruel separation?

Most people don't know that the difficulty for active duty soldiers is not that they face life-threatening danger at any time, but that for so long before you die, you have no way to live like a normal person!

Li Zhan has been in the army for eleven years. He is very familiar with these things and he has no way to guarantee that he will not get into trouble if he does not cause trouble. It is just like driving on the road, even if you can guarantee that you will never get into trouble for violating the regulations. If traffic rules cause traffic accidents, you can't guarantee that others will hit you!

Old Chentou is the first elder-like leader in his post-aircraft gunship era. He took great care of you when you were at the training base. He has transcended the category of a superior. For example, before he was sent to the army, if he had been replaced by another person, he would have been released to the Second Division. Well, don’t even think about it! Regardless of whether you release Cheng He or the head of Guangkong, if the training base doesn’t release him, you really have nothing to do!

It was precisely because he knew that Li Zhan had left home for many years for special reasons that he reluctantly let him go to the second division. If he hadn't gone to the Second Division back then, Li Zhan would have been a lieutenant colonel and regiment level cadre, and he would never have been a major at the camp level!

After receiving Lao Chentou's approval, Li Zhan felt relieved and happily headed to the second half of the Linhai Banquet with his old classmates.

PS: School has started and classes are online today, so it’s late. Brothers, Lao Bu is now a college student. He feels that his knowledge cannot keep up with the development of society, so he signed up for the Veterans' Academic Qualification Improvement Program to study full-time without work. In the test last night, his English score was 100 points, and your gun brother scored 32 points. , let Mrs. Qian laugh all night, write, go to work, study, how easy is it for me!

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