Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 541: It’s over, it deserves to happen

Chapter 541 It’s over, it deserves to happen

Li Zhan, a soldier, had his eyes opened tonight. He was really in a daze for several seconds in that magnificent hall with a stage, a piano, a beautiful pianist playing, and beautiful modern dance performances at any time.

The shock is really indescribable.

It's like you came from 1980 to 2018. Standing on the road, you can't utter any other exclamation except "fuck".

Not only was it commonplace for everyone, it was at least not strange, so they all found Li Zhan's reaction particularly puzzling and naturally contemptuous.

Is this virtue?

Those who didn't know thought Li Zhan was faking it.

He knows what it's like to be in a raging war, he knows what it's like to fly amid anti-aircraft barrages, he knows what it's like to fly to an altitude of 20,000 meters, and he even knows what it's like to be hit by a 12.7mm high-definition aircraft bomb and a 7.62mm missile. He also knew the difference between walking machine bombs, but what he didn’t know was that the local KTV now had this style!

What was KTV like when he was in middle school? At first it cost two yuan per song, then it was like bringing your own drinks for how much the room fee was, and then it was free of charge if you bought some wine. In the final analysis, it was just a small room where everyone was crowded together. We can't let go of singing together, I really can't let go, even if they are all men! This was the KTV of his school days!

What now?

You can see high-quality performances as soon as you walk into the hall!

Looking at those thinly dressed female dancers, could they not exceed his expectations?

This is the real Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Li Zhan couldn't find the way without Cao Pao dragging Li Zhan. He didn't know where to go and whether to walk or run. Looking at the other people, they all walked with great confidence, high-spirited and giving directions. Even Xiao Zhenghong was constantly greeted by waiters, sales managers, mommies and so on along the way. He looked like a master of the nightclub and was like a man with an arm. refer to.

Li Zhan, a silly boy who had never seen the world, had no other reaction at all except a look of shock and excitement. Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhenghong and others felt a strong sense of superiority in their eyes - I don't know if they had any Realize that this sense of superiority is very vain.

Not to mention a few male classmates, several female classmates including Liu Minyan couldn't help laughing. Li Zhan didn't look like a stupid boy, but just a stupid boy. A stupid boy who had never seen the world and had been isolated from the world for many years. Silly boy.

"You'd be stupid to be a soldier. Oh, what a handsome man, he's become like this at such a young age." Fu Yongying held Liu Minyan's arm, shook her head and sighed.

Fu Yongying has an average appearance, has a straight face, and drinks better than the average man. She is not a tomboy, but she is so direct, simple, and neat in dealing with others, so many people don't like her because she speaks too straight! Speaking outright can easily offend people. But if she hadn't been there at tonight's dinner, the atmosphere would definitely not have been that good.

For example, when she talks about Li Zhan now, people who don't know her will think she is looking down on others, but those who know her know that she really doesn't understand the army, and they really feel pity when they see Li Zhan's stupid appearance.

Because everyone is used to faces in abnormal life!

Li Zhan, who goes to bed when the lights go out at 9:30, has become an "abnormal life"!

Arriving at the oversized sea-view KTV private room, Li Zhan continued to be shocked. What kind of KTV private room was there? It was simply an integrated entertainment space. The oversized balcony facing the sea was more than ten square meters, and there was actually a The private back room is simply a bedroom!

Li Zhan was really shocked. Such nighttime entertainment standards were completely beyond his imagination. The shock was just like seeing the domestic fourth-generation mobile phone on the TV news - impossible, right?

Not to mention him, Xiao Zhenghong was also shocked and said to Lin Dingwei, "Dingwei, we only have a dozen people and waste such a big room."

"It's okay. It's a rare gathering. It's better to be more relaxed." Lin Dingwei was very satisfied. These were the words he was waiting for. "It's good for us to use a small area. At least the lesbians won't feel choked when everyone smokes."

Fu Yongying said with a smile, "Executives are executives, and they are generous when they take action. That's it, everyone? First, let's ask our piano teacher, Liu Minyan, a beautiful teacher from the music school, to sing a song to start the show!"

Everyone applauded warmly.

No one needs to deliberately organize it. With the music, Fu Yongying and several female players will create an atmosphere in just a few seconds. It’s not easy for a woman to be able to drink till now. Who is not a nightclub veteran who is tested by alcohol. Even though Liu Minyan is a teacher, she has a rich nightlife. In addition, her circle of friends is either rich or expensive, and she often goes to high-end private nightclubs. She smiled and asked the princess to order a song, picked up the microphone, and opened her voice gracefully.

Li Zhan was stunned, just like watching the original song at a concert.

Lin Dingwei greeted him and served all kinds of wine, but there was nothing left behind. If you order wine for less than 20,000 yuan, you don't have to order the more expensive ones. If you are not careful, you will not be able to reach the low point. As soon as the wine arrived, he organized it without hesitation and did two rounds of warm-up. Since I participated in Li Zhan, I never thought about drinking less, so I simply showed my true skills.

Just because the army doesn't allow him to drink alcohol doesn't mean that Li Zhan's drinking capacity is not bad. Most people who are in good physical condition can't drink too much.

After a few rounds, Xiao Zhenghong started to talk a little loudly. On the contrary, Fu Yongying and the other female generals became more courageous and more energetic as they fought, except for running to the toilet more often. Lin Dingwei was considered a master, but when he saw Li Zhan pouring cup after cup down his throat, he started to get frightened. Wow, soldiers are really awesome!

Liu Minyan is a smart person. She first acted as a background singer and sang about ten songs. By this time, everyone had been drinking for a few rounds, and then she calmly sat down and let anyone come to pay homage without fear. At this moment, most of them are at the end of a strong attack. Those who are shaking their wine glasses probably can't even remember their last names.

At almost twelve o'clock, Liu Minyan's husband came. He was a tall and tall man, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, black trousers and a white long-sleeved shirt. He looked like a young and promising young cadre. As soon as he arrived, the leader stood there and shook hands with everyone, and everyone couldn't help but step forward to shake hands one by one. It just so happened that Li Zhan was singing "We Are Soldiers" at this time. He was at the emotional point when Xiao Zhenghong stopped the music without asking.

Li Zhan sat there as steady as a mountain, and Cao Pao didn't move when he saw this. Lin Dingwei wanted to get up, but when he saw that Li Zhan and Cao Pao didn't move, he sat firmly and watched them chatting with a smile.

Yes, Li Zhan wanted to have a simple gathering with his classmates without any airs, but that didn't mean he had no temper!

When did he become a good-tempered person?

Did the nickname "South China Sea Mad Dog" come from nothing?

Even during his three years in high school, he was not a good-tempered person. There are not many people who can be the captain of the school football team who are good-tempered.

Moreover, he was quite dissatisfied with the behavior of Liu Minyan's husband. Now that he is here, he should not use the airs he used when he was working in the workplace. If he can drink, he can sit down and drink. If he can't say hello, he can go wherever he wants. If his classmates get together and have a drink, It's boring to make wine so complicated. Of course he could see it. Liu Minyan's purpose of calling her husband here was now clear.

"It's really changed a lot. It turns out it's not that I have a bad memory, it's that she has changed too much." Li Zhan shook his head slightly and sighed.

Cao Pao nodded, "I had two meals with Liu Minyan and Fu Yongying before. Liu Minyan just likes to show off her husband. She also has a lot of thoughts about being a teacher. Why bother, they are all classmates."

Normally Liu Minyan's husband should come over and say hello to the three people here. Anyone with some emotional intelligence would do this. What surprised Lin Dingwei was that Liu Minyan's husband just glanced at them and sat down on the other side. He smiled and chatted with several other classmates, vaguely hearing something like "Oh, which elementary school does your child plan to go to?" words.

Those classmates were originally standing like Liu Minyan and his wife. Liu Minyan and his wife did not ask them to sit down after they sat down. Liu Minyan's husband started chatting with them directly, and he really regarded his wife's classmates as subordinates. Treated.

What surprised the three people here even more was that Liu Minyan actually glanced over with a very cold look. The meaning was very obvious - you are so ignorant!

"Huh?" Li Zhan was shocked.

What about a three-year-old kid?

Lin Dingwei's face suddenly turned ugly. He was the master tonight. No matter how ignorant you were, you shouldn't just ignore him. That person not only ignored him but also turned against you. The reason was simply because you didn't take the initiative to greet him. He shakes hands!

Especially Liu Minyan's performance. Her current performance is completely different from her previous performance. It's incredible!

Li Zhan looked at the time and said, "Looking for a place to have a late night snack? I haven't had our Nangang late night snack in many years."

"Okay!" Cao Pao said crisply. He has also changed tonight. He was originally a talkative person, but tonight he has no sense of presence because he knows Li Zhan's situation and wants to continue the friendship with Li Zhan as classmates. Not to mention, even if Li Zhan stayed away from home all year round in the army, his home was in Nangang and he had developed the Blue Sky Garden, which was regarded as a benchmark by the city government. Based on this alone, he decided to follow Li Zhan's footsteps.

Li Zhan didn't think so much anymore. If he felt it wasn't interesting anymore, he would leave. There was no need to "obey the leader's instructions" here.

Lin Dingwei was so angry that he was half sober, and immediately said, "Okay, let's go have a midnight snack!"

The three of them got up and walked out. Lin Dingwei immediately put on a smile and said a few words, and finally said, "Li Zhan hasn't had a midnight snack from his hometown for many years. I will take him to have a meal. You can continue to play. Be sure to Have fun drinking, I’ve already bought the order.”

The expressions of Liu Minyan and his wife suddenly turned as cold as ice. In their opinion, this was a naked slap in the face.

Li Zhan was not used to your bad habits, so he smiled and walked away, followed by Lin Dingwei and Cao Pao. Liu Minyan and his wife watched them leave with cold eyes. At this moment, the others were embarrassed, and then they realized that what they did was not appropriate. It was Lin Dingwei's team that night. This person directly treated others as transparent, but he rushed to flatter this person...

Originally, this matter should be forgotten at this point. A rare class reunion ended in an anticlimactic manner, but at least it was a reunion. But Xiao Zhenghong, who had always been inexplicably dissatisfied with Li Zhan, snorted coldly and said: "Isn't he just a battalion-level officer? He has more airs than a division commander. He has to ask for instructions from the leader after drinking. I really didn't know that before. Li Zhan is such a pretender."

Liu Minyan's husband captured the key information. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Active officer? Which one?"

"The one wearing sportswear is not particular at all." Xiao Zhenghong said.

Fu Yongying couldn't stand listening anymore. She didn't expect that Liu Minyan's husband would be so disrespectful and put herself so high on herself and make everyone so embarrassed. She said, "What's the point? I just came back from the army for a while." It's normal to not get used to it. Hey, Minyan, I'm going back too. My mother should tell me that I'm late. We're all in the city anyway, so I'll keep in touch with you more in the future."

After saying that, he left.

As soon as she left, the other two female classmates also found an excuse to leave, and then several other male classmates also left one after another. A few minutes later, Liu Minyan, her husband, and Xiao Zhenghong were the only ones left in the large room, which suddenly became deserted. This immediately made Liu Minyan's husband angry - it was so disrespectful!

Liu Minyan's face looked as ugly as possible. She called her husband out just to show off her current life in front of her classmates. This has become her obsessive-compulsive disorder. She has not had any accidents in these years, but today Wan was severely humiliated.

If you say it is difficult to understand this kind of person's thoughts, if they could be understood, there would be no weird things in this world.

Over there, Fu Yongying called Cao Pao after going out, "Pao'er, where are you?"

"We're downstairs, getting ready to go to the food court."

"wait for me."

Then the two female classmates who were following behind caught up with Fu Yongying, holding hands with each other and going downstairs together. In fact, no one could stand the pretentiousness of Liu Minyan and her husband, and they both drank a lot of wine and became bolder. It was for Lin Dingwei's sake that they bent down and said hello. In the end, that gentleman-like person actually refused to give Lin Dingwei face. No one could have imagined that this would be the case. It would be so embarrassing to stay any longer, and it would be so embarrassing to just leave. Anyway, I am living my little ordinary life, and it won’t be the same wherever my child works hard and goes to school.

Ying Wanjun came and drove the Liuzhou Wuling Macro S Super Edition, a seven-seater. Li Jianguo bought this car to transport materials to the restaurant. Later, he found that a pickup truck was more practical and continued to use a pickup truck. Then the car was left idle at home. When they went downstairs, Lin Dingwei and Cao Pao were talking about asking their girlfriends to come out to meet, so Li Zhan called Ying Wanjun and asked her to come out. This was the only car at home, so she drove it out. It was good, and it was just enough to pull the three men, Li Zhan, and Fu Yongying, the three women.

In the end, it happened when Ying Wanjun parked her car in the parking space in front of the hall.

She didn't park in front of the lobby, because it was a hotel, and various cars would come and drop off the guests from time to time. She didn't know when Li Zhan and the others would come down, so she saw there was a spot in the open-air parking space in front, so she parked her car in it. . There happened to be a few trees next to the parking space that blocked the lights. Ying Wanjun didn't see the rubber warning sign "SVIP Special Parking Space" placed on the parking space, so she ran over it without any suspense. She was also inexperienced. Even though she saw that the row of parking spaces where the parking space was located were filled with Maybachs, Bentleys, Maseratis, etc., she did not realize that this parking space could not be parked.

As soon as she got off the car and walked towards the entrance of the hall, security guards in suits and ties came over. Li Zhan and his group walked out. When they saw Ying Wanjun, they just greeted her when several security guards ran over from behind and stopped Ying Wanjun. Someone grabbed Ying Wanjun's arm.

He deserved to have an accident. When Li Zhan saw his fiancée being stopped by several men in suits who suddenly rushed out and grabbed her arms, his fighting nerves immediately became tense. The most important thing was that a security guard pulled Ying Wanjun's arm. Without this action, what happened next would not have happened.

One step up, damn, knock down four security guards in two seconds...

It's over, Lao Chentou's emphasis on "don't fight" is still echoing in my ears.

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