Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 542 ?Where does the unreasonable hatred come from?

Chapter 542 Where does the unreasonable hatred come from?

Totally dumbfounded.

The steps of the security guards who rushed behind him became slower and slower. They couldn't see clearly what was happening. They saw four colleagues falling to the ground almost at the same time and lying on the ground unconscious.

Right at the entrance of the lobby, there were four security guards in suits and leather shoes. The scene made the scene deathly quiet.

Lin Dingwei and Cao Pao were also dumbfounded. When Cao Pao saw Li Zhan making a move, he raised his fist and tried to charge forward, but Li Zhan knocked them down as soon as he raised his fist.

At this moment, Li Zhan also knew that it was bad, but when he saw Ying Wanjun's arm being grabbed, he really couldn't control it. This move was very offensive in his eyes, so he reflexively took action to protect his woman.

"Pao'er, call the police." Li Zhan held Ying Wanjun in his arms, who was confused and didn't know what was going on, and said to Cao Pao.

Lin Dingwei came to his senses and said quickly, "Why call the police? Run away!"

"Don't run away. It's none of your business and you'll be in trouble if you run away." Li Zhan quickly stopped him.

More security guards came, as did the captain and duty manager. Many of the security guards were former soldiers, and they took control of the situation as soon as they saw it. Rush forward and fight back? Whether you are stupid or not, you can tell me as long as you are around. The security quality of this hotel is quite high and they have good self-control.

At this time, Cao Pao called the police and then calmed down completely. He would usually get confused when encountering such a thing, but this time he thought very quickly and whispered quickly, "Brother Zhan, do it." It's me, remember, I did it, Dingwei, hurry up and find someone, call Liu Minyan and ask her husband for help, you must bite her to death because it was me who did it!"

Li Zhan looked at Cao Pao in surprise, and was deeply moved.

"Brother Zhan, don't hesitate. This matter is not easy to handle. I have nothing to do with it. I will compensate you anyway. Let's go!" Cao Pao said anxiously.

Lin Dingwei has already started calling someone. He must find someone who can talk to the hotel and negotiate a solution in the shortest possible time. It will be quite troublesome to put it on the table! He never thought that Li Zhan would be so impulsive. The security guard just reached out and grabbed Ying Wanjun's arm.

He didn't know who to look for since he wasn't at home often. Lin Dingwei's first reaction was to call Liu Minyan, not caring about what happened just now. As soon as the call was connected, Lin Dingwei asked Liu Minyan where she was. After learning that she was still in Room K, she trotted in. The security guard saw him running inside and didn't stop him. He couldn't run away as long as he was in the hotel.

In the K room, Liu Minyan said to her husband with a strange expression, "They seemed to have a conflict with the security downstairs."

Liu Minyan's husband Gu Junjie was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly.

Xiao Zhenghong was almost asleep at this time. When he heard this, he immediately became energetic, got up and left: "Go and have a look!"

Lin Dingwei ran in before he took two steps. He didn't care much anymore. After explaining the cause and effect of the matter, he begged Gu Junjie and said, "Chief Gu, this matter is more troublesome. You might be punished." Cao The cannon is willing to go up, but negotiating with the hotel is troublesome, so please help me."

The posture is very low.

When Xiao Zhenghong heard this, he immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "I'm going to make some calls."

Regardless of how he looks at Li Zhan, he is still unhappy. These are all trivial matters. Let alone make him suffer when something like this happens. Even if he is just watching, he can't do it. After all, he is an old classmate who can still get together today. It's not easy to be together.

Just because he can't do something to add insult to injury doesn't mean others can't do it.

After Gu Junjie understood the process, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Lin Dingwei looked at it and thought of Gu Junjie's style, and secretly complained in his heart, it was better not to find him! But then I thought about it, after all, he is also your wife’s old classmate, so you can’t just die without saving her, right? Lin Dingwei really didn't know how cruel a person's heart could be.

Gu Junjie got up and went to make a phone call.

Lin Dingwei felt bad and begged Liu Minyan in a low voice, "Minyan, help Li Zhan. This matter is nothing to any of us, but he can't. Once he is punished, his future will be over."

"It's okay." Liu Minyan felt that the tightness in her chest had dissipated. Aren't you awesome? Let's see how awesome you are.

Lin Dingwei watched Liu Minyan's beautiful face look more and more like a devil's face. He really couldn't understand what made the couple treat their old classmates like this.

Something even more unimaginable happened. Liu Minyan stood up and said to Gu Junjie who was standing over there on the phone, "Junjie, you are a civil servant and you cannot break the law knowingly. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. Call the branch office." Let them handle it.”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Dingwei and Xiao Zhenghong, who was still on the phone, were stunned.

Is she a devil?

Lin Dingwei lost consciousness for a while, stared at Liu Minyan with complicated eyes for a long time, and quickly left the K room. Over there, Xiao Zhenghong was stunned for a while, looked at Gu Junjie and Liu Minyan as if they didn't know each other, and left quickly. He felt strongly that when you get close to such a person, you don’t even know when to throw him into a pit and bury him!

After catching up with Lin Dingwei, Xiao Zhenghong was half awake and whispered, "Liu Minyan..."

"Don't talk about her anymore, I feel disgusted." Lin Dingwei waved his hand and asked, "Can you find someone to talk to?"

"I have a friend in the city bureau, but I don't know him well. I've already asked someone to contact him. It wouldn't be good for me to call him rashly. I think it's better to talk to the hotel staff as soon as possible. Even when we arrive at the police station, we should act in accordance with the law. As for the attitude of negotiating a solution, as long as we don't file a case, we can say anything, and the worst we can do is lose some money." Xiao Zhenghong said, he is an experienced person.

It didn't matter whether they exchanged a few sarcastic words while eating or drinking, or even looked down upon each other at ordinary times. Once something big happened, these old classmates were very reliable and would think of ways to stand with Li Zhan and face it together. Most people would avoid this kind of thing and would definitely not come forward.

Li Zhan was even more moved when he saw Xiao Zhenghong standing next to him and talking directly. There was no need to say anything at this moment. He was very happy when he saw Lin Dingwei, Cao Pao, and Xiao Zhenghong nervously calling everywhere. It was worth getting to know these people during my three years of high school!

He called the duty room and never called again. Then Lin Dingwei started talking to the duty manager. The manager on duty is not a fool. He has already found out where these customers spend their money. Furthermore, everyone in business has only one principle - making money. They don't want to make the matter a big deal. As for the punishment the batterer will receive, it all depends on the specific circumstances of the batterer.

So after talking, everyone moved to the lobby to start negotiations. Lin Dingwei kept his attitude very low. After asking for instructions from the manager on duty, he agreed in principle to negotiate a solution.

But when the people from the police station arrived, Li Zhan suddenly said, "Let's go to the police station to negotiate."

He left as soon as he left, but Lin Dingwei and the others could not eliminate the impact of this incident so easily. The bigger and more upscale the hotel is, the more complicated the relationships behind it are. Li Zhan is unwilling to drag others down with his own affairs.

The manager on duty knew that the person who was speaking was the attacker and felt that he was too arrogant. He snorted and said, "Then go to the police station to deal with it."

It was the first time for Li Zhan to ride in a police car, and so did everyone else. Listening to the sirens blaring in their heads, everyone was quite helpless. Not long after they left, several police officers from the branch came. After asking about the situation, they went straight to the police station. At this time, the section chief and picket captain were on their way to the police station with two people and a car.

"This is causing a lot of trouble..." Li Zhan smiled bitterly.

Ying Wanjun was in a daze the whole time. Now she came back to her senses, but she didn't think about anything. She only knew that a security guard pulled her arm and then Li Zhan went up and beat him to the ground. This little woman felt More happy than worried.

The director of the police station knew that someone was fighting in the XX Hotel, so he was prepared to deal with it severely. As a result, when others arrived, they found that the one who hit the person was very special. His gaze was as heart-stopping as an X-ray machine, and his calm and calm look was something he had never seen before. No matter how cool a person is, he has to bend his back when entering the office, but not this person in front of him.

Li Zhan came out and said, "Comrade, the man is on the road. I beat him up, and my three friends were not involved in the whole process. This girl is my fiancée, and she was not involved either. The hotel has surveillance, so please investigate as soon as possible." Let them go."

The director suddenly felt troubled.

Even an ordinary person is troublesome.

The attitude of the director and police officers suddenly improved a lot. There is no need to offend people, since they can't be controlled anyway.

The manager on duty was also in a daze. He didn't expect someone to take action. This matter is difficult. He didn't say much and hurriedly went out to call for instructions.

On the way, the section chief received a call from the police officer in charge of the branch. The other person said, "Chief Chen, I'm sorry to bother you so late. It's like this..."

Then he talked about Li Zhan's beating.

"The one who beat me is one of your own, so please come and deal with it." said the police officer leading the team from the branch.

Section Chief Chen smiled and said, "He called me. It must be a misunderstanding. I will be at the police station in a few minutes."

The leading policeman was stunned, then he patted the driving policeman and signaled him to pull over. He frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "Oh, did the one who beat you call you? Is it a misunderstanding? I just came from the hotel. What's wrong?" An eyewitness said that he was indeed beating someone and knocked down four hotel security guards. Haha, your skills are really impressive."

Section Chief Chen has long understood that tonight, let alone Li Zhan, even if he is an ordinary person, he will not let the relevant local departments intervene. No one dares to claim to be the first when Hu Duzi claims to be second. Besides, there are two systems in the first place, each taking care of its own business without interfering with the other.

"It's probably a misunderstanding. Don't worry about it, Officer Liu. Let's handle it." Section Chief Chen hung up the phone after saying this without giving any face.

Officer Liu thought for a while and said, "Go back to the branch."

Turned around and left.

PS: I think Li Zhan is imperfect and a young man.

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