Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 543: A weak woman parked in the wrong parking space

Chapter 543 A weak woman parked in the wrong parking space

Gu Junjie didn't know the army, but he didn't know the specific situation. You can tell the military rank, position, etc. by participating in military and field activities with leaders. So when Officer Liu told him that the military division had taken over, he was surprised and said: "Xiao Liu, they took over as soon as they took over, but they also have to consider our opinions, right?"

Officer Liu was six years older than Gu Junjie. Gu Junjie actually called him Xiao Liu without any psychological pressure. Officer Liu held back his nausea and said, "Chief Gu, he is an active-duty officer and is not under our control. I Let's put it this way, let alone a fight, even if he kills someone, it will be handled by the military affairs department of the army. We really can't get involved, and the military affairs department of the army... you may not know the situation very well. "

"So he just hit him? Is there any other method?" Gu Junjie felt unhappy and resentful. The sullen feeling that had gone out came back again.

Officer Liu was very unhappy. If it weren’t for your sake, I would have wanted to slap you. He held back and said, "How could it be? The discipline of the army is a hundred times stricter than that of the local government. If you violate the discipline, you will definitely be punished." . Section Chief Gu, I take the liberty to ask, did the soldier offend you?"

"Of course not. There is no personal grudge. I happened to be chatting with a few friends here and this happened." Gu Junjie said.

Officer Liu thought to himself, if I didn't offend you, why don't you call the branch and ask me to come?

"Oh, I understand. Chief Gu, I'm here to report the case. I have to work first. I'm sorry." Officer Liu couldn't help but sigh after hanging up the phone.

Section Chief Chen led people to the police station, and the first thing he said when he arrived was: "Xiao Li, are you not injured?"

Just this sentence made the director and instructor secretly complain. Even a blind person can see that the troops are here to protect their calves. They don't care about anything when they come in. They first ask if their own people are injured. There's really no way to tell. If the other party refuses to let go, the director and instructors will be miserable, and neither of them will be human beings.

The director hurriedly asked to come to the office, but Section Chief Chen declined politely, and then moved to the reception room and started talking with a smile. It's one thing for Chief Chen not to give face to the branch, but it's another thing to go to the police station, because the police station is in charge. Protect the calf, protect the calf, but there is no need to act like you are holding the card in your mouth. It is best to talk things over and solve the problem.

The cadres of the military divisions are not the cadres of the grassroots combat troops. When doing things, they are more diplomatic and sophisticated than many local cadres. This is what they do.

There is nothing to say. The hotel has already turned off the lights. As soon as he found out that it was related to the soldier, the boss asked the manager on duty to solve the problem quickly. No matter what, he knew his own business. It would definitely not be good for him to continue to make trouble. Now the police station will be much easier to handle. The hotel will not even ask for medical expenses. It will give the police station enough face, and the relevant people can leave. Li Zhan cannot, he has to go to the military subdivision with Chief Chen. Accept processing.

Ying Wanjun was very worried, so Li Zhan comforted her, but Section Chief Chen insisted on sending Ying Wanjun home first. The group set off, first seeing Ying Wanjun home and then going to the military subdivision.

After Lin Dingwei and the others left, they found a place to sit down and sighed.

"Brother Zhan is in trouble this time and will definitely be punished." Cao Pao was worried.

Lin Dingwei shook his head and sighed, "Li Zhan was so impulsive, I didn't even think he would take action."

Xiao Zhenghong said with a smile, "I think he did the right thing. It would be bad if a soldier didn't have this kind of blood. Think about it, if someone pulls your wife's arm and looks fierce, will you hit her? If he pulls her arm, you can't. Is the next move going to be a knife?"

Lin Dingwei and Cao Pao answered in unison without thinking, "Fight."

"That's it." Xiao Zhenghong spread his hands and said.

Xiao Zhenghong is a very typical person. Small things will drive you crazy, but big things are absolutely unambiguous.

When they arrived at the military subdivision, Section Chief Chen cordially put his arm around Li Zhan's shoulders and entered the reception room, where a soldier immediately brought tea.

"Xiao Li, when did you come back? You didn't come over to see me when you came back." Section Chief Chen handed Li Zhan a cigarette.

Deal with it, deal with it, what a big deal.

Li Zhan had an acquaintance with the nearly forty-year-old military affairs section chief of the military division. At that time, Section Chief Chen accompanied the head of the military division to visit Li Zhan's home to express condolences. He was still in Xi County at that time.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Li Zhan said, "I have been back for a few days, and the army only gave me a few days off. There are too many things at home. Chief Chen, what happened tonight..."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Isn't the matter settled? It's time to pay compensation. I've asked, it's not a big deal. You still have a sense of proportion. Besides, if you can't even protect your wife, how can you talk about protecting your family? Weiguo." Section Chief Chen said with a smile, "The commander is not at home, the political commissar should be here soon. He will have to talk to you when you come back."

Li Zhan felt even more embarrassed, "The political commissar already knows about this, and this has caused a lot of trouble."

"The political commissar doesn't care about such nonsense. You are our great hero in Nangang. The political commissar will definitely meet you when you come back. It's just a little late now, but the cooking team is ready. We'll have a late dinner later. At night, the chef is local and absolutely authentic." Section Chief Chen said.

Li Zhan stopped being pretentious and agreed with a smile.

They thought the attacker would be imprisoned as soon as he arrived at the military subdivision!

After the political commissar arrived, he didn't mention what happened at night at all. Even Section Chief Chen didn't want to talk about it. It was because such things were really nothing. It's just a fight, and besides, it's not all our fault. Li Zhan's first move was certainly wrong, but the hotel's measures against guests who parked in the wrong parking space were also excessive.

A weak woman, because she parked a Wuling worth tens of thousands of dollars in a super VIP parking space, and was suspected of downgrading the hotel (?), four or five security guards came over to stop her, and one of them started to grab her, and Is there any law? Is there any law?

If the security guard had said it nicely instead of just going up to a bunch of people, what happened later would not have happened. If you really want to be serious, the military subdivision would dare to fight with your police station. Military inspections are in charge of active military personnel. The problem is that only we can control active military personnel. I don’t care what the matter is. Other than us, we can’t interfere. It’s just like that.

Simply put, no matter how disobedient my child is, it will not be your turn to teach him a lesson!

Officer Liu is responsible for matters that usually require communication with the troops in the branch. He has been a police officer for 17 or 18 years and has encountered many things related to active military personnel. Not to mention other things, just a few years ago, I assisted the traffic police in checking for drunk driving and stopped a non-commissioned officer on vacation for drunk driving. He didn't even have a driver's license. His major in the army was to drive large combat vehicles. He was about to clean up. But when he found out his identity, all I was dumbfounded. The police officer in charge was scolding me with a cold face, but he had to soften his expression and smile. Why, it's not easy to deal with! Notifying the military division to pick someone up, that was all we could do. This is not a matter of privilege or privilege, but simply two systems that are unrelated to each other. Even if you are asked to deal with it, you can't deal with it. Why, you can't even check your household registration and deal with it? What a waste!

Of course, after the military division picked him up, the non-commissioned officer was severely punished. It was okay that there was no traffic accident. If there was, well, he would be ruined for the rest of his life. It was more severe than the local punishment!

To give another simple example, if the army is engaged in motorized long-distance maneuvers, unless the army sends a request for assistance to the local traffic control department, the traffic control department cannot participate in directing traffic. The army itself will have advance teams to direct traffic at various intersections and directly take over. Your local traffic director.

This method is actually part of the wartime military control plan. The unit departments of the army fully take over the corresponding local units and departments. For example, the Air Force Meteorological Department directly takes over the local meteorological department and corresponds according to the level. The regiment corresponds to the county and the division corresponds to the prefecture-level city. , a group army-level command organization can take over a province, and the top leader of the local party committee directly comes in as the first political commissar.

Looking back at history, in fact, most of the local governments and many government agencies and institutions in most areas of our country were born out of the military. A large part of them simply changed their clothes when the troops were transferred to other jobs, such as the Public Security Bureau and the Ministry of Railways. , such as the Construction Corps. So the order itself is very clear and everyone knows it.

Precisely because of the very special status of the army, the army is usually very cautious and careful when handling local affairs. Each party committee at each level must have a standing committee member who is from the military, the town or county is the minister of armed forces, the prefecture-level city is the commander of the military division or garrison area, and the provincial level is the commander of the provincial military region. However, most people are not aware of this situation. Because these active-duty officers in military uniforms and members of the Party Committee Standing Committee are very, very low-key.

To put it bluntly, when it comes to things like fighting, even if you fight with your own people in the army, it is just a matter of criticism.

To put it bluntly, if you are indifferent when encountering this kind of thing, the leader will definitely give you a comment in his heart without saying he is worried: This soldier is not good and has no temper at all.

Your wife was bullied and you were indifferent. I expect you to fight for strangers?

Those with bad tempers may not be good soldiers, but good soldiers must have bad tempers. The good soldiers mentioned here refer to soldiers with excellent military qualities. We usually see some high-ranking non-commissioned officers who are kind-hearted, because they are facing ordinary people and small soldiers, and it is normal. If they are at work, you will know how bad their temper is, and they can make you cry!

Li Zhan heard about something when he was in the Second Division. There was a sixth-term noncommissioned officer in the Second Division who was a mechanic. There was a big outbreak and a bunch of technical lieutenant colonels from higher-level business units and manufacturers were brought together over a certain technical issue. The technician scolded me like a son, without giving him any face at all. A capable person cannot have a good temper.

The political commissar had a long-tested revolutionary will and was very firm. After a late night snack and drinking until about three in the morning, Li Zhan finally became drunk. Then the political commissar asked the driver to drive Li Zhan home in his overbearing car. On the way, Li Zhan did not forget to send text messages to Lin Dingwei and the others to inform them of the situation. As a result, the three of them were still drinking at the supper stall, and Li Zhan immediately killed them.

After such an incident, the four of them regained their old friendship and drank until dawn.

The next day, Li Zhan slept until the sun was shining for the first time. When he woke up, his head felt dizzy. After drinking some water and running for more than ten kilometers on a water treadmill and sweating hundreds of milliliters, he felt a little more relaxed.

Ying Wanjun got up early in the morning and went to the hotel to drive Wuling Hongguang back. Now she was busy bringing out breakfast, porridge, pickles and the like, the best food after a hangover. Not long after the others went home, Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua bought a bunch of things, all of which were needed for Li Zhan to go to Ying Wanjun's house to propose marriage tomorrow, and filled a trunk full of them.

The next day, Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun set out, and Ying Baoquan's family started preparing early. The village chief, village party secretary and others all came, asking everyone to help prepare the banquet. At the marriage proposal banquet, only the man can attend, and the others are all from the woman. This probably means the last "big test" for the man.

A long time ago, the marriage banquet and the wedding banquet were very separate, and auspicious days were chosen several months apart. With the development of society and the acceleration of the pace of life, this tradition has also changed, and finally evolved into holding it the night before the wedding banquet. Gradually, the rule of "the bride's family holds a wedding banquet the night before the wedding banquet" was formed. The next day, the groom came to welcome the bride and then the wedding banquet, and the whole process was completed in two days.

Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun were going to attend a group wedding on Army Day in the army, so they had to do it at home in advance, and they couldn't choose an auspicious day because Li Zhan didn't have that many holidays. There was no telling when the army would give an order and he would return.

Originally, Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua went to find a Feng Shui master to calculate the birth dates of Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun, and they were worried that they would not be able to pick a good date. Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun were only on vacation for a few days, so they had no idea when they would be together again in the future. They were really worried. no. As a result, Mr. Feng Shui knew that the man was an army officer and waved his hand and said: "Don't worry! There is no taboo about your son's identity! Who do you think can conquer such a big country? The People's Liberation Army! The People's Liberation Army specializes in conquering monsters and monsters!" Your son is a leading cadre of the army. In the past, he was the commander of the heavenly soldiers and divine generals! What other taboos are there!?"

After a lot of talking, over and over again, the meaning is that soldiers are better at carrying guns and fighting than ghosts and gods. Nothing dares to get close to them. After eating the royal food, they will enjoy a lifetime of happiness.

Is this really the case?

It's basically nonsense, but Feng Shui masters are also keeping pace with the times. One look at Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua, who are dressed in ordinary clothes but speak with strong energy. Although they look worried but confident, they know that this is not an ordinary family. Another one is the battalion commander. His son is unmatched even by the county magistrate decades ago.

Of course I picked the right one!

Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua were so happy. They originally planned to give 888, but they were so happy that they got 8888. Mr. Feng Shui smiled so hard that his dentures almost popped out.

The eldest daughter of Ying Bao's family is married to a military pilot and is also a battalion commander. The family is also engaged in real estate. The status of Ying Bao's family in the village has improved. The environment has improved, life has improved, and people are more energetic. The most important thing is that Ying Wanjun's two younger brothers may have been dealt with a few times by Ying Wanjun, and they have become more sensible. They are getting better and better at studying and know how to help the family. They don't think they can do it just because their brother-in-law is awesome. The plane is flying and everything is going in the right direction.

The betrothal gift prepared by the Li family knocked Ying Bao's family and the villagers unconscious. Even Li Zhan couldn't help but gasp. Ying Wanjun already knew about it, so he was relatively calm.

Mom and Dad are really willing to give up!

PS: Let’s continue with the 4,000-word chapter. Brothers, please use your monthly votes and let me finish these B’s.

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