Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 546 ?Emergency Ice Explosion Operation

Chapter 546 Emergency Ice Explosion Operation

Li Zhan was a little anxious.

Although the staff officer on duty said that if it is too late to return to the team within the stipulated time, you can apply for an extension of one day's leave. Under normal circumstances, it will be approved, of course, provided that you encounter force majeure factors. The situation Li Zhan encountered at this time met the requirements for extending one day's vacation, but he did not want to do so unless it was absolutely necessary.

Soldiers value discipline more than life, especially regarding the time points in orders, and pilots even more so, because if you fail to develop sensitivity in this area, you will arrive at the combat area a few seconds late during combat. Maybe it affects the outcome of the battle.

This is a bottom line that they won't easily cross. It's okay to ask for leave if there are some emergencies in the last class, but you are in the war, and asking for leave may affect the outcome of a battle!

And the actual situation is that there will be a very important training analysis meeting tomorrow and flight training will be conducted in the afternoon.

Li Zhan began to think of a solution.

If there are conditions, we should go up. If there are no conditions, we should go up even if we create conditions?

Use the Beginner's Sixth Opening here? Showing your identity and asking a commercial airliner to risk crossing a bad weather area? Or do you require yourself to fly the civil airliner to Dalian? That is the plot of a super science fiction military novel in another time and space on the Internet. He is no different from ordinary people now!

Li Zhan found out that there were computers connected to the Internet in the VIP lounge. It took him more than half an hour to contact the person in charge of the airline to which the VIP lounge belonged. After explaining the situation, the person in charge was very proactive. We brought him in, and after making arrangements, he said he could ask for help at any time if he needed help.

He had no choice. There was no estimated departure time for the flight he was taking, so he was basically out of luck and had to find another way. The train to Dalian left at 2:30 in the afternoon, and it was already 9:30 in the morning. He had to arrive at Dalian Railway Station within the next five hours.

I started to study the map. Baidu map was rubbish, but I could still use the GG map these days. The accuracy surprised Li Zhan. I didn’t have time to think too much, so I immediately started to study the second route. Air transportation is not considered. There are too many uncertainties in the case of large-scale heavy rains. Cars are not considered, and they are very easily affected. The only option is trains.

However, it is too late to reach Dalian by train within the specified time. It only takes five hours. Unless the high-speed railway is direct and it must be direct, ordinary trains will not work at all. This got us into a two-year situation. He had to consider a combination of multiple modes of transportation. He first took a train across the river, and after leaving the heavy rain area, took a plane from a city that could fly directly to Dalian.

Which city to transfer is the most difficult to measure. It must not be too far away, within two hours by train, and there must be a direct flight to Dalian with a suitable departure time.

After quickly analyzing a large amount of relevant data, Li Zhan identified two cities, City A as the first choice, and City B with slightly worse conditions as an alternative. After confirming the plan, Li Zhan immediately started taking action. There was no time to think about whether he had tickets. If he didn't have tickets, he could only exercise the "privilege" of active military personnel and coordinate with the military representative at the train station. However, there were plenty of tickets available, including those in economy class. It's more than a thousand, which is very expensive. Call Ying Wanjun and ask her to buy it online. In order to ensure that he could get on the train from Nanchang to City A on time, Li Zhan contacted the military representatives at Nanchang Railway Station through the army and asked them to help coordinate the train tickets.

All these things were done while Li Zhan was still on the way to the train station.

I got on the train to City A without any danger. The military representative at Nanchang Railway Station was very helpful. I contacted the Military Representative Office at City A Railway Station and asked them to prepare a vehicle to pick up Li Zhan directly on the platform and then pull him there. I rushed to the airport with the siren on, and arrived at the boarding gate five minutes before the plane door closed. If I hadn't taken the fast-track security check, it would have been too late. It is very simple to go through the fast security check lane, and you don’t even need to show your ID. As long as you are an urgent passenger, you can use such a fast security check lane, which is usually a special passenger lane. Large airports are divided into very small sections, and generally there is only one.

After the plane took off, Li Zhan felt relieved. The weather conditions were good and there was no suspense about arriving at Dalian Airport on time.

As a result, when he got off the plane in Dalian and turned on his cell phone, it vibrated crazily and displayed an unknown number. He quickly connected it and saw that it was the agency staff officer who came to pick him up. He said directly: "Team Leader Li, have you got off the plane? Vehicle?" At the arrival gate, please hurry up, the troops have an urgent mission!"


Li Zhan started running, startling the passengers who were leaving one after another. Some people yelled at his back: "Hey, you are rushing to reincarnate!"

After running all the way to the arrival gate, I looked up and saw a military green Land Cruiser parked very aggressively at the entrance of the arrival hall, not on the roadside, but at the door! Passengers passing by looked sideways, and some of them protested inwardly that the army vehicle was awesome, but the staff major who was waiting anxiously beside the vehicle didn't care at all and stretched his neck to search for Li Zhan. The driver was sitting in the driver's seat, ready to step on the accelerator at any time, with a very serious look on his face.

They would not do this if it were not an urgent military matter. Every second really counts, and if they can shorten some distance, they can shorten some time. Originally, we planned to drive directly into the parking bay to pick up people, but this flight was using a covered bridge, so there was no way. And if they stop midway and put Li Zhan down first, it will disrupt the airport's work plan, and the troops will not do this easily.

As soon as he saw Li Zhanfeng running over, the major staff officer turned around and opened the door on the right side of the second row, then opened the passenger door and jumped in. Li Zhan didn't stop at any speed. He quickly got into the second row and closed the door smoothly. The "slamming" of the car door was the order to set off. The driver sounded the siren, the red and blue warning lights on the central grid flashed crazily, and the huge Land Cruiser skidded out with all four tires as it stepped on the accelerator.

In such a busy airport, the road in front of the arrival gate was full of cars. Several cars were almost rear-ended by a military-branded Land Cruiser that suddenly jumped out. The driver was about to slap the steering wheel and curse, but the traffic policeman on the side left. He came over and pointed at them seriously, so they all held back.

It was the first time for Li Zhan to ride in such a fast car. The fastest speed on urban roads reached 120 kilometers per hour! Accelerating, braking, running through red lights and compacting lines, and even driving in the opposite direction on some sections of the road, Li Zhan felt that his life was hanging by a thread. At the same time, he also knew that it must be a very, very urgent military matter.

It's really urgent.

After getting on the highway and driving at a super high speed of more than 180 kilometers per hour for almost half an hour, the Land Cruiser turned into the service area. The Land Cruiser off-road vehicle, which is more than five meters long and weighs more than two tons, can reach a maximum speed of 180 kilometers per hour on the highway!

When overtaking, the driver almost lost his grip on the steering wheel at the moment the overtaken vehicle was overtaken. The sudden change in the air caused the vehicle's streamlined state to change and cause shaking!

As soon as Li Zhan lowered the string, the roar of the aircraft engine appeared, and at the same time there was the sound of high-speed rotating blades beating the air.

The major staff officer explained at this time, "The time requested by the superiors is too urgent. We don't have helicopters that can be used now. Coordinate the Army Aviation helicopters. They will send you directly back to the base."

"What urgent military matter is it?" Li Zhan asked.

It was really urgent, otherwise this joint land-air maneuver would have been adopted, and the Army helicopter landed directly in the parking lot of the service area.

Major staff officer led Li Zhan to run over, pressed the camouflage cap on his head and said, "I don't know very well, but it has something to do with the flood in Huajiang River. Team leader Li, I wish you a safe journey!"

Li Zhan didn't ask any more questions, and jumped on the Z-9GW, which was an armed model of the Z-9. Then the Z-9GW quickly pulled up its maximum power and ran towards the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base. The major staff officer took the car back by land.

Floods broke out in the Huajiang River, this is the key word.

The distance between the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base and the Huajiang River Basin is about 700 to 800 kilometers. From a geographical point of view, it is twice as far as the capital. But for a plane, it only takes an hour. For a fighter jet, Basically it was done within half an hour.

The crux of the problem is that even if the Huajiang flood troops want to go up to provide disaster relief, that is still the specialty of the old mainlanders. You can't fly fighter jets to evacuate the masses! Moreover, it is still a new naval aviation force that has not yet formed combat effectiveness.

What role can the Flying Shark Force play?

When Li Zhan thought about this problem, those J-15s that had not even been officially painted appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help but become even more puzzled. If the troops were directly pulled over to carry sandbags, he would be willing to do so. He could not wait to do that, but this was absolutely impossible. To put it bluntly, even if Lao Lu's infantry were dead, they would never be allowed to carry sandbags.

In less than ten minutes, Li Zhan saw the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base at dusk. Zhi-9GW flew directly across the bay, shortening the distance by more than half. If it was still a road maneuver, don't expect to reach it within an hour or two.

Li Zhan's doubts were quickly answered.

Old Chen and others were waiting for them in the outfield, and Zhang Xueyang was also there. When Li Zhan ran over, Old Chen asked everyone to get on the Coaster and go directly to the flight briefing room. As soon as Li Zhan entered the door, he saw the aviation medical director and several medical staff making preparations. The atmosphere was very tense.

"A flood broke out in the upper reaches of the Huajiang River, but the ice on the river in the middle reaches has not completely melted. There is a large amount of ice. Once the flood peak comes down, it will spread to the surrounding areas, putting hundreds of thousands of people at risk. The superiors ordered the troops to clear the ice at all costs and open up the flow of the flood peak. channel."

The old commander said seriously, "The Air Force's bomber force is already making preparations. They are the main force. I issued a military order to my superiors. Our department will serve as the vanguard, responsible for reconnaissance and bombing instructions for Bingling. If we fail, the Air Force will Troops in the northeast will take over."

"Comrades! This is the first actual combat of our Flying Shark Force. Excluding the factors of taking off and landing at sea, we must be the top air combat force of the Navy! What kind of results have been achieved in the past training can be witnessed now. It’s time. What I want to emphasize is that if you think the mission cannot be completed, you must report it as soon as possible, and the air force will immediately dispatch to take over!”

"But! I hope our pilots can reflect their own value! The country has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in you. Where do the resources come from? From the people. Now hundreds of thousands of people are in danger. I hope you Be able to do your best to solve the time bomb hanging over their heads!"

It's all clear.

Li Zhan didn't need to read the detailed briefing at all.

There are many plains in the Northeast, among which the Huanen Plain is simply named after the first characters of the names of two important rivers. Simply put, the Huajiang River Basin is a plain. Once the ice blocks the surging flood peak, the flood will spread to all directions, and the vast rural areas and towns without any terrain cover will be in danger.

It is no different than the Three Rivers Basin. Back then, it was possible to find a suitable place to blow up a flood outlet to divert the peak pressure from the upstream, but this was not possible in the Huajiang Basin. Wherever the flood was discharged, serious losses would be caused. Although the population is not as dense as that on the eastern coast, even if there is only one village, if there is no way to evacuate people in time, we must stop the spread of the flood at all costs!

There is no doubt that the mission was snatched back by Old Chentou, exactly the same as the main attack during the war years!

Li Zhan understood what Old Chen Tou meant. The Flying Shark Force wanted to prove its value, not only in combat at sea, but also in the face of threats to the lives and property of the people from nature!

Old Chentou hopes that his soldiers can solve the ice problem independently without the need for the Air Force's bomber force to take action!

After all, it was the old leader. Old Chen Tou believed that Li Zhan understood what he meant.

Obviously, it was Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang who carried out this mission, and they were the only two pilots. Needless to say, Li Zhan is certainly the most suitable candidate and has almost the most relevant experience in the army. But Li Zhan is not very familiar with the J-15, so Zhang Xueyang's presence is necessary. They are old comrades, so there is no problem in cooperation.

The aviation medical director personally examined Li Zhan, while the operational staff prepared the action plan. It was a real race against time. Li Zhan even wore casual clothes. He changed into his flight suit and put on white labor protection gloves directly in the flight briefing room, and quickly got ready for the flight.

Old Chentou said, "You fly J-15 two-seater aircraft with weather reconnaissance pods and aerial bombs, mainly for reconnaissance. Your attack is to provide fixed positions for Air Force bombers to bomb, so you must determine the bombing range. , use aerial bombs to determine it. How the Air Force bombs will all depend on your fixed point."

Zhang Xueyang said to the frowning Li Zhan, "We have just delivered a two-seat J-15. The complete version can shoot aerial bombs, but it cannot shoot missiles yet."

"Missiles are useless." Li Zhan shook his head and said, "Large precision-guided bombs are most effective against ground targets like Bing Ling."

"There are no supporting precision-guided bombs yet," Zhang Xueyang said.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "Ordinary aerial bombs are more effective than air-to-surface missiles."

"Let's go!" Old Chentou ordered.

Li Zhan rushed out with his flying helmet in hand, followed closely by Zhang Xueyang.

Li Zhan seemed to be a different person when he entered the fighting state. He was not even half stupid enough to attend a local class reunion.

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