Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 547 Li Zhan’s flight bag is a treasure chest

At dusk, the shit-yellow J-15S carrier-based combat trainer aircraft with production number 533 was already waiting on the apron, and the maintenance staff had completed all preparations, including loading ammunition.

In fact, it is quite far-fetched to call this aircraft a combat trainer, because when this aircraft was developed, it was directly aimed at the direction of a two-seat carrier-based fighter. The troops focused on the mission of this aircraft after it is put on the ship, rather than on the mission of the aircraft. It is used as a training aircraft to train pilots, what a waste!

Therefore, like the Flying Leopard, the 533 does not have a second control system in the rear cabin. It is a serious fighter attack aircraft. The rear cabin is the position of the weapons operator, which is the same as the F-14 "Tomcat" fighter. The Navy has never thought about using the J-15S as a pure training aircraft.

Li Zhan was trembling all over when he saw the No. 533 J-15S fighter plane carrying more than three tons of aerial bombs.

This guy is so dangerous!

According to the information learned, this aircraft has only completed the delivery test flight. In other words, this aircraft is just a prototype. It is very dangerous to fly it in actual combat!

Combining the finalization and improvement of the J-15 with the training of the troops is already the boldest thing that everyone knows that Hainan Airlines has done. Now it actually uses a young fighter plane to conduct actual ground attacks! This shows that Hainan Airlines has an urgent requirement for the Feisha troops to form combat capabilities. It is reflected from the side that Shen Fei's progress in this project is far behind the time required by the troops - the troops can't wait!

Without further ado, we quickly boarded the plane and checked each system. After the tower gave the order, we quickly skidded out and headed straight for the takeoff line. We did not stop and took off directly after the tower gave the order. All flight activities were stopped, and all personnel were mobilized for ice bombing operations. Li Zhan taxied at full throttle. The No. 533 J-15S fighter, loaded with more than three tons of aerial bombs and eight tons of aviation fuel, taxied for more than 700 meters before taking off.

It rained not long after takeoff. Weather data showed that it did not rain in most areas of the Huajiang River Basin, but it rained heavily in the surrounding areas, especially along the coast, where rainfall occurred due to the influence of the marine climate.

In April and May, it is already necessary to wear short-sleeved shirts in the south, but at this moment, people here wear more short-sleeved shirts than in the south in winter. Except for that area, snowfall rarely occurs in other areas. This is the month when the melting of ice and snow reaches its peak.


The ice in the river is not so easy to melt into water!

After the ice and snow in the upper reaches melted, a large amount of ice flowed to the middle and lower reaches, but the ice in the middle reaches did not have time to melt, thus forming a situation that blocked the water flow in the upper reaches. According to calculations by relevant local departments, as long as the ice in the middle reaches is removed, it will eventually be digested by the river itself and will not have a great impact on the areas on both sides of the river. Although some ice is unavoidable, the scope of the impact will be very small.

The most stubborn and largest iceberg is located in the direction of a county town in the middle reaches, passing through the county town. For many years, the people in the county town have been very peaceful. When it comes to the freezing season, everyone has a great time digging holes, fishing, and skating. It is really It is really the mother river of the local people, but now the mother river is rotten.

Once it hits the ice five kilometers away to the northeast, the water level in the county town will quickly increase until it exceeds the dam. The result is that the county town will be flooded without mercy. Hundreds of thousands of people in the county and its surrounding villages are at risk.

To use a simple analogy, there is an "intestinal infarction", and the location of the infarction is five kilometers downstream of the county!

Li Zhan strictly followed the planned route and rushed at a speed of Mach 1. Thirty minutes later, he descended and easily saw the county seat with its lights on.

"Five kilometers from the county seat." Zhang Xueyang in the back cabin continued to visually search downwards, reminding Li Zhan of the location of the target area.

Li Zhan continued to descend, adjusted the direction of the plane's nose and flew towards the county town, and said, "It's day and night, and the visibility is very poor. Thumbs up, I want full airspace authorization, repeat, I want full airspace authorization, over."

Big Finger immediately replied, "533, don't go down for the moment. Keep flying at altitude and be on standby. There are Army and Aviation activities below."

"Understood." Li Zhan resumed level flight and looked down. He could vaguely see two dark moving shadows on the dark ground. They were undoubtedly Army Aviation helicopters.

Da Zhi wanted to contact the Army Aviation command post to coordinate the airspace, and then give Li Zhan clear instructions. Without a joint combat command system, this aspect of work is still relatively cumbersome and prone to problems. The reason why Li Zhan requested full airspace is because he is likely to enter low altitude or even ultra-low altitude. Due to the influence of visibility, it is difficult to judge the target at a long distance. Visual inspection is the most reliable and the only way.

Zhang Xueyang was surprised when he saw Li Zhan take out a night vision device from his small flight bag and fasten it on the bracket of the flight helmet skillfully, "Old Li, where did you get the night vision device?"

"My own, it was given to me by a friend of Lao Lu when I was working in Beiku. It's very useful." Li Zhan said.

Zhang Xueyang couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Why don't you get one for me too."

"It's too late. It will take a few days for them to be sent over," Li Zhan said.

Zhang Xueyang was about to say something when he saw Li Zhan take out a few more pieces of coincidence force from the small flight bag, and then stretched it behind his head. Zhang Xueyang couldn't laugh or cry. He leaned forward and finally took a piece. He held it in his hand and borrowed it. I looked at the good visibility in the sky and said, "Chocolate? I said your flight bag is a treasure chest!"

"They are all combat preparation materials in case of a sudden long-distance flight. I set off from Nangang early this morning and drank some water on the way. I am very hungry now. I take the time to add that it will definitely be a tough battle tonight. ." Li Zhan said as he took off the oxygen mask, freed his hands to tear open the chocolate and bit it one bite at a time.

To be honest, Zhang Xueyang has never eaten while flying in all his years of flying. In the past, the Su-27SK lasted for four hours on a long-distance flight. After eating a meal before setting off, there was no problem. So his feeling was still relatively novel. Of course, when he thought about Li Zhan setting off from Nangang early in the morning to return to the team, he would not be able to rest well on the way and he would certainly not be able to eat well. If he did not replenish energy quickly, he would appear if he was too hungry. Slow reaction, hearing loss and vision loss.

Why was Li Zhan so well prepared?

They are all lessons learned from the launch of H-6KZZ for ocean flight training. There was no problem when going out. Everyone could even take turns to dine together. The meals were prepared in advance. There was even a heating device on the plane. It was not much different from a passenger plane.

But since the typhoon hit, everyone couldn't leave their posts because of the emergency. Not to mention eating, even if they had to urinate urgently, they had to hold it in. Well, when Li Zhan felt hungry, he found that he had nothing to eat! Not only him, but everyone else was not prepared for this because they had no such experience in ocean flight training!

As a result, everyone could only carry it hard. Without saying anything, they kept reminding themselves that they must be well prepared for war in the future, and at least prepare some high-energy ready-to-eat foods such as chocolate to carry with them.

So after returning that time, Li Zhan paid great attention to preparations in this area. The chocolates and other things in his flight bag were regularly replaced, and some necessary small instruments were also in it.

Not long after, Da Zhi called Li Zhan: "533, you can't enter the airspace within one thousand meters. The Army Air Force is transferring people. They have to use the airspace below one thousand meters. Over."

In this regard, helicopters can play a much greater role than fixed-wing aircraft. It is no exaggeration to say that if there are thousands of helicopters ready for use, the related work will definitely go more smoothly. The role played by helicopters is almost a backbone.

The army has invested a lot of resources in the construction of helicopter units. The orders from the Army, Air Force and Navy have directly overwhelmed Hafei and Changfei, and the development of various helicopters has been greatly accelerated. In the past, military fans could still judge the unit to which the helicopter belonged based on the serial number, but later they were completely confused because the number of new units was increasing and there were more and more new units.

If the Army Aviation wants to use the airspace below 1,000 meters, Li Zhan will not be able to move within this range. The Army Aviation's mission is also very important. People who need to be transferred by helicopter must be in a very dangerous situation.

There was no other way. Li Zhan could only fly in a circle at an altitude of 1,100 meters. What was embarrassing was that in the day-night situation with white above and black below, the night vision device could not play its role. Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang could only vaguely see down. Seeing some outlines of Bing Ling, there was no way to observe them carefully.

Flying with the sun behind your back won't work. The ground has already fallen into darkness. If you can't close the distance, you can only wait for the altitude to enter darkness, so that you can see clearly with night vision goggles.

Li Zhan estimated the speed of the flood peak and felt a little anxious. He asked Big Zhi for instructions: "Big Zhi, I must prepare for the attack as soon as possible. Please coordinate the airspace, or give me the planned route of the Army Airlines, and I will avoid it on my own. complete."

"533, waiting for instructions, over." Da Zhi has also been coordinating. The superiors did not give them much time. If 533 cannot determine the bombing range according to the plan, subsequent bombers will not be able to carry out carpet bombing. From the overall point of view, the bombing Operation Bingling is even more important.

The fighter planes circled clockwise. Zhang Xueyang once again raised the telescope and looked down. He adjusted the focus and looked at the arrogant ice below. Then he looked at the county town about five kilometers away. He took out the topographic map in his leg bag and looked at it carefully. Look, he said, "This iceberg is much higher than the river bank. It is directly a water dam. The county seat is located in a gentle depression."

"Isn't that right? This kind of ice should be dealt with at an early stage. Once a climate is formed, it will be difficult to deal with. The effect of mountain-opening explosives is not good." Li Zhan also observed with a telescope in one hand.

Suddenly a white dot flashed past the camera, and Li Zhan's heart trembled for no reason.

He slowly moved his horizon to look for it, but found that he couldn't find it. He quickly said, "Look at the west side of the county. There was a white dot flashing past just now. Something is wrong!"

Zhang Xueyang quickly raised his telescope to search the west side of Xicheng, while Li Zhan controlled the fighter plane and flew there, reaching the sky above the county seat in a few breaths.

At this time, Zhang Xueyang suddenly gasped and said loudly: "Hong! Feng! Old Li, look!"

The white dot was a rolling light. I don't know where the light came from. It reflected some light in the direction of the fighter plane. It flashed past and was keenly captured by Li Zhan, who had excellent eyesight.

Li Zhan tilted the fuselage, holding the joystick in one hand and raising the telescope in the other to look at the river on the west side of the county seat. About seven or eight kilometers away from the county seat, the water level did not exceed the river embankment much. In other words, as long as the river was clear, these flood! The summit slowly consumes energy and eventually calms down and loses its power.

"Finger, big finger, emergency. I saw at least seven consecutive floods! The peak appeared about seven kilometers west of the county. The flow rate is very fast. I request an immediate attack on Bingling. Repeat. I request an immediate attack on Bingling." Carry out an assault!" Li Zhan's tone was very serious and he spoke very fast. While reporting, he quickly turned and flew towards Bing Ling.

There is no doubt that there is a problem with the intelligence information sharing of the coordinated command. According to the latest situation report received by the troops from the local area, it will take at least five hours to impact Bingling, but Li Zhan now finds that it is close at hand! Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it was formed on a river section close to the county.

The originally promising plan suddenly lost its maximum certainty. The Air Force's bomber fleet was too late and could only rely on the more than three tons of aerial bombs carried by No. 533 J-15S.

The big finger ordered the old H-6 of a certain Air Force unit to take off urgently, and quickly coordinated with the Army Aviation to vacate the airspace. At the same time, he issued an order to Li Zhan to allow the attack: "533, do your best to open the channel. The bombers must at least It takes thirty minutes to arrive, now it’s up to you!”

"Wu San San understands!"

As soon as Li Zhan pressed the lever, the fighter jet quickly descended in a small dive at a large angle. He said, "Lao Zhang, I will make a circle. You determine the attack point and find the weakest position to open a small gap first!"


With the few aerial bombs carried by No. 533 J-15S, it is impossible to blow up the main body of ice on the river. Now I don’t care about using explosive points to determine the bombing range. I just find the weakest place to open up a little. Reduce stress as much as possible.

It's late today, so I have to prepare to save the manuscript on time.

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