Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 549: Get out of the way, here I come!

Chapter 549 Get out of the way, here I come!

Floods are so terrible, that's why there is an idiom like "flood beast". After earthquakes and fires, survivors can usually be found, and the injured can still be rescued, but this is not the case with floods - corpses are found when they are fished out.

Nothing below the waterline has a chance of survival.

Zhang Xueyang couldn't see clearly the situation of the herringbone ice, but he could see the point of impact. Li Zhan didn't try to hit a single point, but created a waistline, which was equivalent to using a cannonball to make a horizontal cut on the ice's waterline. The waistline was very clear and straight.

He was shocked.

When he was in the Second Division, he had seen the impact of Li Zhan's ground target shooting. The accuracy was breathtaking. Specifically, the aircraft cannon shells fired by Li Zhan almost hit a small circle of two square meters. It was like a sniper strike from a fighter jet. hand!

It is even more difficult to hit a horizontal line, which shows that Li Zhan's shooting skills have improved again and have reached the point where he can do whatever he wants. Moreover, Li Zhan has never used the J-15 or J-15S to shoot ground targets. The fact that he shot to such a level further illustrates his superb shooting skills.

This is even when using low-light night vision devices in low visibility situations.

Two hundred and fifty rounds of artillery shells were fired, and Li Zhan flew over the chevron-shaped ice. Not long after he passed the ice, Li Zhan suddenly pulled a lever and pushed the throttle lever to the bottom. The nozzles of the two rounds were accurately aligned. Ice Ling, as the thrust soared, the two tail nozzles ejected powerful airflow and blew towards the Ice Ling.

The nose of the plane suddenly raised, and Zhang Xueyang was startled. He was wondering why Li Zhan did this, and suddenly realized something. He quickly looked back and saw Bing Ling swaying but not falling.

"All of this works?" Zhang Xueyang was so surprised that he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "It's not like you are flying the J-15 for the second time. You can fly faster than anyone else. You can't master this skill without having 1,800 flight hours."

Li Zhan smiled and resumed level flight. He was now over the county town.

"Fighters are not all the same, they are basically the same. Isn't this an emergency situation? We can only use all the methods we can think of."

Flying close to the ice, aiming the tail nozzle at the ice at the closest distance and spraying the ice with a powerful wake, it seems very simple, but in fact it is not easy to complete the operation accurately and achieve the best effect, not only for The pilot places great demands on control actions, and also requires the pilot to have an extremely sensitive ability to perceive changes in relative positions and positional relationships. This latter point can almost only be achieved by feeling.

What can be done has been done, and the next step is to see whether God will give me face.

As he spoke, the first flood rushed out of the county town and rushed towards the section of the river where Bing Ling was. Li Zhan kept flying at an ultra-low altitude and slow speed over the ice, reaching a minimum speed of 230 kilometers per hour. He had to understand the latest situation and then report it to the quickly arriving Air Force bombers. They would definitely carry out carpet bombing on the Bingling River section to completely solve the problem of river obstruction.

In the night vision device, the sparkling waves at the peak of the flood looked like a group of flashing laser lights, rushing towards the Bingling River section. The sudden resistance quickly raised the water level, and at the same time, the huge impact of the water flow hit the ice savagely. After realizing that the pressure in the middle was the smallest, the flood rushed to the middle like a bloodthirsty animal that smelled the fishy smell.

The center line of the ice that had been bombarded horizontally was suddenly pushed open by the large amount of water that was forcefully squeezed in. The ice that had been loosened by the aerial bomb could not stop the high-speed rushing peak. The line at the impact point was visible to the naked eye. It turned into a passage about five or six meters wide.

Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, but they couldn't relax completely - there was still a large iceberg stubbornly standing there, and it remained to be seen how much pressure such a five- to six-meter passage could release.

In just a few seconds, most of the water rushed along the channel toward the herringbone iceberg, but the channel was too narrow. The floodwaters instantly overflowed the iceberg, and the river bank was already in danger. Li Zhan stared at the herringbone icing. The high-speed swarming water finally hit the herringbone icing. The huge impact pushed the herringbone icing. Li Zhan was about to rejoice when he saw that although the herringbone icing collapsed, there was still a small Partially above water.

The first flood peak has not been fully digested, but the second flood peak has arrived as promised.

Li Zhan shook his head slightly and said, "The effect is not ideal, flooding is unavoidable."

"It's already very good. At least there is a flood outlet, otherwise it will be a bad backflow." Zhang Xueyang felt quite satisfied. What he saw now was that the flood slowly spread to both sides of the river bank. This was already the best effect.

Li Zhan asked Big Zhi: "Big Zhi, call 533, when will the bombers arrive? Over."

"533, the bomber will arrive in fifteen minutes, how is the situation?" Da Zhi has been waiting for news from Li Zhan.

Li Zhan replied, "The situation is not ideal. There is no big problem with the first three flood peaks, but it is difficult to predict the later ones. We must seize the time to carry out the second bombing. Can't the Air Force's bomber group be faster?"

This is him. Another person might not dare to ask this, because it would be useless to ask, and it would still be in this tone.

Da Zhi also figured out the situation of Li Zhan in the Flying Shark Force. The commander knew it well and said, "It's the fastest speed. Do you still have ammunition?"

"No more, all our aircraft cannons have been fired," Li Zhan said.

Big Finger asked again, "Can you guide the attack?"

"I will mark the location, and the rest depends on their skill." Li Zhan said.

It should carry a reconnaissance pod, but the matching reconnaissance pod has not yet been developed. Li Zhan cannot use the engine tail flame to mark the target, so he can only send the positioning to the bomber group.

Big Finger immediately said, "Give your position to the bomber now."

"Understood." Li Zhan replied.

Zhang Xueyang had already prepared it and reported the parameters of the target area, which were actually four azimuth points. When connected, they were the area where the bomber group would carpet bomb, which was the Bingling River section. They are all on the same channel, so the bomber group can hear Zhang Xueyang's position report.

The mission of the Air Force bombers is not easy. It is not easy to throw ordinary aerial bombs onto the icy river that is more than 300 meters long and 200 meters wide. For bombers in the air, this area is about the same as a small dot, and horizontal bombing by bombers is not a high-precision ground attack method. This type of horizontal carpet bombing is usually used to attack enemy targets across a wide area, such as large-scale targets. Power plants, such as army-level troop gathering areas, such as important cities. It’s hard to say how effective carpet bombing is, but it’s definitely one of the best in terms of visual deterrence.

Not many countries can afford bombers, and those that existed in the past are gone now. No country in Europe has such a thing. Don’t look at their boasts about how multi-role fighter jets can do the job of bombers. That’s because they don’t have one. Bombers cannot afford bombers! Some people also say that our land area is so small that we can’t use bombers. This is even more nonsense. If he has that ability, see if he can get bombers!

It can be said that bombers are the symbol of the air force of a major country. If you dare to call yourself the air force of a major country, the most basic factor is that you must be all-element, which means that you must have all types of aircraft. In the past many years, you have developed a technology or product in a certain field. On the news, you can often see the sentence "filling the gap of such and such in China". Rabbit is like this. I don't care about the technical level of the product, first of all I want it!

This is true in the military industry, and it is true in other fields as well. In the past, we focused on large items to catch up, such as hydraulic presses, gantry cranes, generator sets, etc. But once the large items were completed, we began to pursue technological advancement, and then slowly expanded to other small items.

Rabbit was strangled in the past and had a psychological shadow, and he took many detours, such as luck -10. Now he has finally figured it out, and his pockets are bulging. He is dedicated to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Of course, it is a Everything must be done online, and it must be at the forefront of technology.

What is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation? We were number one in the world many years ago but not now, so being number one in the world is our goal. Reaching the goal means achieving rejuvenation.

The H-6 is old, but the operating cost of this thing is way ahead of your third-generation aircraft!

According to gossip, the reason why the research and development of new bombers is slow, in addition to technical reasons, is that the army's demand for bombers is relatively not urgent, and it is too laborious to maintain. Later, technology was no longer an issue, but the cost issue was still a stumbling block. The little increase in military spending every year was not enough for the Navy to make dumplings, and the Air Force was also suffering a lot.

So H-6 has been modified again and again. Your grandfather started to modify it when he was a young man. When you become a young man, he is still modifying it. Even when your son becomes a young man, he is still modifying it...

Oh, by the way, bombers are in the catalog of restricted sales of military weapons and equipment, just like missiles with a range of more than 300 millimeters. Of course, long-range fires with a range of more than 300 kilometers are cannons, not missiles, so they are not prohibited from sale. .

Bombers are such awesome creatures.

Therefore, if the H-6s of those regiments of the Air Force are pulled out, many countries in the world will be shocked. Hainan Airlines also has H-6s. The H-6s, which can shoot anti-ship missiles, are used as an air launch platform. Six missiles can be mounted at a time, which is equivalent to three heavy fighter jets. Moreover, the C-601 super-heavy supersonic anti-ship missiles are only It can carry. It started with the H-6D, also known as the H-6D. In the past few years, the newer G model was developed. These two types are HNA H-6 anti-ship missile carriers.

Li Zhan has considerable understanding and trust in the technology of the Air Force bomber force. He believes that each H-6 can accurately drop aerial bombs in the target area.

Two H-6K formations flew over and determined the target area.

At this time, Li Zhan had to give up the airspace. Because he had to provide target damage judgment, he did not go up to a lot of altitude. Instead, he circled and flew in the target area at a lower altitude than the H-6K. However, the circle diameter was widened, which prevented Breaking into the threat range of aerial bombs.

If you are not careful and let an aerial bomb hit you, the spine of the J-15D can be broken without detonating it.

Two H-6Ks are coming. How difficult is it to drop bombs at night, and they are ordinary aerial bombs? The time has come to test their skills. Zhang Xueyang couldn't see clearly what was going on outside, so his attention was on communication. Li Zhan shook his head from time to time and looked up and then towards the Bingling River section. He could vaguely see a huge amount of river water rushing towards Bingling, but boom - 6K hasn’t arrived yet.

"Five-three-three, I'm here, get out of the way, let's come!"

Finally, a voice that matched the temperament of an old guy like H-6K sounded on the channel. Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Jiangcheng County was fine.

"Old Man No. 1, we are already in a safe range, you can attack, repeat, you can do it with confidence and boldness!" Li Zhan said with a smile.

"Understood, it's up to us. I, No. 2, I'll go in first!"


The H-6K with the mission codename Laofu No. 1 entered the attack route. The crew was fully focused and the captain took action himself. You can't see the situation on the ground or what's going on outside. There is no visibility. All controls can only be performed by relying on instruments, which requires a lot of skill on the part of the pilot.

The captain of Laofu No. 1 is the regimental commander and has very rich experience. There is a very interesting phenomenon. The pilots who fly large aircraft such as bombers and transport aircraft are generally older pilots, and their levels are not low. It may be because if an accident occurs to these large aircraft, they usually cause more serious casualties than fighter jets, so they need experienced veterans to fly them.

It is said that when selecting pilots for fourth-generation aircraft, many of them had experience in piloting large and medium-sized aircraft. Li Zhan met his senior brother when he became Loma. The pilot who was with his senior brother at that time turned out to be a Kaiyun-8. Very strange. His senior brother is a test pilot, and he has flown all kinds of aircraft models, and many models have not been installed at all and are purely technical verification machines.

But the pilot next to his senior brother at that time came from the army to undergo preliminary modifications, which meant that he would be the instructor of the fourth-generation aircraft in the future, which was quite extraordinary. Li Zhan thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out. It suddenly occurred to him that he had also been flying a Luck-8 before and now he was also flying a fighter jet. Only then did he understand a little bit what was going on.

The old man started dropping bombs on the 1st. He chose an attack. After opening the magazine, he released all the bombs at once. It was as if he had a bad stomach and pooped, and they hit the toilet with a "dong dong dong" sound. in the stagnant water.

That guy, Zhang Xueyang's eyes were opened. It was like a fireworks party in the Bingling River. After the firelight dispersed, he could see it in the flickering light. The series of loud noises caused by the explosion were even more shocking. He sat in the cockpit and wore The flight helmet can actually hear it, it is already within the safe range, and you can still feel the strong airflow coming.

Li Zhan had never seen anything like this before. He was not as excited as Zhang Xueyang, but he did not expect that the size of the bomb used by the H-6K was much larger than theirs. The strong airflow generated by the explosion surprised him.

After waiting for several minutes for the smoke to slowly dissipate, Li Zhan saw that most of the ice had disappeared, and the riverbanks on both sides were undamaged, which showed that the bombing skills of Laofu No. 1 were quite good.

After repeated confirmations, Li Zhan said, "The effect is very good. There should be no need for a second attack. Can I return home with bombs?"

"It's best to throw it away. Please confirm again to completely eliminate the threat of Bing Ling." Old Man No. 2 was immediately unhappy when he heard this. I have even taken off my pants. You are telling me this?

Li Zhan lowered his height and looked at it carefully again, and said, "I No. 2, you have to attack along the center line of the river. You can't hit at one point anymore. I'm worried that the river embankment won't be able to withstand it."

"Understood! I have entered the attack route!"

In fact, it is the same bomb-dropping method used by Li Zhan before, dropping aerial bombs at fixed intervals. This is more effective in clearing the remaining ice under the water surface, and will not cause unbearable impact on the river embankment. . Most of the explosive impact of the aerial bomb dropped by Laofu No. 1 was absorbed by the ice, so it had no impact on the river embankment.

Li Zhan looked at the river water flowing downstream, and he could finally feel relieved. Even without the attack from Old Man No. 2, Jiangcheng County and its surrounding areas were safe.

Some words in some previous chapters were deleted by the system, so they seemed incoherent. They have been corrected.

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