Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 550 Established preliminary standards for face-to-face attacks by flying sharks

Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang returned home at the last moment. Their airborne time was close to the limit. When the main landing gear touched the ground, the fuel warning light came on, which scared Zhang Xueyang. Li Zhan, on the other hand, looks like he has experienced hundreds of battles. He has encountered more dangerous situations than this. This is really nothing.

In the flight briefing room, he reported the details of the ice blast operation to Lao Chentou. Lao Chentou was very happy and asked them to go to the canteen to eat. Then he ran to the hangar in person. There were technicians already doing the relevant work. Data collection, including flight parameters. The J-15S participated in actual combat for the first time, and it was also the first time that the J-15 family fighter aircraft participated in actual combat. The ground attack data can be used as the benchmark data for the same ground/sea attack methods in the future.

It's a pity that it can't hit ground missiles, otherwise it would be perfect.

It is not easy to get an actual shooting. Although the target is a fixed target on the ground, from takeoff to attack to return after completing the attack, this is a complete mission process, which is of great significance for verifying the performance of the fighter aircraft.

The cooking class had already been prepared. As soon as Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang arrived at the small restaurant in the dining hall, they brought out dinner. In fact, it was no longer considered dinner. It was more appropriate to call it a midnight snack. It was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Xueyang picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. The TV hanging on the wall was replaying the news broadcast: "...It rained heavily in most parts of southern my country, with Guangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang...the largest The rainfall reached 220 ml..."

The two of them couldn't help but stop their chopsticks, their attention attracted by the news. This is a news broadcast, indicating that the impact of heavy rains in the south is very serious. The flood season in the south has arrived, and most areas have entered summer, and summer there is also synonymous with the rainy season.

What frequently appears in the camera are veterans wearing red life jackets. The first is the garrison. If the garrison fails, troops stationed in other areas will quickly reinforce it. However, judging from the news, the situation is not very serious. Although the water level in some towns and counties has reached two or three meters, there are almost no casualties due to the powerful preventive measures and rescue mechanisms.

This kind of thing happens almost every year, and local governments already have a very mature response mechanism. As soon as the water level crosses the warning line, the joint disaster relief mechanism is activated and will cover the area under its jurisdiction in the shortest possible time. The troops also have corresponding non-military action plans and make targeted long-term preparations based on the terrain characteristics and climate characteristics of each region.

For example, for the troops stationed in Jiangxi, Fujian, and Zhejiang provinces, each company's warehouse has three major flood-fighting tools: life jackets, long-handled shovels, and snakeskin bags. The industrial and chemical troops are equipped with a large number of assault boats. Once the order is given, the advance battalion can complete the departure within ten minutes. Not only are they well-equipped, but they are also usually trained.

As soon as the advance troops go up, the follow-up main troops, support troops, and medical troops will follow. It is the standard order of entering the battlefield, except that they are holding shovels instead of rifles.

Li Zhan looked at the busy old mainland soldiers in the camera and felt very envious. Although infantrymen were not as good as pilots in terms of combat value, they faced the people directly when it came to emergency rescue and disaster relief. From the perspective of soldiers, they are the easiest to gain a sense of accomplishment.

Why do you serve as a soldier? Who do you serve? Really, sometimes fighting to the death to win a competition and win a laurel crown is not as good as the thumbs up from the common people.

As an aside, the author's unit was a blue army unit of the military region. It had a half-month-long real-force confrontation exercise with a relatively ferocious brother unit. Everyone was tired and splitting. It was really tiring. I was full of resentment and couldn't figure out why I had to suffer such a hardship. I was complaining on the way back to the camp because it was September. The veterans who retired in December were fine. They could go home and enjoy the blessings after a while, but the recruits were not. , everyone was very depressed, really indescribably tired, and because something happened during the exercise, the resentment was really soaring. As a result, when we arrived at the town near the station, we saw people standing on both sides of the road to welcome us, most of them spontaneously. Seeing their happy smiles under the scorching sun, for just a moment you thought it was all worth it.

The instructor said that even bubbling lips cannot match the smile of approval from the people.

Originally, Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang were a little complacent in their hearts. They should be proud of having solved the flood crisis in a county with their own hands. But when they saw the mud-covered soldiers who were much younger than them in the news, they felt that they had done it. It doesn't matter at all.

"Do you think we will participate in emergency rescue and disaster relief in the future?" Li Zhan suddenly asked.

Zhang Xueyang shook his head slightly, "It's unlikely, it's not our turn. This time, Mr. Chen snatched the mission to verify the combat capabilities of the J-15S. It's unlikely that our superiors will let us go on it again. Besides, what can we do if we go up there? .”

Li Zhan sighed softly and said, "It's the rainy season, and it's raining heavily in many areas. It's really not a good feeling to watch others busy with rescue and relief work, but you have to sit in an air-conditioned room to watch."

"Different positions have different responsibilities. Don't think too much. We won't have diarrhea when we are needed." Zhang Xueyang said, "Let's use our motivation in training. The weather will not change too much in this game and high-intensity training will continue. Go ahead. By the way, I will also attend the Army Day mass wedding."

Li Zhan was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Okay, Lao Zhang, you have captured the military beauty in just a few days. It's amazing."

"It would be better to say that she captured me." Zhang Xueyang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "What a military beauty. It's not that exaggerated. There are so many female soldiers."

Li Zhan said, "But most of them only know about Yu Su. In addition to the news broadcast, the military organizations watch military documentaries. Yu Suke is much prettier than the aunt on the military news."

"What aunt? She is only over thirty years old." Zhang Xueyang said with a smile.

The female major in military news is probably young, but because of her role as news host, her whole temperament is traditional and steady, which makes her look a little old-fashioned.

After chatting for a while about the Army Day collective wedding, the two of them went straight to the flying ginseng analysis room after dinner. It was very important to research and analyze the flying ginseng data while the iron was hot. It felt very important. Maybe it would disappear after one night. . Qin Ming had been waiting in the flying ginseng analysis room early, and organized personnel to interpret the data as soon as it was delivered.

When Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang rushed to the flying ginseng analysis room after dinner, the interpretation results had already come out. Lao Chentou personally organized and held a discussion directly in the flying ginseng analysis room. The implementation of horizontal bombing was perfect, basically textbook-style. As for Li Zhan's final aerial cannon shooting, it was a classic. Taking into account the weather conditions at the time, it further highlighted the shooter's skill.

Qin Ming said with a smile, "Xiao Li, you are already very good at ground shooting with your aircraft cannon. You can't achieve such results by relying on technique alone. You rely on feeling, right?"

Li Zhan nodded implicitly, "Now I basically rely on feeling."

"This is called the integration of man and machine." Qin Ming was generous with his praise.

Old Chen waved his hand, "Old Qin, please stop praising him. If you praise him any more, you should go to heaven."

Even if you don’t boast, you will go to heaven, and you will go to heaven often, Li Zhan said in his heart.

"Let's talk about horizontal bombing first, the cooperation between the crews, and let's talk about your feelings first." Lao Chentou motioned for everyone to sit down and start the discussion.

Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang made speeches respectively. It can be said that they have formulated preliminary standards for the J-15 carrier-based fighter's face-to-face attack, which is of great significance.

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