Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 551? Combat skill level has touched the ceiling

Chapter 551 The level of combat skills has touched the ceiling

When people's TV sets across the country were flooded with news of heavy rains and floods across the south, the Flying Shark Troops entered a high-intensity training stage. The area where the fertile naval flight training base is located on the northern coast of the Bohai Sea is getting warmer and spring has returned. The temperature has risen and everything has recovered. For the people of Mufu Island, spring has come belatedly.

The concealed cabin flight had a very good effect. After the initial complaints, the new students who entered later found that the concealed cabin flight had a very positive effect on blocking the landing. When the first batch of new students transferred from the concealed cabin flight to the next After the stage of actual aircraft interception and landing training, the overall performance improved by 47% compared to the past!

This data greatly surprised Lao Chentou and the instructor team, especially the fact that the proportion of the second arresting rope in the first real-aircraft interception landing training of new students increased greatly, which made everyone realize that on the basis of dark cabin flight training, The targeted dark cabin takeoff and landing training is a very important basic training content.

The pioneering team of Li Zhan, Zhang Xueyang, Tang Leile, and Cao Fufei were praised, and the mid-year summary reward is definitely indispensable. After entering May, the half-year summary was placed in front of everyone. From the young squad leaders to the old Chentou, they all began to prepare for the summary, the most important of which was the aspect of receiving awards for meritorious service.

In another leadership meeting, after discussing other military matters, everyone once again had to face a fact that may have been rare since the founding of the army - for a young cadre who has already had eight first-class merits, when he returns How should recognition and rewards be given when making outstanding contributions?

There are three opinions.

The first opinion is that the rules and regulations should be followed, and rewards should be given according to which level they meet. The second opinion is that the actual situation of the cadre should be taken into consideration and a realistic decision should be made. In other words, they think should be suppressed; the third opinion is that corresponding rewards should be given in accordance with regulations, but the reward time can be postponed, which is conducive to the growth of young cadres and meets the requirements of acting according to regulations.

No one can convince the army leaders who hold three opinions, but no one dares to pat their chests and say that their opinion is the only correct one, because they are facing a young cadre who has won eight first-class awards and not others. Man, for such a young cadre, you don't need to consider his other honors at all, such as "Warrior of the West" and "Patriotic Elite Model". The first-class merit alone is enough for you to count.

As a last resort, Old Chentou once again sat down with the commander of the force, Naval Colonel Morenan, to discuss the reward issue for the young cadre who had eight first-class merits!

Moregan is not well-known, but he is one of the first batch of carrier-based fighter pilots in our army. He studied in France and the United Kingdom, and later went to Russia. It can be said that he has traveled to all places where he can get experience in using carrier-based fighter jets. His technique may not be the most superb, but he is the well-deserved number one in terms of theory and experience.

Therefore, the captain of the Flying Shark Force fell on him.

He just came back from France a few days ago, where he participated in a military exchange.

He was a few years younger than Old Chen Tou, so he never acted like a troop leader in front of Old Chen Tou. Moreover, Old Chen Tou was now the chief instructor and would be the political commissar of the Flying Shark Troop in the future. Everyone had the same rank.

Moran'an is tall and thick-looking, not tall but very strong. His face is very rough, with a bit of excessive ultraviolet rays. He looks much older than he is, and he was grounded long ago.

Smoking a cigarette, Morean's brows knitted together and said, "This Li Zhan is really difficult to arrange. He is not old and not high in rank, but he has a mountain of credit."

Old Chentou said helplessly, "The key is that this kid's luck is surprisingly good. He often encounters dangers, and they are all first-class special dangers. According to the standard, if he can fly the plane back, he must be given first-class merit. No, As soon as we arrived at Flying Shark for our first dark cabin flight, we encountered a special danger."

Moran'an considered Old Chen's words, and after much thought, he felt that the conclusion of "good luck" was not quite right, but for a while he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

"It doesn't make sense not to give him. We can't treat him differently just because he has done a lot of meritorious service." Morenan said helplessly, "It would be easier to deal with second-class and third-class merit. This first-class merit is really confusing."

Old Chen's fingers tapped on the armrest unconsciously, "He was a member of the Air Force talent pool when he was at the training base. He enjoys special military allowances. Regardless of preference, he must be treated fairly and equitably."

After knocking the ashes from his cigarette, Moran'an said, "Mr. Chen, do you think you would like to report it to me normally and ask for credit?"

First-class merit must be approved by the superior leadership agency. The flying shark troops at the division level only have the approval authority for second-class merit and up to and including second-class merit.

Old Chen nodded slowly, "It should be what it is. You can't treat him differently just because he has made more contributions. You have the same point of view. I see, you and I don't need to discuss it anymore. Let's report it to the superior leadership agency as usual." The leaders are smarter than us and will have a good idea."

"Okay, then report it as normal and ask for credit."

Taking another puff of cigarette, Morenan said, "I took a look at the current training situation of the army. The overall situation is quite polarized. A small group of people have very good results, but the other group of people have very poor results. There are obvious differences between them. The fault. Our superiors require us to complete land-based training before September, but judging from the current situation, it is basically impossible to do so."

This is a very cruel fact faced by the two captains.

Superiors require the troops to complete land-based training before September. The standard is that all members have the ability to arrest ship landings, which means that all members must have the ability to board ships.

What level is required to meet the requirements for boarding a ship? The requirements of the Flying Shark Force regarding whether pilots can board the ship are: the second arresting rope must be hooked more than 95 times out of 100 takeoffs and landings in 10 consecutive flying days, and the other 5 times must be hooked. The third blocking rope.

That is to say, in 100 consecutive ups and downs, if you hook the first or fourth blocking rope once, your result will be unqualified. You don't need to do the following ones again. You can just go back and practice again!

It's so strict!

Although the assessment has not yet started, in the eyes of a super old seabird like Morenan, he knows exactly which pilots are at what level. Except for a few pilots headed by Li Zhan, the others are still far away from the standard requirements. distance. In Mo Ren'an's view, the abilities of top students such as Li Zhan, Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei, and Tang Leilei have actually exceeded the standard requirements. This can be seen from the actual aircraft interception and landing training in the past two weeks. , the percentage of the above four students hooking the second blocking rope is 100%. In other words, the standards no longer fully reflect their technical level.

Morenan knew very well that once a pilot formed a conscious memory and muscle memory, blocking the landing of a ship that seemed difficult before would become as common as a home-cooked meal, which is the so-called understanding.

These few are very powerful, but most of them are still in the middle and lower classes. This is what Morenan said is the reason for the serious polarization.

Even if he trains intensively in the next three months without eating or drinking, it will be difficult to meet the requirements of his superiors for "all personnel to board the ship." Morenan has a very clear understanding of this.

Old Chentou said, "The superiors were too idealistic when formulating the mission. In fact, none of us knew how to take off and land on the ship in the past, and we were all fumbling with training. It is unrealistic for all personnel to be on the ship before September. There is no problem in cultivating a group of top talents with high technical level.”

"That's right, I was about to discuss this matter with you." Moran'an knocked the ashes and said, "It is impossible for all personnel to board the ship before September. Instead of focusing on this aspect, , it is better to focus on cultivating some top talents with high technical level, and let them take a further step and carry out in-depth training as seed teachers."

Lao Chentou reminded, "But the training of the troops cannot be relaxed. Regardless of whether all members can board the ship in the end, as long as the allotted time is not up, we must grit our teeth and persevere."

"I agree, you should train the troops normally, and I will give extra food to the top ones." Morenan said, "The current training has no obvious effect on improving their technical and combat levels."

Old Chen said, "What are you going to do?"

"Go out and see the world, learn from each other's strong points, and come back with a deeper understanding," Morenan said.

Old Chentou suddenly smiled and said, "Good thing! Good thing! Where are you going? What's the attitude of your superiors?"

"Why don't we discuss this with you? Let's apply in the name of the army. I'll look for someone here, and you'll contact us everywhere to see if we can get a military exchange project." Morenan said.

Old Chen was stunned and said, "This is not easy to handle. I have been working at the grassroots level and have not had much contact with higher authorities."

"You always know Madman Liu, right? He is still your old subordinate. Just go to him and he will definitely give you face." Morenan said.

Old Chen was surprised, "Liu Guojian?"

"Yes." Morenan nodded and said, "It's much easier to talk to him for help."

Lao Chentou didn't ask why, but he said, "This is not easy to handle. You may not know him. That kid is smelly and tough. Not to mention the face of a fake old superior like me, he dares to face the head of the military region." Not given."

"It's not that exaggerated, right?" Morenan was surprised. He had been in HNA all year round, and although he was not unfamiliar with Madman Liu of the Air Force, he was not familiar either.

Everyone knows about Madman Liu in the Air Force, but not many people know the situation. Most people hear about it through hearsay. Most of the rumors were unreliable, and Liu Guojian was even said to be the person in charge of actual combat operations of the Air Force. It can be seen that the rumors were all based on false rumors and in the end they seriously deviated from the facts.

Where can we fight in non-war years?

Old Chentou said, "When I was working at the training base, Liu Guojian was just a trainer, but he was not a trainer at our base. He was directly under the management of the headquarters. I couldn't control him and he never used me as a leader. Don't talk about me, the Air Force He dared not give face to several leaders. That guy is merciless, so we have to find another way to deal with this matter."

"That's it..." Morenan was a little disappointed, "I heard that Liu Guojian's opinions on military exchanges with foreign troops at the tactical level are very important. If he agrees, we can get a military exchange mission very quickly. As you can see So things are really difficult to handle.”

Then the two fell into silence.

There is a clear purpose for going out to engage in military exchanges. Old Chen can actually guess which country Morenan wants to drag pilots to for exchanges. These are the only countries that cannot be ignored: Britain, France, and Russia all have relatively rich carriers. Countries with experience in using fighter jets. Russia can basically be ruled out. They have learned everything they can, and now their warehouse ships cannot leave the port. The remaining two countries are Britain and France, and Britain is not very good at it. Although the French Dai ships often have this problem and that problem, they have always maintained their investment, so they can still learn from it.

In other words, it is basically a military exchange trip to France.

In fact, Lao Chentou had already noticed that during the two consecutive weeks of training, the training effect of several students such as Li Zhan had reached the ceiling. If they want to improve their level further, the best way is to let them get closer to their technical level. High-ranking people engage in contact or even confrontation, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Although the French lost their entire country in just thirty-eight days in World War II, it is undeniable that their military industry is relatively good, especially in the field of naval equipment. In turn, it promotes experience in using naval equipment. After all, They are the only countries with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

As if he thought of something, Old Chen's eyes slowly lit up and he said, "There's something wrong with Madman Liu."

"What?" Morenan sat up subconsciously.

"He is a very protective person. He will do almost anything for his apprentice." Old Chen Tou figured it out and said with a smile, "He won't give me face when I look for him, but there is someone he will definitely consider."

"Who?" Morenan asked.

Old Chentou said, "Li Zhan."

"Li Zhan? Between them..."

"That's right, Li Zhan was Liu Guojian's youngest apprentice and a closed disciple. Liu Guojian went to the training base as a part-time instructor just to train him, a closed disciple. When Li Zhan was ready to leave the army, he left," Old Chen Tou said.

He knew the origin of Li Zhan and knew that Liu Guojian valued Li Zhan not only because Li Zhan was a closed disciple but also because he was one of the two soldiers who survived the gunboat, but he could not tell these deep-seated reasons. Even if Morenan had access to this information, Old Chentou couldn't tell.

"Is it reliable?" Morenan obviously didn't understand, and frowned.

Old Chentou smiled and said, "You'll know if it's reliable or not. I'm talking to Li Zhan. The target country is France, right?"

"Yes, now only the French have something. It happens that the multinational air power military exchange event will be held in Paris next month. You can apply under this name to let the boys understand the level of other countries." Morenan is obviously There are mature considerations.

Old Chen slapped the armrest of the chair and said, "Then let's do it!"

PS: It’s time to go abroad to pull the lever, brothers, please vote for it!

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