Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 552: Master is too steady!

Chapter 552 Master is too steady!

The old students are maturing, but the new students fail to come up in time. This is the current situation of the Flying Shark Force.

As for Li Zhan, after these days of training, he felt more and more clearly that the training effect was continuously declining, and he knew he had encountered a bottleneck.

In fact, by changing the training mode and increasing the difficulty, the training effect will be improved. The problem is that it is impossible for the army to conduct special training for a certain soldier or a few soldiers alone. Flight training is not rifle shooting. Organizing a training requires a huge amount of resources and the number of training aircraft alone cannot meet the demand.

As Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei and Tang Leilei also encountered similar situations, Li Zhan increasingly felt that the problem had reached a point where he had to find a way to solve it.

"The best way is to get on the ship, but this is currently impossible."

After another sortie, the foursome returned to the flight briefing room and started discussing, Zhang Xueyang said.

"Mr. Chen requires 95 or more two ropes in one hundred consecutive ups and downs to pass. We haven't passed the assessment yet, and we don't know if we can pass." Cao Fufei was a little unsure.

Li Zhan put down his flying helmet, scratched his scalp, and said, "You have caught the second rope several times in strong crosswinds. In the past two weeks, you have been hooked on the second rope. I can tell you with certainty that the current situation on Lu The basic arrested landing assessment standard no longer reflects your true level."

"Old Cao, be more confident. After all, he is also the deputy leader." Zhang Xueyang said with a smile.

Tang Leilei poured water for everyone and said, "Brother Cao, you have formed muscle memory. It is more difficult to hook other blocking ropes than hooking the second rope. When I was in Beiku, my first brother took us to cross the canyon. Penetrating defenses at low altitude was scary at first. Sometimes there was a big mountain just after turning out. The hurriedly pulling the lever and steering was too busy, and it was always impossible to maintain the correct route. Later, I practiced more and formed muscle memory. It’s very easy.”

"I understand this." Cao Fufei smiled slightly, "But I am old, and I feel a lot of pressure when I see students who are so much younger than me making rapid progress."

As soon as these words came out, Li Zhan and Tang Leile combed their hair confidently with their hands and raised their chins proudly...

Li Zhan said, "It is really impossible to apply to Mr. Chen for complicated weather. If the land-based aircraft carrier cannot swing, we will let the fighter planes swing."

The shortcoming of the land-based arrested landing training is that it cannot simulate the actual state of the aircraft carrier when sailing at sea. In high sea conditions, the aircraft carrier swings greatly. Even in low sea conditions, the flight deck is stable. It can only Be relatively stable.

This is precisely the difficulty that carrier-based fighter jets often face when landing on a ship, but land-based training cannot reflect this.

Li Zhan's idea is very clear. If the simulated flight deck does not swing, then let the fighter plane swing. This can simulate to a certain extent the difficulty of a carrier-based fighter blocking the landing of a ship under complex sea conditions. Doing so increases the difficulty and risk, and the possibility of approval from superiors is extremely slim. This is also the reason why Li Zhan hesitated for a long time.

"It's too much." Zhang Xueyang was also worried, "If you want to run before you even learn to walk, your superiors will definitely not approve it."

Li Zhan spread his hands and had nothing to say. There was no better way besides this.

Cao Xufei said, "It's not a solution to waste energy like this. Fuel economy is getting worse and worse."

"Use fuel economy here, you are also a talent." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Cao Fufei spread his hands, looking quite helpless.

"Report!" A soldier ran in and stood at attention, saluting, "Team Leader Li, Mr. Chen wants you to go to his office!"

Li Zhan immediately stood up and walked around and said, "It's time to report to Mr. Chen."

The commuter bus took Li Zhan to the office building. When Li Zhan entered Old Chen's office, he saw Old Chen sitting on the sofa. He pointed to the single sofa on one side and said to Li Zhan, "Sit down."


Li Zhan was confused. This posture didn't sound like he was talking about work. Lao Chentou has done this very clearly. When talking about work, he must talk about work, and the distinction between public and private is very clear.

"Have you been in contact with your master during this time?" Old Chen Tou asked directly.

Li Zhan said, "Before I came to Feisha, I called him once and reported the current situation to him. Mr. Chen, what happened to my master?"

"He's fine. What can he do? Life is good." Old Chentou poured Li Zhan a cup of tea and said, "The commander of the army came back and talked about the training issue. I guess you feel it too, you small group Those who have made rapid progress have reached the ceiling of current training, but most students are still at the initial stage.”

Li Zhan immediately said, "Yes, our four-person group was still discussing this matter just now, and we believe that going to complex weather can solve this ceiling problem."

"Don't think about it. It's impossible to let you get into trouble now." Old Chentou didn't give Li Zhan a chance to continue. It was obvious that both he and Mo Ren'an had considered this method. If they didn't adopt it, there would naturally be more consequences. After many levels of consideration, in a word, the Flying Shark Force is still in the learning stage.

Li Zhan choked back the rest of his words.

Old Chentou said, "The commander of the army proposed a more overall solution. He plans to let you go out and engage in military exchanges with foreign armies, learn from other people's experience, and learn from each other's strengths."

"That's a good thing!" Li Zhan suddenly couldn't help but smile, "This is better! Working behind closed doors limits our vision. Maybe the standards we think are quite high are generalized in the eyes of foreign military. Mr. Chen, yes Where can we communicate?”

Lao Chentou asked, "Where do you think is more suitable?"

"France." Li Zhan didn't even think about it.

"Why?" Lao Chentou asked with a smile.

Li Zhan said, "It is an obvious fact that France is the best choice. The Americans will definitely not be able to let us communicate on their aircraft carrier, but the French can."

"Where's the UK? Where's Russia?" Old Chen asked.

Li Zhan didn't think at all and shook his head and said, "The British are in trouble. They don't even have the money to refuel the aircraft carrier. Originally, the British were the first choice. They also used ski jumps to take off, but their training level has dropped very much over the years." It’s amazing. Not to mention Russia, whose aircraft carriers can’t even operate. Besides, the system we use now comes from them, so there’s little point in learning from them.”

Old Chen smiled and said, "You can see clearly. Have you considered this issue before?"

"Yes." Li Zhan said, "I thought about it when I went to Pakistan for military exchanges last time. It is important to learn from the advanced experience of foreign militaries in the initial stage of building the army. I think the Air Force has done a good job in this regard."

The Air Force has a long-term exchange mechanism with the Pakistan Air Force and the Thai Air Force. Derived from this mechanism are various joint exercises and drills, which play a very important role in improving the combat effectiveness of the Air Force.

"Even the army does better than the navy." Li Zhan added.

Lao Chentou said, "The navy is different. It is too late for others to guard you. All previous military exchanges and joint maritime exercises are just a formality. Only the joint maritime military exercises with Russia touch on the real content."

"So small-scale tactical level learning and exchanges are even more important." Li Zhan continued.

"That's right." Old Chen became serious. "The commander of the army and I have decided to apply to our superiors for a military exchange project. We plan to send the four of you to participate in the multinational air power military exchange event to be held in Paris next month."

"Great!" Li Zhan stood up excitedly.

This was undoubtedly a pie falling from the sky and hitting him on the head when he was very hungry.

Lao Chen pressed his head and motioned for him to sit down, "Don't get excited yet."

After Li Zhan sat down, Old Chen Tou said, "Due to time constraints, it is a bit late to apply to participate, so this matter needs to be handled on a special basis in terms of process. I heard that your master has opinions on foreign military exchanges. More importantly, can you call your master to talk about this matter and ask him for help?"

I was waiting here, so no wonder he asked me if I had contacted Master during this time.

Li Zhan suddenly understood, rolled his eyes, and said, "But... is my master so awesome?"

"How do you talk?" Old Chentou glared dissatisfied, "You don't know what's going on with your master? If he could help, he would have been able to participate in the multinational air power military exchange."

Li Zhan said decisively, "I'll call Master right away."

"Don't worry." Old Chen asked, "Do you know what to say?"

Li Zhan said, "Just say that we Feisha need to participate in this military exchange event and ask him to help us talk."

Old Chen shook his head and waved his hands, "Your master cares about you very much. You should first report to him about your recent work and your thoughts. Didn't you encounter a bottleneck in your training? Your master is very experienced. You can ask him for advice on this matter. , and then you can put forward your own ideas, such as going outside to communicate with carrier-based fighter pilots of foreign armies. This will make more comprehensive progress and is also a good opportunity to understand foreign armies."

Li Zhan was extremely embarrassed, "You don't need to trick my master like this, right? I can just say it directly."

"Listen to me." Old Chentou said resolutely, "Who is your master that you don't know? I dare say that if you ask him for help on behalf of the army, he will probably scold you, but if you ask him as an individual , he will definitely help.”

Li Zhan thought about it carefully and said, "Yes, he is really capable of doing this."

Go out for military exchanges, what is this? This is welfare! Who doesn’t want to travel abroad? And after going out for a while, you come back with qualifications that many people don’t have! There are so many troops vying for it. Maybe the list has been confirmed by now. Why do you jump in line when you come up? Neither does flying shark!

Based on Lao Chentou's understanding of Liu Guojian, Liu Guojian would definitely not help Fei Shark use this backdoor.


If it was the closed disciple he valued most, with Liu Guojian's protective character, the matter would not go away. In order to let Li Zhan jump in, Liu Guojian even dared to slap the table with his superiors!

He is such a stable person.

When Li Zhan was intercepted by the Second Division and wanted to leave, they would not have dared to think so if Liu Guojian had not nodded.

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