Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 553: The Beiku falcon has become a climate

Chapter 553 The Beiku falcon has become a climate

In the garden pavilion of the Bayi Hotel, Li Zhan, Tang Leilei, Zhu Wei, and Yang Jingshan, four old Beikusians, sat together and talked. The service in the hotel was very attentive. The two servants brought tea and put it on the stone coffee table for everyone to enjoy.

Zhu Wei took a puff of cigarette and said, "Lao Li, our reconnaissance brigade has been changed into an intelligence support brigade. Our tactical reconnaissance aircraft have been reduced into squadrons. In the future, they will form an intelligence support brigade with other support fighters, including electronic warfare aircraft."

"Very good." Li Zhan was very satisfied. This was originally the road map drawn by his 101st Brigade, a hybrid combat force with truly independent combat capabilities.

Regardless of the fact that Zhu Wei is still the captain of the brigade, the status of a pure tactical reconnaissance brigade and an intelligence support brigade are completely different. The value of the latter is unknown. If medium-sized early warning aircraft such as the Yun-200 are added later, As the captain, he is definitely the highest ranking commander in the combat brigade.

"But the Falcon Brigade is going to be downsized." Zhu Wei glanced at Yang Jingshan and continued to introduce the situation of the troops to Li Zhan, "The brigade has officially given the name of the Falcon Brigade to the outside world. The Falcon Brigade is going to transfer ten fighter planes, and it has been changed to A standard group of eighteen fighters is organized, with four tactical squadrons under its jurisdiction. From now on, the tactical squadron will be the most basic tactical unit and will be under the direct command of the air defense base. The group is mainly responsible for daily management, as is the brigade."

The two levels of command are omitted in the middle, which greatly simplifies the command process. All tactical squadrons are unified under the operational command of the air defense base, which is an important sign of the flattening of the command mechanism.

"Okay, okay, very good." Li Zhan was very pleased and everything was developing in a good direction.

Although the number of fighters organized by the Falcon Brigade has been reduced, from an overall perspective, the combat capabilities of the 101st Brigade have been enhanced with the optimization of the organization, and the combat efficiency and unit flexibility have been greatly improved.

During the Xue Dapao era, probably when Li Zhan was responsible for establishing the "Crazy Demon Brigade", the military region's blue air force, the predecessor of the Falcon Brigade, he put forward ideas and clearly directed the direction in which the troops should develop. More than three years have passed. From the regiment to the brigade to the field station to the base, the development of the old army is very steady, and basically according to his vision, it is becoming a reality.

Based on the establishment of 40 to 50 fighters, the 101st Brigade directly organizes 4 management aviation groups and 16 tactical squadrons, with 3-4 fighters as a basic tactical unit, which can be flexibly combined and used in combat. What matters is the corresponding training method, and it is by no means as simple as changing the organization.

The core change is that brigade agencies and groups focus on daily management. Daily training and combat command are all handed over to the air defense base. The air defense base directly commands the tactical squadron. The previous slow tower-command post-fighter vertical command model was completely changed, relying on the Beiku Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center to achieve horizontal command and horizontal intelligence sharing between the air defense base and all mission fighters.

In other words, the Beikku Air Defense Base and the 101st Brigade have begun to take shape as an information-based combat force.

Yang Jingshan took over with a smile, "What are your plans to stay at HNA in the future? Do you want to consider returning to Beiku after the Flying Shark training camp is over? Now Beiku has ushered in a period of great development. Not to mention other things..."

He pointed at the major rank on Li Zhan's shoulder and the battalion-level seniority seal on his left chest, "You can at most become a brigade captain in Feisha. When you return to Beiku, you can at least start as brigade deputy chief of staff."

"What good things are you thinking about?" Li Zhan said with a smile.

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "Old Li, the deputy chief of staff is now the chief of staff. But the chief of staff is not talking about our 101st brigade. The matter of the 102nd and 103rd regiments being converted into brigades has been decided, and preparations will begin in the second half of the year. .”

"Oh? Are we going to change the brigade?" Li Zhan was surprised. He didn't expect it to be so fast.

Tang Leilei rolled his eyes, "Both regiments are going to be converted into brigades, and there will be a lot more positions all of a sudden."

"Xiao Tang, do you have any ideas?" Yang Jingshan asked Tang Leile with a smile.

Tang Leile smiled awkwardly and said, "I listen to Brother Yi."

"What do you want to do if you listen to him? Come back to Beiku, and with your ability, you will be the captain and chief of the operations section. There is no problem at all." Yang Jingshan said with a smile.

Li Zhan smiled helplessly, "Chief of Staff, please stop poaching. I personally would like to return to Beiku, but this is basically impossible. The establishment has been assigned to HNA, and HNA will not let him go."

"What a great opportunity, what a pity." Yang Jingshan said regretfully.

Both regiments will be converted into aviation brigades, and a large number of leadership positions will appear. With Li Zhan's status in Beiku and his current capabilities, it is not impossible to become brigade chief of staff, let alone deputy chief of staff. But the truth is also cruel. The establishment of the quasi-flying sharks who came from Li Zhan and his air force was included in Hainan Airlines. It is basically impossible to go back.

Li Zhan said, "It's a pity, Japan has a long way to go. So in the future, there will be three aviation brigades in Beikku air defense, and it will definitely become a model for the reform of the Air Force's organization."

"Yes, there is great support from superiors." Yang Jingshan said.

Zhu Wei asked, "Old Li, what's going on at your level? Everyone at the same time as you has been promoted, why are you, a major battalion level, still standing still?"

He had wanted to ask for a long time.

Nie Jianfeng is already a lieutenant colonel, deputy chief of staff of the brigade and captain of the Falcon Brigade. It is very likely that after the 102nd and 103rd regiments are successfully converted into brigades, he will go one step further and serve as the chief of staff or deputy brigade commander of one of the brigades. Although Nie Jianfeng left the army three or four years earlier than Li Zhan, Li Zhan's achievements were more dazzling, and he had the extremely important grassroots work experience of establishing the Falcon Brigade. It is abnormal that his military rank and level have not changed.

Li Zhan shook his head helplessly and said, "The chief of staff should know the reason, right?"

Yang Jingshan nodded slightly, "I should be able to guess it. Others are promoted early because they are worried about insufficient conditions, but you are too qualified. You have so many first-class merits and two honorary titles at the military level. From this point of view, one year will give you It’s not too much for you to level up. But that’s exactly the problem.”

Zhu Wei and Tang Leilei both listened with their ears pricked up. They really couldn't understand why their superiors treated Li Zhan differently.

Yang Jingshan said, "But judging from Li Zhan's personal development, being promoted too quickly is a bad thing. How old is he? He is less than thirty years old. The key is that he has only been in the army for four years, right? Military ranks are promoted every four years. You are now a major. There is no problem at all. In other words, because your merits are too great, your superiors will probably not promote you in advance, so you have to wait out your years slowly."

"That's right, although I didn't say it explicitly, I know 80% of the time it's because of this." Li Zhan smiled helplessly, "You have to understand that military ranks and salary levels have a lot of subsidies, so tell me how much money I have to lose."

I'm speechless. Is so little money over a month the most important thing? of course not! The important thing is that if you don't improve your military rank and level, if you get a good position in the future but your level is not enough, then you can only watch others progress.

Yang Jingshan comforted him and said, "You can work on it with peace of mind. After these few years, you will be promoted every year or two. You will probably be able to run ahead of us in just a few years."

"Isn't it difficult?" Tang Leilei said, "Four years to the first level, so the first brother will not be promoted to lieutenant colonel until next year, and will not be promoted to colonel until 2017. My God, by then the first brother will be thirty-five or six years old. They’re all old!”

Yang Jingshan glared, "Who are you talking about? I'm thirty-eight and a colonel, but I don't think I'm old."

Tang Leilei chuckled.

It's not an exaggeration at all. Why do pilots generally have higher ranks? There are often more than a dozen colonels and colonels in an army, and many of them have no leadership positions. This is because pilots start at a higher level and are promoted relatively quickly. A colonel in his thirties is a colonel in the army. It is rare in the military, but it is very common in the air force and navy. This is a characteristic of the more technical branches of the military.

On the other hand, it is even more critical - the professional life of a pilot is only thirty years.

Even if you start flying at the age of twenty and fly for twenty-five years, there are some special circumstances where you can fly until you are fifty, but that is very rare. Therefore, for other branches of the military, the period of being in their thirties is the beginning of their careers, but pilots have entered the late golden stage, and their physical fitness and experience are at the end of the perfect stage. After the age of forty, your physical fitness will begin to decline, and you will have to count the days until your age reaches the limit and you will be grounded.

Grounding basically means retirement, and not everyone can be transferred to ground handling.

Yang Jingshan is on the decline, and his physical fitness is getting worse year by year. He is lucky. After all, he has begun to take up leadership positions. More people are like veterans waiting to retire and say goodbye to their military careers.

Therefore, what Tang Leilei said is not an exaggeration. Pilots in their mid-thirties are really starting to get old, especially fighter pilots! The best age for fighter pilots is Li Zhan and his group of pilots, whose physical fitness and experience are at their best.

The time you can really fly is too limited. The Air Force tried the youth aviation school model many years ago, recruiting teenagers aged 14 or 15 from junior high schools to study in preparatory schools until they serve in the army. It is somewhat like a local vocational college. The school’s targeted training model. The purpose of this is to advance the pilots' service time and join the service two to three years earlier than pilots trained in the ordinary mode.

However, as the third-generation aircraft entered service, this model proved to be unable to meet the needs of the troops, because the third-generation aircraft put forward higher technical requirements for pilots, and junior high school students who directly entered the preparatory school could not keep up with the requirements.

Li Zhan said, "I have no interest in management positions. In fact, as long as you can fly a plane, it doesn't matter what your military rank is. No matter how high or low you are, you can still fly one plane. It is impossible to fly two planes at the same time."

"Who says it's impossible?" Zhu Wei said with a smile, "Flying a drone, it's no problem for one person to control several fighter planes."

Li Zhan smiled and said, "That will happen in the future. Not to mention, when I can no longer fly, I would rather fly a drone than work in a management position. I am not suitable for administration."

"It's true. Look at what it was like when you were the captain of the Falcon Brigade. You didn't care about personnel and administration. If it weren't for the support from the brigade headquarters, you wouldn't know what the Falcon Brigade would be like." Yang Jingshan said with a smile, He was also a member of the Falcon Brigade at the beginning. He had no position in the brigade but he was the chief of staff of the regiment. Therefore, as the regiment chief of staff, he helped Li Zhan manage the Falcon Brigade. Otherwise, Li Zhan would not be able to concentrate on combat training.

Spreading his hands, Li Zhan said with a smile, "So, I am not entangled at all. What happened to the major's camp will not affect me at all. It will not affect my heart to serve the people wholeheartedly and contribute to construction." The strong People’s Navy is determined to contribute its strength.”

"You are suitable for political work." Yang Jingshan said.

They all laughed.

"Old Li! Chief of Staff Yang, Captain Zhu, and the head of the delegation are looking for Li Zhan. Xiao Tang, you also want to come." Zhang Xueyang strode over and said hello to everyone.

Li Zhan said, "It's probably about learning and communicating with French navy pilots. I'll go there."

"Okay. Let's talk later."

The three of them hurried to the delegation leader's room. Cao Fufei was waiting in the lobby and hurried over after meeting. The leader of the delegation is a director of the Air Force named He Xinghai, who is fully responsible for leading the military exchange to France. Moregan is one of the captains of the pilot team and is mainly responsible for the pilots. In addition to a dozen pilots, there were also a dozen officers from other positions who went out this time.

He Xinghai and Morenan were discussing learning and exchanges with French naval pilots. After Li Zhan and the other two came over, they also made preliminary plans.

Inviting everyone to sit down, He Xinghai said, "The French side is very positive. In principle, they are willing to respect our suggestions. There are not many opportunities like this, so I want to hear your ideas and what aspects we plan to focus on for learning and exchange." ?”

Li Zhan said without any hesitation, "I personally hope to have the opportunity to fly the Mirage 2000-5 and Rafale M, preferably to fly a few sorties on the Dai ship."

"How many sorties will we fly on the Dai ship?" Morenan's face changed. "It is unlikely that the French will agree."

He Xinghai was also very surprised, but he was relatively calm. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Where is the Mirage 2000-5? Why do you want to fly this aircraft?"

"I fought against the Mirage 2000-5 some time ago, and I suffered a little loss. I am eager to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of this model of aircraft." Li Zhan said.

There is no need to put it too bluntly. In fact, everyone knows why the Mirage 2000-5 is brought to a high level and deserves attention. Li Zhan knew a lot about the F-16. He had flown it for more than thirty hours while conducting military exchanges with Pakistan. This time alone met the criteria for a solo flight.

But he hasn't had a chance to get his hands on the Mirage 2000-5 yet.

He Xinghai and Morean looked at each other and said, "You can mention it. Whether France agrees or not will be discussed later. But we have to make some preparations. In addition to flying the above two fighter planes, do you have any other ideas?"

"Chief, I would like to know how their flight training on the ship is organized, the difference between catapult takeoff and ski jump takeoff, and other related information. Of course, the ideal thing is to fly a few aircraft, even if it is their The instructor takes the flight and feels the ejection and takeoff." The idea proposed by Zhang Xueyang is more achievable.

It seems a bit fanciful that Li Zhan wants to fly a few sorties on Dai Jian, and it is basically impossible to fly it, but it is okay to take you to fly one or two takeoffs and landings to let you feel it.

However, if he had the opportunity to make a request, Li Zhan would never let it go. He added, "Chief, in fact, I hope to fly all aircraft models participating in military exchange activities. According to the information provided by the French side, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States will all send aircraft to participate, which is a rare opportunity. India will also send aircraft, but the Indians definitely don’t want us to have access to their aircraft.”

This request is even more excessive. Do you want to eat shit?

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