Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 555: This guy accelerates too hard!

Chapter 555 This guy accelerates too hard!

How sincere is France?

Letting Li Zhan and the others enter the command tower is a very obvious manifestation. Places like the command tower are all confidential. How your unit directs operations, how efficient you are, how capable your commanders and pilots are, and how good your intelligence support is, can all be seen without any blind spots.

Although they were using French, people like Li Zhan all had a certain foundation in French, and they were able to tell that the female captain commentator had nothing to hide in her explanation, as if she was reporting a performance to her superiors. So after the two Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets took off, Li Zhan and others focused all their attention on the visit, watching the command from their command tower, and watching their confrontation process against the fighter jets.

The Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets with standard air combat mounts took off in a two-plane formation emergency takeoff. The huge roar of the M-88 aero engine was very clear when the afterburner was turned on. After taking off, the two Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets disbanded and began a close combat confrontation. The pilot seemed to know that foreign troops were visiting, so he maneuvered very beautifully, which reflected the excellent maneuverability of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet.

Li Zhan held up the telescope and looked carefully. He found that the acceleration performance of the Rafale M was crazy. It was at least the fastest among the fighter jets he had ever encountered. Moreover, the Mirage-2000 series was proud of its instantaneous speed capabilities. M has been inherited and enhanced.

The horizontal maneuverability of the Rafale should be outstanding among third-generation and third-generation aircraft. Dassault is very familiar with the delta-wing aerodynamic layout. The Mirage-2000 is already eye-catching enough, with the addition of close-range coupling. The wing's gust is even more awesome than the Mirage-2000's horizontal maneuverability!

These discoveries made Li Zhan feel frightened. The instruction manual clearly mentions that the latest batch of Rafale has been equipped with AESA. The French Air Force and French Navy will gradually equip these new models, and India purchased the AESA model of Rafale M. Coupled with the excellent avionics system, Rafale M will definitely be a strong opponent.

Judging from the fighter body shape, the Rafale M is almost the same size as the J-10, smaller than the Super Hornet, and much smaller than the J-15, a heavy-duty carrier-based fighter. However, the Rafale M has a small body It can carry a lot of weapons and equipment, and even has a strong ability to land on a ship with ammunition. It is said that the fuel efficiency of this aircraft is much higher than that of the Typhoon fighter. Fuel efficiency is directly related to the time in the air. The ability to stay in the air is very important in carrier-based fighters.

Li Zhan paid great attention to the Rafale M in his heart, and his willingness to experience flying a Rafale M became even stronger.

"This plane is not simple." Zhang Xueyang, who was standing next to him, said in a low voice with a solemn expression.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "It's amazing. The French are not bragging. The acceleration was too strong. I was surprised when I just took off. Now it seems that the engine plays a key role. The engine's throttle response is very fast, estimated in three seconds." within."

"Is it possible? So fast? It's almost instantaneous." Zhang Xueyang said in surprise.

"Yes, please pay attention." Li Zhan said.

Zhang Xueyang looked carefully, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became. After a while, he discovered some clues, "Please pay attention to the pointing speed of its nose. It should be faster than the J-10. It has a very important relationship with the full-motion canard." relation."

The Rafale M's canards can deflect up to 20 degrees, and under the management of the flight control system, it is very modern. It can deflect automatically as needed in autopilot mode, and the pilot does not even need to pay attention. It is not unreasonable for Airbus to rise later and once tie with Boeing.

They are all veterans, and they are very aware of the importance of aircraft nose pointing in aerial combat. If you point your gun at the opponent first, you can press the fire button before the opponent fires.

"It's so powerful, and Dassault is very knowledgeable in the field of aerodynamic shapes. They have already perfected the delta-wing canard. However, this thing definitely has shortcomings." Li Zhan said firmly, and the telescope kept moving. Without putting it down, he frowned slightly, "The maximum angle of attack doesn't seem to work well?"

Zhang Xueyang quickly raised his telescope and looked over. The two Rafale Ms were performing large overload maneuvers. The air combat confrontation was of little significance. The display meant more, and the pilots were most likely not new pilots.

"It seems like it should be a little worse than the J-10, but the gap shouldn't be huge." Zhang Xueyang wasn't sure. It was difficult to see it accurately.

Cao Youfei suddenly said, "Look, the one on the left is flying at the minimum speed. The minimum speed envelope is so low? Is it two hundred kilometers?"

Everyone feels a little heavy. The low-speed performance of this thing is so good!

"It should be about two hundred kilometers. Damn, Dassault is really qualified." Li Zhan couldn't help but curse.

The J-15 can achieve a minimum surface speed of 200 kilometers per hour, but this is already the envelope. However, the minimum speed currently displayed by Rafale M should be 200 kilometers per hour, indicating that their envelope is still below. Regardless of the small gap, when approaching the critical point, the impact caused by a small gap will be on two completely different levels.

Li Zhan took a few steps towards Lieutenant Colonel Baitou and went directly to see the information on the tactical intelligence command terminal in front of him. He was afraid that the French would not give him face, so he was a little nervous, but Lieutenant Colonel Baitou smiled kindly at him but did not say anything. What, this made him bolder, and he looked at it wildly.

The female captain commentator came over and said, "You can watch but you can't take pictures, sorry."

Li Zhan had no intention of taking pictures, his eyes were cameras.

He saw the minimum speed of the two Rafale M aircraft in the sky - 195 kilometers per hour. In other words, the envelope line is below 195 kilometers per hour, which really surprised Li Zhan.

A smaller minimum speed means a smaller turning radius, and a smaller turning radius means a more flexible nose pointing. Some fighters may have a lower minimum speed than the Rafale M, but the Rafale M accelerates faster. , it can quickly obtain enough kinetic energy in a shorter time...

Damn, the air combat capability seems to be invincible, is it really so?

Li Zhan felt a little scared of himself.

When Li Zhan noticed the two Rafale Ms in the sky whose aerial confrontation was coming to an end, he suddenly realized the shortcomings of this aircraft. The diameter of the nose is too small to install a larger radar. Even if it is equipped with AESA, its combat range is limited. The second is the thrust-to-weight ratio of this aircraft. The acceleration performance is good, but the thrust-to-weight ratio is not very good.

Another is that Li Zhan found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding - his comparison of the J-10, J-11 and Rafale series of fighter jets was itself a mistake. You must know that the Rafale series of fighter jets are used to replace the Mirage-2000. The French believe that this It's their advanced fourth-generation machine!

What will be the result if you compare your own fourth-generation machine with the Rafale series?

Li Zhan's mood suddenly improved when he thought of this.

Our country has developed a fourth-generation fighter jet, and it is a true fourth-generation stealth fighter. This reason why the French are so generous and talkative has a very important relationship. China's armament development has begun to surpass theirs. If you no longer have a sense of superiority, you have to fawn over and see if there are any opportunities for cooperation to make some money. Even if you can't make money from the armaments field, it is still better to have a good relationship. select.

Zhang Xueyang suddenly felt confused when he saw Li Zhan suddenly laughing. Just when he was asking questions, Mo Ren'an and Monet asked the military attache to come back. Mo Ren'an nodded slightly, and Zhang Xueyang suddenly became excited.

It seems that the Rafale M experience flight is done.

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