Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 556 This is too sensitive!

"Gentlemen, considering that you appreciate the Rafale fighter very much, we have decided to allow you to fly the Rafale fighter for experience flight. Of course, you must undergo simulation cabin training. Only if we believe that your abilities meet the standards will you be allowed to fly the Rafale fighter. Rafale The fighter is a very advanced fourth-generation fighter, ranking among the best among fourth-generation fighters in the world."

Monet said so.

Fortunately, he is quite self-aware and did not say that the Rafale fighter ranks first among the world's fourth-generation fighters.

The French brag about being awesome, and indeed they are a bit awesome. This country is very contradictory. If you say they are ambitious, they have captured the whole country in one month. But if you say they are unambitious, they are obsessed with saving face in terms of armaments, and it is true. Made some tricks. For example, the M88 series aero engines used by the Rafale fighter jets were not suitable for use at first. Therefore, the early models of Rafale used the universal F-404 aero engine, which is the one used on the Super Hornet. It performed very well, so France The military decided to purchase Rafale. Later, when mature models of the M88 series were released, Dassault decisively replaced the F-404.

I feel like I wish every part was made in France.

The level of their military aviation engines is almost the same as that of our country.

The Rolls-Royce EJ200 aero engine used in Typhoon fighter jets is much better than the M88 series. It’s not that the French can’t get EJ200, but they just don’t use it. Later, the performance of the latest modification of M88 was also excellent. There is no problem in ranking among the top five in overall performance, and the fuel economy is much better than the EJ200.

It is similar in size to the J-10 and has twin engines, but the maximum range of the Rafale is comparable to that of the Su-27, reaching 3,900 kilometers. The maximum take-off weight of the Typhoon fighter, which is two to three tons heavier than the Rafale, has a maximum range of only 2,900 kilometers. The gap is huge.

Airbus can steal food from Boeing because their aircraft are more fuel-efficient.

"Without further ado, we will conduct simulated cockpit training and testing immediately." Monet immediately led everyone to the simulated cockpit training center.

It is obviously unrealistic to complete the modification training in one day. Of course, no one expects these pilots from the Chinese Navy to master the basic operations of the Rafale fighter in just one or two hours of simulated cockpit training, so this There is a very important premise - instructors from the French Navy will take the flight, and then let the pilots from the Chinese Navy perform a few simple maneuvers. With the instructors there, there will naturally be no problems.

So Monet had already thought about it. As long as they figured out where the joystick and throttle lever were, he could let them sit in the back cabin and experience the experience.

Li Zhan didn't feel disappointed either. No matter how big-hearted the Frenchman was, he would never let him fly the Rafale M to the sky alone, so sitting in the back cabin of the Rafale B to experience it was the only option. It should be noted that the Rafale M carrier-based fighter aircraft used by the French Navy does not have a two-seat model. The two-seat trainer aircraft used by them and the Air Force are both Rafale B. In fact, the Rafale B is exactly the same as a single-seat aircraft except for the multiple rear cabins. It has full combat capabilities and has control systems in the front and rear cabins.

The French also came up with a very interesting design - the Rafale C used by the Air Force also has a tail hook, which can be used to block landings on the aircraft carrier when necessary. However, the tail hook is not strong and can only be used as an emergency. When the Rafale was first developed, the French came up with a very naive idea: the air force and naval aviation use the same multi-purpose fighter aircraft. These fighters can undertake a variety of missions. One type of aircraft can meet multiple needs, and these fighters can be deployed on land-based aircraft. Switch freely back and forth between the airport and the aircraft carrier.

Under the guidance of this idea, the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets used by the French naval aviation do not even fold the wings, just to maintain the commonality of parts with the Air Force's Rafale C.

If they had known that Dai Jian was so incompetent, they probably wouldn't have thought this way.

Having said this, do you think that the French are pretty good? This is absolutely not the case!

Doesn’t the Lafitte frigate belong to them?

In the final analysis, it all depends on profit and strength. If your fourth-generation aircraft hadn't made its first flight, if your 054A hadn't started making dumplings, or even the larger and more advanced 052C and 052D appeared on the shipbuilding platform one by one, they would have given you a good look. look? If you buy hundreds of Airbus planes, they will look good on you? If you buy a whole boatload of 1982 Lafite, they will look good on you?

It's all because of money, don't think there is any love between countries.

Closer to home, Monet is right to think so, normal people would think so, but he met an abnormal person.

Li Zhan studied hard and his mind was working rapidly. When Monet explained how to use Rafale, he was imitating it at high speed. He is a talented pilot who can fly at the level of an experienced pilot after flying in the Su-30MKK simulated cockpit once, even though he is in a simulated cockpit.

Zhang Xueyang and the other three people did not lag behind. They listened to the explanation extremely carefully and decisively interrupted and asked questions when they encountered something they did not understand. This made Monet look at him with admiration and gave him a feeling of sympathy. Monet was a senior instructor, so he naturally fell in love with the studious students he met. So he slowly changed his mind about dealing with it and started teaching more seriously.

Fortunately, everyone was proficient in British history and there was no communication barrier. Moreover, the 1.8-meter-tall female captain commentator was also present. When Monet failed to explain in time, she helped to supplement the explanation. Although she was not a pilot, she was very helpful. The understanding of wind is also very comprehensive.

This scene was naturally gratifying to Mo Ren'an, and the military attaché beside him was even more surprised. He whispered to Mo Ren'an, "Captain Mo, these soldiers of yours are very powerful. I listened to the questions they asked." It’s all very targeted.”

"Oh? You also know how to fly?" Morenan asked.

The military attaché said with a smile, "The fighter jets we see the most when we come to France for exchanges. I have accompanied Dassault several times, and I know their fighter jets quite well. The French think their fighter jets are the best." They are at the world's advanced level, and the Mirage 2000 and Rafale are at the top of them all."

"They are not arrogant, they are indeed very distinctive fighters." Morenan gave a very neutral evaluation, "My soldiers are the best among the Flying Sharks, they are very savvy. It’s not difficult to give them three or two days to fly Rafale solo.”

The military attache gradually felt a sense of pride, "That's right, our pilots are very good, but we couldn't keep up with the development of fighter aircraft in the past."

They are the same age, and they can't help but sigh when talking about the past. Their generation has completely crossed the watershed in the development of national defense armaments. There was no change in any year before 2008 and in any year before that. However, after 2008, the country seemed to be on the hook and changed every year. From 2008 to the first half of 2012, the changes had dazzled them. In terms of air force equipment alone, represented by fourth-generation aircraft, all kinds of main equipment appeared one after another as if they had been lined up for a long time. Come on, even the middle and senior officers like them don't know how they appeared - they had no psychological preparation at all before.

In the past, third-generation aircraft were built, let alone the J-10. The Xiaolong alone took 20 to 30 years to build, and finally built a light fighter that the air force looked down upon. Let’s look at Lao Lu’s side. The 99 tank that came out of the 1999 military parade was just a showpiece. I looked forward to the stars and the moon and thought I couldn’t wait. As a result, after the official debut of the 99G in the 2009 military parade, various subsequent minor modifications came out one after another, bringing What’s coming is an explosion of ground defense equipment…

Looking at local development, the operating mileage of high-speed rail and highways has begun to surge as if afterburner has been turned on. 3G networks are just getting hot. 4G networks have begun to enter the stage of large-scale infrastructure that people who are accustomed to rapid development have little regard for some things. There are many complaints about slackness, but in fact compared with most, our construction speed is like flying a rocket.

What military fans feel most deeply is always the Navy’s dumplings. Those things are not tanks or planes. In most countries, a warship of several thousand tons or tens of thousands of tons cannot be launched into the water within three to five years. We are a pair of A pair of underground ships lasted only two years, so many veteran military fans were confused - what is 173? I must have remembered it wrong. There is no 173. The latest one is 171. When I looked at the results, damn, all 175 were in service!

Generally speaking, the ten years after 2008 gave people the impression that Rabbit was like a veteran who had been a veteran for decades and then poured out all his "savings" at a reasonable and legal moment...

Moran'an and the military attache were nostalgic in low voices, but Li Zhan and others had no time to sigh at this time. They began to simulate the cockpit. Tang Leilei and Cao Zuofei were among the first batch, using two simulated cockpits at the same time.

Li Zhan stood in the middle and reminded them: "Pay attention to the stroke of the two rods. It is very short and very sensitive."

"Understood!" Tang Leile and Cao Fufei nodded solemnly.

It is said to be learning, but it is also a demonstration. The pilot's skills can best be seen at this time. Some powerful pilots can really become familiar with the control methods of an unfamiliar aircraft in a very short time and learn to fly it very quickly. When I usually watch movies or military-themed novels, the protagonist has received training in helicopter driving. At a critical moment, he touches an unfamiliar helicopter, gets familiar with it in an orderly manner, and then flies away. In fact, there is a certain factual basis.

The basic control methods of most aircraft are the same. The Rafale also has two poles and two rudders. The handle of the ejection seat is also between the legs. The driving principle is the same. The same is true for helicopters, of course, unique helicopters such as deflection rotors are not included.

In fact, Tang Leilei and Cao Youfei also noticed that the Rafale fighter's throttle lever and joystick have a very short stroke, only a few centimeters. It is impossible to see the movement of the control hand without staring with eyes wide open when operating.

But they were still startled when they started to slide away. They were so damn sensitive!

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