Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 557: It turns out there are still stupid pilots

Chapter 557 It turns out there are still stupid pilots

Monet was very satisfied to see the two Chinese navy pilots frightened, as if this was what he wanted to see, and he said proudly, "You will love it, believe me."

There was nothing I could do. I pushed the throttle lever a little and the speed of the two rounds bounced up like a thorn in the buttocks. After all, Tang Leilei and Cao Zuofei were experienced and quickly stabilized themselves. They simply made the mistake of turning on the afterburner and took off. They were very smart. After realizing the high sensitivity of the control stick, they did not rush to understand the control stick. Instead, they allowed the fighter plane to slide forward after reaching the take-off speed. At this time, they slowly pulled the stick back to lift the wheels.

"Great!" Monet noticed and couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "very calm and experienced."

If you lift the wheels in a hurry but don't control the stroke of the joystick well, or if you suddenly take off at a high elevation angle but don't control the speed well, you'll be in danger of stalling. The handling of this detail reflects the pilot's rich experience, especially the very strong psychological quality. The calm and decisive handling is very suitable for Monet's taste.

Things are different once off the ground.

After all, it was a fighter aircraft that they had never been exposed to before, and the cockpit was completely different from that of a Soviet fighter aircraft. Neither Tang Leilei nor Cao Zuofei had ever been exposed to a fighter aircraft with side control sticks, so they were a little embarrassed when they started to make turning maneuvers. Another difference is the inclination of the seat. The inclination of the Rafale's seat reaches 29 degrees. When climbing, the pilot is almost lying flat, which is very different from the Soviet fighter that sits relatively vertically.

Tang Leilei and Cao Zuofei were in similar situations. They climbed shakyly and did not control the pitch and tilt angles very well. This can be seen at a glance, but basically they are all allowed. People who don’t know how to do it will probably think that It was the pilot who did it on purpose.

After a while, Tang Leile first mastered the technique of stabilizing the fighter plane, followed by Cao Zoufei, and then began to fly cautiously. This surprised Monet and couldn't help but said: "That's great! I can't believe you only studied for less than an hour, and you didn't even fully grasp the theoretical data of Rafale!"

Li Zhan said with a smile, "In general operations, their level is above average in our army."

Tang Leile couldn't help but grinned, and thought to himself, Brother Yi, judging from what you said, my level is considered to be superior even in Feisha...

Monet didn't understand. When Li Zhan said this, his smile suddenly became stiff. The more senior the pilot, the more he could tell the secrets from these details. If these two pilots are at an above-average level in the Chinese naval aviation, then their pilot team is quite powerful.

Even the most experienced US Navy pilots and Israeli Air Force pilots who came into contact with Rafale fighters for the first time would never be able to reach this level in such a short period of time. Monet is a senior instructor of Rafale fighter jets. From his perspective, Tang Leilei and Cao Zuofei have actually initially acquired the ability to fly solo.

This is very powerful.

The flight became smoother and smoother. Tang Leile boldly performed a few stunts. When doing the roll, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "This guy rolls at a very high speed!"

Fortunately, he spoke Chinese, but Monet and the female captain commentator could not understand Chinese.

Li Zhan also noticed it and said, "I'm making a few to see."

Without saying a word, Tang Leile made several rolls in succession, and then made a neat horizontal flight and accelerated the climb, which already showed a certain degree of consistency. Over there, Cao Zuofei was also slowly doing stunts to experience the true maneuverability of the Rafale fighter, which he secretly said.

The indicator of roll rate is very important. We usually see scenes of fighter jets rolling and firing decoy bombs in film and television works and news reports. This is to avoid missile attacks from enemy aircraft. It can be said that a fighter with a higher roll rate has a greater chance of getting rid of a missile attack.

The roll rate of the Sukhoi series fighters is obviously much lower than that of the Rafale fighters.

Li Zhan couldn't help but compare the J-10 fighter jet with the Rafale fighter jet, and found that the J-10 fighter jet was not as good as the Rafale fighter jet in terms of roll rate. He smiled helplessly and shook his head, and reminded himself that he could not compare a standard third-generation machine with a third-generation half machine. And the amount of power redundancy between the two is not of the same order of magnitude.

He doesn’t want to compare it with the J-10, but currently in the military, only the J-10 has the closest performance to the Rafale fighter, and they are both third-generation aircraft developed since the 1980s. They have the same aerodynamic layout, and the difference is probably only in the single and double engines. . The performance of the AL-31F used by the J-10 is much better than that of the Rafale fighter's M-88, but the fuel economy of the latter is better. However, at the beginning of the development of the Rafale fighter, it was determined that a carrier-based model would be developed, so it must be dual-engine. .

If the J-10 has a subsequent replacement model, and the single eyelid becomes double eyelid, is it possible to put it on the ship? Li Zhan has a lot of hope in this, because the J-10, as a medium-sized fighter, can actually outcompete heavy fighters such as the J-11. The latter can only rely on its long legs to run all over the field to consume the former's fuel.

However, Li Zhan knows very well that our navy likes big ones. The bigger the better. In the past, if you didn’t have money, you couldn’t enjoy the big ones. Now that your wallet is bulging, you can get as big as you want, as big as you want, as big as you want, and there are even more, so annihilate- 10Such a small body is probably difficult to meet the needs of the navy. Even though the Navy currently does not have a single aircraft carrier, perhaps its long-term plans already have detailed configuration requirements for twelve aircraft carrier battle groups!

In fact, this is true not only for the navy, but also for the army and air force. The Xiaolong is not bad, but the Air Force wants to kill it. It is said that the superiors at that time wanted to let the Air Force purchase a batch in small batches for use, but the Air Force refused to accept it, thinking that there is no difference between the Xiaolong and the J-7... …Not to mention the army, tanks are bigger and bigger sooner.

As far as the J-10 fighter and the Rafale fighter are concerned, the requirements at the beginning of their development were different. The former was clearly intended to be a third-generation aircraft to replace the huge J-7 fleet. It was initially used as the main aircraft fleet for homeland air defense operations. The ground attack is placed in a secondary position, and the latter is an all-round aircraft model that the French army has high hopes for. It takes into account all aspects of combat capabilities. The French army's goal is to have only one type of aircraft in the air fleet: the Rafale fighter.

In other words, the French army does not want to maintain a large aircraft model system.

But our country is a big country. If we only rely on one type of aircraft to maintain our troops, let alone the troops, even the common people will have objections - it will be difficult to defend the motherland well if you do this! Therefore, the classification of combat types of fighter aircraft is very detailed and clear, such as mid- to high-end combinations, such as fighters doing the work of fighters and bombers doing the work of bombers. The divisions are very detailed. There are two major families of fighter jets and more than a dozen models.

Maintaining a complete armed force system requires a large amount of capital investment, which is not something ordinary countries can do. France actually does the best among European countries. Both the defense industry system and the components of the armed forces are the best in Europe. Complete, but compared to China, it is considered a second-class disability, not even as good as Russia.

Modern simulated cockpits are very advanced and can set weather data, wind direction and strength, etc., so they can completely reflect the actual flight environment. Shi Leilei and Cao Fufei ended the flight of more than half an hour without any danger. When they were still satisfied, Monet shook hands with them one by one and said sincerely, "Congratulations on passing the primary simulated cockpit training. I think if I have three days, You will definitely be able to fly alone."

"Thank you, Colonel Monet taught me well." Cao Fufei said with a steady smile.

Tang Leilei smiled broadly, "The Rafale fighter is very easy to drive, and I can feel that the aircraft is very friendly to the pilots."

"You are really great." Monet said with a smile, "I didn't expect that the level of Chinese naval pilots is not inferior to those old vultures in the U.S. Navy."

Chinese people are modest, reserved, and smile back.

Tang Leilei said secretly in his heart, where are you now? When you see the level of our first brother, you will probably doubt your own world view.

"Okay, please invite the second group, Colonel Zhang, Major Li, please." Monet already thought that Tang Leilei and Cao Zuofei were outstanding, because he had never encountered anyone who had received less than an hour of theoretical instruction before getting into the simulated cockpit. A pilot who can fly at this level.

Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang logged into the cockpit respectively and adjusted their postures. The simulated cockpit has returned to the take-off line position. Looking through the front glass is the runway extending forward. He and Zhang Xueyang looked at each other. The latter started to taxi decisively, and took off in a short distance with afterburner. The crisp and clean energy attracted Monet's attention, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face. .

Who are these people!

Monet seemed to have climbed out of the frog at the bottom of the well, and suddenly realized that the world was so big.

Although it can still be seen that there are many excessive manipulation movements and slightly deformed movements, compared with Shi Leilei and Cao Xuefei, Zhang Xueyang's level is already higher. By watching the simulated flight of the first group and combining it with his own understanding and experience, he simulated the exercises in his mind. This was his advantage in the second group, and Zhang Xueyang's comprehension ability was stronger than that of Tang Leilei and Cao Goufei.

After a few minutes of adapting, Zhang Xueyang began to perform maneuvers. He first performed a few conventional maneuvers, and then started a stunt maneuver with a vertical afterburner climb. Starting from the dive, he went directly to a large overload of 7 G. Maneuver - U-shaped maneuver. Then a series of stunts came out one after another, very much like the Rafale fighter jet performing a stand-alone performance at an air show.

Monet was dumbfounded. He looked at Zhang Xueyang's operation in disbelief. His astonishment was very obvious. He turned to ask Mo Ren'an, "Colonel Mo, he, he has flown a Rafale fighter before?"

"No, he has a strong learning ability." Morenan said with a smile.

Monet sighed and said, "If the level of these pilots is only above your average level, I think you should be the aviation force with the most advanced flying skills in the world."

"Colonel Monet is over-praised. It's you who teach well." Moran'an said modestly. In fact, he was also surprised. He didn't expect that his soldiers had such strong learning abilities!

While shaking his head, Monet noticed that the pilot named Major Li was dawdling, very much like Brother Chu who was unable to get in, and also like the evil young man who coaxed girls with "I am just outside and can't get in". He is still Studying the cockpit there!

It turns out that there are also stupid people, and Colonel Monet suddenly felt much better.

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