Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 558 Where did you learn to drive Rafale?

But it's no wonder, this major seems to be the youngest among them, and it's completely understandable that his level is lower. Monet thought he had seen the embarrassment of the Chinese side, and looked at Morenan with the expression "It's okay, your performance has been very good" and nodded to express comfort. Mo Ren'an thought that the other party was affirming Zhang Xueyang's performance, so he responded with a humble smile, which seemed to Monet to be a signal for help.

The female captain commentator, who is 1.8 meters tall and has a curvy front and back, also thought that Li Zhan was confused about the situation. She had a good impression of Li Zhan. After all, Li Zhan was very handsome, even though he was half a head shorter than her.

She stepped forward and planned to gently guide Li Zhan to find the door quickly and get into the state. However, when she stood beside the simulated cockpit and saw Li Zhan's operations clearly, she was stunned, especially the two big bears in front of her. I trembled for a while because of unreasonable panic. Not to mention guiding her, she even stopped breathing, as if she had reached a climax.

But Monet didn't know that after receiving Moran'an's "smile of asking for help", he secretly thought to himself, my superiors asked me to entertain Chinese friends well. This situation must not make Chinese friends lose face. After all, Chinese people are more face-friendly. .

After making up his mind, he walked to Li Zhan's simulated cockpit and happened to stand beside Li Zhan with the female captain commentator on the left and right. When he saw Li Zhan's movements clearly, he seemed to have reached the level. Orgasm - whole body stiffened.


For a long time, such a French word burst out of Monet's chest. He was not surprised, but frightened, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

What is Li Zhan doing?

He is setting the parameters of the simulated cockpit, which are the parameters of the simulated cockpit, not the parameters of the Rafale fighter cockpit. The simulated cockpit can simulate a variety of flight scenarios. There are preset scenarios or you can set your own parameters to simulate specific scenarios. For example, if you want to practice taking off and landing in a strong crosswind, you can set the weather parameters to achieve this, and then the subsequent simulated flight training will be carried out in the set scenario.

This has nothing to do with the cockpit of the Rafale fighter, but how to use this simulated cockpit specially built for the Rafale fighter. Monet did not talk about how to use the simulated cockpit at all. Both simulated cockpits are the default training scenarios. After the pilot gets up, he only needs to follow the flight movements.

This is one of them.

When Monet saw clearly the weather parameters set by Li Zhan, he felt super shocked as if a 500-kilogram aerial bomb had exploded in his head. The weather parameters set by Li Zhan turned out to be today's weather parameters at the Toulon Naval Base, and they were exactly the same as those used on the command tower!

This means that Li Zhan memorized the weather data when he visited the control tower!

That is not just a few pieces of data, but an environmental data set that changes regularly.

Who would have consciously remembered this under the circumstances? What's more, the command tower was conducting air confrontation training at that time, and various information exchanges were very frequent. Among these complicated information, weather and environment data were definitely not the most important.

If the above two reasons alone did not shock Monet so much, the third reason was the most critical, because he saw that Li Zhan was skillfully debugging and setting the display interface of the cockpit...

The Rafale M carrier-based fighter is much more advanced than the earlier models. There is a time difference of more than ten years. It was also more than ten years of rapid development of avionics technology, and the French have a devilish obsession with intelligent weapons!

The most typical representative is the Leclerc main battle tank. When this main battle tank came out in the 1980s, it was known as the world's first fourth-generation main battle tank, beating the American Abrams and the British Challenger. The world's most advanced main battle tank is called a "computer tank" because it integrates a large number of cutting-edge technologies and a high degree of intelligence. Of course, most people also remember another feature of this tank—the most expensive in the world!

Later, after Little Japan's 90-style came out, it gave way.

The Leclerc main battle tank is most highly praised by the French for its fire control system. This system is highly complex, highly precise, and highly intelligent. Even twenty years later, no product has emerged that can surpass it. The French may know what their soldiers are like, so they put a lot of effort into developing point-and-shoot weapons - the shooter sees the target and presses a button, and the computer does the rest.

The Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet is no exception. Its cockpit display interface can almost all be set by the pilot according to his preferences and habits. The pilot can even preset a flight plan, which greatly reduces the pilot's burden. In turn, pilots must have a full understanding of the fighter aircraft and systematically study it before they can use it skillfully.

However, Monet saw that Li Zhan was setting the display interface according to his driving habits with actions that were no less than his own, and Monet could tell that Li Zhan was not messing around, but was very targeted.

He finally came to his senses, and his first sentence was to stare at Li Zhan and ask, "Have you ever learned to drive a Rafale?"

"Not before today." Li Zhan turned around and smiled, completed the last action and said, "Sorry for the long wait."

It still took some time, because Zhang Xueyang had already taken off for about ten minutes.

Monet is almost certain that Li Zhan is lying! He did not teach at all and Li Zhan had no access to this information at all! There can never be a self-taught pilot! So he was almost certain that Li Zhan had learned to fly a Rafale fighter before, and he must have learned it systematically!

Before he could think about the possibilities, Li Zhan took off.

Afterburner rolling, Li Zhan suddenly turned around and said, "Colonel Monet, if my simulated driving results satisfy you, I hope to have the opportunity to experience flying a Rafale fighter alone."

Before Monet had time to think about this sentence, his upper body suddenly leaned back as if his heart had been punched!


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhan's face suddenly turned serious before he even turned his head, and then he quickly pulled the lever and pedaled the rudder - he actually pulled up the nose of the plane and climbed straight up!

After a taxiing distance of just over 300 meters, there was a slight pause when the nose of the aircraft was suddenly raised, and then the fuselage was almost perpendicular to the ground. It was precisely at this time that the two engines reached their maximum military thrust! Under the surging driving force, the fighter jet stabbed straight into the sky like a green onion planted on a dry field suddenly pulled up by a pair of big hands!

"We call this kind of take-off method called onion pulling on dry land. It is very ornamental but has limited practical effect." Li Zhan actually had time to explain it!

There is no unfamiliarity in the whole movement and there is no sloppiness at all. The posture of the fighter is very, very stable!

Because it was a first-person perspective, this sudden angle change also affected Monet, so much so that his upper body leaned backward.

Monet was able to perform such an afterburner takeoff and climb vertically, but such an action was abnormal for Li Zhan, who was first exposed to Rafale fighter jets!

"The acceleration performance of your aircraft is really great."

After climbing to 3,000 meters, Li Zhan decisively accelerated in level flight and inadvertently exceeded the speed of sound. It was completely different from the feeling of driving the J-10 or J-11 at supersonic speeds. It feels a bit like driving a large-displacement mid-to-large sedan. If you don't pay attention to the speed, you will exceed 100, but the feeling is very obvious because the pushing feeling is very strong.

But Li Zhan soon discovered the shortcomings of the Rafale fighter—the practical ceiling is not high!

After flying to Mach 1.5, Li Zhan began to continue climbing. Then when he climbed to more than 14,000 meters, he clearly felt that his stamina was insufficient. This shortcoming is so obvious that it will even be beaten by the J-10 or J-11 to a certain extent. Altitude is too important in air combat, no matter what distance the engagement is.

Followed by the maximum angle of attack, minimum radius turn, high-altitude dive, large sideslip...

It's enough to try every maneuver briefly. Monet breathed a sigh of relief, and now he looked like a novice. Otherwise, who would be able to endure the critical flight of various large overload maneuver envelopes?

"Oh, the minimum speed at low altitude is very good."

After flying for half an hour, Li Zhan began to land. During the approach, he deliberately set the speed at 200 kilometers per hour, and then found that the fighter's attitude was very stable, and it felt like there was still room for the speed to drop. Such a small approach speed combined with super acceleration capabilities is almost a perfect match for a carrier-based fighter!

A smaller approach speed can improve the success rate of intercepting the landing, and the pilot can control the fighter more calmly, but this smaller approach speed must be based on the premise that the fighter's attitude remains stable. Some fighters may be able to approach at a slower speed, but the fighters will swing so much that the gain outweighs the gain.

The almost instantaneous acceleration performance allows the pilot to quickly regain enough power to pull up after a failed landing, improving the success rate of go-around.

Both of these properties are better than the Sea Flanker.

After he came to a steady stop, Li Zhan realized that everyone was surrounding him. He took off his headset and stood up. He gave a thumbs up to Monet and said, "Colonel Monet, the Rafale fighter is great! It is the best fighter I have ever flown." one."

Monet came back from the shock. He didn't feel anything about Li Zhan's praise. Instead, he became very interested in Li Zhan's familiarity with using Rafale fighter jets. "Major Li, where have you been flown by Rafale fighter jets?" Training? You must have studied it, right?"

"No, I only came into contact with the Rafale fighter jets when I arrived in your country this time." Li Zhan said with a smile.

"No, that's definitely not the case."

Monet doesn't believe it at all. However, the Rafale fighter jets have not yet been delivered to foreign users, and even the domestic air force has not completed the installation plan. Where did this Chinese naval pilot who definitely has experience in using Rafale fighter jets learn this? What if this is your first time in France?

Could it be in Afghanistan?

That's even more impossible.

Li Zhan said with a smile, "I have a relatively unique understanding of aircraft."

Moran'an also said, "Colonel Monet, he is right. When he first flew Flanker C, he only learned to fly solo for more than an hour. Major Li does have a very keen understanding of flying. "


Monet didn't believe it at all, and decided to apply to let Li Zhan fly the Rafale fighter alone. He wanted to see what Li Zhan's actual flying level was!

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