Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 559: This is not his flying style, something is wrong!

Chapter 559 This is not his flying style, something is wrong!

The French are also very efficient, such as now, especially when Monnet reported that one of his Chinese friends had a pilot who was very familiar with the Rafale fighter jets. The base commander came over and approved allowing Li Zhan to fly the Rafale fighter aircraft alone for thirty minutes. flight.

Several countries have the intention to purchase Rafale fighter jets, but only Egypt, Qatar, and India have signed the intention or even paid the deposit. It’s not that the Rafale fighter is inferior to other fighters. The overall performance of the Rafale fighter is ranked in the top ten or even higher in the world. The biggest obstacle to external sales is the price.

The Rafale fighter is like a flying Leclerc tank. It has advanced performance but is also very expensive!

Qatar plans to spend approximately US$10 billion to purchase 36 Rafale fighter jets. Of course, the contract includes technology, service support, pilot training, and supporting weapons and ammunition, with an average price of nearly US$300 million!

Even if the unit price of the fighter is half of the average price, each Rafale fighter is priced at US$150 million, which is far more than the F-35A. The F-22 only costs a little over $200 million.

Such a high price has shut out most countries.

Just look at the countries that have decided to purchase Rafale fighter jets. Although Qatar is small, it is a major oil exporter that is extremely rich, and it is no less than a big player. Egypt has always been a traditional user of French fighter jets, and has been deeply influenced by France in history. Coupled with the influence of France's policy on North Africa, Egypt was the first to confirm the purchase of Rafale fighter jets when it was willing to provide financial services. This also interrupted the plan to introduce "Fierce Dragon" fighters.

Not to mention India.

Will China be a possible user of Rafale fighter jets? If the obstacles to arms sales can be resolved. The French believe that such a possibility exists, and they think it is very likely. This is one of the reasons why they are so active in arranging Chinese naval pilots to study and exchange with the Rafale M fighter fleet.

Even if it does not purchase the entire machine, paying a suitable price to obtain relevant technology is definitely something that the Chinese Navy is very interested in. The French believe that Rafale fighters definitely have such value, and they are even mentally prepared to equip the Rafale fighters sold to China with Rolls-Royce EJ200 aero engines.

Because they think the Rafale fighter is stronger than the Su-35!

For this reason, the base commander approved Li Zhan's plan to fly the Rafale fighter alone. Of course, he had to fly the two-seater aircraft once before that. After passing Monet's specific assessment, Li Zhan could fly the aircraft alone. The French are very generous, which is not easy.

Instead, Morenan became worried. He quietly pulled Li Zhan aside in the flight briefing room and whispered, "Li Zhan, I know you. To be honest, I don't doubt that you can fly Rafale solo, but you are so lucky." I'm afraid there is something wrong. In the past four years, dangers have been with you, what should you do if you fall and crash in a foreign country?"

Li Zhan couldn't laugh or cry, but he realized that Morean was not joking at all, so he quickly became serious and said in a deep voice, "Commander, please believe me. First of all, I won't be so unlucky, and secondly, I am confident that I will land safely."

"You are representing the country when you go out. You really have to take it easy. I'm afraid that you will forget about it and use too much force and damage the plane." Moran'an frowned, he was really worried.

When Russia sent Su-35 and Su-27SM to Beikku for exchanges, Li Zhan damaged one of their Su-27SMs. When he stepped on the accelerator, the plane was still on the takeoff line and exploded with two rounds. Fortunately, the Su-27SM 27SM, if it is a Su-35, I don’t know how much compensation it will cost.

There are no infallible airplanes in the world, only pilots who are not good enough.

Li Zhan promised, "Commander, I promise not to exceed the flight envelope. My original purpose was to test the actual envelope of the Rafale. There will definitely be no excessive control!"

As soon as he said these words, Morenan's blood pressure soared. Isn't this manipulation of testing the actual envelope of the Rafale fighter enough?

If there is anything else to say, Monet, who was preparing over there, greeted him loudly. Li Zhan gave Morean a calm look and walked over quickly, and under Monet's guidance, he changed into a French navy pilot's flying suit. I have to say that their flight suits and equipment feel good to wear and have many functions, especially the electronic kneeboard on the left thigh. All information such as missions, flight plans, aeronautical charts, and the latest weather data can be stored in Inside, the pilot only needs to lower his head and use touch controls to retrieve the information he needs to read.

There are two touch-controlled displays in the cockpit, and the wrinkle-free flying gloves fit snugly, allowing the pilot to accurately touch the target area. The touch button display is also a highlight of the Rafale fighter cockpit, although it has mixed reviews.

"I will take you on a flight. During this period, you will have the opportunity to control the fighter plane to perform the actions I said. In the end, I will decide whether you can fly the Rafale fighter alone for half an hour." Monet said to Li Zhan. .

Li Zhan said decisively, "No problem, please take care of Colonel Monet."

Monet lifted his flight helmet and motioned for Li Zhan to walk out together, saying, "Of course, I think you are fully capable of flying a Rafale fighter alone. I am not wrong. You must have received flight training on a Rafale fighter."

Li Zhan said helplessly, "It really has never happened before."

After smiling, Monet stopped mentioning it and said, "After experiencing the flight, can you talk to me in detail about your experience?"

"No problem." Li Zhan agreed readily.

After walking out of the flight briefing room, an open-top commuter car took them to the parking space, and the rest of the people moved to the control tower to watch. Under the European afternoon sun, Monet put on his flying sunglasses. He looked cool. But when Li Zhan saw him wearing flying sunglasses and accompanying the ground crew to accept the aircraft, he couldn't help but raise his mind - he could see the checklist clearly. content?

Li Zhan looked at the ground staff again. They were wearing everything but uniform tops. There was even a female sergeant wearing makeup and nail polish. Li Zhan had to worry about whether the plane was really ready to fly. Looking at Monet and the others, it is obvious that this is their normal state.

Since the compulsory military system was abolished in 2001 and replaced by a voluntary military system, the French army has encountered considerable difficulties in recruiting soldiers. Most people are unwilling to serve in the army if it is not that they cannot live well. The result is a large increase in the number of people of color in the French army. However, high-end units such as pilots are not a big problem, but it is difficult to recruit high-quality soldiers for ground support positions.

Li Zhan didn't care anymore and quietly followed Monet to inspect the aircraft. His life was at stake. He even suspected that the French military industry companies were desperately trying to develop weapons and equipment in a perfect direction, and one of the considerations was the lower quality of French soldiers, which seemed unreliable. In the past two years, the frequent breakdowns of the fleet were caused not only by quality issues but also by the failure to keep up with daily maintenance standards.

When boarding the plane, the ground staff didn't even look at Li Zhan, as if everything was commonplace, which had to make Li Zhan feel strange. Maybe Singapore also has the intention to purchase Rafale fighter jets and has even come here for test flights many times?

Li Zhan sat in the back cabin. The Rafale B two-seater fighter jet, which is mainly used for training and teaching, has control systems in the front and rear cabins, but the priority is in the front cabin. This means that the pilot in the front cabin can directly take over the control rights of the pilot in the rear cabin without having to Obtain consent from the aft cockpit pilot.

After the tower issued the order, an AS532 "Puma" search and rescue helicopter took off and quickly moved to the low airspace on the side of the runway to hover on standby. It was a standard operating procedure for aircraft carriers to release carrier-based fighter jets.

Monet taxied to the take-off line and immediately handed over the control to Li Zhan, saying, "Major Li, I will leave it to you. I will take over your control at any time if I think it is necessary."

"Understood." Li Zhan seemed to be a different person after sitting in the fighter plane. His words were concise and clear, his movements crisp and confident.

There is no airplane in this world that he can't fly yet.

"Zizi, shepherd dog, you can take off." Along with the sound of electromagnetic interference, the command tower issued instructions. In order to take care of Li Zhan, they switched to English to command, which was quite rare.

The French prefer to keep canine animals, and shepherd dogs rank first. Their radio code names usually like to use various dog names.

"Sheepdog received."

Li Zhan applied the brakes and pushed the throttle lever forward with his left hand. The two M88 aero engines suddenly roared violently. However, Li Zhan noticed that the trembling of the fuselage was not obvious, which showed that the design of the engine compartment was well done. very good. Within three seconds, the two engines reached their maximum thrust, and the landing gear tire brakes could no longer control the fighter. Li Zhan released the brakes and immediately felt a violent push on his back, which Li Zhan had never experienced since he pulled the lever. With the strongest pushing feeling, the fighter plane suddenly ran forward.

When Li Zhan turned back and looked down, he saw that the full-motion canard began to automatically deflect upward by 20 degrees, which could obtain more lift per unit time and shorten the take-off distance.

Monet was afraid that Li Zhan would fly according to the movements in the simulated cockpit, so he quickly reminded: "There is a difference between real aircraft flying and simulated cockpit flying."

"Do not worry."

After reaching take-off speed, Li Zhan steadily raised the wheels. The fighter plane took off easily, then climbed steadily and turned steadily. Monet breathed a sigh of relief and felt very satisfied. He was flying so steadily, he looked like a senior Rafale fighter pilot.

Li Zhan smiled softly and didn't know what to think. He flew around the airport as planned. In the process, he performed several common maneuvers according to Monet's instructions, such as rolling, small radius, variable speed flight, etc. They were all very standard, which made Monet even more certain that he had flown a Rafale fighter.

During the ten-minute flight, Monet basically asked Li Zhan to perform flight maneuvers according to the basic requirements of their new pilot's solo flight assessment. Li Zhan completed it very well. The most important thing about the whole process was that it was very stable. Look at it. Not the slightest sense of rawness.

Even the base commander nodded frequently and said to Morean that you are a really good pilot and your level is very high.

But Moran An seemed to be forcing a smile, because Li Zhan at this moment didn't look like Li Zhan at all, he was flying too steadily! Moreover, before taking off, Li Zhan personally told him that he wanted to test the actual flight envelope of the Rafale fighter. How could he test a woolly flight envelope in such a step-by-step manner?

This is wrong, this is not his style!

Maybe he changed his mind after considering that this was someone else's plane flying outside?

PS: 6000/30000. As of now, the monthly ticket is 2200. The additional updates will accumulate to 1 chapter. This is an additional update based on the daily update of 10,000 words! Come quickly for monthly tickets, and do a good job summarizing the half-year period in June!

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