Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 560: Oh my god, he’s turning on the afterburner!

Chapter 560 Oh my god, he’s turning on the afterburner!

Moregan had some vague guesses. Li Zhan probably wanted to numb the Frenchman's nerves so that he could smoothly fly the Rafale fighter alone. Without the interference of the front cockpit pilot, he could safely and boldly follow his own plan. fly.

As a result, Morean had to consider the worst case scenario.

The Rafale B two-seater fighter jet landed steadily. The flying skills are the same all over the world. Everyone can see that Li Zhan has no beginner's faults in the entire driving process. He even grasps the details of some movements better than many pilots.

The base commander said with satisfaction, "The Chinese friend can fly the Rafale fighter alone for thirty minutes. He is fully capable of this, which is really great."

Moran'an smiled a little forcedly because there was something in his heart, and he already regretted supporting Li Zhan in this matter. After all, this is outside, flying someone else's advanced fighter jet worth more than 100 million US dollars!

At the parking bay, Monet repeatedly emphasized the relevant precautions to Li Zhan. After Li Zhan boarded the cockpit of a Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet, Monet stood on the boarding ladder and continued to emphasize to Li Zhan some precautions when using the cockpit. matter. Li Zhan likes the built-in boarding ladder of the Rafale M fighter very much. It can be pulled out and unfolded. It is very convenient to get on and off the aircraft and it is very compact. The square and small engine compartment of the Leclerc main battle tank is a classic, and the French have taken this design to the extreme.

The built-in easy-to-use boarding ladder is very practical for carrier-based fighter jets. Ground staff no longer need to run around carrying the boarding ladder, and it speeds up the time for pilots to board and leave the aircraft without taking up space. The J-15 currently does not have its own boarding ladder. During the Feishark training, the external boarding ladder is used, which is the same as that of the Air Force. However, judging from the actual use in the future and the experience of the U.S. Navy, the development of built-in boarding ladders is essential, and it is not difficult at all to add built-in boarding ladders to heavy fighter jets such as the J-15. The Su-33 later developed a built-in boarding ladder hidden in the side strips.

The size of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter is similar to that of the J-10, but its mounting capacity is stronger than that of the Su-27. The extensive use of advanced composite materials is a very important reason. It not only saves space but also plays a very good role in weight reduction. .

After confirming that it was correct, Li Zhan closed the canopy that opened to the right, and immediately entered the state of being the best in the world. A pilot without strong self-confidence will hardly win the battle. From the moment you lift off, you must firmly believe that you are number one, and number one will definitely be the only one.

Taxiing to the takeoff line and receiving the permission to take off, Li Zhan turned on the afterburner and taxied away.

"Major Li, remember what I emphasized..." Monet hurried to the control tower, pulled the microphone and called Li Zhan.

Before he finished speaking, Li Zhan started pulling onions on the dry land.

"Oh..." Everyone in the control tower said "O" immediately, their brows twitched and their eyes widened. Is this the same pilot?

In the flight just now, Monet basically didn't interfere much. Li Zhan flew with driving skills that everyone thought were of a high level. His movements and posture changes were crisp and smooth, just like an experienced driver driving a GL8 in the city. , there is no sudden braking or sudden acceleration. In short, it can be summed up in one word: comfortable.

But what about now?

This dry-land takeoff was like a supercar waiting for the green light in front of the stop line. The engine was kept at a high speed. As soon as the green light came on, the brake pedal was released and the accelerator was ejected. It was like being hit by a hard swing. The golf ball left its original position in an instant.

Li Zhan's "ambition" was obvious at this time. His goal was to reach the limit of the Rafale fighter. How could he fly step by step? Don't miss the opportunity before it comes again. I will probably never have such an opportunity in the future. I will risk offending the French to test a Rafale fighter jet.

Because this fighter aircraft is very likely to be the main equipment of the imaginary enemy in the future!

The reason for flying lawfully in front was just to stabilize the French guy so that they could smoothly allow him to fly the Rafale fighter alone!

Moran'an's worries finally became a reality. At this time, he was no longer worried, because worrying was useless!

"It's embarrassing!"

The afterburner climbs vertically, and the Rafale M carrier-based combat is like a vertically launched rocket, getting faster and faster. Suddenly, the fighter plane started to spin crazily along its axis! Everyone saw the fighter plane spinning at high speed and shooting into the sky like a shell fired from a rifled cannon!

Roll at high speed and climb vertically with afterburner!

The base commander's expression changed. This damn fighter would fall apart!

When rolling, the direction of the nose of the aircraft is constantly changing, and the flight path is irregular. In other words, the fighter will be pressed by forces from several directions besides thrust. In order to keep the fighter aircraft flying in the established direction, the pilot must constantly He pushed the rudder to correct the direction of the aircraft's nose, and the fighter's trajectory became spiral. Furthermore, when a fighter aircraft rolls, its wings need to constantly fight against air resistance. The faster it rolls, the greater the air resistance it encounters. If the design strength of the wing is exceeded, it is not impossible to disintegrate!

You must know that the fighter plane is climbing vertically with afterburner at this time, and the interaction force is too much!

Li Zhan did not continue to roll. After he knew the limit roll rate of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet in the vertical climb state, he stopped moving, but still kept the fighter plane in the vertical climb state, silently calculating the time in his mind while paying attention to the sea height. changes in data.

The introduction manual mentioned that the practical ceiling of the aircraft is 16,800 meters. Li Zhan did not know whether the French Air Force had flown beyond the ceiling, so he wanted to see whether the aircraft could fly beyond the ceiling in actual use. More specifically, Li Zhan wanted to know the performance of the M88 aero engine at over-limit altitudes, and then zoom in to the high-altitude combat performance of the Rafale fighter jets. Understanding this is very important for our military, which is very likely to encounter this aircraft in the airspace on the plateau where Mount Everest is located in the future.

Monet wanted to order Li Zhan not to do it so violently, but he hesitated and did not give the order - it is very stingy for you to approve someone to fly a Rafale fighter alone and then restrict others' flying movements. The French also care about face! Besides, Li Zhan's flying movements were relatively fast, but they did not exceed the specifications. They were all within the flight envelope!

What's more, the base commander was there but he didn't put forward any opinions, and the head of the Chinese delegation, Colonel Morenan, was also there. This is not a matter of words, but involves military exchanges between the two armies. Breaking one's promise and breaking one's word will affect one's own image.

With such hesitation, Li Zhan broke through the practical ceiling. He climbed to 17,000 meters in one breath, and then clearly felt that the thrust of the engine was declining rapidly!

Li Zhan almost laughed out loud!

It seems that there is a big shortcoming in the high-altitude performance of the M88 aero engine! The high-altitude combat capability of the Rafale fighter is obviously far inferior to that of the J-11 series and the J-10 series. If fighting in high-altitude areas, the J-11 and J-10 families of fighters have more capabilities than the Rafale fighter. Tactical maneuver space!

From a certain perspective, poor high-altitude combat capabilities will become a fatal flaw of the Rafale fighter.

Li Zhan is basically certain that the Rafale fighter jet has excellent acceleration performance and low-altitude performance, but its high-altitude performance is a very obvious shortcoming.

There is no doubt that the French are definitely exaggerating when they say this is an "all-rounder" fighter. In order to have stronger ground-to-sea attack capabilities, Dassault had to weaken the high-altitude performance of the Rafale fighter, and for For fighters that need to compete for air supremacy, high-altitude performance is very important.

It seems that the Rafale fighter jets are not as powerful as the French boasted.

At 17,500 meters, Li Zhan returned the fighter plane to level flight. At this time, the efficiency of the M88 aero engine was significantly reduced. After steadily descending to 12,000 meters, Li Zhan continued his performance - level flight and extreme speed. Theoretically, the Air Force version of the Rafale fighter can fly to Mach 1.8, which is a maximum speed of about 2,300 kilometers per hour. However, the Navy version of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter is about 500 kilograms heavier than the Air Force version, and the maximum speed is definitely not as good as the former. .

How many blocks can actually fly still needs to be tested.

Li Zhan took off with full fuel and no mounts. The take-off weight was slightly less than the standard load, so it fully met the conditions for testing the maximum flight speed. After setting up the autopilot, Li Zhan focused on changes in the fighter's data, while not forgetting to pay attention to changes in airspace weather.

The excellent acceleration performance of the Rafale fighter jets continues to surprise people. Every acceleration will give the pilot a sense of superiority. It is like waiting for the green light and then your car accelerates faster, and the sense of superiority will arise spontaneously in your heart.

Heading 210, heading south into the Mediterranean airspace.

Li Zhan turned on the airborne radar and activated the search function. After a few seconds, he received several identification signals. He quickly checked and found that they were all friendly signals, and they all appeared in the east, where Italy was. It didn't take long for Li Zhan to understand that it was an Italian fighter plane, but they were all NATO countries. Obviously, the identification of friend or foe was clear.

The Mediterranean coast, especially the north coast, is almost all NATO countries. In Europe as a whole, except for a few countries, the use of airspace in many countries is basically within the framework of NATO. Later, the European Union came out, and the two countries The two got mixed up and became confused.

Li Zhan had not yet flown over the Mediterranean Sea, so he couldn't help but turn his head and look down. The weather was very good, and he could see a large area of ​​azure blue sea without clouds, and even thin and blurry white tracks could be seen vaguely.

Smiling slightly, Li Zhan's eyes fell on the airspeed display bar: 2000KM/H.

Oh, it takes less time to accelerate to 2,000 kilometers per hour than the J-10!

Li Zhan, who was focused on the test flight, had no idea that his extremely fast flight over the Mediterranean Sea had caused the fleets of the two countries that were performing missions in the Mediterranean Sea to sound the air defense alarm!

PS: 9000/30000, the new monthly ticket is still 1 chapter, the calculation formula is listed: 2400 plus 1 chapter, 2600 plus 1 chapter, 2800 plus 1 chapter, and so on.

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