Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 561: Minimum speed flight at ultra-low sea skimming altitude is a scissor-hands comparison

Chapter 561 Minimum speed flight at ultra-low sea skimming altitude is a scissor-hands comparison

The reason for this is dumbfounding.

An American aircraft carrier battle group and a Russian task force were performing their respective missions in the waters of the Tunis Strait. The two sides encountered each other. There may have been some minor misunderstandings, and then they naturally entered a confrontation. This is a common occurrence for them. .

The long-range air defense warning radar of a Russian destroyer has been working, and suddenly it was discovered that a high-speed target appeared in the sky behind the Yankee, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The most important thing was that it was flying towards this direction. It may be that the long-range air defense warning radar is in disrepair, or it may be that the radar operator made a misjudgment and actually mistook the Rafale M carrier-based fighter piloted by Li Zhan as a cruise missile launched from the European continent!

It was lively now. The Russian fleet entered the battle without hesitation. The Americans on the opposite side looked at it and said, "Hey, we were just talking tacitly. What do you want to do today?" It wasn't until she saw the opponent opening the cover of the launch tube of the anti-ship missile that the American grandma became nervous - are you serious!

Then the US aircraft carrier battle group also sounded the air defense alarm...

The United States immediately released two Super Hornet carrier-based fighter jets and began to patrol over the fleet. Then it released two two-seat attack Super Hornets carrying anti-ship missiles. The purpose was very clear. They found it very strange that they could encounter Russian warships almost every day in the Mediterranean Sea. On the surface, the atmosphere seemed tense. In fact, everyone knew it in their hearts. The fire control radars could detect each other, and no one thought it was true. Although Russia's naval power is very insignificant, they will really attack you if you provoke them!

The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the horizontal ones, and the horizontal ones are afraid of death.

After the disappearance of the Soviet Union, Russia has successfully evolved to the level of "life-threatening", and anyone who encounters it has to weigh it. The Yankees will fight Afghanistan, Iraq and many other countries at will, but who has ever seen him strike at nuclear weapons countries at will? Not to mention the five permanent members, they will think twice even about Iran.

Li Zhan rushed to the depths of the western Mediterranean Sea at a top speed of 2,400 kilometers per hour before he discovered the fleet to the east. Of course, the first thing he discovered was the Super Hornet over the fleet. The identification friend or foe system quickly gave instructions after the radar searched for the target: Four F/A-18E/F fighter attack aircraft.

After thinking about it, Li Zhan turned off the afterburner and turned left. At the same time, he performed a sideslip and dive maneuver, and began to draw a beautiful arc high in the sky. As a result, his move almost caused the Russian warship to launch an anti-air missile with a range of 150 kilometers. Their air warning radar judged that this was a cruise missile entering the dive attack stage!

At this time, the American aircraft carrier battle group realized that there had been a misunderstanding, quickly reported the situation to the Russian fleet on the opposite side, and proactively canceled combat readiness. The Russian fleet relaxed its tense nerves and continued to shine radar on Li Zhan. At least it was confirmed that it was indeed a French fighter plane training and not a cruise missile.

The Rafale M carrier-based fighter piloted by Li Zhan did not carry a pod, so he did not know that he was illuminated by the air warning radar from the surface warship. The combat pods supporting the Rafale series of fighter jets are very advanced, and the carrying of various combat pods was taken into consideration during the design. Therefore, it can be considered as a combat module of the fighter itself that can be replaced at any time.

For example, when carrying an electronic interference pod, it can perform electronic combat missions, when carrying a reconnaissance pod, it can perform reconnaissance missions, and when carrying a laser designation pod, it can perform guidance attacks and precision ground attack missions.

He did not enter the locking range of the Russian warship's fire control radar, so the radar warning did not sound. So he had no idea that his too swift movements almost caused the two fleets below to come to blows. As we all know, the central waters of the southern coast of the Mediterranean are very sensitive. The country that belongs to the central coastline of the southern coast is Libya. A war broke out there last year, and Rafale fighter jets also participated.

The French are not bragging when they say that the Rafale fighter jet has been tested in actual combat. This fighter jet has performed combat missions in Afghanistan and Libya, most of which were ground attack missions. Because of the opponent, it can only be said that it has barely passed the actual combat test.

After Li Zhan turned around, the speed of the fighter jet had quickly dropped to subsonic speed. Then, the speed quickly increased again during the dive, and soon exceeded the speed of sound. When he was one thousand meters away from the sea level, he slowed down and pulled up the fighter jet. Under heavy overload, the fuselage of the fighter jet made a tooth-gripping sound. Under the influence of inertia, the fighter plane still sank to a height of about 500 meters above the sea level.

Li Zhan pressed the stick a little more, and the fighter plane touched the sea level and resumed level flight.

The radar at the Toulon Naval Base could no longer detect the fighter planes. From the control tower, Monet called out urgently: "Shepherd! Your position! Report your position!"

"I'm flying at ultra-low altitude, um, flying towards the base, 180 kilometers away." Li Zhan smoothly sent the latest coordinates back through the data link. They used the military network of GPS, which basically achieved positioning without blind spots.

Monet quickly determined Li Zhan's location. The base can receive the position only after the positioning device on the fighter plane sends a signal, so the fighter plane needs to continuously send signals, and the satellite receives the signal and then sends it to the ground receiving terminal.

Everyone who thought there was an accident secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The base commander forced a smile and said to Morean, "You are a very good pilot and your skills are excellent."

Instead, Morean felt a little embarrassed and said with embarrassment, "Some of his moves are indeed too big and full of dangers. How about calling him back."

"No, no, no, we said we would have thirty minutes to experience it, and we keep our word." The base commander said pretending to be grand, resisting the urge to issue a return order.

In this way, Li Zhan was able to continue flying.

After seeing the coastline, he adjusted the sea skimming height to 20 meters. Basically, after the fuselage was tilted 90 degrees, the wingtips almost touched the water. After flying at ultra-low altitude and supersonic speed for a few seconds, he quickly decelerated, maintained the flight altitude, and slowly adjusted the throttle lever. The throttle lever with a very small stroke is not easy to control as desired. It was only at this time that Li Zhan began to feel the control, so he put the ultra-low-altitude minimum speed flight now.

Monet's introduction mentioned that the Rafale M carrier-based fighter can have a very stable attitude during the landing and approach phase, and the approach speed is smaller, which is simply too important for a carrier-based fighter. Whether it is true or not, Li Zhan now needs to verify it.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and many French people were already waiting to finish their work day and go have afternoon tea. People in most European countries, including the French, are keen on traveling, as evidenced by the large number of tourists on the beaches on the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Especially the beaches in the Marseille area, there is no shortage of tourists all year round. At this time in June, the weather in the Marseille area is very comfortable. The highest temperature is only 25-6 degrees Celsius and the lowest temperature is 16-7 degrees Celsius. It is very suitable for outdoor activities. Moreover, the middle of the year is the season when Europeans travel in large numbers. As France is very A famous city, Marseille welcomes a lot of tourists.

Marseille is only a few dozen kilometers away from the Toulon military port, which is a blink of an eye for fighter planes. Fighter aircraft from the Toulon Military Port Aviation Training Base often go to Marseille for training, and large military aircraft even have to hover over Marseille to wait when they arrive.

At this time, Li Zhan's nose was pointed at Marseille. He had to adjust the course over Marseille and align it with the runway before landing. But before that, he still had to make several large overload maneuvers, so he chose the airspace between the Marseille coastline and the base. After completing the established large overload maneuver, he had just enough distance to adjust the course and return to the base, which was just enough to consume Thirty minutes to go.

Li Zhan had no idea that there were a large number of tourists on the beach in front of him.

So when Li Zhan piloted the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet and approached the coastline at an altitude of 20 meters above the sea level at an increasingly slower speed, he immediately attracted people who were sunbathing on the beach, playing beach volleyball, surfing, playing motorboats, etc. Attention sea parachute tourists.

Those Europeans and Americans in swimsuits screamed excitedly at the approaching fighter planes flying almost close to the sea. Some even held their clothes in their hands and waved them wildly as flags.

Only the tourist, who was flying in the air with a parachute and being dragged by a speedboat, was so scared that he peed his pants when he saw the fighter plane rushing towards him.

Li Zhan was already very close when he found an obstacle in the air ahead. He decisively increased the thrust and made an emergency turn. The fighter plane skidded and turned amidst the roar of the engine, barely avoiding the parachute, but the powerful wake turbulence Blowing the parachute backwards actually gave the tourists above a different kind of excitement!

Breaking out in a cold sweat, Li Zhan quickly turned around to observe, only to find that the beach was crowded with tourists. He could even see many tourists holding up SLR cameras to take pictures of him. Li Zhan took off his oxygen mask, pushed open the goggles of his flight helmet, smiled at the tourists on the beach and made a scissor hand gesture!

An AFP reporter who was having an exclusive interview with his family quickly took a photo with a 60-degree angle: the tail nozzle of the fighter jet and the camera are at about a 60-degree angle. Due to the height problem, the cockpit display can even be seen. , and the pilot turned around and showed a friendly scissor hand gesture with a smile.

"Hey, not a French pilot?" The AFP reporter was extremely surprised, and then realized that he had caught a very good news topic!

Li Zhan did not stay and flew along the coastline towards the Toulon military port. He regained his mood and slowly reduced the speed to 195 kilometers per hour. Then he found that the fighter plane was still very stable! This indicator is too scary! Li Zhan can almost conclude that the envelope is 100 knots, which is about 187 kilometers per hour!

"Monet, what is the minimum speed limit of the Rafale fighter? One hundred knots?" Li Zhan called the control tower and asked.

Monet and the base commander looked at each other, and the former said helplessly, "Yes, that's right."

In other words, the minimum speed envelope of the Rafale fighter is less than one hundred knots...

Li Zhan suddenly felt that as a carrier-based fighter jet, this aircraft was really good!

PS: 12000/30000. New monthly tickets and updates: As of now, the total number of monthly tickets is 2410, and the monthly tickets and updates are 2 chapters. Everyone is very helpful, basically 200 monthly tickets per day, so the rifle may have to use afterburner by the end of the month.

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