Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 562: One Hundred Tips on How to Converse with Chinese People

Chapter 562: One Hundred Tips on How to Converse with Chinese People

When the fighter plane reappeared in everyone's sight, everyone breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Many people didn't know why they breathed a sigh of relief.

The base commander said nonchalantly: "I have never thought that the Canadian Gray Goose is so beautiful."

The paint color of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter driven by Li Zhan is similar to the color of the Canadian Gray Goose.

Because he is not his own pilot, Monet is not very good at interfering with Li Zhan's flying movements except for issuing normal instructions and providing necessary guidance. Therefore, he and the base commander are holding back their chests, feeling like they are about to burst. At that time, Li Zhan finally came back.

The speed of the fighter plane did not slow down, and it rushed over from a not too high altitude. The nose of the fighter plane was 90 degrees from the runway. Li Zhan had no choice. In order to avoid tourists on the beach, he had to change the airspace for large overload maneuvers. After completing several major stunts, the fighter plane needed to make a large circle to realign with the runway. At this time, it was three meters away. The ten-minute deadline is approaching.

Of course he didn't want the French to find a reason to accuse him of flying abnormally.

So we could only speed up and fly straight over and enter the approach phase. Then a large sideslip caused the nose of the aircraft to turn 90 degrees to the left. The fighter plane was right on the landing route. Because it was preparing to land, it was traveling at a low speed. This hurts the French very much - the four states that aircraft engines are most afraid of: high power, high sideslip, high angle of attack, and low speed.

Li Zhan accounted for half of it with one landing.

He still left some room. Originally, he wanted to try to see if he could do the Cobra maneuver, but he vaguely remembered that the French had never tried it before, so he gave up for safety reasons.

Monet, who was staring closely at the fighter plane to treat guests, suddenly frowned. He quickly picked up the binoculars and looked over. While observing carefully, he called Li Zhan: "Shepherd, have you noticed that you are not on the main runway? Your landing route Wrong! Pull up, pull up!"

His sudden shouting made everyone on the tower feel excited. Morean even subconsciously walked forward quickly to take a distant view! On the other side, Zhang Xueyang, Tang Leilei, and Cao Fufei were startled and looked at each other.

Zhang Xueyang: Is it true that Lao Li cannot escape the curse of dangerous situations?

Tang Leilei: Brother Yi can definitely handle it and it will be fine!

Cao Goufei: What should I do if I fall? Do you want us to pay for it? There shouldn't be any need to pay, right? That doesn’t make sense!

They were not worried about Li Zhan's safety at all. They were just not facing the runway. Even if there was danger, Li Zhan would definitely pull the ejection ring without hesitation - it was not his own plane anyway.

"Yes, my route is correct." Li Zhan was startled by Monet's sudden call. He quickly checked the landing route, and after confirming it three times, he replied, "Monet, my route is correct. I lowered my tail hook Yes, please confirm."

? ? ?

What lower tail hook?

Monet suddenly understood - he was going to block the landing!

Oh my God, this isn't true!

"Tower?" Li Zhan couldn't hear the instructions and called again.

Parallel to the main runway is the land-based arrester landing training area. This base was originally a flight training base for the French naval aviation. Naturally, land-based arrester landing training and ejection take-off training are indispensable. Li Zhan originally hoped to eject and take off, but the French refused very simply.

The reason is simple, the catapult was bought by Americans.

What else could Monet do? You didn't make it clear that you can only glide to land. He quickly contacted the interception landing training area and found that it was actually on standby and fighter planes could land at any time. As a last resort, he agreed to Li Zhan's request.

Next, everyone saw the fighter plane falling easily at a very low speed. The tail hook accurately hooked the second blocking cable, and then stopped steadily. It gives people the illusion of watching a senior instructor demonstrate the rules for blocking a landing on a ship.

After the fighter plane taxied to the parking stand, Monet completely relaxed, showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and said to Morenan, "Mr. Mo, your Major Li may have reached the level of familiarity with Rafale fighters." It’s incredible to surpass the level of our senior pilots.”

"His safe landing is already very satisfying, not as good as your senior Rafale pilot." Morenan sighed and said it sincerely.

Monet only thought that Mo Ren was being humble, took a few deep breaths, and handed the topic to the base commander.

The base commander was still stunned. What he saw was completely different from what he had guessed before, which was difficult for him to accept. Especially after knowing that this was the first time for this Chinese navy pilot to come into contact with the Rafale fighter jet. After watching the flight, he suspected that he was in a dream. No, there was nothing so terrifying in the dream.

"Oh, good, very good. Major Li is the pilot with the strongest learning ability I have ever seen. He is very good." The base commander came back to his senses, stretched out his hand to shake Morean's hand, and remembered what he had seen before. "How to Converse with Chinese People in 100 Tips" mentioned a kind of polite communication method, so he said, "In fact, I even hope to see Major Li taking off and landing on our aircraft carrier, and even participate in some simple exchanges." Ground attack training.”

"Okay, we'll do as we please and obey our host's arrangements." Morenan said with a smile.

The base commander was stunned. I just said that to be polite, but you are so rude! Isn’t this the way Chinese people speak? Next, shouldn't you say something like "Thank you for the compliment, I will definitely have the opportunity in the future" and end the topic amicably? Why don't you play your cards right?

He subconsciously wanted to explain, but suddenly realized that there were diplomats present. This was a diplomatic situation, and the words he spoke out were water and nails.

"I, yes, I will ask General Franco for instructions immediately." The base commander felt so miserable that he could only agree to this matter in a vain manner.

Zhang Xueyang and the three people beside them were almost excited. Isn't this the main purpose of their coming here to communicate? Li Zhan had previously mentioned that he hoped to have the opportunity to fly a few take-offs and landings on the Dai ship. Everyone thought this was impossible, but now it was decided so easily.

In fact, the commander of the training base cannot decide whether it can be used. Only Admiral Franco, the top commander of the French Navy, has such decision-making power.

Moregan is not stupid. It is one thing for Li Zhan to fly Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets and perform high-risk maneuvers, but it is another thing to win the ship to fly for everyone. It can be said that this is the main purpose of their HNA team's military exchange. Multinational air power and military exchanges have always been the stage for the air force. Hainan Airlines pilots do not get many performance opportunities because they have sufficient manpower.

As for Yu Chenglin's statement that his HNA team must return to the 113th Air Force Base before the exchange activity started, that was purely for them to go there and be spectators. The big brother of the Air Force is showing off, but the second brother of Hainan Airlines is not allowed to wave the flag and cheer. Of course, the main reason is that the Chinese military has a very strong "reserve" tactical awareness. If something unexpected happens and there are not enough people in the Air Force, HNA as a reserve can step in.

Morenan also knew that it was not easy to fly on the Dai ship. This was not something he could just get France to agree to in a hurry. It also required a higher level of communication between the two parties, but this was no longer his business.

There were no sightseeing activities in the afternoon. Monet prepared an exquisite afternoon tea to entertain the distinguished guests from the East. Li Zhan and the others noticed that there was no training scheduled for any afternoon at this base. He thought it was a special case, but after asking, he found that it was the same everywhere. Except for the combat readiness personnel, everyone left their posts at three o'clock in the afternoon for afternoon tea...

Li Zhan and others finally understood why the French army's combat effectiveness was so rubbish.

It can be said that what is on display are their best, such as fighter pilots, but other than that, the combat effectiveness of the troops is really worrying, and they basically rely on advanced weapons and equipment. There is a reason why France works so hard to recruit foreign mercenaries.

During afternoon tea, Monet pulled Li Zhan and asked him over and over again about how he "used to fly a Rafale fighter jet." Li Zhan was exhausted and couldn't believe it no matter how he explained it to Monet. Monet's reason is simple but powerful - there are geniuses in the world, but genius' understanding has a limit!

It is not easy to deceive a senior Rafale instructor like Monet.

Fortunately, Morenan and others brought up other topics to relieve the situation.

That night, the French organized a cocktail party. Most of the participants were officers of the French Navy, including pilots, mechanics, etc. Secondly, there were also beautiful women invited from who knows where. This made Li Zhan and his gang who had never seen the world. The country bumpkin's eyes were opened - is there still such an operation?

The swaying red wine glasses, the waiters coming and going with plates, the melodious jazz music, and the various foods, pastries and drinks lined up on two long tables.

The military attache knows the situation best. When Morenan was talking to high-level officers of the French Navy, the military attache was responsible for introducing the situation to Li Zhan and other four bumpkin. "Do you think it's weird? I was also surprised when I first arrived in Marseille. Such The scene cannot appear in our army. But for them, it is part of daily life. Especially the French Navy, which is more open in this regard. You should understand."

Tang Leilei's eyes were exhausted. He looked at the blond girl and then at the black-haired and blue-eyed girl. The elegant evening dress was very economical in fabric, which really made her mouth dry, face flushed and ears flushed. .

The military attaché said, "But tonight these French lesbians are basically their family members and the family members of local officials. You see, the young girl surrounded by several French navy pilots talking is the daughter of the local mayor. So Social receptions are very common, but tonight’s reception is of a diplomatic nature, so ordinary people will not be invited.”

They are looking at others, and more people are looking at them.

To French naval officers and those invited, Chinese soldiers were too mysterious.

However, with the military attache standing here, Li Zhan and others would not dare to come into contact with them, especially women, even if they had no intention of doing so.

"Relax a little. You all know the discipline. One more thing, you can't leave my sight. You have to ask me for leave to go to the toilet." The military attache said.

What may sound like an infringement of personal freedom to others is a matter of course for Chinese soldiers. They are soldiers to fight, not to flirt with girls!

Everyone looked at each other and communicated with each other.

Cao Fufei: Want to experience the daily corruption of the capitalist army?

Tang Leilei: Let’s just say that speaking does not violate discipline, right?

Zhang Xueyang: It's not that serious. Let's just have a chat and strictly abide by the discipline.

Li Zhan: Don’t say what you shouldn’t say, and pay attention to the confidentiality discipline!

Cao Fufei: Lao Li, you go first? As for the mayor's daughter, go say hello to her and give us a head start.

Zhang Xueyang: Yes, Lao Li, you are the most popular in this issue. You go first. Why are you scared?

Tang Leilei: Hehe.

Li Zhan adjusted his white navy summer dress. Under the expectant eyes of his comrades, he said resolutely: "I'm going to talk to Monet about the Rafale fighter jets."

Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei, Tang Leilei: test.

"I will also discuss the Rafale fighter with them. There are still many aspects of this aircraft that we need to analyze." Tang Leilei reacted the fastest. After saying something to the military attache, he quickly followed Li Zhan.

"I also……"

As soon as Zhang Xueyang opened his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by the military attache with a smile. The military attache said, "It's not that serious. It's just an attitude of the superiors to agree to everyone's participation in this cocktail party. As for communication, how can you communicate if you don't talk to them more? Pay attention to the scale. That’s it.”

"Yes!" Zhang Xueyang and Cao Fufei replied solemnly. After adjusting their mentality, they faced everyone with relaxed and kind smiles.

Many people have been paying attention to them, and they all know that the protagonist tonight is the Chinese Navy pilot. This cocktail party is held to entertain them. On the one hand, the distinguished guests cannot be left out, and on the other hand, everyone has a strong interest in the unfamiliar Chinese Navy pilot. . It's just that Li Zhan and others were so serious before that they scared everyone as if they were about to go to the battlefield at any time. No one dared to come forward.

At this time, a squadron leader and wingman from a certain flying wing of the French Naval Aviation came over with wine glasses and greeted Zhang Xueyang and Cao Fufei with a smile. The military attache in civilian clothes smiled slightly and walked away quietly. No one would be able to let go of him when he was around.

Moreover, he found that these naval pilots were very new, like new recruits, and very low-level, like old mainland cadres.

The military attache basically guessed it right. The four naval pilots who looked very experienced were actually old Air Force pilots who had just transferred to Hainan Airlines!

If it were an old navy, especially one that often visited foreign countries and communicated with foreign militaries, they would not be so restrained at all. Those old navy officers have never seen anything, and some diplomatic disciplines and rules are more familiar to them than many professional diplomats.

Why is it said that the army, the local air force, and the navy are proud of the ocean? Why does the navy know the ocean? This is because the navy is the most globalized service and is often in contact with foreigners. Another thing is that the modern navy is imported to China and basically follows the European and American style.

PS: 16000/30000. Wow, this update speed is supersonic. Keep working on it and write more now. The total number of monthly votes is 2480, which is only 120 votes short of adding chapter 3.

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