Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 563? Mediterranean Dusk

Chapter 563 Mediterranean Dusk

For some unknown reason, the French side once again demonstrated extremely high work efficiency. On the second day of the reception, Li Zhan and others received a reply: Li Zhan and others were allowed to sail with the Dai ship to visit and study and conduct simple start-ups. Descend flight experience.

Li Zhan and others were so excited that they wanted to swim from the north coast to the south coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

They are basically certain that this will be their first and last time taking off and landing on the Dai ship.


Because I'm afraid Dai Jian can't last long in this state!

It has only been a long time since it was put into service, and it has experienced so many failures, cracks in propellers, and even nuclear reactor problems. The time spent in the repair dock is longer than the time on combat readiness duty, and it also costs more money!

Will France still have aircraft carriers in the future?

Maybe there is, maybe not anymore.

It may be difficult for the French to support the expenditure of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Their construction of the "Mistral" class amphibious assault ship seems to be enriching the elements of the navy. In fact, they have come up with the idea of ​​​​replacing the Dai ship with a more economical solution.

It’s not that we can’t wait until next time, it’s that we are afraid that your ship will be lost!

Once the matter is settled, the rest will be easy to handle.

Monet was still in charge, explaining Li Zhanren's shipboard takeoff and landing operations and other related procedures. At the same time, they conducted a day of training in the land-based interception and landing training area. On the third day, the base's Eurostar bus took them away. After arriving at Toulon Military Port, at dawn, Li Zhan and the others saw the "famous" Dai Ship.

The reason why it is "famous" rather than famous is because the ship has been plagued by troubles since its construction began. First, the launch was delayed for several years, and the entire construction period lasted for twenty years. Then, many problems were discovered during sea trials. After a few years of service, it actually had to be docked for overhaul. In the end, the propeller even broke and fell into the sea during high-speed sailing. As France's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, it was the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the world except the United States. The only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in China, the nuclear power system transplanted from the "Triumph"-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine used by the Dai ship has frequent malfunctions, and the power standard is far from meeting the requirements, making it impossible to carry out operations exceeding 26 knots. Speed ​​navigation, while taking off and landing aircraft usually requires the aircraft carrier to maintain a high speed of 30 knots.

Therefore, in the eyes of people around the world, the Dai ship has become a typical piece of equipment used by France to make a fool of itself. It is said that the funds required to maintain the operation of the Dai ship are on average not much less than the large nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the United States.

You must know that the Dai ship is only a medium-sized aircraft carrier, with a full-load displacement of only 43,000 tons. The Varyag's full-load displacement is 65,000 tons. The Dai ship is a full 20,000 tons lighter. Moreover, the hull size is also smaller than that of the Varyag. The hull length is only 260 meters, while the Varyag is 305 meters long.

After getting off the car at the pier, Tang Leile said in surprise, "The Dai ship is so small. I thought it was a big one."

After briefly talking about the situation of the Dai ship, Cao Youfei said, "Although it is small, they use two steam catapults. The dispatch efficiency of the fighter planes is faster than ours, and the number of carrier aircraft is not less than ours."

"The French have indeed done an excellent job in compacting weapons and equipment." Zhang Xueyang took over and said. The group followed Monet to the boarding ladder and said, "The Rafale M also has non-folding wings, which highlights the Dai Jian’s space utilization is extremely high.”

Li Zhan looked at the Dai ship as he walked. The appearance characteristics of this nuclear-powered aircraft carrier are very obvious-the ship island is arranged forward, which is basically the opposite of the layout of the American nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The French just like to be special, and they do it very well. From car design to weapons and equipment design, they have never missed anything that can be innovative.

The aircraft carrier has become a useless piece of food that the French Navy has abandoned. The maintenance cost is too expensive, but they only have this one aircraft carrier left. In order to maintain the pride of France, the French are still hanging on. Even France feels that it cannot hold on anymore, which shows that not everyone can afford a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

To give a simple example, when a conventional aircraft carrier goes to sea, it is enough to configure the engine room personnel according to the standard. A nuclear-powered aircraft carrier cannot, it must carry a top nuclear power technology expert team with it at all times.

But in any case, no matter how bad the Dai ship is, it has participated in many combat deployments and performed actual combat missions. In other words, the Dai ship has rich combat experience, and the Rafale M carrier-based fighter force it carries has carried out many combat operations. These experiences are very important for the Chinese Navy's aircraft carrier force, which is in its initial stage.

Therefore, Li Zhan and others cherished this opportunity to sail with the ship and experience flying.

The Dai ship was ready to set sail. After Li Zhan and others boarded the ship, the boarding ladder was removed. With the help of two tugs, the Dai ship slowly left the dock, and then relied on its own power to slowly sail under the guidance of the pilot wheel. Out of Tulun Military Navigation, sailed straight south.

After arriving at the open sea, the two destroyers Forban and Chevalier Paul and two Lafitte-class frigates that had been waiting for a long time came up and formed a task force with the Dai ship. There are no logistics support ships accompanying it, so it is certain that this is a short-term combat training.

Forbin and Chevalier Paul are the most advanced destroyers of the French Navy and are Horizon-class destroyers jointly developed with Italy. The French Navy originally planned to build four ships, but because the cost far exceeded expectations, the last two ships were axed. Therefore, the Forbin and the Chevalier Paul became the only two advanced destroyers in the French Navy.

It can be seen from the construction of naval equipment that several major European countries are so boastful that they are actually strong on the outside and incompetent on the outside. The trend of decline is inevitable.

The Lafitte-class frigates that once made Chinese naval officers and soldiers drool with envy, from the day when the training speed of naval ship-handling officers and soldiers could not keep up with the launching speed of 054A, there was no longer a "Lafite" in the eyes of Chinese naval officers and soldiers.

It is said that the destroyers and frigates recently accepted by our navy are all equipped with double personnel. When the combat effectiveness is formed, the level of backup personnel has reached the ability to pick up ships. Even so, there has been a situation of lack of pick-up!

The frequency of going into the water is too high!

Monet and a commander from the ship's aviation department led Li Zhan and others to visit the Dai ship. Except that they were not allowed to take pictures, they could visit any place and ask any questions. Their focus was on the ship's aviation command. Several of them had great memory potential and deeply remembered every word spoken by the French personnel. These are experiences to learn from in the future.

Many people say that we cross the river by touching powerful enemies. In fact, we touch almost everyone. As long as your technology and experience are advanced, I will touch them. I will touch them openly and secretly and seize any opportunity to touch them. The Chinese nation is the nation with the strongest learning ability and the most tolerant nation - everything can become its own.

There are no quiet moments on the road to building a strong military. In order to learn from the French’s experience in using aircraft carriers and carrier-based fighter jets, we must move forward with a heavy load!

No, after most of the day's visit, Captain Gaston, the captain of the ship, held a welcome buffet on the flight deck at three o'clock in the afternoon in order to welcome the six pilots from China, and named it "Mediterranean Dusk" . The captains of the Forban, the Chevalier Paul and the two Lafitte-class frigates and their accompanying staff took ship-based helicopters to the Dai ship for a buffet.

Colonel Gaston planned a simple but grand welcome buffet and organized several simple programs to make the "Mediterranean Dusk" lively and colorful.

Li Zhan and others, who had exchanged summer gifts, couldn't laugh or cry. After subconsciously staying away from the French female soldiers in cool clothes, they naturally gathered together and talked.

Cao Fufei looked at the happily participating officers and soldiers and said in a low voice, "Why do I feel like they found an excuse to party and have fun? Look at how excited they all are."

"Isn't this obvious?" Zhang Xueyang said with a smile, "Do you really think they are here to entertain us? We can't even be considered a sideshow. Didn't Monet just say that this voyage was carried out on a ship? The deployment plan has been established, just go around the Mediterranean Sea and conduct joint exercises with the Sixth Fleet, didn’t you notice that there are not even a single logistics ship?”

Tang Leilei said in a faint tone, "They seem to have a live-fire shooting mission. I wonder if there is a chance to see it."

"There should be a chance." Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "The French also want to show off their muscles. I can see it. They have no intention of hiding it from us from the beginning."

"Yes." Zhang Xueyang said, "Even the commander of the army said that the French are more friendly than before. Let us experience flying, which was unthinkable before, let alone let you fly the Rafale alone."

Li Zhan nodded in agreement, "So we must seize this opportunity with all our strength, don't have any worries, ask everything you want to ask and see, regardless of whether they agree or not."

"What I want to see most is their intelligence command center." Zhang Xueyang said.

Li Zhan frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "This is probably impossible. Didn't you notice that their formation commander did not attend the buffet?"

As soon as he reminded them, Zhang Xueyang and others immediately searched around. As expected, the highest-ranking personnel on the ship were Monet and Captain Gaston, as well as an official from the French Ministry of National Defense. The combat commander of Dai Ship is a commodore. After forming a task force, he becomes the formation commander. He is responsible for combat command and has much more power than the captain of Dai Ship.

The place where the formation commander stays is the intelligence command center. All departments on the aircraft carrier are open to the public, but the intelligence command center is not open to foreign military personnel. A layman may not be able to see anything, but a professional will know what's going on just by looking at it.

The intelligence command center is the core of the aircraft carrier and even the aircraft carrier combat formation.

"Li, look at the Mediterranean dusk we have prepared for you, and enjoy this short happy time." Monet came over with a smile and gathered the red wine glass in his hand.

Li Zhan smiled and clinked the red wine glass with Monet, but his glass was filled with soda water.

"When can we fly?" Li Zhan asked.

Monet blinked and said, "You may have a chance tonight. As for the others, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. In short, we will make arrangements as soon as possible."

"Oh, night flight, that's pretty good." Li Zhan's brows twitched. He couldn't figure out whether the French deliberately caused problems or thought that their technology had reached a level that could carry out night flight missions.

Captain Gaston, who hosted the buffet, clapped his hands and said loudly, "Gentlemen, our beautiful female comrades have brought us a dance, welcome them!"

The crowd applauded.

The female soldiers in costumes came out and danced "What a Beautiful Jasmine Flower".

Li Zhan even laughed. This is no different from a condolence performance!

Immediately, Li Zhan and the other three comrades began to watch the French female soldiers' "What a beautiful jasmine flower" with critical eyes. While watching, they silently recited the three major disciplines and eight points of attention.

The setting sun was setting in the west, hanging like an egg yolk in the sea and sky to the west, and the land was gradually lost to sight. The orange-red sunlight shone on the Dai fleet formation sailing southeast at a cruising speed of 16 knots. Under this situation, the officers and soldiers of the French Navy lived a life of drinking and being drunk now. Some drunk pilots carried wine bottles and jumped on the wings of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets and started to have fun, dancing with excitement. , Captain Gaston and the directors of the aviation department watched with interest and even gave warm applause from time to time.

The military attache walked up to the frowning Li Zhan and asked, "Do you think the French army has fallen?"

"I feel that way." Li Zhan shook his head and sighed, "Chief, I can't figure out what combat effectiveness such an army has. But judging from the previous combat operations of the French Air Force and Naval Air Force, they are not without merit."

The military attache smiled and said, "The reason is very simple. This is their job, and they only regard service as a job. Just like a company, if you want to get better treatment and more benefits, you have to work hard."

"If this is the case, if they encounter a strong opponent, they will be completely defeated." Li Zhan said.

"Definitely, it is absolutely impossible for an army without faith to win a war." The military attache said with a smile, "It's okay to bully the weak, but it will be different when it comes to an opponent with comparable strength. History has proven this."

The military attache patted Li Zhan on the shoulder and asked, "What do you think after visiting?"

Li Zhan said, "I feel it is a pity. Putting aside the shortcomings of the ship, such a ship will definitely play a greater role if it is in our hands. The French are too undisciplined. But even so, their efficiency is not Low, it has a lot to do with the combat operation system and their accumulated experience, this is what we need to learn."

"Yes, you see the key. The French side has offered to let you participate in their flight training in the early morning, including live-fire shooting subjects, and Captain Monet has agreed. Monet personally went into battle. That guy has participated in many combat operations. The French side is You have the intention of competing with us, so you have to fight hard." said the military attache.

Li Zhan burst out laughing, "I am confident and capable of playing at a good level!"

The Mediterranean evening buffet continues...

PS: 20000/30000. As of the time of writing, the total number of monthly votes is 2,750, and 3 chapters have been added, which is only 50 votes away from adding 4 chapters. The brothers are quite awesome! The follow-up content will be even more exciting!

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