Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 564? Taking off from the Mediterranean Sea at 4 a.m.

Chapter 564 Taking off from the Mediterranean Sea at 4 a.m.

When it comes to the Mediterranean, most people think of hairstyles and thalassemia. From this perspective, the geographical relationship here seems to be quite corresponding. This sea area has always been a hot spot since the Age of Discovery. When sailing in this area, you may not see civilian ships sometimes, but you can definitely encounter warships often.

Even though France, Italy and Spain occupy a small half of the northern coast of the Mediterranean, their navies are far from being able to dominate here. Not to mention the World Police's aircraft carrier battle group, even Russia's Black Sea Fleet is not easy to deal with. Those Soviet-made warships that look stupid and bulky have the most powerful sea strike capabilities besides aircraft carriers, and they are driven by a bunch of bears who drink vodka as boiling water.

The Dai ship's task force entered the Tunis Strait after more than ten hours of sailing. It was already four o'clock in the morning, and the sea and sky were still the same color. However, the Dai ship sounded the combat alarm and all positions entered combat status. Li Zhan and others also came to the flight tower to watch the flight preparations of the Dai ship.

The task force launched a battle formation, the destroyers Forban and Chevalier Paul launched an air defense posture, while the two Lafitte-class frigates assumed an anti-submarine search posture. It looks very shabby, but this is the best that the Gallic Rooster Navy can currently do.

Although the Chinese Navy does not yet have an aircraft carrier, it is just a matter of one sentence to say that it will pull out a dozen destroyers and frigates for a drill or something, and it does not even need to be specially drawn from other fleets.

In fact, the Chinese navy has never compared itself with the navies of several major European countries, nor has it compared with the Russian navy. Even at its worst, it has never regarded the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force as its object of comparison, because Rabbit's goal is to be the strongest on the sea...

I don’t even bother comparing myself to small countries like you. Our huge country must be on par with big countries. People who are poor are not short of ambition, not to mention that their wallets are getting bigger and bigger now.

Moran'an asked Li Zhan beside him in a deep voice, "Two things were determined ten minutes ago. The first thing is that they will conduct a joint exercise with the Mediterranean Gendarmerie. The second thing is that they will have a live-fire shooting mission this time. Captain Ston and Monet said they can fight for us and let our people try out the sea-to-ground attack of Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets."

The Mediterranean Gendarmerie refers to the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet. The normally deployed forces of this fleet can destroy the entire European navy...

Li Zhan said excitedly, "It's great, it can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"There is no such thing as love without reason. The French have put in a lot of efforts to promote the Rafale fighter jets," Morenan said with a smile.

Li Zhan was stunned, "They should know that we will not purchase Rafale."

Shaking his head slightly, Morenan said, "To be precise, we want to buy it but they dare not sell it. Otherwise, Typhoon is also a good choice. Not to mention other things, Rolls-Royce's EJ200 engine is very good. .”

"That's true."

"The French want to work hard, maybe they can do it?" Morenan patted Li Zhan on the shoulder and asked, "Is there a problem with night sailing? We haven't started the subject of blocking ship landings at night yet."

Li Zhan smiled honestly and said, "Commander, you know I'm fine."

"Well, in short, safety comes first, and people's safety comes first. We are not at home now, understand?" Morenan warned in a deep voice.

Li Zhan nodded heavily, "I understand, commander, please rest assured! If we encounter a first-level or higher danger, I will eject if I am not 100% sure!"

"Well, that's the right idea!"

Monet appeared at the right time, greeted Mo Ren'an and then called to Li Zhan, "Li, it's time to get ready."

Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei, and Tang Leile came over and warned Li Zhan one by one.

Zhang Xueyang said, "Old Li, safety comes first, and people's safety comes first."

Cao Fufei said, "If it doesn't work, just go around. It's no big deal. You have scared them badly."

Tang Leilei said, "Brother 1, pull the ejection ring if something goes wrong. It's not our plane anyway."

"Brothers, can't you expect me to be better?" Li Zhan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why do you always think that I am in danger when I go to heaven?"

The three brothers were unmoved, and Tang Leile even took out a... paper crane from his pocket? He handed it to Li Zhan and said, "Brother First, after research and analysis, we worked together to fold a paper crane and use it as a mascot. If you carry it with you, it will bring you good luck."

"Thank you, brother." Li Zhan was so moved that he took the paper crane. When he lowered his head and looked at it, all the emotion was gone, but he saw the letter "Good luck to you No. 037".

"Let's go, Li." Monet patted Li Zhan on the arm.

Li Zhan glanced at his three comrades meaningfully, nodded slowly - just wait for me, and then left quickly.

No. 037 J-7EGGH is a fighter plane that Li Zhan never fell to death no matter how hard he fell. Every time Li Zhan flew the No. 037 J-7EGGH, although the probability of encountering danger was very high, he survived every time. Isn’t this super? Invincible good luck!

As for "Good Luck", this was the radio call sign that ensured Li Zhan's safe stay in Beiku for two years!

Following Monet to the flight briefing room, Monet said to Li Zhan, "We have adopted Mr. Morenan's suggestion. Your mission codename is Good Luck."

Li Zhan:...

Monet said, "We first conducted a night air defense warning flight, and then moved to sea target search training. Oh, the Roosevelt is an imaginary enemy target, and our mission is to use airborne radar to search the sea surface to find it. Finally, we went to live ammunition shooting Live firing in the airspace. Yes, so we will carry sea attack ammunition and self-defense missiles into the air. Are you okay with the use of relevant weapons and ammunition?"

I studied it when I was at the Toulon military port training base. I have a basic understanding of the various weapons, ammunition and other equipment used with the Rafale series fighters. Among them, I have studied in detail the main ammunition that will be used now. , Monet believes that there is no problem with Li Zhan's ability.

This is almost like going to a 4S store to buy a car and test drive it. Oh, the normal test drive also includes things like rapid acceleration and sudden braking.

The aviation department setup on an aircraft carrier is similar to that of a land airport. There are many required departments, and some auxiliary departments have been added based on the special circumstances on board the ship. These departments, all under the control of the aviation commander, are arranged according to the specific conditions on the ship. Simply put, the elements that a military airport should have are reduced and assembled on the aircraft carrier.

After the visit, Li Zhan realized that the difficulties in building an aircraft carrier were not only in the visible aspects such as power plant and special materials, but also in the invisible software system. For example, getting so many departments to run orderly in such a small space cannot be solved with just a few data lines. System engineering is completely beyond Li Zhan's knowledge.

In addition to fighting, there is also life. The daily life of thousands of people, and the guarantee of three meals a day can make any country daunted. It really does not require enough chefs. There are also aircraft repair shops and ammunition assembly depots in the aircraft carrier. So the aircraft carrier is not just a ship, but a mobile offshore platform that packs dozens of military departments. In addition, there are ship operators and ship weapons departments...

It's a real mess.

It is not easy to make every thread in this mess run normally according to different instructions.

After putting on the flight suit, receiving the flight helmet, and collecting the self-defense pistol and ammunition, carrying the flight helmet from the door specially designed for air crew to enter and exit the ship island to the flight deck, the ground crew wearing colorful vests on the flight deck will make many People feel dizzy. In a short period of time, you have no idea what those different colored vests mean. And when you look at the entire flight deck, people in vests of various colors are in a mess running around. In fact, the entire flight preparation is just such a chaotic scene. Advance rapidly.

Li Zhan is not yet familiar with the relevant departments on the flight deck, but he only needs to remember the departments and personnel directly related to the pilots, which is enough for the next flight.

On the parking bay behind the ship island, four Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets have been prepared. Monet raised his voice and pointed at one of the fighter planes with a chicken head painted on the vertical tail and said to Li Zhan, "That's your plane! Remember, you are my wingman! You take off after me! Confirm that you can take off." Then salute the pilot, and the catapult will send you out. Then the fighter will automatically accelerate and climb for 7 seconds. During this process, you don’t have to worry about the control system at all! After 7 seconds, everything will be no different from what you controlled before. Yes. You need to set the autopilot data after boarding the plane, do you understand?"

Take off like a fool.

"Yes, I understand completely!" Li Zhan agreed readily.

The M88 engine can reach maximum thrust within three seconds. In fact, the pilot can make violent movements directly after the fighter ejects from the deck. As long as the envelope is not exceeded, there will be no stall. After all, this was the first time. Monet was worried that Li Zhan would make an error, so he asked him to set the autopilot and leave the takeoff to the computer.

Of course, given this one chance, Li Zhan would not let the computer control his flight.

So he said to Monet, "I still hope to be able to control the fighter plane by myself after ejecting."

Monet was silent for a moment and nodded slightly, "Safety first, I hope you haven't forgotten how to use emergency life-saving equipment."

Li Zhan suddenly felt that this bearded colonel who looked a bit like Jean Lyon was cuter. It turns out that you didn't take the fighter plane seriously! Chinese pilots really need to learn this. If the fighter planes are no longer sold, talents come first.

"Yes, I remember it completely." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Everyone saw Monet's politeness and respect for Li Zhan, and the obvious change in his attitude even surprised the commander of the training base.

After Li Zhan got into the cockpit, he stood on the boarding ladder to emphasize a few points to Li Zhan and confirmed that there was no problem before giving up his seat to the mechanic.

In the dark Mediterranean, the red, blue, green, and yellow lights on the flight deck of the ship were flashing in different positions, and the ground crew responsible for transportation waved light sticks to direct the movement of the fighters.

At this time, a Dolphin helicopter took off first and hovered on the outside of the port side at a height slightly higher than the flight deck. The mission of this Dolphin helicopter was emergency rescue. If the fighter plane failed to eject and take off and the pilot fell into the water, they would be the first to do so. Time rushed over to fish the person out.

The specialness of Dai Ship is reflected at this time. Other aircraft carriers take off and their fighter jets sail into the wind at full speed, while Dai Ship comes to a complete stop...

PS: 23000/30000. As of the time of writing, the monthly votes are 2885, and with the addition of 3 chapters, there are only 115 votes left before the next node. Well, the previous chapter was blocked and released after modification.

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