Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 565 ?Ejection takes off!

Chapter 565 Ejection takes off!

Why did Dai Jian do what he did?

Is it another choice made by the French maverick mentality?

In fact, it is a helpless move!

Dai Jian: I can’t do it!

During its first long-distance training, the ship planned to cross the Atlantic to visit the United States. When it was driving at high speed, the cylinder was pulled. Oh no, one of the propellers was pulled off, and the other three also malfunctioned...

Something incredible happened in 2000.

It is said that the maximum speed is 30 knots, but in fact it is barely even 26 knots. The French insist that the Dai ship can run 28 knots, and since one of the propellers was pulled off at high speed, the Dai ship rarely dares to run faster than 20 knots!

This is how to do?

When flying, the aircraft should be pulled into the wind at 30 knots. Even if it is not possible, 28 or 29 knots will be fine. If it is not possible, 25 knots is better than nothing! But what if we pull the cylinder again? Oh, but what if we pull the propeller out of the sea again?

This question is too difficult!

The Frenchman is also a bachelor, and he kept thinking for a while: Why don't I just stop when I'm flying the plane? Anyway, the instant acceleration performance of my Rafale fighter is so good that I won't be afraid of not being able to fly...

Really, I would not dare to do this with another aircraft, but the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet can. With the assistance of the steam catapult, the fighter plane is ejected in its maximum thrust state, which can accelerate the fighter plane far beyond the take-off speed within 100 meters. This is also the reason why French Navy Rafale fighter pilots like to climb at a high angle of elevation or press the stick to fly towards the sea level at ultra-low altitudes as soon as they take off. The reason why they jumped so far is because the performance of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet is quite good in this regard.

In this way, the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet can still take off with its full load capacity.

Li Zhan has read internal teaching materials. When the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet ejects and takes off, it has more momentum than the Super Hornet. Watching it makes people confident. So with outstanding instantaneous acceleration performance, you can really do whatever you want.

Dai Jian's status in the French Navy is now equivalent to that of the Empress, and she is the only one in the harem. She loses her temper at every turn, so she has to be handled with care. She should not be too harsh. She usually has to be careful even when running at an economical cruising speed of 16 knots. I'm afraid that the power system will be uncomfortable.

The key is that there is only one "she". Without "her", the emperor will have no use!

There is no way, no matter how difficult the finances are, we have to support it. After all, it is the pride of France, isn't it?

At worst, I would just wander around the Mediterranean Sea instead of running far away. I would really just wander around the Mediterranean Sea. I wouldn’t even dare to go to the Persian Gulf. If it breaks down, hiring a tugboat to tow it back will cost money!

In any case, there is an aircraft carrier at least. It is good to bully the weak ones in the surrounding areas to maintain a military presence. Moreover, it is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. France is the fourth nuclear-armed country and one of the five permanent members!

Stopping to release planes is also an aircraft carrier!

The first two-plane formation has taxied to the take-off position, the spoilers have been raised, and the ground crew is directing the pilots to move to the correct position, hook up the catapult, and check various systems, very quickly.

Li Zhan couldn't help but look around. At about four o'clock in the morning, the sky in the east was getting slightly brighter. The latitude of the Mediterranean Sea is similar to that of Lianyungang in my country. The sunrise is basically the first to be seen in the time zone. It's summer again, and if nothing much changes, it will get dark at about six in the morning on the Mediterranean side.

"It makes sense to cross the day and night." Li Zhan thought to himself, and then he remembered the mount of the landline, and he couldn't help but get excited.

The fighter he flew had the same mounts as Monet's, two Exocet air-launched anti-ship missiles, two MICA air-to-air missiles, six AASM guided bombs under the composite pylon, and finally three auxiliary fuel tanks, twelve Ten of the plug-in points have been used, which can be said to be armed to the teeth!

And Li Zhan received clear instructions, he can destroy all mounts except Mika air-to-air missiles!

When he thought of this, Li Zhan couldn't help but call the control tower, "Chickenhouse, I want to confirm the order again. I can knock out all mounts except air-to-air missiles with the final live fire. Is that true?"

"Yes, good luck." The command tower confirmed the command.

Li Zhan then tapped heavily on the kneeboard of his left thigh and set this command in the most conspicuous position. The first few flight contents are all nonsense, only the last one, live ammunition shooting, is really interesting. Of course, this is only for a high-level pilot like Li Zhan. For ordinary pilots, searching the sea is a very difficult subject.

And the search is still at night, which means that it can only rely on airborne radar.

However, experienced pilots will have many effective ways to use airborne radar.

Li Zhan felt relieved after confirming the order.

The takeoff assistant signaled that he was ready to take off, and the steam catapult suddenly sent out a Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet like a paper plane. In the blink of an eye, the fighter jet climbed up with its left red and green navigation lights flashing, and then quickly flew away. go. The other one had already been prepared, and after the interval was up, it was ejected by the second steam catapult.

It's Li Zhan and Monet's turn.

The first two-aircraft formation was an air combat mount, and they were sea and ground attack mounts. In fact, the goal of this deployment task is very clear and the idea is quite clear. The air superiority fighters took off first to compete for air supremacy and open the air channel. Then the air strike group took off to conduct ground attacks through the opened air channel, and the air superiority fighters turned to cover.

A very common and typical aviation combat mode.

Li Zhan stared at the light stick of the dispatcher, and slowly drove away from the parking lot according to the instructions. He moved in the small space at a speed of 5 kilometers per hour, and slowly pointed the nose of the machine towards the guide rail of the steam catapult. Drive forward slowly, brake to a stop when the dispatcher gestures to stop, and then remain stopped.

He was using the steam catapult on the port side. Just to his left, the Dolphin search and rescue helicopter was still hovering. The crew and divers on it stared wide-eyed at the fighter jets preparing to take off. They are also responsible for aerial observation. If they find abnormalities in some parts of the fighter plane, they will quickly report to stop taking off.

Monet was ready before Li Zhan, and he would take off first.

Suddenly, Li Zhan felt a slight continuous vibration, and then he saw Monet's fighter plane flying out like an arrow. With a huge roar, it quickly climbed up and left the take-off and landing route. The movement was faster than before. The first batch of fighter jets were much faster, which shows Monet's skills.

It’s time for Li Zhan.

He silently simulated the ground crew hook and other actions in his mind, counting silently in his mind. When he felt it should be completed, the takeoff assistant gave a thumbs up. It's his turn. He quickly checked each system of the fighter jet and pushed the throttle lever to maximum thrust. When the engine reached maximum speed, he turned his head to look at the takeoff assistant and gave a curt salute.

The takeoff assistant then sends the takeoff signal, and the catapult operator starts the catapult.

Li Zhan felt as if someone had kicked his butt violently, and his whole body seemed to be pressed on the back of the chair by dozens of pairs of big hands. The instant overload made his anus tighten, and the fighter plane left the mothership in the blink of an eye...

PS: 25000/30000. Let’s be serious, everyone should pay attention to discipline in chapter reviews and book reviews. Real-life troop information (station numbers, etc.), unofficially confirmed information, so-called secrets, non-public weapons and equipment data, etc. cannot be published. If you are happy, the Fighting Falcon will be finished. You can see that any such relevant information in the book has been processed. We just want to write a novel that is interesting, but it is absolutely not allowed to explore military secrets! This is no joke!

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