Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 566 ?Search for the Roosevelt

Chapter 566 Searching for the Roosevelt

The take-off method, which is much faster than a ski jump, greatly increases the pilot's confidence. Within two seconds, the fighter aircraft is accelerated to a speed of 120 knots, and the pilot's overload is up to 5 G.

Supplemented by the extremely excellent instantaneous acceleration performance of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter, the ground crew on board the ship were not at all worried that the fully loaded fighter aircraft would not be able to fly.

The moment after exiting, Li Zhan pulled the lever and pushed the rudder, raising the nose of the aircraft and raising the horizontal tail at a large angle. The fighter suddenly began to climb at an elevation angle of 60 degrees, causing a burst of cheers from the ground crew on the flight deck. The light blue tail flames ejected from the nozzles of the two M88 aero engines indicate that the engines are operating under military thrust conditions at this time.

Li Zhan looked back at Dai Ship, and after confirming the course of the mother ship again, he immediately raised his head to look for the lead aircraft. Because it was a night flight, the goggles were folded and replaced by binocular low-light night vision devices installed on the helmet bracket. The picture that appeared in front of Li Zhan was slightly shiny and had a layer of scenery similar to a frosted mobile phone film. The flight lights of the lead aircraft were very eye-catching. He quickly moved over to form formation with Monet.

In formation flying, especially at night, the duration of the lead aircraft's flashing anti-collision lights is longer than that of the wingman. If the frequency of the lead aircraft's flashing anti-collision lights is "——", then the wingman's flashing anti-collision lights will be " -" can be distinguished immediately at night.

There are many types of lights on aircraft, especially military aircraft. The rules for using lights on military aircraft in various countries are different, but they are generally the same. For example, flash anti-collision lights are usually red and installed on the wingtips of the vertical tail. . The red navigation light installed at the tip of the left wing and the green navigation light at the tip of the right wing are a common rule around the world. Whether it is a military aircraft or a civilian aircraft, they are referred to as left red and green.

When flying at night, the wingman uses the flashing anti-collision lights to find the lead aircraft. When flying in formation, the lead aircraft is used as the standard. All formation movements are based on the lead aircraft.

Li Zhan flew one fuselage slightly behind Monet on the right wing, maintaining a height difference of about ten meters with Monet, and keeping the lateral distance at thirty meters. At this distance, both sides could see each other's movements, and the multi-functional flight The gloves can glow in the dark, and the lead pilot can still use gestures to direct formation flying.

Li Zhan appeared in the best wingman position without Monet's reminder, and his flying movements were timely and accurate, making Monet feel very comfortable. Just like the cooperation between the point guard and the power forward on the basketball court has reached the point of perfection, each other can quickly complete a tactical communication with just one look and one movement, pushing each other's movements in the same direction, and fighting Very comfortable.

The first item is not difficult. Air defense patrol is the most commonly used early warning defense method for aircraft carrier battle groups. In fact, the E-2C "Hawkeye" carrier-based early warning aircraft should be ejected most, and then the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets responsible for air defense patrols. But don't know why they didn't do that.

After more than ten minutes of wandering, the first item was completed.

"Okay, good luck, the next step will be interesting. We have to find the Roosevelt and give the Americans a surprise." Monet said with a smile.

Li Zhan asked, "Follow the plan or separate?"

"Let's separate. Let's see who finds the Roosevelt first. How about betting on a bottle of Bolgan Red?" Monet liked drinking, especially red wine.

Li Zhan readily agreed, "No problem."

"Let's begin." Monet gestured to disband the formation, and Li Zhan flew sideways to quickly seize more heights without any delay.

Even if Monet doesn't mention it, Li Zhan will still find a way to act alone. Only by striving to act alone can he achieve his level. Moreover, there are many restrictions on following the lead aircraft, and it will be difficult for him to continue to explore the actual combat use of Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets. Li Zhan had already noticed it, and Monet had the intention of competing with him. Although Monnet does not hold a high position in the French Navy's carrier-based aircraft force, his status is very special. He is the chief instructor, and even the commander of the aircraft carrier combat formation has to give him face.

Therefore, after Monet made this decision, Dai Ship's intelligence command center could only follow his decision. This is a typical situation where the air in turn directs the ground, which is very rare. Li Zhan still needs to obey the orders of the ground command unconditionally. It can be seen that commanding the ground in turn is not something ordinary people can do.

After Li Zhan raised the altitude to 8,000 meters, his eyes lit up. After pushing up the low-light night vision device, he looked down and saw the arc-shaped surface of the earth, which was dark and the dividing line between black and white was also arc-shaped. A few years ago, people tried every means to prove that the earth was round. In fact, the easiest way was to fly high into the sky. It doesn't need to be very high, just about 10,000 meters. Some people say that fighter pilots fly inside the lid of a pot, which means that the environment they see when flying at high altitudes is not flat but arc-shaped.

The difficulty of night flying is that pilots can easily have visual illusions, mistaking the ground and sea for the sky and the sky for the ground and sea, and then disaster strikes. Therefore, one can imagine the difficulty of ultra-low-altitude flight at night, especially ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming flight at night. There are not many pilots in the world's most powerful air forces who can easily accomplish it beautifully.

Li Zhan saw lights on the left and right sides, which were lights from towns on land. He checked the tactical HUD and found that he had crossed the Tunis Strait and entered the eastern waters of the Mediterranean. The eastern sea area is larger than the western sea area. The widest place is more than 1,000 kilometers, and the east-to-west length is nearly 3,000 kilometers.

The Mediterranean is not a small inland sea, but a gap between the European and African continents.

The Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group of the Sixth Fleet that simulated the target had already reached the depths. If Li Zhan knew that his unintentional actions almost caused a fight between the Sixth Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet when he flew solo before, then he at least knew about the battle of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier. The approximate location of the group.

It's a pity that he doesn't know, so now he can only search in the vast sea and sky.

Because a lot of ammunition is mounted, even if three auxiliary fuel tanks are mounted, the combat radius of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter can only barely reach 1,300 kilometers, and the ship's fuel capacity must be reserved, and there is a third subject, so Li Zhan can only move within a range of 800 kilometers.

Of course, the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group must be within this range, but the sea area with a radius of 800 kilometers is already unimaginably large.

Soon, Li Zhan could no longer see Monet visually. Apparently, Monet chose another way to search - a low-altitude visual search. In other words, Monet knew the approximate location of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. This is much more reliable than using airborne radar to search the sea.

There are many busy waterways in the Mediterranean Sea, and a large number of ocean-going ships are sailing around the clock, especially those oil tankers that weigh more than ten or two hundred thousand tons. From the radar, you can't tell whether they are oil tankers or aircraft carriers.

Although it was not stated explicitly, everyone knew that this was a competition between Chinese and French Hainan Airlines pilots.

PS: 27000/30000. The situation of new monthly tickets and updates: The total number of monthly tickets is now 3026, and the total number of monthly tickets and updates is 5. There are still 10 days left. At least one chapter must be added every day, right? Keep up the work, and help Rifle get into the top 50!

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