Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 567 ?Yeah? Encountered a group of drunken sailors driving a warship

Chapter 567 Yeah? Encountered a group of drunken sailors driving a warship

Most soldiers have a sense of honor and need a sense of honor. For example, soldiers from the Ugly Kingdom are proud of surrendering...

French soldiers are quite proud, although they are not as proud as the powerful countries in the universe, so Monet worked hard to regain his glory. Did they really not take Li Zhan's blockbuster success at the Toulon Military Port Training Base seriously? No, it was just that the French were used to completely forgetting about work outside of work.

It can be said that Li Zhan gave the French a hard slap - look at how well I can fly with the Rafale fighter for the first time!

Monet knew which sea area the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group was operating in, and it was not difficult to estimate the approximate range based on time, so his search was targeted. Of course he doesn't think it's cheating. French people don't have the concept of cheating - I can win in the fastest and easiest way, so why should you ask for trouble?

This is almost catching up with the Chinese.

Some people think that Chinese people are rigid and do not understand change. In fact, this is the real misunderstanding!

If you look through military history and see all the battles and battles, everything will become clear.

Monet had a clear target. From the radar of the intelligence command center, "Good Luck" seemed to be unable to find the direction. Good luck did not seem to bless him, and he was only seen to be going in the wrong direction. The formation commander couldn't help but smile and said to the staff officer beside him, "He went the wrong way."

"It seems that is indeed the case so far." The staff officer crossed his arms and smiled, "Can you remind him?"

"Monet would have some objections. He bet on a bottle of Bolgan red." the formation commander joked.

The staff officer just said it and shrugged immediately, "I must take a sip."

The camera came to Li Zhan. He was heading straight to the southeast at an altitude of 8,000 meters. The USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group was in the northeast. Li Zhan's course had a deviation of 90 degrees. If it continued, it would be inconsistent with The Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group is getting further and further away.

Suddenly something strange happened. "Good Luck" suddenly turned left and adjusted its course to 270 degrees, which meant that it went straight to the sea area where the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group was located.

"How did he discover the Roosevelt?" The formation commander was horrified, as if he had clairvoyance.

The staff officer quickly checked the distance, shook his head and said, "I don't think he found the Roosevelt. They are five hundred kilometers apart, and the Rafale fighter's airborne radar does not have such a long detection range."

The formation commander frowned, "Luck?"

"Good luck." The staff officer spread his hands, "Looks like good luck is working."

The formation commander said quietly, "Maybe it's not luck?"

The staff officer was stunned, "Then how did he discover your Roosevelt?"

The distance between Li Zhan and Monet has exceeded the combat distance for identification of friend or foe, so Li Zhan can no longer see the position of the lead aircraft through the tactical HUD. Everyone knows this and it goes without saying. So it was strange, how did Li Zhan find the approximate location of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group from such a long distance?

The formation commander and staff officer were puzzled.

What is the fact? Li Zhan did not discover the approximate location of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group at all. But it’s not luck! He only needs to be sure of one thing - the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group will not be east of his turning point!

He started to turn after flying 500 kilometers eastward at high altitude and high speed. The turning point was 600 kilometers away from the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. The reason for Li Zhan's judgment is very simple - extending from the border line on the eastern coastline of Villa to the north, this extension line is about 500 kilometers away from the Dai ship.

That's enough.

Li Zhan did not believe that the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group was deployed in full force just to conduct collaborative exercises with the USS Dai's task force.

Therefore, as long as you search westward from the turning point, you will definitely find the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. To put it simply, he went around in a circle and started searching westward from the east side of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group, while Monet searched directly from west to east. but! Li Zhan believed that he would find the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group faster than Monet, or that even if he went around in a circle, he would have an advantage over Monet.


After dawn, Li Zhan is facing the light, while Monet is facing the backlight!

Monet would not be so shameless as to use identification friend or foe to distinguish the target signals searched by the radar. If he did, everyone would know that he has lost.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and Li Zhan had abandoned the low-light night vision device. Still staying at an altitude of eight thousand meters, he turned on the small phased array radar with limited combat range on the nose of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet. The early Rafale fighter jets were equipped with a Doppler radar and could not even use ground attack munitions. The Rafale fighter jets sent by France to participate in combat operations in Afghanistan did not have ground attack capabilities and could only create a sense of presence. Later, a phased array airborne radar was inserted into subsequent models to make the Rafale fighter a truly all-round fighter.

However, because the diameter of the nose is too small, the combat range of the phased array airborne radar used by the Rafale M carrier-based fighter is only two hundred kilometers in theory, and in reality it will be even less.

Li Zhan did not put all his hopes on airborne radar, but took a different approach and used the passive radio detection function of the attack pod on the front pylon of the left air inlet. This function is useless most of the time, because it does not have the recognition function, and there is no basic decoding function. It can only be like "Oh, there is a radio signal emitted there".

Therefore, many Rafale fighter pilots have no idea that the attack pods they use to guide precision munitions have such a function. It is estimated that the developers only designed it as a defensive function that is better than nothing.

At an altitude of 8,000 meters, radio signals within a radius of 500 kilometers can be captured, including ultra-short wave signals used for fighter aircraft communications.

The pros and cons are the same - all the radio signals are coming in.

So Li Zhan saw a mess on the tactical HUD. All he had to do was exclude civilian signals or find out the signals of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. This kind of work usually requires a wireless data analysis team to work for several hours or a top analysis team to use advanced computers to perform analysis to get the results.

However, Li Zhan has a simple and crude method - look at the communication frequency, not the band, but the number of communications per unit time.

Civilian ships do not conduct frequent radio communications. The countries around this sea area are all run-down and have basically no radio facilities, so the accuracy of this analysis method is quite high. Anything more than half accurate is a good idea.

Another interesting aspect of the Rafale fighter is the various pods it comes with. Different combat capabilities can be achieved by mounting different pods. This is really interesting.

It didn't take Li Zhan much time to find two wireless sources of frequent communication among the mess, so he was faced with a dilemma, choose one of the two?

Only children make choices, adults want them all.

Besides, the distance between the two wireless sources is less than 100 kilometers, which is a blink of an eye.

He didn't know that another, slightly less dense wireless source was a task force of seven ships sent by the Black Sea Fleet. They were facing off against the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. Objectively speaking, one hundred kilometers is a very dangerous distance for both sides. In modern naval battles, there is no big difference between a one hundred kilometers combat distance and close combat, especially for aircraft carrier battle groups.

But the two sides were not at war after all. A hundred kilometers away was actually quite far. Sometimes they were even close enough to stare at each other.

Otherwise, the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group would not have the time to engage in joint exercises with the USS Roosevelt task force.

Li Zhan made a decision and took action. Because it was fully loaded, he did not lose altitude, and to obtain the maximum search distance to the sea, he had to maintain altitude. The other is that he needs to take into account the issue of staying in the air. He still has to conduct live ammunition shooting, and he must not waste all the fuel on searching for the Roosevelt.

After setting the economic endurance speed, Li Zhan turned on the airborne radar and began to search the sea surface within a hundred kilometers of the front hemisphere. It is not difficult to search for a sea target as big as an aircraft carrier, and the weather is very good today, so Li Zhan is very relaxed.

Monet was already a hundred kilometers away from the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group, but he was still flying at low altitude, choosing to maximize the search accuracy of the airborne radar and the combat distance was only thirty to fifty kilometers. At this time, Li Zhan went straight to the Roosevelt from the east. Sometimes the pilot's intuition is very important.

Li Zhan first approached the nearest wireless source. Before he could react, the IFF signal came back - not a friendly signal!

"Holy shit!" Li Zhan was shocked and couldn't help but cursed.

Everyone can hear it including Monet.

Monet asked curiously, "What car? What car?"

"A bicycle or a car?" Li Zhan whispered, then switched to English and said, "I found a non-friendly target. Are there other fleets in the sea area?"

The formation commander was so impressed that he couldn't even imagine how Li Zhan made such an accurate judgment and went straight to the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. The Black Sea Fleet task force was just east of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group.

"Uh, yes, those are Russian warships, there are several of them." said the formation commander.

Li Zhan cursed in his heart, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Those guys who drive drunk every day are always using fire control radar to shoot people. If someone with shaking hands pressed the launch button, I would be screwed."

"Understood, then, how should I deal with it?" Li Zhan had no choice but to swallow his anger and asked, unable to fly someone else's plane.

The formation commander said quietly, "Good luck, I believe you can handle it well."

Li Zhan: I’m going to hurt you!

To find the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group and lock the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier, he must cross the Black Sea Fleet task force. Because the maximum range of the Exocet air-launched anti-ship missile is only 70 kilometers, Li Zhan must lock the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier within this distance. To be considered a win.

Flying over the heads of a group of polar bears who often drive drunkenly and sail around the ocean on a multi-thousand-ton heavy warship that sounds everywhere except the horn? Isn’t this lighting a lantern in a latrine?

What I am flying now is the French Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet!

The French are so vicious!

PS: 30000/30000. Because of the reasons mentioned earlier, the completion time of 30,000 words was twelve hours late, but don’t worry, the total number of updates this month will not be reduced as a result. Starting tomorrow, we will continue to update 10,000 words every day. You will never guess the outcome of the Roosevelt in the drill...

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