Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 568? The commander’s major mistake

Chapter 568 Commander’s Major Mistake

At the same time that the ship Dai notified the Roosevelt, the Roosevelt also sent a strongly worded and shocking question: What was the situation and why did it fire at me? ?

At this time, the formation commander had completely calmed down. After all, he had rich experience in commanding operations and knew best how to save the situation. Even if the Roosevelt was to be bombarded in the end, he must at least prove that he had made efforts to save the situation.

It would take three minutes for the Exocet missile to hit its target.

"Good luck! Good luck! Intercept the missile! I order you to intercept the missile! Throw away all ammunition, catch up and shoot down the missile!" The formation commander immediately gave Li Zhan such an order.

If Morenan had been present, he would have definitely rushed forward and smashed it with his fist - wouldn't this be asking his soldiers to die! The Feiyu missile has already entered the anti-aircraft firepower range of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. If Li Zhanmao rushes over rashly, he may be shot down by those "Standard 3" anti-aircraft missiles!

Of course the formation commander has resentment towards Li Zhan. I was an idiot and gave the idiot order. Are you also an idiot? Why can't you analyze and pause? Why did you shoot out the missile so simply?

Therefore, you must also bear certain responsibilities!

This time, Li Zhan did not execute it neatly, but asked: "Chickenhouse, do you want me to intercept the missile I launched? Please repeat the order!"

"Yes! You must intercept them! They must not be allowed to cause harm to the Roosevelt..." At the last sentence, the formation commander's tone was almost pleading. Li Zhan was the only way to save the situation!

Monet's voice suddenly broke in: "Li, you can do it! You must be able to do it! The maximum speed of the Exocet missile is only Mach 0.9! Do you know! It is only Mach 0.9! You can catch them by throwing away all the weight. ! Kill them with machine guns! You can do it!"

The formation commander said again: "Good luck, the three-minute countdown has begun, you only have three minutes!"

The staff officer couldn't help but scolded: "Faka was so quick to execute the order just now. Why is he hesitant now?"

Li Zhan could also hear this because the formation commander did not release the call button.

Li Zhan said coldly: "Because if I do this, I might shoot down the standard missiles launched by those Burke battleships! If you want me to intercept the missiles, you must inform the Roosevelt and tell them not to fire missiles indiscriminately!"

The formation commander could not ask the Roosevelt to do this, and it was almost impossible for the Roosevelt to do so. If this is done, it means leaving life and death to Li Zhan. If Li Zhan fails to intercept the two Exocet missiles, their air defense preparation time will be greatly shortened!

The anti-aircraft firepower networks of aircraft carrier battle groups such as the USS Theodore Roosevelt have not yet experienced actual combat testing, and no one can guarantee that they will be able to shoot down the incoming flying fish!

This is a dilemma!

Does Li Zhan want to intercept? Of course he doesn't! However, he did not want the Roosevelt to die, but wanted to take advantage of the formation commander's serious mistake to see the air defense capabilities of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group, especially its defense capabilities against incoming missiles!

This kind of opportunity simply falls from the sky! And I believe it will basically never happen again in the future.

Of course, he didn't want to put himself in danger for this. His purpose is to protect his homeland and his country. What he protects is planting flowers and protecting my motherland. Only the Chinese people can control his own life. Everyone else here is trash.

However, he thought about it carefully and realized that intercepting it was not without its benefits. At the very least, the French would owe him a big favor. Secondly, he would have the opportunity to experience the anti-aircraft firepower of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier at close range. The United States and France are allies and both are NATO countries. They use the same identification system, so in theory, friendly fire will not occur.


Are there still too few friendly fire incidents in the U.S. military?

So there is still quite a risk!

At this time, the formation commander must make a decision as soon as possible, or convince Li Zhan as soon as possible! He didn't even realize that the principle of "executing instructions to the letter" suddenly no longer worked at this time!

"Good luck! On the multinational air power military exchange day in three days, we hope to provide you with Rafale fighters as your base aircraft, I promise!" The formation commander gritted his teeth and made a condition.

Li Zhan's eyes lit up and he said, "I also want to fly the Typhoon fighter."

"No problem! I'll arrange it!"

"Everyone, testify that I will intercept the Exocet missile right now!" Li Zhan said directly, and then said, "But I cannot guarantee that the interception will be successful, and you must inform the Roosevelt to let them pay attention to eliminating me. Fighter signal!”

"No problem! Good luck, you can do it, you really can do it. You are the most handsome and lucky man in the world!" The formation commander wanted to pour all his praises on Li Zhan, as long as he could put the two men together An Exocet missile was intercepted!

Li Zhan smiled and said, "I'll try my best."

He jettisoned three low-fuel drop tanks, but not the ammunition. He needs Mika air-to-air missiles to intercept and kill Exocet missiles, but most ground-guided bombs are not available. The problem is that he still wants to fire live ammunition later, and he already fully understands the situation of the Rafale fighter. Even if he retains these ammunition, it can still fly at supersonic speed. He has already done the mental calculation. He has to fly at least 1,600 kilometers per hour. Only by catching up at a high speed would there be enough time to intercept the two Exocet missiles.

In fact, time is very tight.

And 1,600 kilometers per hour is the limit that the Rafale M carrier-based fighter can reach with a mount.

The Feiyu anti-ship missile will enter the sea-skimming flight stage in the last 10 kilometers, flying at an altitude of 20 to 30 meters from the sea surface, heading straight for the opponent's radar blind spot, so it usually hits the waterline of the ship. The "Sheffield" was a destroyer of more than 4,000 tons. The flying fish was engulfed in its soul by one shot, which shows how terrifying this hit position was.

After throwing away all the mounts, Li Zhan could easily catch up with the Flying Fish before it was 10 kilometers away from the Roosevelt, but he was unwilling to give up the third live-fire shooting subject - whether the Roosevelt died or lived was none of my business, I can promise it. Taking the risk to catch up and intercept him is completely out of humanitarian spirit!

Li Zhan is absolutely certain that if he is a French pilot, he will decisively return to the mothership - why should I share the responsibility with you for your formation commander's mistakes? Why are everyone working part-time?

Very realistic.

So he made the decision to throw away the auxiliary fuel tank but not the ammunition. The maximum speed of the Rafale fighter is not outstanding, but the acceleration performance in this range is very good within the designed maximum speed, which can buy some time.

Furthermore, he was still at a height of three thousand meters at this time and could still use some gravity acceleration. Basically, when he caught up with the Exocet missile, it should have been twenty seconds before the Exocet missile dived and flew over the sea at a high altitude. In other words, during these twenty seconds, he had the greatest chance of being injured by accidental damage! Before that, there was a certain distance between him and the Exocet missile, so the anti-air missiles launched by the escort ships of the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group would basically not hit him unless there were serious mistakes.

However, nothing is ever 100%, and according to the historical "record" of the US military (they sometimes cause more casualties from accidental injuries than combat casualties), Li Zhan still has to be in a high-risk environment.

Really, it is very, very "loyal" for Li Zhan to agree to catch up and intercept!

PS: I will re-imagine how to operate next. This is a 2,000-word chapter, and there are 5,000 words left today.

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