Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 569: Unintentional Los Angeles Class

Chapter 569 Unintentional Los Angeles Level

The intelligence command center of the USS Roosevelt saw that the two Super Hornets it had taken off to intercept the Exocet anti-ship missile were accidentally shot down by the Allies one after the other. The Commodore Commander's face turned green, and he punched the tactical table with his fist and issued an order. Two orders were given.

First, order the troops to conduct indiscriminate interceptions. Second, order the troops to prepare for damage control.

They have a complete mechanism, which will be triggered when the corresponding situation occurs, and the entire unit will operate seamlessly and at high speed. After all, they are the navy unit with the most experience in using aircraft carriers and aircraft carrier battle groups in the world.

The accidental shooting down of two Super Hornet fighter jets completely ignited the anger of the combat commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. He would not care about allies or not. He would directly conduct indiscriminate air defense and use all means to counterattack the incoming flying fish. Shooting down ship missiles is the right approach.

I have to admit that their reaction was quite fast, but the one who was faster than them was Li Zhan.

After firing all two MICA air-to-air missiles, Li Zhan finally recognized the reality - he would never have the chance to conduct the third live-fire shooting subject, so he threw all the guided munitions into the sea. He operated in accordance with the prescribed procedures and reported while preparing to abandon it: "Chickenhouse! I am going to abandon all the mounts and speed up to pursue the Exocet missile and then use the cannon to intercept it! If the cannon is used up, I will Use fighter planes to hit the Exocet missiles!"

His words rekindled the hope of the commander of the fleet formation - there was a chance to hear the good news. Even if the Allies were shot down two Super Hornets, if the crisis on the Roosevelt could be resolved, at least his sin would not be so serious.

He decisively gave clear instructions: "With good luck, you can throw away all the ammunition! You must intercept the Exocet missile! You only have one minute!"

Zhang Xueyang and others in the control tower frowned. They always felt that Li Zhan's words sounded unreliable. Are they going to use fighter planes to hit Exocet missiles? If you want to eat shit, it's not your own aircraft carrier. But they couldn't guess what Li Zhan was thinking and doing.

"Understood! Don't worry." Li Zhan replied decisively, and then released the guided munitions one after another in a diving posture.

All six guided munitions fell to the sea surface in free fall one after another. Without power or ignition, they plunged into the sea surface with the support of the speed inertia and gravity of the carrier aircraft.

Li Zhan resumed level flight, and the fighter suddenly felt much more relaxed. He turned on the afterburner again, and the fighter became faster and faster, rushing straight towards the second Exocet anti-ship missile. It is actually not difficult to shoot such a target with a machine gun. The difficulty lies in avoiding the explosion impact range caused by the Exocet missile being hit.

It's just that he "launched and ignored" those guided munitions. This was not wrong. After all, normally those abandoned guided munitions would penetrate deep into the sea and then self-destruct under the action of water pressure, which would not cause any damage to passing ships. threaten. But today’s Mediterranean morning is really not normal.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Li Zhan had no idea that the position where he dropped the guided munition was just above the USS Buffalo attack nuclear submarine. The Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarine is the underwater part of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group. They are cruising at low speed in the shallow water at the outermost edge of the formation.

As a result, six guided munitions exploded on the head of the "Buffalo" attack nuclear submarine. Although there was no direct hit, the strong water pressure generated by the explosion directly shook the 7,000-ton "Buffalo" all over. The hull of the boat creaked as it trembled, and some structures even deformed!

Of course Li Zhan didn't know what happened underwater, and neither did anyone else, but the officers and soldiers of the "Buffalo" attack nuclear submarine were frightened half to death. After they returned to stability, they immediately conducted an inspection. They were horrified to find that the propulsion system had malfunctioned and the speed could not be increased!

Li Zhan's unintentional suggestion was that Li Zhan quickly caught up with the second Exocet anti-ship missile. When he quickly aimed at the target, the cockpit was suddenly filled with the sound of a lock warning.

Li Zhan is very different. Doesn't he have automatic identification of friend or foe? Why does this happen? It only took him a moment to figure out that the Roosevelt must be conducting air defense indiscriminately.

From the tactical screen, he could clearly see as many as six standard anti-aircraft missiles coming. Li Zhan cursed in his heart, this is going to kill me! Two Exocet anti-ship missiles did not require them to fire six standard anti-aircraft missiles in one wave. There was no doubt that two of them were targeting him!

But at this time, Li Zhan did not give up attacking the Feiyu anti-ship missile. He still seized the last moment to quickly aim at the tail of the second Feiyu anti-ship missile and swooped over!

His aerial target performance is the best in the Second Division, and he is very likely to be at the forefront of the entire army's aviation unit.

After taking a shuttle, he decisively pressed the rod and dived towards the sea.

But the line of fire consisting of a series of 30mm machine gun shells extended from top to bottom. At first glance, it seemed that it was not in line with the target, but was diagonally downward. But just a few seconds later, the target suddenly dived down. At this point, the line of fire composed of cannon shells coincided with the target!


The second Exocet anti-ship missile was exploded.

Li Zhan happened to level the plane at this time and resumed level flight, skimming the sea at a height of twenty meters. He could only avoid standard anti-aircraft missiles in this way. No matter whether he climbed or turned, he could not escape the pursuit of two standard anti-aircraft missiles. The cost of one of those regional air defense missiles that can run 9,000 kilometers per hour and can be used to launch ballistic missiles is higher than that of most aircraft. What is the concept of a maximum range of more than 500 kilometers!

And there are multiple attack modes. When attacking low-altitude targets, the range may not exceed 100 kilometers, but the speed is still quite fast!

So the only way is to stick yourself to the sea, hoping that you can enter the radar blind spot of the standard missile.

Li Zhan's decisive action saved his life.

Two standard anti-aircraft missiles hit the first Exocet anti-ship missile. The Standard missile, which was much larger and heavier than the Exocet anti-ship missile, directly tore the Exocet anti-ship missile into pieces. The remaining four were lost, and self-destructed one after another under the set program, and the prefabricated fragments produced scattered like flowers.

Li Zhan's good luck finally came to an end.

He avoided the direct interception of the standard missile but did not avoid the prefabricated fragments flying from a distance. Several prefabricated fragments hit the fighter plane. Various warning lights and alarms in the cockpit lit up almost at the same time. sounded, and then Li Zhan found that the fighter plane began to tremble violently!

The oil pressure was dropping, fuel was leaking, and power was fading. Looking back, I saw smoke coming from the rear of the fuselage, which was the engine compartment. However, the fighter plane is still under control, and at this moment, the Roosevelt is more than ten kilometers ahead.

"It's so beautiful. I was accidentally injured by a standard missile. The hydraulic pipeline was damaged, fuel was leaking, the power was fading, and there was smoke coming from the engine compartment. There were too many. Almost all the warning lights were reminding me to abandon the fighter plane, but I We decided to do our best to save precious fighter planes worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and requested an emergency landing on the Roosevelt, and requested an emergency landing on the Roosevelt..."

PS: The update of 10,000 words is completed today. The accumulated monthly votes have not reached the next node, and the overall ranking is 63rd, getting closer and closer to the top 50.

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