Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 570: Accidental regeneration during landing on a banana ball landing route!

Chapter 570: Accidental regeneration when landing on the ship in a banana ball landing pattern!

After hearing Li Zhan's report, the formation commander's scalp was about to explode!

He had already seen that the two Exocet anti-ship missiles had been intercepted, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Before he could completely relax, Li Zhan's report arrived like a shadow. He had long regretted agreeing to let Li Zhan fly to participate in routine training!

That's a fighter plane worth 1.5 billion US dollars!

The economic downturn has reduced military expenditures, and landlords have no surplus food. These days, it has been more than ten years since the Rafale fighter jets came out, and the French army has only equipped a few of them. It's not that the production capacity can't keep up, but that it has no money. The current situation is that one less one is lost, and the combat effectiveness of the troops is reduced by one point. When it comes to his own interests, the formation commander immediately put aside the incident of accidentally injuring friendly forces. If someone doesn't do it for himself, God will kill him, not to mention that he is a NATO ally who has his own agenda.

The formation commander immediately issued an order: "We can make an emergency landing on the Roosevelt! Good luck! I believe you can save the precious fighter plane!"

Immediately, he immediately called the combat commander on the Roosevelt directly to report the situation and asked them to clear the flight deck and prepare for reception! The combat commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group was mute and couldn't tell the hard story. He couldn't refuse the emergency landing request of an ally's malfunctioning fighter jet, otherwise he would be caught. On the contrary, if it is shot down accidentally, it is best to deal with it - I'm sorry, there is a problem with the system and you were accidentally shot down.

Li Zhan didn't have the time to care about this. When he reported, he quickly raised his altitude and flew towards the Roosevelt. If the Roosevelt had not been lifted out of combat, those Hiram and Phalanx would have beaten him into a sieve. But at this time, he couldn't control so much and could only fight.

He was really trying his best. If he was hit by Hiram at such a close distance, he might not even have a chance to parachute. The attack method of Hailam is different from that of standard air defense missiles. As the main weapon of the short-range air defense network, Hailam is responsible for air defense within ten kilometers, and usually intercepts incoming air targets in a saturation attack. If the incoming missile breaks into a range of five kilometers, the Phalanx close-in artillery system will launch artillery shells to form a barrage in the air, and use the barrage to intercept the incoming missile.

The seriously malfunctioning Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet has no chance of surviving in such an air defense firepower network.

Fortunately, although the combat commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group was extremely angry, he had not lost his mind. After all, it would be too obvious to refuse an ally's faulty fighter jets to make an emergency landing, and it was still a very important ally in Europe. So he could only hold back his anger and issued an order to end the combat status, ordering the flight deck to be ready to receive the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets.

The ground crew on the flight deck are very skilled at this. They often conduct joint drills. My Rafale takes off and lands on your aircraft carrier, and your Super Hornet takes off and lands on my carrier. We have a tacit understanding with each other. At this time, two Super Hornets were waiting for instructions to take off. The first two were accidentally damaged by friendly forces. According to the combat plan, the second batch of fighters must take off. At least one two-plane formation must be kept on standby above the aircraft carrier.

After receiving the order, the ground crew quickly directed the Super Hornet at the take-off position to move aside to make way for deck space. When the Rafale M carrier-based fighter executed the wrong command to launch the Exocet anti-ship missile, there were two Super Hornets on the parking bay in front of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, carrying ammunition, preparing to engage in joint live ammunition with the allied Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets. During the shooting training, something went wrong and the two Super Hornets that had already been loaded with ammunition were asked to stay there, while two emergency-mounted air-to-air missiles were moved from the parking bay behind the island to take off to intercept the air battle. Type Super Hornet, well, they were the two Super Hornets that accidentally ate Li Zhan's two MICA air-to-air missiles.

So at this time, the two attack Super Hornets carrying several precision-guided munitions on the parking bay in front of the island are a moderate threat, but generally speaking nothing will happen.

And at this time, everyone had long forgotten these two fully armed attack Super Hornets.

The flight deck of the Roosevelt was quickly cleared. In order to make more space, several Super Hornets were squeezed together to occupy the smallest space possible.

On the approach platform of the Roosevelt, which is also the control tower, the aviation commander in white clothes shouted to Li Zhan: "Good luck, I see you, your course is wrong, pay attention, your course is wrong."

Li Zhan replied: "I know my course is wrong, but the fighter plane is difficult to control. I will enter directly from the stern!"

Eliminating all the intermediate processes, such as flying around and so on, even the landing gear cannot be determined by the control tower. Li Zhan's current situation is really not good. The thrust of the left engine is declining very quickly. He has to use the rudder to keep the fighter plane flying smoothly. Due to the leakage of hydraulic oil, the fighter plane is becoming increasingly difficult to control.

As for other malfunctions, he had no intention of taking care of them.

The aviation commander at the control tower felt that the English accent of the pilot on the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet was a bit strange, but he did not think about it because at this time he found smoke coming from the engine compartment of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet. What he didn't actually see was that there was an open flame in the engine compartment.

"Your engine is smoking." the aviation commander reminded Li Zhan.

Li Zhan was speechless and said, "I know, I know, my left engine has completely lost thrust!"

The left hair is useless.

The ground crew on the flight deck of the USS Theodore Roosevelt saw the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet trailing a thick column of smoke flying awkwardly in the air not much higher than the height of the deck. The direction of the nose of the aircraft was at an angle of 120 degrees with the course of the USS Theodore Roosevelt. That is to say, the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet is like a banana ball kicked by a super football player. Its flight trajectory is a beautiful arc, and its entry point happens to be the stern of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, that is, the descent point above the stern of the ship. At that time, the nose direction of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet happened to be consistent with the course of the mother ship.

The experienced landing commander couldn't help but say "WOW" and praised excitedly: "What a genius pilot! He is so smart!"

The assistant beside him adjusted his sunglasses and said calmly, "The choice is very bold! But it requires very high technology to support it, otherwise it will be a disaster!"

"Look at his track, it's very accurate! I think he used the isolated thrust of the right engine." The landing commander said sharply.

That's right, when the left engine lost thrust, the fighter plane inevitably experienced a moment of deflection to the left. Li Zhan used this moment to plan a "banana ball" landing route, instead of flying a conventional straight line and falling at a constant speed. Landing route. Li Zhan was not trying to show off but was forced to do nothing!

He entered in the wrong direction. If he wanted to fly a straight landing route, he would have to circle back. Doing so would take more time. The current situation of the fighter plane obviously would not give him more processing time, so he had to do it in the shortest possible time. Landing inside!

The Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet slid over to the right, looking like an aerial sports car that flickered slightly during a sharp turn.

All personnel on the Roosevelt who could see outside were paying attention to the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets, including the pilots who were originally on standby in the cockpit and now went down to the deck, while watching the silky smooth banana balls of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets. Pointing along the track.

"Yeah, this French pilot's skills are very good."

"Yes, it's really good. At least this landing route can't be as beautiful as my flight."

"Yeah, that's really awesome!"

Li Zhan focused all his energy on judging the location of the landing area. When the nose of the aircraft was in line with the course of the Roosevelt, he controlled the rudder to keep the fighter flying in a straight line, and at the same time reduced the throttle lever. With only one engine, Li Zhan had to maintain enough thrust to maintain the stability of the fighter, so now he had to reduce the thrust, and the fighter would inevitably test frantically on the edge of stalling.

"Oops! His height is too low! God! He will hit the stern of the ship!" the landing commander shouted, and quickly called Li Zhan, "Good luck! Your height is too low! He will hit the stern!" On board the mothership!”

The ground crew immediately entered emergency mode, and relevant damage control personnel were on standby.

The landing commander did not wait for Li Zhan's answer, and he found that Li Zhan was too close. Everyone saw the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet disappearing, it disappeared downwards!

Did he fall into the sea? ?

Everyone was excited, and the Seahawk helicopter, which was hovering at low altitude and on standby, quickly flew over there to check the situation. Time seemed to have stopped flowing at this moment, and everyone's movements seemed to be in slow motion. A blink, a bow, or a move of taking off the goggles all seemed to have been slowed down dozens of times. , it seems that there is no sound in my ears, and someone with a good heart is already praying...

"Boom boom boom!"

The roar of the engine seemed to come from the sea. The Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet suddenly emerged from under the stern of the ship. While everyone was stunned, it flew over at a height of only about five meters higher than the flight deck at a very fast speed. Slow and shaky, it seems like it will fall over if you blow a breath on it!

Before everyone could inhale the smell of the strong sea smell, the tail hook of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet caught the second blocking cable. A feeling of praise called "excited", "awesome", and "awesome" was quickly forming in everyone's hearts - a perfect landing beyond the extreme parameters of imagination!

However, before everyone's upward excitement broke out, something unexpected happened!

There is a problem with the landing arrest system! It was supposed to apply tension evenly, but it suddenly tightened halfway through the stroke! Under this sudden backward force, the nose of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet suddenly rose!

At this moment, the pilot ejected!

PS: The idea of ​​accidental damage to the Los Angeles class came to me when I was taking a shit. Is this big plot pretty good? 3000/10000. The monthly pass adds up to 10 chapters. You are not bad at all.

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