Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 571? The beautiful scenery of the Mediterranean Sea

Chapter 571 The beautiful scenery of the Mediterranean Sea

"Shameful! Shameful! You are taking revenge!"

This was Li Zhan's angry shout. He shouted loudly after ejecting. If he had been slower by one tenth of a second, even if he ejected when the nose of the plane was raised above 90 degrees, he would have hit the deck and vomited blood and died!

When the fighter plane was pulled by a sudden backward force, the huge overload almost caused his head to hit the tactical HUD, but he did not hesitate in his actions and directly pulled the ejection tab.

He was ejected into the air, about two hundred meters above the second half of the Roosevelt. The height of the mothership itself was several tens of meters, and the ejection seat sent him upwards by more than a hundred meters, so His height is safe. The parachute popped out quickly, and after it stabilized, he looked toward the flight deck.

The whole process from the accident to ejection was too fast, only two or three seconds before and after, so Li Zhan saw his short-lived "French companion" raised its front like a motorcycle being dragged to the rear, and then It hit the floor hard. There was an open flame in the engine compartment. This violent movement caused the fighter plane to instantly ignite a fire. The remaining fuel was ignited in an instant. Before it was over, the fire burned into the cannon magazine...

"Crackling, Curry praised, oops..."

The explosion directly turned the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet into fragments of different sizes. One fragment hit the precision-guided bomb under the wing of a Super Hornet in front of the island, and it hit the fuse position just in time. A terrible scene happened. Years later, many sailors and aviation department personnel who retired from the Roosevelt still had difficulty sleeping at night after receiving psychological treatment for three years.

The unlucky precision-guided bomb exploded, tearing apart everything around it and detonating other precision-guided bombs like firecrackers. The two Super Hornets carrying precision-guided bombs were torn into pieces. Various debris suddenly appeared and the fire swept everything around.

Six Super Hornets and two E-2C Hawkeye carrier-based early warning aircraft parked in front of the island were instantly engulfed in fire...

A piece of hot debris hit the windshield of the intelligence command center, startling the formation combat commander Brigadier General, and then stared at the spider web-like crack in a daze.

Is this fate or another malicious joke?

Am I going to live my life like this?

You are the crash landing I should not have accepted.

The fire, such a big fire, fearlessly devoured eight aircraft in front of the island. The extremely high temperature flames prevented damage control personnel from getting close. Leaking fuel, missing parts, raging fires, and frantic shouting were a beautiful sight on this Mediterranean morning.

Well, we hope that the more landscapes like this the better, in the Oh Miri Gnaw.

Li Zhan stared blankly at the Roosevelt, which looked like a fireworks party and a bonfire party at sea, with a bitter taste in his mouth. He suddenly thought that he had almost died just now, and he immediately became angry again - do your best!

I want to complain, I want to accuse!

But when he saw the frigates rushing over to help put out the fire as frantically as his dead parents, he calmed down. Will he be eaten alive by them when he lands? It's none of my business. It was you who blocked the landing. There was a problem with the system and I almost died!

But after all, he did not dare to fall on the flight deck of the Roosevelt. Besides, it was now a disaster scene. Well, it would be better for me to fall into the water. Maybe I can save some points by making myself miserable.

Li Zhan fell into the water and was rescued by a Seahawk helicopter taking off from the USS McCampbell, a Burke-class destroyer. The "McCampbell" destroyer is on the outermost perimeter and is responsible for the outermost air defense and anti-submarine warfare. Two of the previous six Standard 3 anti-aircraft missiles were fired by the ship, and two of them were aimed at Li Zhan. pieces. They originally formed a submarine anti-submarine formation with the underwater attack nuclear submarine "Buffalo". The "Buffalo" suddenly reported that the power system had suffered unknown heavy damage, so it was moving closer.

In this case, the destroyer "McCampbell" remained stationary, waiting for the "Buffalo" to attack the nuclear submarine, while continuing to provide air defense warning to the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Who can guarantee that there will not be another wave of friendly missiles?

So after seeing the pilot of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet fall into the water, the destroyer "McCampbell", which was idle, quickly dispatched a Seahawk search and rescue helicopter for rescue. The current situation is no longer the responsibility of the pilot. A series of accidents have created the current predicament. They think that the pilot is also unlucky, so they still have some sympathy.

When the rescuers got the person up and found that the pilot had yellow skin, everyone was dumbfounded. What the hell was going on? Where is the French naval pilot promised?

Li Zhan could only explain the situation: "I am a pilot from a mysterious big country in the East (such as Bhutan) who is conducting military exchanges on the ship Dai."

The rescuers immediately reported to the superiors. Li Zhan couldn't laugh or cry, so he simply didn't explain. The commander of the formation who was wearing the ship would naturally explain the situation.

He shook his head and sighed as he watched the Roosevelt being surrounded by several frigates for rescue. Thick water jets were shot at the fire scene, visibly controlling the spread of the disaster. Obviously the flight deck was not penetrated, which was a blessing in misfortune.


After the Seahawk helicopter landed on the destroyer "McCampbell", Li Zhan was politely and seriously invited in. When he walked into the hatch of the deck, the stern of the destroyer "McCampbell" suddenly raised high. Then he fell heavily back to the water. Li Zhan and the people around him were knocked to pieces. Li Zhan's head hit the cabin wall, and he chose to faint decisively.

"What's going on?" The captain's nose was hit and he was bleeding. He asked quickly.

The first mate quickly confirmed the situation. After a while, he reported to the captain with a ghostly expression: "Yes, it's the Buffalo. When they surfaced, the bow of the boat hit our stern, and two of our propellers were scrapped." , the engine room burst and water entered, and the damage control has been activated..."

Buffalo: Mike Campbell! we are coming! Bang!

Mike Campbell's asshole gets fucked hard.

McCampbell: Yeah~~I’m going to rub it, you just come up and fuck my anus, what are you doing!

The Buffalo surfaced, but there was a frightening dent in the bow of the boat. Fortunately, the torpedo in the torpedo room was not detonated, otherwise we would not have been in a situation where we would have been bruised and bruised...

Mistakes were made frequently in the chaos, and everything was really messed up. Li Zhan was like a declining god. He was unlucky wherever he went. This morning, the Mediterranean Sea was full of chicken feathers.

After the Black Sea Fleet task force dozens of kilometers away learned about the situation here, even though he didn't know what happened, he still decided to drink two more pounds.

Soon, the Dai ship was informed of all the situations. Monet, who was still in the air, even flew over a few times to check the situation, and then reported more detailed information to the formation combat commander.

In Dai's intelligence command center, the formation combat commander sat slumped on the commander's executive chair, unconsciously shaking his head and muttering to himself: "It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, everything is over."

We can't afford the loss even if we sell the Dai ship and the other four destroyers and frigates.

But what is the problem with the USS Buffalo attack nuclear submarine? Why is it related to us? Fortunately, it does not carry anti-submarine missiles at all, and it does not have anti-submarine capabilities! Besides, it was the Buffalo that blindly ran into the McCampbell. It has nothing to do with my great French ship! I won’t take the blame!

While he was thinking wildly, Captain Gaston strode in with Morean and others. Now he didn't care about the confidentiality rules of the intelligence command center.

"Paul, Colonel Moregan needs to be explained. Why did you give the order to allow the attack?" Captain Gaston was very angry. All the consequences were because Commodore Paul gave the order to allow the attack like a lunatic. .

Seeing Commodore Paul's eyes dull, Captain Gaston walked over and said in French, "Colonel Moregan is very angry. He thinks that your order has put his pilots in an extremely dangerous environment. He demands that we must immediately take Li Major Zhan took him back and ensured his safety, and Colonel Morenan reserved the right to pursue responsibility!"

I'll hold you in my mouth...

Brigadier General Paul suddenly became angry. He stood up suddenly and turned around, about to get angry. However, when he saw the frosty and angry look on his face, he quickly calmed down - yes, where is the good luck? Is there any crime? All because I gave wrong instructions.

He had to hold back his anger and said with a forced smile, "Mr. Mo, we will definitely find out."

"The top priority is to get my pilot back!" Morenan had a tough attitude.

"No problem." Brigadier General Paul immediately ordered the dolphin helicopter to be sent to pick up the people.

Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei, Tang Leilei and the very present military attaché standing behind Mo Ren'an as the background kept pinching their thighs, so that they could keep their serious and sad expression and not laugh out loud.

"We have received professional training. No matter how funny it is, we will never laugh!" Tang Leilei recited this sentence repeatedly in his heart, otherwise he would really calculate the results of Brother Yi with great interest.

They admired the army commander and military attaché so much that from beginning to end they looked like they wanted to chop the Frenchman into pieces and feed them to the sharks. Those who didn't know it thought it was true.

Not to mention the mess of preserved egg and lean meat porridge in the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group, the Dai ship quickly took off a dolphin helicopter and rushed to the USS McCampbell destroyer. After picking up the people, they immediately reported that the pilot was unconscious. The destroyer McCampbell did not show any intention of retaining the pilot. They even thought that the pilot from the mysterious eastern country was a trouble and wanted to send him away quickly.

After learning that Li Zhan was unconscious, several people on Morenan's side no longer had any intention of joking. When they faced Paul and Gaston again, their words became even stronger and they seriously demanded that the wounded must be evacuated immediately to receive the best treatment. treat!

Alexander on Paul's side quickly prepared a C-2 "Greyhound" carrier-based transport aircraft for takeoff. After Li Zhan was picked up by the Dolphin helicopter, Colonel Monet, who had returned earlier, accompanied Morenan and others and Li Zhan on the C-2 "Greyhound" carrier-based transport aircraft and took off straight to the Toulon military port.

As for Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei, and Tang Leilei, the scheduled take-off and landing flight on the ship led by an instructor was naturally abandoned. This was a minor regret.

PS: 6500/10000. This chapter was written in the morning, and I have been thinking about the details carefully. Well, now the Burke class is properly arranged, and the most important thing is for the family to be in order. While everyone is busy asking for rewards, because there is only a little more than a thousand achievement points left to enter the "Hall of Masterpieces" and get one star of glory. In addition, the monthly subscription adds a total of 11 chapters. Well, on the premise of ensuring basic updates every day, it will be delivered with high quality and quantity. It is really difficult to write. I am eating, sleeping and shitting while conceiving the plot, and I am a little confused, hahaha!

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