Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 572: Friendship has a long history

Chapter 572 Friendship has a long history

It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. It doesn't matter if you say you don't know it's not you, the fact is what you say, but no one can force things on you that you didn't do.

The question neither Mornan nor Li Zhan asked the military attache was whether they needed to assist in the investigation.

There is something called immunity.

Not to mention the mysterious big country in the East, even if it is the military exchange personnel of any sovereign country in Africa, when encountering similar incidents, the host country cannot and does not have the right to require the military exchange personnel of other countries to be investigated. Therefore, the French side never thought of asking Li Zhan to assist in the investigation from the beginning.

There are cabin voice recorders, cameras installed at the four corners of the cockpit, cameras installed on flight helmets, and flight parameter recorders. The plane fell on the flight deck of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier again. The investigation of this air crash was actually not Not difficult. The joint investigation committee established by the two countries took only twenty-four hours to figure out the basic facts, and only some details required in-depth investigation and analysis.

When the Joint Investigation Committee received the detailed report, everyone fell silent.

The context of the accident is clear and there is no dispute at all:

Brigadier General Paul, the combat commander of the Daiship formation, issued the "allow attack" command when he should have issued the "dismissal of combat status and simulated attack training end" command, and all subsequent disasters began from this. Neither France nor the United States is obsessed with "why pilots executed wrong instructions" because this is not a problem. The pilot's task is to execute the commander's instructions rather than to identify whether the instructions are correct or not.

The pilot accelerated to intercept the Exocet anti-ship missile. When abandoning the guided bomb, it happened to be thrown into the waters where the USS Buffalo was located, and the USS Buffalo was sailing at shallow depth and low speed. This can only be explained by coincidence, because the Rafale M carrier The fighter pilot had no way of knowing that the Buffalo was there, and the pilot's operation was not illegal.

So the Buffalo was accidentally hit.

When the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets launched MICA air-to-air missiles to intercept Exocet anti-ship missiles, the two unlucky Super Hornet fighter jets did not report the situation to the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets in advance due to the arrogance and poor communication of the US Navy pilots. He didn't tell him what he was going to do, and he just pointed the super-heated chrysanthemum at the Mika air-to-air missile, and it was in the no-escape zone of the Mika air-to-air missile.

When the second Super Hornet fighter saw that the first one was shot down by accidental damage, as long as he had a snack or communicated with the pilot of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet, he would not make the same mistake again.

Unfortunately, his arrogance got to his own detriment.

The pilot of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter did not explicitly state that he fired only one MICA air-to-air missile.

The only difficult part of the entire air crash was the accident that occurred when the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet landed on the ship. It was this disaster that caused the most serious loss in the entire air crash - the film crew on the day of the air crash had already heard the news and acted. It was planned to invest tens of millions of dollars in filming, and their crews were on board the ship just after the fire on the Roosevelt was extinguished, which shows how efficient capital is.

The empty weight of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet and the Super Hornet are almost the same. The investigation team first ruled out the cause of the damping coefficient. After in-depth investigation, they found that the problem may occur in the linkage device of the arresting cable, which got stuck halfway through the stroke. This caused the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet to raise its nose and then fall down. Just such a fall caused the shells in the cannon magazine to explode, which in turn led to a series of disasters.

On the French side, a senior military official who participated in the investigation committee even asked the United States to be responsible for the loss of the Rafale M carrier-based fighter jets...

Li Zhan: Hahahaha!

According to preliminary statistics, the Sixth Fleet's direct economic losses amounted to two billion U.S. dollars, while the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier, USS Buffalo attack nuclear submarine, and USS McCampbell destroyer needed to be repaired in the shipyard. Is the most seriously damaged USS Buffalo attack nuclear submarine The cost-efficiency ratio of repairability, maintenance and scrapping needs to be comprehensively evaluated.

That's right, the one with the most serious damage was actually the Buffalo!

Buffalo: I will wipe away the tears I accidentally shed and pretend that nothing matters!

The USS Theodore Roosevelt suffered the least damage. The fire did not burn through the flight deck, and the explosion did not have a serious impact on the flight deck. It can be seen that the large aircraft carrier is really durable. but! The air wing it carried was basically useless. After losing ten fighter jets, including two early warning aircraft, this unit has basically lost its combat effectiveness.

Secondly, the damage to the destroyer USS McCampbell is not very optimistic. Two propellers were blown directly into the sea by the USS Buffalo. The engine room was seriously damaged. Without the propellers, even the auxiliary power system cannot be used. A tugboat must be hired to tow it back. The shipyard undergoes major repairs. This is another expensive expense, and it will be a good show if there is a hurricane or something.

When Li Zhan learned about these investigation results, Zhang Xueyang gave a thumbs up and said, "The world's richest people are not as rich as you. They went out and killed more than 2 billion US dollars in more than two hours."

Tang Leilei added: "I don't know if the Buffalo can be repaired yet."

"What can be repaired is a matter of how much it costs." Cao Fufei said with a smile, "Well, the economic loss is secondary. In this way, the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group is basically useless, and the USS Theodore Roosevelt is useless, which means that the Sixth Fleet is useless. From this The military vacuum created is what drives them most crazy.”

Zhang Xueyang sighed, "This is the most serious loss since World War II."

"It should be said to be the most serious non-combat loss in history." Li Zhan corrected him, straightened his clothes, pulled up his suitcase, and said, "The revolution has not yet succeeded. We still have to work hard. Let's go, everyone. Multinational air forces are here. Waiting for us!"


The group went out, met Morenan who was waiting outside, said goodbye to the military attache, and then boarded a commuter plane with Monet to fly to the 113th Air Force Base, two hundred kilometers away from Paris. The highlight of the Multinational Air Power Military Exchange Day was the friendly competition. It will be held tomorrow.

On the plane, Monet sat next to Li Zhan and said in a deep voice, "Li, we may not be able to provide you with Rafale fighters for friendly competitions."

Li Zhan was not surprised, who would dare!

"I feel very sorry." Li Zhan shook his head and said, "Colonel Monet, you know very well that I am a victim. Until now, I dare not recall what happened that day. Really, it was a nightmare, and it may stay with me. life..."

"I'm sorry." Monet said sincerely, "I apologize to you on behalf of the French Navy. Paul has been dismissed from his post and he will be punished accordingly."

Zhang Xueyang and the three people sitting in the row behind them twitched their mouths when they heard it, and they all said in their hearts that Li Zhan was the real Oscar winner.

Just listen to Monet say, "Of course, the main responsibility lies with Paul, but your operation is still somewhat controversial. The Americans think you should be more prudent. However, such remarks were immediately strongly refuted by us. Under the circumstances Next, as a pilot, you should have done a good enough job. At least you protected the Roosevelt from the Exocet anti-ship missile attack, thank you."

Zhang Xueyang couldn't help but give a thumbs up. What is this? This is the highest level of combat. After annihilating the opponent, the opponent will give you a like and thank you!

"The friendship between China and France has a long history. There is no need to be polite between you and me." Li Zhan said with a smile, then frowned and said sadly, "It's just that we don't have the plane to participate in the friendly competition. Of course we have to participate, without our participation , a friendly competition is incomplete, and I believe this is what you don’t want to see.”

The five major powers are indispensable. Isn't the purpose of France's running around organizing and planning this military exchange activity just to use the prestige of the four major powers to increase its reputation? Of course, all of them are indispensable.

Monet then said, "So we have drawn up a preliminary plan after research and discussion. Well, the specifics are like this. We hope that you will drive the Mirage 2000 to participate in the friendly competition. As for your comrades, I'm afraid you will have to find another way. We can only provide one Mirage 2000 fighter jet."

The French are obviously scared. What if a Japanese aircraft maniac like Li Zhan breaks down again? Being able to take out a Mirage-2000 is already the limit they can accept.

Li Zhan pondered, "That's it...then, where are the Typhoon fighters?"

"This may require you to communicate with the relevant parties. The four countries of Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain have participated in military exchange activities. Maybe they are willing to provide you with the fighter planes needed for the friendly competition." Monet said awkwardly.

Li Zhan said, "If I fly a Typhoon fighter and defeat everyone, and I mean everyone, including you, Colonel Monet, do you know what will happen?"

Monet doesn't quite understand.

Li Zhan said, "The international market will think that the Typhoon fighter is superior to your Rafale fighter, which will affect your sales."

Seeing Li Zhan blinking with a smile, Monet understood instantly - yes, the friendly competition is not an excellent sales opportunity. You must know that most of the participating countries are powerful and have strong needs. In this way The professional competition is much better than the air show, and the promotion effect will be better.

Obviously, the French side did not think it through completely. They only saw the immediate losses and did not see the future sales of Rafale fighters. There is no doubt that Li Zhan is already a super pilot equal to God in their hearts. Although the fighter plane in his hands has a very high chance of being damaged or even scrapped, he can fully utilize the combat performance of the fighter plane.

Compared with the future market of tens of billions of dollars, this current loss is really nothing. Besides, there may not be any further losses. No pilot wants to crash the plane, right?

It is normal for the French side to be overwhelmed by the investigation of the air crash and not think it through clearly. Li Zhan hopes to pass on the key information through Monet.

Of course, China is certainly not unprepared. It has already agreed with Russia that they will provide Flanker fighter jets.

So Li Zhan blinked and said with a smile, "Russia is willing to provide us with the fighter planes needed for the friendly competition. You know, we have rich experience in using Flanker fighters."

Monet's brows jumped...

PS: 3000/10000. Thanks to Apple Tree, Little Datong Chi, Fei Dan Shou, and Hu Shi Qi for the huge reward! The monthly ticket plus updates has accumulated 13 chapters, which already ranks 50th. However, the gap in ranking is generally between dozens of votes, so if you want to keep the top 50, you need to continue to fight until the end of the month...

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