Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 573: We have no problem, the pilots will soon have a problem

Chapter 573 We have no problem, the pilots will soon have problems

"Huh? There are a lot more clouds in the afternoon." When Monet came to the observation deck in the flight area to observe the weather, he found that there were a lot of low clouds in the sky, some of which were a little dark, obviously cumulonimbus clouds.

The staff officer who was following him said, "The weather station report shows that the flight will not be affected."

"Well, it's good to increase the difficulty." Monet nodded slightly, and then stood there waiting for the arrival of the national teams.

He was full of expectations for the afternoon match, and the most important reason was of course Li Zhan. Li Zhan did not participate in the morning, which made Monet feel that the morning's confrontation was a waste of food and a pity. Some people say that after such a big thing happened to your family, Monet, is it appropriate for you to be so heartless?

Monet: It’s not our loss…

It was just a Rafale M carrier-based fighter jet that fell, so just treat it as a training accident, nothing serious. As for the compensation for the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group, Monet is even sure that this money will definitely become a bad debt. France rejoined NATO, but has been conducting military operations independently because Britain and the United States did not give them the right to take turns in command. How could the Gallic Rooster endure it? Therefore, it is okay to conduct coordinated exercises under the command of the Americans in normal times, but if it is a military operation, a joint command center must be formed. This is a matter of principle.

France directly withdrew from NATO in order to prevent the U.S. military from entering. Since then, it has been independently responsible for its own defense. Other European countries need the U.S. military to provide protection!

In short, the loss of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group will definitely become a bad debt, and in the end, 80% of it will be borne silently by the American people. Of course, the Americans will not suffer a loss and will definitely find ways to make up for it in other ways, such as increasing tariffs. This move can make France succumb.

But these are not things that little people like Monet can worry about.

When the Chinese team arrived, Monet saw Li Zhan and strode up to greet them with a smile. He first greeted He Xinghai, Morenan and others, and then pulled Li Zhan aside to talk.

"I know you must have thought up your tactics, but the question now is that you will eventually fight against the F-22A. How high can you achieve the battle loss ratio?" Monet asked impatiently.

In the morning match, the battle loss ratio between the F-22A and the Su-35 was 1:15. The Su-35 achieved the best battle loss ratio among all aircraft types. The Rafale fighter flown by the French Air Force pilot was 1:18, which was 1:18 compared to the Su-35. -35 is a bit worse. Although this result takes other factors into consideration, it also reflects something objectively.

Monet himself would admit that Rafale really has no advantage over super flankers.

He believed that he was not sure of defeating the Russian pilots flying the Su-35 when flying the Rafale fighter. To save the situation, the Rafale fighter must achieve a smaller battle loss ratio than the Su-35 in the confrontation. Of course, the recognized opponent is the F-22A, the only fourth-generation aircraft currently in service in the world. The only other comparison is close combat - it can be seen that the close combat performance of the F-22A fighter does not sacrifice maneuverability for stealth performance as rumored by the outside world - the engine is awesome and powerful, and the aerodynamic layout is also no problem.

Li Zhan knew what Monet had in mind. He smiled and said, "I can make the Rafale fighter's combat damage ratio lower than that of the Super Flanker, but this requires sufficient power. I'm talking about the pilot's power, not the fighter's." power."

Monet smiled mysteriously and said, "As for compensation for mental losses, I will urge my superiors to arrange it as soon as possible. After all, it is not your fault, is it?"

"Yes, it must be fair and just, and we must not chill the hearts of our friends. Of course, this is not something I can decide personally. What I personally want is a clear and innocent conclusion." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Monet nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, what I said is absolutely true."

Li Zhan said with satisfaction, "I will try my best to shoot it down."

"Okay, okay, shoot... shoot down?" Monet was stunned.

"I'll try my best," Li Zhan said. "The Rafale fighter has some advantages in close combat. Of course, the super-flanker also has advantages. The key lies in performance and the indispensable luck."

Monet murmured, "Yes, you have been lucky. But, can you really shoot down the F-22A?"

"Give it a try." Li Zhan didn't sound like he was joking.

According to the rules of the competition, if you aim at the opponent for three seconds, it will be judged as a kill. This time is not set arbitrarily, but is a rule that takes into account all factors - three seconds is enough to launch a missile or a cannon. However, it is not easy to aim and lock the target for three seconds. The target will not surrender obediently but will violently break away and evade. They are all masters, and their skills are better than the last. When real masters compete with each other, the outcome is inevitable. of.

However, there are also some who are making excuses, such as the Vietnamese Air Force pilots, who were suppressed and beaten by pilots from other countries and had no ability to fight back. What surprised everyone was that the Vietnamese Air Force pilots actually performed common sense flying maneuvers when using the Su-27SM provided by Russia. Mistakes.

Monet said something thought-provoking at that time: "We reimbursed their air tickets, and they ate the most at the buffet. It's hard to imagine what kind of life they lived. I hope God bless..."

After communicating with Li Zhan, teams from other countries arrived one after another, and Monet, as the specific organizer, quickly got busy. The afternoon was the final. Not only the more than 100 pilots and other staff of multinational air forces, but also French and foreign diplomats stationed in France were invited to observe. So this is a good opportunity to show your face in front of diplomats from various countries.

Richard and Michelle, who had something on their minds, were observing the Chinese team, trying to find the South China Sea Mad Dog, but they had never seen the Nanhai Mad Dog's outrageously handsome face and could only rely on guesswork.

"Who do you think it is?" Michelle asked in a low voice, subconsciously using honorifics to call Nanhai Mad Dog. Strength is the highest factor that makes people respect him.

Richard's eyes were scanning like radar waves, and he said very uncertainly, "Is it the colonel with dark skin? I think it should be him. The South China Sea Mad Dog should be a colonel, a middle-to-high-level officer."

The dark-skinned colonel is talking about Yu Chenglin.

"I think it's another colonel, the relatively young one. Why, judging from the flying style of the South China Sea Mad Dog, he should be a young man." Michelle said.

Michelle was talking about Zhang Xueyang, because he and Yu Chenglin were the only ones with the rank of colonel. Cao Goufei is also a colonel, but because his superiors have strict requirements on the specifications of the representative team, he holds the rank of lieutenant colonel. He Xinghai and Morenan are both senior colonels, while most of the others are lieutenant colonels, majors, and captains. There are only two captains who are staff members.

"That's right, he should be a young man, with a youthful and frivolous flying style." Richard nodded slightly and recalled, suddenly frowning and said, "No, that young colonel flew by in the morning, his style was quite satisfactory, there was nothing aggressive about it, he wasn't South China Sea Mad Dog.”

Michelle was startled and said slowly, "Yes, it should not be him. Nanhai Mad Dog's flying style is extremely rough, his flying skills are extremely superb, and his flying language is extremely rude. Yes, it's not him, he doesn't have the above characteristics."

"Then it should be among those lieutenant colonels." Richard looked over again and found it difficult to guess.

Michelle nodded affirmatively, "It must be one of the lieutenant colonels."

From the beginning to the end, they never thought that Nanhai Mad Dog would be a younger major - how could he be a major? With Nanhai Mad Dog's level, he will definitely be reused in the Chinese army. Even a lieutenant colonel is not enough. Woolen cloth. They do not know the promotion regulations of the Chinese military ranks.

However, objectively speaking, Li Zhan's military rank promotion speed is indeed relatively slow, and his actual situation is not a common situation.

But no matter what, no one would believe that such a young and handsome young man would be considered to have an extremely rough flying style, extremely unskilled flying skills, extremely unrude flying language, and Wang Fa just because he is young and handsome. , is there still a law?

Not to mention the Richards and his wife, oh no, Richard and wingman Michelle couldn't guess who the Mad Dog in the South China Sea was, and other pilots from other countries who knew the details of the Mediterranean Morning also didn't know that they single-handedly destroyed the Roosevelt. Who is the master of one-third of the aircraft carrier battle group's strength?

But it is generally believed that he is an experienced veteran in his thirties or forties with three to four thousand flying hours.

Li Zhan hid his merit and fame deeply.

The results of the draw for the order of confrontation came out. Morenan quietly came to Li Zhan and Zhu Wei and whispered, "Is it okay to face Japan in the first game? They are a combination of F-15J and F-2."

Li Zhan drives Rafale and Zhu Wei drives Su-27SM, which is also a very interesting combination.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Commander, we have no problem, the Japanese air self-pilots will soon have problems."

Zhu Wei couldn't help but laugh out loud, attracting everyone's kind looks.

Moregan rolled his eyes and said, "You still have to keep your balance. The second game is a bit tricky. The opponents are Sanjay and Rajput of the Indian Air Force. These two are on the focus list of the Tiba Air Force intelligence department."

"I know something about it." Zhu Wei's expression became solemn, "They all have rich practical experience and cannot be underestimated."

Li Zhan didn't make excuses and said solemnly, "Well, it's a bit difficult, but it can be overcome."

The final selection of Zhu Wei and Li Zhan as a partner was carefully considered. Firstly, Zhu Wei has certain practical experience, secondly, Zhu Wei has more accurate aircraft types, and finally, because Zhu Wei and Li Zhan have the best understanding as a partner. When he was in Beiku, although Zhu Wei flew the J-8FR tactical reconnaissance aircraft, he also had rich experience in using fighter jets. Moreover, when Li Zhan flew the J-8FR tactical reconnaissance aircraft, he had many very successful encounters with Zhu Wei. Fight together.

Therefore, the combination of Li and Zhu is currently the most perfect.

"The third game is to compete for the championship. Of course, the premise is that you have to defeat Japan and India and win the first place in the group to get the chance to compete for the championship." Morenan said.

It is a very simple group match, and it is a designated group. For example, the Vietnam Air Force can only be spectators in the afternoon and is not even qualified to participate. In the end, only nine countries were qualified to participate. China, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, India, Italy, and even Spain were persuaded to leave.

South Korea? We are a big country in the universe, but your competition on Earth cannot be discerned by others!

Li Zhan said to Morenan, "Captain, I am confident and determined to qualify for the championship, and the champion must be us!"

I don’t know why Mo Ren’an thought Li Zhan wasn’t lying!

PS: 6000/13000. I don’t know why I think of the national football team. . . . Alas, I'd better be a human being and not mention these things. . . .

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