Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 574 ? Crazy one

Chapter 574 Crazy one

Zhu Wei's eyes almost popped out of his head. He could see clearly that during the fight, Li Zhan suddenly dropped a fallen leaf, and then the F-15J and F-2 suddenly lost their target, and then suddenly Crash together. One of the vertical tails of the F-15J directly cut off the left wing of the F-2. The F-2 fell directly downwards, while the F-15J lost its balance and fell downwards in a circle.

"Damn it! Lao Li, what you're doing is so cool!"

"Hey, they are too stupid. They dare to engage in hand-to-hand combat with me even though their skills are not up to par."

"The pilot ejected."

"Well, go back, you won't die."

Li Zhan and Zhu Wei returned, and the 113th Air Force Base immediately launched a rescue plan. Two Dolphin helicopters took off to search and rescue the pilots. No one knew exactly what happened at this time, but Li Zhan was not worried at all. He neither made contact with the two colliding self-propelled fighter jets nor used other weapons. He simply used his superior skills to get rid of the attack. However, the skills of Hikawa Okamoto and Umekawa Uchiku were obviously not very good. They had no idea to maintain the height difference when they were in a daze, so a collision was inevitable.

Sanjay and Rajput of the Indian Air Force were completely stunned - huh? Isn't it a competition? Why is it serious? It took a while for them to regain their senses.

Sanjay said, "Kongzi's pilots are not skilled enough, they are too stupid!"

"Yes! You didn't maintain a good height difference. Aren't you looking for death?" Rajput said through gritted teeth. Only in this way could he suppress the fear in his heart.

More people are secretly happy - you break the rules and get retribution!

After urgent discussions, the organizers decided to continue the competition. This decision made the person in charge of Japan Air Force furious, but no one cared about their feelings. The Japanese blatantly broke the rules and caused public outrage. Naturally, everyone was not willing to let the competition be affected for their sake.

He expressed regret to the Japanese Air Self-Contained Team, and his sympathetic look made the person in charge of the Japanese Air Self-Contained Team want to tear He Xinghai’s mouth apart.

"Mr. Sanjay and Mr. Rajput of the Indian Air Force, it's your turn. Mr. Sanjay? Mr. Rajput?" the organizer greeted.

Only then did Sanjay and Rajput completely come to their senses and stood up quickly. Rajput staggered a bit when he stood up, and then he realized that his legs were a little weak. They were frightened.

"Rakhi, let's keep the height difference, it'll be fine." Sanjay comforted in a low voice.

Rajput gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay doctor, ah no, it's okay, I'm okay. Let's go, let's shoot them down!"


They left without hesitation, feeling like a warrior leaving with a sense of wind and desolation. At this time, the weather suddenly changed, and some dark clouds came over. Although there were not many, they also cast a shadow on people's hearts.

Li Zhan did not leave the cockpit and asked the ground crew to make some necessary checks and replenish some fuel. He could continue to dispatch at any time. Zhu Wei's side is even simpler. He doesn't even need to replenish fuel. Flanker fighters are very durable, and the Russians even skipped a lot of maintenance when they were short of funds.

As a result, a problem arose. During the inspection, it was found that the flight control system of the Su-27SM used by Zhu Wei was faulty. This result shocked Zhu Wei - I have been wandering on the edge of hell just now!

There was no other way, there were no more fighters available, and Zhu Wei couldn't fly the Mirage-2000. After emergency consultations, He Xinghai decided to let Li Zhan fight alone, which relieved Sanjay and Rajput - the chance of winning was much greater in two-on-one situations. The organizer decisively agreed. Everyone saw Li Zhan's strength, and it was fair to fight one against two.

After all, everyone thinks that the Indian Air Force is not very good.

After some troubles, the competition continued.

Sanjay and Rajput took off first. They both flew Mirage-2000, while Li Zhan still flew Rafale C fighter jets. There was a technical gap between the fighters, so one-on-one was acceptable to everyone. On the contrary, if it is still two versus two, it will not be fair to the Indian Air Force from the perspective of equipment alone.

When Li Zhan didn't need to take care of his wingman, he let himself go. After taxiing for more than 300 meters, he pulled up the plane and kept it flying at a height of 20 to 30 meters above the ground. Then he retracted the landing gear, and then suddenly went vertical. Pull up the vertical climb - he adopted the F-22A's signature take-off method, which is similar to an "L" shape.

"Wow! It's great!" Monet and other French people laughed so hard that the corners of their mouths almost split into their ears. The better Li Zhan's performance, the happier they were, so that everyone could have a more intuitive understanding of the performance of the Rafale fighter jets.

This take-off method is unique to the F-22A, and it is generally believed that only the F-22A can do it because it requires very powerful thrust and excellent aerodynamic shape, with the former being the most important.

The standards for fourth-generation aircraft are the four capabilities of supersonic cruise, stealth, super maneuverability, and over-the-horizon attack. The reason why the Russian Su-57 is not recognized is because the aircraft's stealth capabilities are very problematic. Supersonic cruise refers to the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds without using afterburner. The key lies in the engine. To achieve super maneuverability, an excellent engine is also required as a guarantee.

Li Zhan used the Rafale fighter's extremely strong acceleration performance to fly a take-off method that could only be achieved by the F-22A, which refreshed everyone's understanding. Facts have proved that when the fighter's performance is slightly lacking, the pilot's skills can fully make up for it. Functional.

The confrontation begins.

This time Li Zhan didn't play any tricks. He rushed directly into the enemy's formation, like a macho man rushing into the women's bathroom. Sanjay and Rajput were both stunned. Their evasive actions looked clumsy in contrast. slow. In the blink of an eye, when everyone on the observation platform was not mentally prepared, Li Zhan easily completed the targeting of Rajput.

When the tower notified Rajput to leave and return home, Rajput actually breathed a sigh of relief - he could finally escape the devil's clutches legitimately.

"Sanjay, kill him to avenge me!" Rajput said fiercely, but he was very happy in his heart.

"Raki, don't worry, I will definitely take him down!" Sanjay said confidently.

Is Sanjay arrogant?

No, he really has the ability to say this. He had fought against Tieba's pilots many times, and he had more combat experience than many. At least Himikawa Okamoto and Umekawa Uchiku cannot compare with him. In fact, if he played normally, Rajput would not be shot down so quickly. The collision between two Kong Zi fighter planes brought him great pressure and psychological shadow, which allowed Li Zhan to "shoot down" it easily.

At this time, Sanjay had completely stabilized and fought with Li Zhan with the help of his rich experience. In his imagination, this battle would definitely be difficult. He was ready to give his opponent a good fight with all his strength. When he saw the Rafale fighter jet appearing on the left wing, he immediately made a counterattack maneuver. As a result, he almost broke his neck and failed to see the opponent again.

Sanjay decisively made several violent maneuvers. On the one hand, it was a self-protective evasion, and on the other hand, it could also achieve the purpose of constantly gaining new horizons.

However, he was surprised to find that the Rafale fighter jet seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Everyone on the viewing platform went crazy...

Because they can see where the Rafale fighter is - the Rafale fighter is right behind the Mirage 2000. It looks like a part of the Mirage 2000. There is a height difference of more than ten or twenty meters, and it is only one fuselage position away from the front and rear. It happens to be in a position where the Mirage-2000 pilot cannot see it.

This is not the main reason that makes those veterans crazy, but no matter how the Mirage-2000 maneuvers, the Rafale fighter jets always maintain almost the same relative position!

That's not a coordinated flight performance, but an opponent who wants to take confrontational actions!

This is no longer a matter of winning or losing. It is easy for the Rafale fighter jets to kill the Mirage-2000. However, the Rafale fighter jets chose a tactic that can be said to be almost impossible to achieve - occupying the attack position and infinitely zooming in and out. distance!

Li Zhan wants to completely destroy Sanjay's fighting spirit!

The commander on the tower couldn't help it anymore. He didn't dare to think that what he saw before him was real. Sanjay was the only one in the world who didn't know that he was being bitten by the tail. He kept looking like a fool.

"Sanjay, he is behind you, behind you!" the commander couldn't help but remind him.

Sanjay was startled and turned his head hard to look back. He couldn't see. He gritted his teeth and pressed down on the stick to dive while raising his head back. He saw the Rafale fighter jet clinging to him as tightly as a devil. The distance was so close that his heart almost jumped!

"How did he do it? How did he do it?" Richard was frightened and muttered to himself.

Michelle, like most people, simply didn't believe it was true. A two-plane formation that has undergone long-term training requires a very high level of tacit understanding, not to mention that these are two opposing sides! At this time, the distance between Li Zhan and Sanjay was no different from that of a dense formation.

Sanjay kept looking back and making evasive maneuvers, but the Rafale fighter jet was stuck behind him like candy. No matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of it, and he couldn't even distance himself. His worldview collapsed, and everything he encountered was beyond his understanding.

How could such a thing happen in the world?

I'm not convinced!

Sanjay went crazy. He did all the maneuvers he could do, but the Rafale fighter jet even seemed like he was driving it. No matter what actions he made, the Rafale fighter jet was almost synchronized with him-the movements were uniform. !

For half an hour, the reality was still bloody.

Sanjay returned, and Li Zhan followed him back like his personal bodyguard. After Sanjay landed, Li Zhan pulled a supersonic pass. The loud sound made everyone on the observation platform cover their ears. This is the prerogative of the victor.

After Li Zhan got off the plane, he went over to check on Sanjay, but saw Sanjay sitting there while the medical staff checked his body. After getting closer, Zhang Xueyang and others also came over.

They heard Sanjay talking to himself: "Who did Tai Chi? Is this the legendary lion's roar? Haha! Ah? Haha!"

The corners of Zhang Xueyang's mouth twitched and he whispered, "The man is useless."

Sanjay went crazy.

Li Zhan shook his head regretfully, sighed lightly, and left there with his comrades.

After returning to the observation platform, everyone looked at Li Zhan with fear. Most of them realized for the first time that the enemy could be annihilated even without live ammunition. In addition to annihilating the physical body, the mental breakdown was even more fatal. . How can such an experienced pilot go crazy like this? Who can easily accept this fact?

The organizers immediately went down, and they even had the idea of ​​​​ending the competition. If this continues, who knows what will happen next? Of course, they did not forget to be excited about this, because the performance of the Rafale fighter jet even exceeded the expectations of the designers! What other advertisement is tougher than this one?

The leaders of the US and Russian teams got together to discuss how to operate the next confrontation to compete for the championship. After all, everyone discovered that the topic has actually been surrounding Li Zhan - they are actually considering whether to let Li Zhan continue to participate in the championship competition.

He Xinghai couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't expect that Li Zhan had caused such serious psychological trauma to them. It seems weird to discuss whether to let a pilot participate in the championship on this occasion, but the fact is that it is so bloody. Of course He Xinghai would not agree. Li Zhan was the biggest trump card in his hand. How could a team that wanted to win the championship accept such conditions?

Moreover, France supports Li Zhan to continue to participate in the competition. Li Zhan allows them to see more and more possibilities of Rafale fighter jets. They want to see more possibilities, and at this time Monet even believes that Li Zhan’s words are not a joke. Got it - shot down an F-22A.

The F-22A will definitely not be defeated in a beyond visual range confrontation, but in close combat, most of the performance of the F-22A cannot be used. Everyone can only fight for mobility. The Rafale fighter has a lot of advantages in Li Zhan's hands. Winning face. The Americans are afraid. If the F-22A loses to the Rafale fighter, it will be humiliating. Even Congress will question it - the advanced fourth-generation aircraft that has spent so much money and so much time can't beat it and can only be counted. Three and a half generations of Rafale fighter jets?

Richard and Michelle have determined who is the Mad Dog of the South China Sea, and they made a surprising move - withdrawing from the competition on the grounds of physical discomfort.

Li Zhan had no idea that he had brought such a big psychological shadow to everyone. In fact, most people were still digesting the shocking scene just now. They couldn't figure out how Li Zhan did it even if they tried hard. Not only Sanjay, many people's world view was also subverted.

Just as the final championship competition was being prepared, a shocking news came that the championship competition had to be cancelled-the parachutes of two Japanese air pilots, Hikawa Okamoto and Umekawa Uchiku, who collided in the sky and skydive, malfunctioned. The man was seriously injured after the fall and was pronounced dead on the way to the hospital.

As soon as this decision came out, both the American pilots and the Russian pilots breathed a sigh of relief!

PS: 15000/33000. There's only one big chapter left today, and I'm dizzy after drinking too much.

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