Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 575: Millions of bonuses after triumph

Chapter 575 Millions of bonuses after triumph

Our military has long been required to maintain altitude differences in air combat, especially close combat. The main reason is to prevent mid-air collision accidents. It's like drawing lanes for airplanes, and everyone drives in the designated lanes. Cars traveling at high speeds are prone to collisions, let alone fighter jets flying at hundreds of kilometers per hour.

However, this approach is contrary to the requirements of actual combat. The enemy will not discuss it with you, and it is impossible for you to avoid various accidents that may occur in actual combat. "Everything starts from actual combat" means aiming at this contradictory location and firing. If the troops want to develop real combat capabilities, they must bear corresponding risks.

It is natural for two Japanese Air Force fighter jets to collide in a match. The accidental death of Hikawa Okamoto and Umekawa Uchiku can even be said to be the victims of their lax ground support and fighter manufacturers' work attitudes. Who could have imagined that the life-saving parachutes of two fighter jets would have problems at the same time?

Air and ground support and fighter aircraft manufacturers need to be responsible for this.

Subsequent investigations revealed that if Li Zhan had not taken decisive measures to escape from their encirclement with a very risky fallen leaf, then the route showed that Li Zhan would have been hit. As soon as this result came out, He Xinghai immediately lodged a strong protest, strongly condemned the "extremely unprofessional actions" of the Air Force pilots in the friendly competition, and demanded an explanation from the Air Force team and a solemn apology!

The host France, as well as the United States and Russian teams also expressed support (and support). He Xinghai finally said that in view of the fact that the Air Force pilots also paid the price with their lives, the Chinese team decided not to pursue the case, but hoped that the Air Force team would take good care of themselves. , we will not give up the right to use "Li Zhan" at any time, don't say it was unforeseen!

This concludes the 2012 multinational air power military exchange activities. The entire process and quality far exceeded the expectations of the teams from each country. Of course, the feelings of the Japanese Air Force and the Indian Air Force should be the most profound. They paid a heavy price and of course learned a lot of experience, which should be regarded as tuition fees.

The happiest people are none other than the French. The Rafale fighter jets stole the show in the confrontation, which even directly led to the US Air Force not wanting to let the F-22A compete with the Rafale fighter jets. This is more meaningful than shooting down the F-22A. Even if there are no bright spots, the French can be ranked number one in the world, let alone show off their big face this time.

So they struck while the iron was hot and accelerated negotiations with three major customers, Saudi Arabia, India, and Qatar, to facilitate the conclusion of the deal. They had more confidence—our Rafale fighter jets are so awesome, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and pay billions of euros to buy it home!

In order to thank the Chinese team and Li Zhan for their outstanding performance and outstanding contributions, the stingy French were generous and donated 1 million euros to the Chinese team and 500,000 euros to Li Zhan personally in the name of friendly competition bonus. EUR. When Mona sent the Chinese team to Charles de Gaulle Airport, he finally saw Li Zhan's most sincere smile.

Li Zhan said, "The friendship between China and France has a long history, and the friendly exchanges between the two peoples are constantly deepening. I hope there will be more opportunities to conduct military flight exchanges together in the future."

Mona said, "You are very welcome to visit France for exchanges. I believe that there will be more and more relevant military exchange activities in the future. Our French Air Force and French Navy also very much welcome you, Major Li, to come for more levels of military exchanges."

Li Zhan emphasized, "The friendly competition is a very good setting, which helps multinational air forces communicate with each other and enhance friendship. It is a very good platform for discussion."

“You are absolutely right and I hope we will have the opportunity to host events like this in the future.”

Monet did not continue to ask where Li Zhan's rich Rafale fighter piloting experience came from, because he could already roughly guess the answer. The two sides waved goodbye in a friendly atmosphere, and Li Zhan and others boarded the Air China direct flight and returned home with a full load.

Although there is no chance to fight against the F-22A, based on the on-site observation and the comprehensive analysis of the situation learned from various channels, everyone generally believes that the F-22A is not as scary as the legend. At least the J-10 can fight at a closer distance. The third-generation aircraft of the two series, J-11 and J-11, are not without a chance of winning, especially the J-10. Taking the Rafale fighter as a reference, this aircraft is fully capable of playing a greater role.

This result is very meaningful and dispels everyone's fear of the F-22A. Li Zhan and his generation of pilots were lucky enough to see the emergence of their own fourth-generation aircraft. It is no exaggeration to say that the previous generation of pilots flew in the shadow of the F-22A for two decades.

When your opponent can shoot you down even before your ground radar can see it, and the strike accuracy is very accurate, it is reasonable for the sense of powerlessness brought about by the huge technological gap to turn into a sense of fear. . There has been no progress in the fourth-generation aircraft for such a long time, so what can be done?

If the sky doesn't work, then do it on the ground. The 20 years since the fourth generation aircraft struggled to advance were the 20 years of rapid development of ground radar. The radar developers lived up to expectations and were the first to develop a radar that can detect stealth fighters - at least it solves the problem. "Discovery" problem.

The Chinese will never sit still and wait for death. They will try their best to kill you, as long as I want to kill you!

The team is still in the sky, and the news has already spread throughout the family. After they landed at the Capital Airport, two large Mercedes-Benz GLS SUVs with warning signs sandwiched two Coasters were waiting directly at the far end parking space. The Air China aircraft stopped briefly at the far-end parking bay, and the team disembarked before taxiing to the boarding gallery to disembark passengers.

The pure black Mercedes-Benz GLS flashing police lights with the word "Alert" led Coaster all the way. All the intersections he passed had green lights. At many busy intersections, traffic police who received orders in advance even carried out certain traffic control, making every effort to ensure that the fleet Able to reach the destination - Bayi Hotel smoothly all the way.

This is a high-level courtesy given to the team by superiors to commend them for their outstanding achievements in multinational air power and military exchanges. Such recognition is only known to a small group of relevant personnel. Even within the army, it is not open to the public, and the common people have no way of knowing.

It’s time to go to work and drink when it’s time to drink.

The leaders of the Air Force and Marine Division met with the military exchange delegation to France at the same time. The high-level reception made everyone very excited. This historic scene will be written into their resumes and will be a very important event. Of course, everyone knows that they are actually in Li Zhan's favor. It can be said that the two leaders came for Li Zhan.


Judging from Li Zhan's results, no matter how high the courtesy is given to him, it will not be exaggerated, but he will only worry that it is not enough!

"It took you a few days to do something that we have not had the chance to do for decades and basically cannot do it. I should salute you." The leader of Haisi solemnly said to Li Zhan during the meeting and saluted Li Zhan. .

This established Li Zhan's status in the combat pilot team.

The leader of the aviation department pointed out very seriously: "Comrade Li Zhan, you are a member of our Air Force talent pool, and the Air Force is your natal family. Let me express my position. If there is anything that cannot be solved in the future, you can contact us directly at any time. Your natal family is yours." Strong backing!"

Subtext: You were trained by the Air Force, and you are still a member of the Air Force talent pool. Your military medals are half as many as those of our Air Force. If you are unhappy with Hainan Airlines, you can come back anytime!

Li Zhan was so excited that he kept saying words like "Yes!", "Understood!", "Serve the people", "Continue to fight for building a strong navy and air force" throughout the whole process. It can be said that he took the Golden Hundred Sentences to the extreme. This made the two leaders have the idea of ​​​​transferring him to work.

The highlight is of course the commendation. No matter how beautiful the words are, things without any substance will always appear weak. Of course, no amount of praise can be exaggerated for such meritorious officials.

Previously, the Flying Shark Unit was still struggling with Li Zhan's ninth first-class merit. In order to commend Li Zhan, he drove back the seriously malfunctioning No. 037 J-7GGH. There is no need to worry now. Entrusted by the Supreme Command, the leaders of Haisi personally awarded Li Zhan with the ninth first-class merit. The most valuable first-class merit has not been issued for several years. The last one was awarded to Li Zhan. The chief designer of the aircraft carrier.

The military exchange team to France all started with third-class merit. Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei, and Tang Leile all received second-class merit, while Zhu Wei received a first-class merit award issued by the Air Force, although the gold content was not as high as that of Li Zhan. There are only a few brothers, but they are also a very small number among the more than two million brothers.

That's not all.

Kongsi and Haisi jointly announced cash rewards for team members!

Li Zhan's mouth was so close to his ears that he alone won a cash reward of 100,000 yuan! Although the money is barely enough to buy a square meter in the third ring road, the significance is extraordinary, because along with the cash there is a certificate, which is a fork-loading tool that cannot be bought with a lot of money, and a high-level honor that cannot be bought!

Regarding the bonuses obtained from the competition, it is not easy to handle. Under normal circumstances, those bonuses belong to the collective. If the unit gives individual rewards, of course it will be much less. But this time the leaders were very happy and agreed to allocate it to individuals with a wave of their hands. More pilots but less service personnel, but it was still a lot of money.

One million euros is converted into more than 10 million RMB. There are less than 40 people in the representative team. Even with an average score, each player can get 200,000 to 300,000 yuan! At this time, everyone looked at Li Zhan with not only admiration, but also gratitude. It's not because of Li Zhan, I wouldn't even think about such a thing!

Li Zhan is of course the one who has gained the most. He personally has 500,000 euros, which is equivalent to more than 5 million yuan, plus the hundreds of thousands that everyone has, plus the 100,000 given by Haisi, he can go out for a few days. Earned more than six million!

"I don't envy civil aviation pilots at all now." Li Zhan was so excited that he whispered to Zhu Wei beside him.

Zhu Wei's lips were trembling, "Money, money is nothing. The main thing is this honor. I guess I will be able to wake up laughing in my dreams in the future."

With the first-class merit achieved, Zhu Wei's colonel was secure.

Li Zhan then thought about his military rank and level. Judging from his promotion speed, it was actually within the regulations, but he was not within the scope of ordinary circumstances. Not to mention the results of this military exchange trip to France, based on his previous contributions alone, he should have been a lieutenant colonel long ago.

He knew in his heart that his superiors had more considerations, so he never was in a hurry, but now, it was really outrageous to still carry the rank of major. Look at the people around him, Zhang Xueyang, Yu Chenglin, Zhu Wei, Yang Jingshan, and even Tang Leilei, they are all promoted faster than him, and these people are more or less where they are today because of him.

Yang Jingshan's situation is the most obvious. It is certain that he will be promoted to deputy division commander by the end of next year, and as his military rank goes up, it is reasonable for the deputy division commander to become a full division commander. You know, when Li Zhan first arrived in Beiku, Yang Jingshan was the deputy lieutenant colonel, and Li Zhan was already a major at that time.

Let’s look at the few apprentices that Li Zhan has accepted. Yao Dongming, who is worth three hundred, and the two from the Royal Cat Flying Group, have reached another level in the past two years. In a few years, they will be at the division and brigade level. As masters But he is still hanging around at the main camp level, which is really hard to stand.

Therefore, the comrades around him are more concerned about Li Zhan's military rank than Li Zhan.

Commendations and awards were implemented one by one, and everyone naturally thought of Li Zhan's military rank. At this time, everyone found it very dazzling to see his rank of major and his meager seniority badge at battalion level.

Fortunately, this time the two giants met in person and did not disappoint everyone - Haisi signed a promotion order, and Li Zhan was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the Navy. At the same time, Li Zhan was appointed as the deputy chief instructor of the Flying Shark Force, with the rank of deputy regiment, and he enjoyed the full rank of the regiment. level treatment.

Everyone is happy.

It can also be seen from the issuance of the promotion order that Haisi attaches great importance to Li Zhan in details. Generally speaking, the promotion authority for the lieutenant colonel level is within the fleet. The three major fleets can promote officers below the captain level. The emphasis shown by Haisi in promoting a junior major is very unusual.

In order to neutralize, the level was only raised one level, but the treatment was given to the full regiment level. This is because the chief instructor of the Flying Shark Army is at the level of a full division commander, and his deputy positions correspond to those of a full regiment and deputy division. It is essential to give Li Zhan a higher level of treatment. It can be said that this plan is very suitable, and it is also the best for Li Zhan's personal growth. After all, he is still young, so early pressure is a must.

It should be pointed out that the dividends gained from this military exchange trip to France and participation in multinational air power military exchange activities will continue to play a positive role in the long time to come. For an individual, it is the pinnacle of his career. It was also a landmark achievement for the army.

The military exchanges came to an end. The team had a big dinner the next night. Li Zhan and his old comrades drank several kilograms of Erguotou. The next day, he felt dizzy and returned to the Fertile Land Naval Flight Training Base under the leadership of Morenan to return to normal work. during the training work.

The superior stated that Li Zhan would be given priority in sending out military exchange activities in the future.

Richard, Michelle: Be human!

PS: 19000/43000. Starting to resume normal updates today.

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