Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 576? Analysis of the world’s main carrier-based fighter jets

Chapter 576 Analysis of the world’s main carrier-based fighter jets

After returning to the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base, the Flying Shark Unit held a celebration party for the four-person foreign military exchange team headed by Li Zhan, with extra meals for all. This extra meal is not an ordinary extra meal, but a method of adding multiple hard dishes and changing the buffet to a round meal. After asking for instructions, it was approved by the Haisi, and each officer and soldier was given a bottle of beer.

This is almost like Chinese New Year. You must know that there are only two nights in the year where you can drink some wine, the Army Day dinner and New Year's Eve.

Some people may think it's an exaggeration, hey, just pretend to be cool, drink some beer and ask for approval from Haisi, why don't you go to heaven? Yes, we are ready to go to heaven at any time. Since the strictest ban on alcohol was promulgated in 2008, various troops have strictly controlled drinking. One of the three high-voltage lines, it is a discipline in the same sense as leaking secrets.

If the Flying Shark Troops want to drink together, they must ask their superiors for permission. Obviously, the Flying Shark Troops’ current superior is the Sea Division, and the Ship Division has no authority to approve it.

In fact, because the Flying Shark Force is a training force and has no combat readiness or combat missions, and Li Zhan's performance this time out was really amazing, after careful consideration, Haisi agreed to give each officer and soldier of the Flying Shark Force a beer. Quota. You can’t have too much and certainly won’t have any leftovers. One bottle will satisfy your cravings.

For the majority of grassroots officers and soldiers, such special treatment is awesome.

The training resumed as soon as the smell of alcohol at the celebration banquet dissipated. However, Li Zhan and the other four could not start training immediately. He needed to write down his experience of military exchanges in France. Especially Li Zhan, the intelligence information he obtained was unparalleled. treasure house. He was the only Chinese pilot to prevent a landing on a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, and it was the most successful failed forced landing.

Zhang Xueyang and the other three also have valuable insights, such as what they saw in Daijian, which no amount of money can buy.

These insights, led by Li Zhan, are bound to form multiple papers and detailed guidance combat training materials in the future, which are very valuable for the Chinese Navy's aircraft carrier combat units in the initial stage, and are not limited to carrier-based aviation units.

If it were not for the heavy training tasks, the superiors would send a large number of research teams and various experts to dig out all the treasures in Li Zhan, and Li Zhan would definitely be asked to undertake a large number of teaching and research tasks. Superiors are increasingly realizing that if they want Li Zhan to play a greater role, they can't just let him fly planes on the front line. Such talents are urgently needed in teaching and research.

However, Lao Chentou knew that Li Zhan's thoughts were focused on frontline combat, so he withstood the pressure and made a compromise plan, allowing Li Zhan to use his free time to do research on tactical teaching and research, mainly for theoretical experts. They provide practical experience and research materials.

When the flight manager softened his mind and put Li Zhan on HNA, now his intestines turned green with regret. The big leader of the aviation department said, "The Air Force needs a hundred Li Zhans." The aviation department would rather give HNA a hundred Yao Dongming than give up one Li Zhan. Unfortunately, the file has already reached Haisi, and Kongsi is already helpless. All we can do is seize the relationship that "Li Zhan is a member of the Air Force talent pool" - the military medals are half as good as ours!

After resuming training, Li Zhan, Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei, and Tang Leilei continued to conduct research on advanced interception landing training methods in the name of a test team, and combined with the gains from military exchanges in France, they advanced rapidly. Li Zhan didn't have any position before. It was troublesome to conduct such an experiment. He needed the help of leaders such as Lao Chen to coordinate. Now he has the honor of serving as the deputy instructor of the Flying Shark Army. Things that needed coordination before can now be done with just one order. In actual combat The speed of training and research is naturally faster.

There is not much time left for the pilots of the Flying Shark Force who are the "first to eat crabs". It will take about fifty days for all members to meet the shipboard standards in September. In order to buy time, Li Zhan and Lao Chentou discussed the method of group training and divided all the quasi-flying sharks into three training groups.

Advanced training group, intermediate training group, junior training group. In other words, the army basically recognized and adopted the plan proposed by Li Zhan early on. Only by doing this can we ensure that every quasi-flying shark can get the most suitable training difficulty.

There is no doubt that the advanced training team should take the lead. They must not only continue to challenge higher difficulties, but also shoulder the task of leading the advanced and lagging behind, so that the role of the faster-progressing quasi-flying sharks can be fully brought into play. In fact, this is an old tradition of our army, and it is a very powerful and good tradition, with the effect of nuclear fission.

One drags two, two drags four, four drags eight...

The original intention of Mornan and Lao Chentou to put Li Zhan and the other four people into the military exchange team going to France was to let them, who were already far ahead, see the world and learn from the advanced experience of foreign armies, because the army The difficulty of training at this stage has little effect on them, and the army does not have enough resources to open a separate training course.

As a result, no one could have imagined that Li Zhan had achieved such a result that blinded the eyes of the people around the world. As a result, Haisi also felt encouraged and pressured. Naturally, the pressure spread to Shen Hoy, and the direct result was that Shen Hoy delivered it in one go. Three J-15s, so there are aircraft for advanced courses...

The three newly delivered J-15s have become the aircraft used by the advanced training group, while the No. 037 J-7GGH has become the aircraft used by the junior training group. They have been reduced from Li Zhan's backup aircraft to a bus-anyone can get on it.

Driving the J-15 again, Li Zhan's feelings about carrier-based fighter jets became even more profound.

He clearly expressed his views on some disputes over the existence of carrier-based fighter jets within the army.

He told everyone in the theoretical class of the advanced training group, "There are three types of third-generation main carrier-based fighter jets in the world. One is the J-15 we are using, which is related to the Russian Su-33 series. They have the same origin and are classified into one category. Since the retirement of the F-14, only our J-15 and Russia's Su Sansan can carry the banner of the third-generation heavy carrier-based fighter."

"In addition, there are two third-generation main carrier-based fighter jets, the Hornet and the Rafale. These two models are of the same class, with a maximum take-off weight of about 23 tons. They are medium-sized carrier-based fighter jets. However, , the maximum takeoff weight of the Super Hornet has reached 30 tons, and the French plan to replace the engine with the Rafale M to bring its maximum takeoff weight to 267 tons."

"What does it mean? It means that after so many years of actual combat use, the US Navy and the French Navy have jointly concluded that heavy carrier-based fighter jets are more in line with the requirements of modern warfare. Don't forget, our J-15 is using the ski jump take-off method At that time, the take-off weight was not as good as that of the Super Hornet and Rafale M. The characteristic of maritime air combat is the second strike decisive victory. Everyone has studied the previous battles between the US military and the Japanese army in the Pacific during World War II. The most obvious one is the mid-range battle. Island sea battle. Apart from the leading advantage on the intelligence front, the US military's rapid formation of second strike capabilities is the key to their victory. In other words, the side that carries more bombs and stays in the air longer has a very obvious advantage."

Cao Youfei raised his hand and asked, "What about the F-35? The US military's fourth-generation medium-sized general-purpose fighter jet. This fighter will completely replace the Super Hornet in the future."

"First of all, the maximum takeoff weight and combat radius of the F-35 are not bad. Although it is a single-engine medium-sized fighter, its maximum takeoff weight exceeds that of the Super Hornet. The great thing about this fighter is that it has the size and shape of a medium-sized fighter. The single-engine solution is consistent with or even exceeds many of the indicators of the third-generation twin-engine heavy fighter. However, the shortcomings of this fighter are also very obvious. For example, its natural survivability is relatively fragile. According to the military operations of the US military in the past few years experience, the F-35 will not be their best choice. Personally, I think this fighter is more like a replacement for the F-16 series of fighters, and the advantages of its naval version are not obvious."

Li Zhan looked at the thoughtful crowd and mentioned the Falcon fighter jet that everyone was very concerned about. Although it had an official serial number, the aircraft was not a model commissioned by the army for research. It was Shen Hoy who built it himself. It is hoped that the fourth-generation medium-sized fighter aircraft that can obtain orders can form a high-end and low-end match with the fourth-generation heavy-duty fighters.

"The J-31 is far from reaching the stage of discussing whether to put it on a ship. As far as I know, the navy and air force are not very satisfied with this aircraft. The biggest reason is that the range and bomb load do not meet the requirements. We do not Many overseas bases will not have multiple aircraft carrier battle groups in a short period of time, so our aircraft must stay in the air as long as possible and be able to carry more fuel and ammunition to carry out longer missions. Therefore, , in my opinion, unless Shen Hoy makes the J-31 fly farther and carry more equipment, the Navy will most likely not consider it as the next generation carrier-based fighter."

This was 2012, and everyone didn’t know much about the J-31 medium-sized stealth fighter that followed the fourth-generation aircraft. This project seemed to appear out of thin air and was even more tightly hidden than the fourth-generation aircraft. Later, it was comprehensively From all aspects, the J-31 is more like a new verification machine created by Shen Hoy to verify certain new technologies, such as stealth technology.

No matter what, most pilots of HNA have little interest in medium-sized aircraft. At least Li Zhan knows that many J-10 pilots of HNA would rather fly J-11.

Li Zhan said, "For a long time in the future, our opponent will be the Super Hornet, and the second most likely will be the Rafale. We had an in-depth understanding of these two fighters when we went to France for military exchanges. The Super Hornet is not It’s mysterious. I believe everyone has fought with it. The attack capability of this aircraft is excellent, but I have doubts about its air combat capability.”

A senior Hainan Airlines pilot nodded in agreement, "Yes, without reinforcements from their F-15s, those Super Hornets will not dare to compete with us."

Li Zhan said, "So our main target must be on the F-22A and Rafale. The Air Force has asked me for a detailed report on the Rafale fighter. They should be the first to face the pressure brought by the Rafale fighter. And we will also encounter Rafale fighter jets in the not too distant future."

He analyzed several main fighters one by one, especially carrier-based fighters, and basically determined that the Super Hornet would be the target at this stage, and the F-22A and Rafale fighter jets would be the main targets in the next stage, with the F-22A receiving the most attention. .

The advanced training team therefore has a clear goal of catching up.

PS: 22000/43000. Don’t stop voting monthly. Look, the number of updated words has increased visibly, and the manuscripts have not been saved for a long time.

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