Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 577 Prepare to start night landing exploration

By mid-July, the advanced training team completed the planned training content.

On this afternoon, Li Zhan summoned the twelve pilots of the advanced training group for a meeting. When everyone arrived in the small conference room, they saw that the two bosses, Morenan and Lao Chentou, were there. Li Zhan was writing something on the blackboard. Everyone As soon as he saw it, his brows suddenly jumped and he became full of fighting spirit.

"Several Issues Regarding Conducting Night Ship Landing Training".

This is definitely a surprising task. After training for so long, everyone has a deep understanding of ship technology, and the technical difficulty of night landing and day landing can be said to be very different. This is compared with land-based fighter aircraft flying at night and day time. The difference between flights is even greater.

Li Zhan started talking directly, with Mo Ren'an and Lao Chentou more like the background.

Li Zhan put his hands on the desk and said, "With the approval of the Maritime Department, our department has begun to explore night landing training. The new subjects will be launched after today's meeting. To be honest, without a large number of daytime operations on the ship, It’s a big risk to start this new subject during takeoff and landing training, but we don’t have much time, so we can’t do it step by step.”

He walked to the blackboard and wrote while saying, "The biggest difficulty in landing a ship at night is the same as in the day. What we are facing is a landing strip that is one hundred meters long and only fifty meters wide. Everyone has shot night targets, so From a few hundred meters in the air, the place is about the size of a fingernail. According to the current night target shooting standards, if you can dump ammunition in such a large range, you are excellent. Now everyone is required to throw themselves in this place The difficulty of landing smoothly and safely is evident."

"Landing at night must first find the aircraft carrier. Visibility at night is almost zero. Coupled with the influence of weather, it is difficult for pilots to find the carrier immediately. Therefore, this requires a lot of instrument training to accurately find the moving aircraft in the absence of visibility. Mothership. The next step is to accurately hook the second blocking cable under the guidance of the lighting assistance system to complete the final step."

"According to my experience, the lighting assist landing system can play a very limited role. Moreover, people flying at night will have large errors or even illusions in their vision, so this puts higher demands on our physical fitness. In Dai Ship Communication During this period, due to many accidents, I had to make an emergency landing on the Roosevelt. It was just dawn, and the low-altitude visibility was still relatively poor. Because the Rafale M fighter I was flying at that time had many malfunctions, and one of its engines lost its function, and it flew in an abnormal attitude. I almost hit the stern of the ship when I entered. I can tell you with certainty that there must have been a big error in the Roosevelt's lighting assistance system at that time, and the descent point I chose according to the lighting instructions was wrong."

"At the last moment, I corrected the sliding point based on my feeling, and reluctantly hooked the second blocking cable. I thought it would be an emergency landing on the ship, but as a result, their blocking cable system had a fatal problem, which led to the subsequent A series of disasters. I myself almost fell to my death in the Mediterranean Sea, if I had ejected 0.5 seconds later."

Li Zhan said seriously, "My personal experience tells me that there is no technical equipment that is always correct and reliable. We are pilots and well-trained naval pilots. We must have our own subjectivity when landing on a ship. If you find that technical equipment There is indeed a problem with the equipment, so I tell you, just to be on the safe side, pull it up and start again.”

He spent more than ten minutes on the blackboard to draw the plan view of the aircraft carrier's flight deck, the plan view of the tail, and the top view of the tail at a 30-degree angle. This unsupported drawing made everyone better, it was just like what was printed by the machine. .

"According to our estimates, it will take two to three years for our department to form a night combat capability, of which night landing is the biggest difficulty. In view of the characteristics of night interception landing, I divide the land-based training phase of this subject into Three parts, the basic part mainly includes the use of visual mothership, light assist landing system and go-around.”

Li Zhan started talking directly, "We have received a dark cabin flight simulation before. If the position of the mothership is eternal, then landing at night will not be difficult. But the mothership is moving and has lateral sway. coefficient, so dark cabin flight cannot be applied to this subject.”

"Visual inspection of the mothership, use of the light assist landing system, and go-around are a coherent action. In the early stage, we do not require you to follow the instructions. You should concentrate on this coherent action first." Li Zhan's chalk drew a schematic diagram on the blackboard, " Enter the normal state, adjust the landing glide line and glide angle through the light assist landing system, set the surface speed to touch the ship, and then immediately go around with full throttle."

It sounds simple, and except for the lighting assist landing system, it seems to be no different from a daytime landing, but in fact the difference is huge. Li Zhan put the go-around in the first consecutive movement to reduce training risks. You can't put your neck on the blade every day.

He was bold and brave in his tactics when flying a plane, but he was very cautious in teaching. Every pilot and every fighter plane is a valuable asset of the Navy, and no one can be missing.

After Li Zhan finished talking about the specifics, Morenan said, "Originally, the night landing subjects were planned to be carried out after I accumulated a certain amount of experience after boarding the ship. After discussing with Mr. Chen and Vice President Li, I thought that we should do it in advance. Some training explorations will be beneficial to future shipboard landing training. You are all the best in the Flying Shark Force, and putting a heavy burden on you is conducive to your growth. What I mainly emphasize is the night ship landing training and exploration. At the same time, the intensity of your daytime takeoff and landing training cannot be reduced, which I have also emphasized to Vice President Li. So comrades, please be prepared for high-intensity flight training."

Old Chen took over and said, "I would like to add two points. First, safety is always the first priority. You must all operate in strict accordance with the regulations. You must not do it when you are not sure, and do it with caution when you are sure. You were carefully selected from the aviation force of the entire army, especially the comrades who came from the air force. In order to get you to come to Hainan Airlines, we have offended many people."

At this point, everyone smiled softly. Most of the people here came from the Air Force, including Lao Chentou, and basically all the technical experts were from the Air Force. This shows how obvious the advantages of the Air Force are. So much so that everyone is saying that this batch of flying sharks are old air force members wearing HNA flight suits.

This batch of Flying Sharks was not selected at one time, but was selected multiple times over two years, with fresh blood constantly being injected and those who did not meet the requirements eliminated. Those who can be retained until now are the top experts among the top experts. And there is no time limit for elimination, which means that even if you reach the last level and you fail to kick the ball well, you will still be eliminated. It is this sense of crisis that makes the flying sharks devote 200% of their efforts to training.

Of course, the people in the advanced training group are basically the first batch of people to board the ship, if there are no accidents.

Lao Chentou said, "The second point is safety. If you encounter danger, I ask you to put your own safety first. We are short of planes, but this is temporary. The air crash in Shangdong some time ago is a lesson , sacrificing two pilots to save the fighter plane, we no longer need to do this. Do you understand?"


Li Zhan nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Although old Chen Tou was born with a rigid and rigid face as a political worker, in fact many of his ideas were more advanced than some young people. This was because he was transferred from the Air Force training base to serve as a flying shark. One of the reasons why he is the political commissar and chief instructor of the army.

The aircraft carrier-based air force is a new thing. It basically needs to learn from the advanced experience of foreign military forces. Without a brain that can quickly accept new ideas, it is difficult to imagine that it can lead the force well. Even if you are trying to cross the river by touching, you still need to know where to touch. Touching blindly will not only waste time but also touch meaningless things.

When Li Zhan was about to finish his speech, Old Chen thought of something and said, "Oh, there's one more thing. It's only a week and a half before Army Day. Three of you here are attending the collective wedding, Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang. , Tang Leilei. Halve your training volume in the last week and spend some time preparing for the wedding."

He smiled and said, "There is no big event in life that can be taken carelessly. It is our Feishark's first collective wedding, and it is very meaningful. The leader of the fleet is coming to witness the wedding for you, so you have to treat yourself to something."

When talking about this matter, everyone's fighting face turned into a living face. Cao Fufei said with a smile, "It's meaningful and honorable. I can't wait to ask my wife to come over and do it again."

"Okay! Cao Youfei, your idea is okay. Anyone else who wants to hold another ceremony with his wife can sign up." Moran'an patted the table and pointed at Cao Youfei, laughing.

One of the pilots said, "Commander, I'll forget it. I just attended a mass military wedding. My family has always said they want to have a traditional wedding. I don't have time to bother with this."

"My situation is similar, so I won't join in the fun. It's about the placement of family members. The commander of the army, Mr. Chen, has to find a way to solve it. My man is clamoring to come over every day, saying that the children don't even recognize me." Again. A pilot said.

This topic is heavy.

When Flying Shark was founded, many jobs were in their infancy and there were no local pilots. The nearest one’s home was in Dalian, which was hundreds of kilometers away. The wife was truly a widow, and the children never saw their father’s grave. No exaggeration at all.

Moran'an became serious and said, "This matter should be handled as a top priority. All of you here, including those who will become Flying Sharks in the future, have been arranged by the troops. I will leave my words here. If anyone who has not been arranged can come to you, I."

Hearing these words made people angry, and everyone could finally let go of their last concerns.

"Mr. Chen, please take care of this matter and let Li Zhan take the burden of training." Morenan said.

Old Chentou said, "Okay, I will take care of this matter. If the commander of the army needs to come forward, I will push you out directly."

"Hahaha! Okay, I'll sing in black face!"

How could it be so easy to resettle military family members? This was still 2012.

But the attitude of the leader is very important, and the attitude of the troop commander and political commissar greatly improves morale!

PS: 25000/43000. Let’s talk about the previous friendly competition. The original plan was to have a fight with F-22A and Su-35. After thinking about it for the past few days, I decided it was inappropriate. Why? The aircraft I flew was not produced by my own family. I won the battle. It’s not very interesting, and there are military exchanges later. Keep it in mind, everyone can also think about how to fight and speak out enthusiastically!

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