Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 579: Escort Mom and Dad!

Chapter 579 Escort Mom and Dad!

"Political Commissar Chen, don't bother the unit. We are all ready and have booked a hotel. The travel agency has made arrangements. We will stay in the hotel. The travel agency will arrange a car to take us there on August 1. We must not cause any trouble to the army. ." Li Jianguo said to Old Chentou.

Old Chentou said with a smile, "Comrade Old Li, you have raised a good son. His wedding team attaches great importance to it, and the superior leaders must be the witnesses. Many facilities in the base are not yet perfect when they are first built, so we arranged this all at once. It is indeed difficult to accommodate multiple people. Do you think it would work like this? The immediate family members would stay with the army, while the others would stay in the hotel, and the army would arrange transportation."

Li Jianguo said, "We all stay in a hotel. It's a collective wedding, and there are other families of the newlyweds. The army will arrange the others first. It doesn't matter to me. It really doesn't matter."

Lao Chentou could tell that this was not Li Zhan's explanation. In fact, Li Zhan's mind could not even think of this. It was completely arranged by Li Jianguo from the perspective of a father and not to cause trouble to his son's work.

"Comrade Lao Li, you can follow my arrangements, okay? Sister-in-law, what do you think?" Lao Chentou asked.

Ye Huihua was very excited. Finally, she waited until the day when her son got married. She didn't care about anything else, so she naturally nodded and agreed. Of course, she insisted on some important aspects that were indispensable, such as the woman's gold and silver baskets, which she had to carry with her. There is nothing wrong with this. As long as it is not a feudal superstition, the army will allow it.

Enter Coster.

Li Ling and his wife sat on the left side of the front row, while Li Xiang and his nephew sat on the right side of the front row. They looked out the window curiously and talked about the army.

"Xiang, do you think your second brother is the Navy or the Air Force? The one who flies the plane is still the Air Force, right?" Li Ling asked.

Before Li Xiang could speak, Qiu Guohao said, "Didn't A Zhan call me before and say that now it's the navy, and the navy also has planes?"

"Yes." Li Xiang took over and explained, "Naval aviation is the air force in the navy. Isn't there a Marine Corps barracks next to our machinery factory? That is also the navy, the marines in the navy."

"It's so complicated." Of course Li Ling couldn't understand. "Your second brother said he has become the deputy chief instructor. What kind of official is this? Is it a high level?"

Qiu Guohao didn't know anymore and was waiting for Li Xiang to give the answer.

Li Xiang was also embarrassed because he didn't understand either. He hesitated and said, "Didn't the second brother get promoted to lieutenant colonel? He should be at the level of deputy commander, right?"

The male staff officer sitting in the co-pilot turned around and said with a smile, "Vice President Li's current rank is lieutenant colonel and deputy regiment level, but he enjoys full regiment level treatment, and the deputy chief instructor is an associate division commander, which is the deputy division commander."

"Deputy division commander!" Li Ling was very surprised, "Is it that big?"

The male staff officer smiled and nodded slightly, "Yes, but Vice President Li is a young cadre that our army focuses on training, and he will still be promoted in the future."


The group of melon-eating people in the back actually kept listening with their ears pricked up, and they suddenly sighed in surprise, and then immediately became lively. One said that our village has a teacher, the other said that our village also has a big leader, and there are various prophecies and related things. The so-called privileges heard from hearsay.

The male staff officer smiled happily, not envious that it was fake. Those who work on the ground have little chance to come into contact with Li Zhan, but if nothing unexpected happens, after Li Zhan reaches a certain level, his focus will shift from front-line flying to ground command, so there will be many opportunities in the future. Follow Vice President Li closely. If you learn step by step, there will be plenty of room for improvement in the future.

"Hey, leader, what kind of plane is our Li Zhan flying?" Qiu Guohao asked the male staff officer.

The male staff officer said quickly, "Brother-in-law, I'm not the leader, just call me by my name. Vice President Li is flying a carrier-based fighter jet, but Vice President Li is very powerful and can fly many aircraft."

He would not say the model number, even though it has been spread on the Internet.

Qiu Guohao rubbed his palms subconsciously and said, "I heard that there is a drawbar fee for flying airplanes in the army. All types of aircraft are different. The drawbar fee for the plane we Li Zhan flies now is quite high, right?"

"What's the tie rod fee? Don't be embarrassed, I tell you." Li Ling glared and scolded.

Now the family is still short of the rod fee!

The male staff officer was very understanding. He was living on his salary. How could he not understand? He immediately said, "Yes, it is a flight subsidy, which is only available to aircrew. This aircraft is quite high now, and our navy has sea support. It’s the sea-going subsidy, which is divided into near-sea subsidy and far-sea subsidy. Our base is right on the seaside, and aircraft usually go out for training in the far-sea airspace, so basically everyone can enjoy the far-sea subsidy.”

"How much is it?" Qiu Guohao asked subconsciously, looking very much like his father-in-law.

Li Ling glared at him again.

The male staff officer smiled and said, "The calculation formula is very complicated. The subsidy for far seas is generally twice that of offshore seas. You can just ask Vice President Li when you get to the base. In short, it is quite considerable."

I heard that Vice President Li now earns almost 20,000 yuan a month. Is it not impressive?

The male staff officer added in his mind, these are just small amounts of money. Your Li Zhan went on an overseas exchange and made more than five million yuan at one time. This is big money. Even if he buys a 100-square-meter commercial house in the center of Shanghai, he can pay it in full. . People who only understand part of it have nothing but envy for Li Zhan, while those who understand the whole situation have more admiration for Li Zhan than envy.

The French were able to reward Li Zhan with half a million euros, which shows that what Li Zhan did could bring them hundreds of times the benefit of fifty euros. Not to mention other things, everything comes back from selling one more Rafale fighter jets. Five hundred thousand euros is nothing, and rebates to customers start with tens of millions of euros.

However, the male staff officer probably hasn’t realized that Li Zhan and his family no longer have any feelings for millions. People are like this. Who can have tens of millions in their bank account and nearly a hundred dollars every month? With an income of 10,000 yuan, a few million dollars may be enough to buy a car.

Money is of little use to a pilot like Li Zhan. When it comes to buying a house at the station, he can only live there a few times a year, and the troops may be redeployed or people may be transferred away. All he can do is call home and let him go. Li Jianguo had no other choice. However, after receiving the certificate, Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua no longer wanted Li Zhan's money, and Li Zhan could only deposit money into Ying Wanjun's account.

At this moment, Ying Wanjun and her family were sitting in the second Coaster, still thinking about this matter. The bank card she usually used suddenly received five million, and she hadn't come back to her senses yet. The boss of the bank The customer department manager's call has just arrived. His attitude is very good. From now on, you will be a VIP customer of our branch.

However, Ying Wanjun was not happy at all. She knew that Li Zhan risked his life in exchange for it. Is it so easy to earn money from the army? It is obviously difficult to reach the sky. The more you earn, the more money you have to pay. The amount of rolling is doubled.

We talked excitedly all the way. In the afternoon, the convoy entered the urban area of ​​Mushidao Island. Most of the people stayed at the hotel booked by the travel agency, which was a five-star hotel. The immediate family and a few close friends continued to take the Coaster to the city. Go to the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base and stay at the guest house on the base. Before we arrived, we saw a very beautiful and domineering fighter jet taking off and landing from a distance. Even the fatigue of the journey could not cover everyone's excitement.

A J-15 with its back speed brake raised flew over from the right side of the road at a very low altitude and kept parallel to the convoy. Li Zhan's eldest nephew jumped in the car and shouted excitedly: "Uncle! Uncle! On the plane! Mom, look! My uncle is on the plane!"

Suddenly everyone rushed to the window and looked up at the sky. It was really Li Zhan!

But the glass was privacy glass. Li Zhan turned his head and looked down again, but he couldn't see anyone in the car, but he knew it was his relatives and friends who came because he saw Lao Chentou's car.

Li Zhan, who had taken off his oxygen mask and goggles, raised his right hand and saluted. His white labor protection gloves were very eye-catching. Ye Huihua was sitting on the right side of the Audi A6. Mother and son suddenly turned their heads and looked over, recognizing their son at a glance. They suddenly shouted: "It's Ah Zhan! Look Jianguo! It's his son on the plane!"

Li Jianguo quickly leaned over and looked outside, and saw his son saluting him.

Tears suddenly welled up in their eyes.

On the J-15 No. 533, Li Zhan said silently in his heart, Mom and Dad, my son is wearing a military uniform and cannot fulfill his filial piety in front of you, so let him escort you for a while!

The car in the lead was Morean's car. He said to the driver, "Accelerate, turn on the flash."

The driver of the Audi A6 turned on the red and blue flashing lights and accelerated the car. The cars behind all speeded up in tacit agreement to narrow the speed difference with the fighter plane, just to allow Li Zhan, who was at ultra-low altitude, to stay for as long as possible. Family escort.

Li Zhan began to perform ultra-low-altitude maneuvers, performing several sudden climbs, sudden descents, three-and-a-half-turn rolls, and S-shaped level flights on the right side of the road. His eldest nephew was jumping up and down with excitement and wanted to fly up and sit on his uncle's fighter jet and fly, fly, fly.

Ying Wanjun looked at Li Zhan's vague but familiar face in the cockpit of the fighter plane, and said silently in her heart, my hero, you can kill the enemy with confidence, I am at home.

Seeing the gate of the base, Li Zhan retracted the speed brake on his back and turned on the afterburner. The J-15 No. 533 suddenly roared. Li Zhan turned left on a small slope and climbed across the road from the front of the convoy. The most beautiful side of the fighter plane happened to appear in front of everyone. With a good view, it continued to climb and returned to the landing route.

Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua were very excited, and it took them a while to calm down.

Old Chentou said with emotion, "Li Zhan paid you a high salute in the way of a pilot. He is escorting you. Comrade Old Li, sister-in-law, you have raised an excellent son!"

"This brat!" Li Jianguo quickly calmed down his emotions, quickly wiped away his tears, and said with a smile, "Commissar Chen, this brat doesn't violate discipline by doing this, right?"

Poor parents in the world, the only thing they care about is their son's work.

Old Chentou smiled and said, "What kind of violation of discipline is this? No, most people can't do it. Flying at such a low altitude and at such a low speed will test your skills."

"That's good, that's good." Ye Huihua quickly wiped away some old tears and breathed a sigh of relief.

The convoy filed into the base, and Li Zhan also landed.

PS: 33000/43000. That’s it for today. You’ll be able to read the next chapter when you get up tomorrow. Oh, I think this little plot in this chapter is quite lifelike and quite good.

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