Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 580: Landing at night is so difficult!

Chapter 580 It’s so difficult to land on a ship at night!

After arriving in the army, everyone realized how strict the management and discipline were. They thought they would see Li Zhan right away, but Old Chen told him apologetically that Li Zhan was preparing for day and night flight training. It was already three or four in the morning when the training ended. , so everyone can only continue to wait patiently.

Lao Chentou personally organized the arrangements for the arriving family members, arranged accommodation and prepared dinner, and then held a meeting with the parents of the bride and groom. He did everything personally, which made the parents feel more valued.

Li Zhan will not be able to attend the dinner party in the evening, but the official welcome dinner will be on the night of July 31st, so he will not miss every step of the wedding.

At 17:30, Li Zhan got up after resting for more than an hour, took a shower and had dinner directly in the flight briefing room. In July, the days are long and the nights are short in the Muzhu Island area. It is still bright at 6 pm, and it usually starts to get dark at 7 pm. So he asked Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leile to have dinner with their families before coming back, and he and Cao Xifei were dining in the flight briefing room.

"Why don't you do it day and night? I'll be in charge of the night flight. You can fly one sortie quickly and then go back. I guess the bride will be anxious." Cao Fufei said with a smile.

Li Zhan swallowed the food in his mouth and shook his head with a smile, "The old couple is no longer so entangled. Lao Cao, it's not that I can't trust you. Tonight's first simulated night landing of a real aircraft must be done by me."

"I know, but you don't have to participate in the whole journey, right?" Cao Fufei said.

Li Zhan said, "I've already spent the whole day in the outfield anyway, and I don't care if I stay in the middle of the night. I'll go back to the infield when it's over tomorrow."

Night flight is night ship landing training. For the first real aircraft night simulated ship landing training, Li Zhan will obviously be the first to go. Today's day and night training is divided into two stages. The first stage is ordinary tactical training. The fighter plane takes off by ski jump, and then engages in tactical training for one or two hours and lands by conventional taxiing landing. This phase lasted until the second half of the night, and more than a dozen sorties were dispatched. The second stage is when the fighter jets ski-jump take off at around three or four in the morning and continue tactical training. When they return, it is already dark, and it is time to land by blocking the landing.

How difficult is it to land a ship at night?

The U.S. Navy has made great compromises to avoid landings at night as much as possible - they usually dispatch fighter planes to perform missions at three or four in the morning, and it will be dawn when the fighters return. Therefore, it is often seen that when the US Navy aircraft carrier battle group conducts strike missions, the start time is usually between three and six in the morning.

Even though the U.S. Navy has decades of experience in using aircraft carriers, their carrier air wing is far from being able to have all of its carriers capable of landing at night. It would be great to have half of them. As for complex weather conditions, Landing at night is a signature ability of the very few pilots at the top of the pyramid.

If you have the ability to land a ship at night under complex weather conditions, there is no need to evaluate your other qualities. You are a super ace among naval pilots.

Therefore, it is definitely a super bold attempt for the Flying Shark Force to launch night landing training and exploration at the current stage.

At 18:00, Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei arrived in a hurry.

After finishing their meal, Li Zhan and Cao Zhan were studying the navigation charts. Li Zhan looked up and said, "Hurry up and get dressed. Come over right away to listen to the briefing."

"Yes!" Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei immediately took action.

Li Zhan continued to talk to Cao Zuofei, sliding his finger on the flight path, and said, "We must pay special attention to this adjustment point. The connection between the front and rear of the aircraft is relatively tight. Each aircraft must confirm the adjustment point to ensure that the entire training process does not cause trouble."

"Understood, noted it down." Cao Fufei circled it on his chart.

At this time, there were no flight kneeboards, and the flight plans, navigation charts, etc. that pilots needed for each flight were all on paper. Decades ago, it was just a drawing board, slotted into a preset card slot under the instrument panel, and the pilot could see it when he lowered his head. The emergence of autonomous driving technology allows pilots to free their hands to do other things, so paper carriers that can be folded into small manuals that can hold more information are more popular.

Li Zhan and the other four used the flight kneeboards provided by Rafale fighter jets during their exchange in France, and they were very comfortable to use. So after they came back, they made recommendations in the report to equip flight kneeboards as soon as possible to replace traditional paper navigation charts. This kind of gadget does not require any high technology, and I believe it will be developed soon.

Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei ran over fully dressed and carrying helmets.

Li Zhan glanced at them and said with a smile, "You two have swollen eyes and are frivolous in your steps. A breakup is better than a wedding. Do you still have the energy to spend the whole day and night?"

"Look what you said, you don't have time to do that, so we came here just to have a few bites of food with you." Zhang Xueyang said with a smile.

"Don't complain that your legs are weak." Li Zhan wouldn't believe it.

It took them ten minutes to assign the tasks, and then the large force arrived. There were more than a dozen pilots participating in the day and night tonight. It was an out-and-out major training operation, personally commanded by Morenan. Except for Tang Leilei who followed Li Zhan in the No. 501 J-15S for night landing, the others were led by Zhang Xueyang and Cao Fufei for day and night landings.

At 18:30, all personnel were in place, the ground commander issued instructions, and the fleet began to line up for ski jump to take off. A series of roars reached the hostel in the base. Li Jianguo and others stood on the balcony and looked over. They saw fighter jets taking off one after another at dusk. They heard that the training lasted until the early morning, which made them feel sad. Son and no other feelings.

"Well, it's not easy to do anything." Li Jianguo sighed slightly.

Ye Huihua was even more unable to express her feelings about being a mother. What if the plane fell so fast and so high? She could only pray over and over again that her child would return safely every time she flew.

On the other side, Ying Wanjun also accompanied her parents on the balcony to watch fighter planes take off. In the eyes of the villagers, Ying Wanjun married into a wealthy family, and Ying Baoquan and his wife jumped from the most miserable family in the village to the most envied family. The couple straightened their backs and felt better, although today's scene still made them feel He is restrained, but when he thinks that his son-in-law is a cadre at the level of a regiment leader here, he can always straighten his back.

Ying Wanjun's two younger brothers were even more excited. At first, they thought that their brother-in-law was a small cadre in the army, a cadre who flew fighter jets. After arriving here, they found out that he was a young cadre trained by the army or at the regimental level. Only then did they realize The height of their brother-in-law is something they can only look up to but cannot reach. How do they clearly distinguish the difference between the treatment level and the administrative level.

The changes in the family have been earth-shaking. Ever since Ying Wanjun went to a famous university and registered her marriage to Li Zhan, her status in her family has increased, and her words are the highest instructions. Ying Wanjun was very strict with her two younger brothers, so she did not suffer from the series of sequelae caused by her elder sister. This makes the husband's family very satisfied. As the saying goes, everything is in harmony with the family. Sometimes the key to conflicts is not on the economic level, but economic matters are the most likely to cause conflicts. Without certain skills, it is difficult to handle family affairs properly. .

Ying Wanjun did it, and her status as the eldest daughter-in-law was unshakable.

Li Zhan himself knew very well that Ying Wanjun was the best choice. With the two families in harmony, he was able to devote himself wholeheartedly to the cause of combat aviation, make contributions in defending his family and country, and realize his greater self-life value in maintaining world peace.

Before dark, Li Zhan and Tang Leile followed the day and night formation for several hours of tactical training. Organized according to the style of fighter attack aircraft, Li fought in the front cabin and Tang Leilei in the rear cabin. The J-15S is designed as a combat trainer, with a trainer's cabin in the rear and another set of control systems, which is different from professional fighter-bombers and fighter-attack aircraft.

Li Zhan and Tang Leilei took turns to fly. After both went through a tactical training process, the sky darkened. Moregan gave the return order, and the maiden night simulated landing of No. 501 J-15S began.

This J-15S is the first prototype. After completing 80% of the test flight, it was delivered to the Flying Shark Force, which was in urgent need of two-seater aircraft for training. After more than half a year of use by the Flying Shark Force, the remaining 100% Twenty test missions were also completed while in use.

It should be pointed out that since it is a prototype, there are areas that need improvement, but there is no problem in using it for normal flight training.

When we returned to the southeast side of the base from more than 200 kilometers away by sea and air, it was completely dark. Looking down from an altitude of 1,200 meters, we could see that the lights in the distance were towns, and the brightest place was the city center. , the sparse lights underneath are civilian ships sailing around the clock.

Li Zhan found the base, and then he needed to apply the knowledge he had learned about the lighting assist system - how to use the Fennier optical assist system. The U.S. Navy uses this system, the French Navy, the British Navy, and countries with aircraft carriers all use this system. It seems that the Russian Navy uses this system a little differently.

Simply put, the function of the Fennier optical landing assist system is to use light to draw a landing path for the pilot and guide the pilot to accurately land in the landing area of ​​the mothership at night. The system is divided into five light groups, like a cross with long horizontal bars, with green reference lights on both sides. In the middle, there are five square Fenier lens lights arranged vertically from top to bottom. The colors are yellow, yellow, orange, red, and red. .

When Li Zhan sees the green reference light, it means that he has entered the glideslope range. At this time, the approach commander will hand over the command to the landing commander, and the landing commander will have the highest authority. His Any command will take precedence over other commands.

"The fifth hole has entered the glide path." Li Zhan reported.

The landing commander had four assistants who performed their respective duties and quickly reported to him, "Good flaps, good landing gear!"

Another assistant reported: "Three degrees to the left! Down two degrees!"

"Five holes, good flaps and good landing gear! Three degrees to the left! Down and two degrees!" The landing commander immediately informed Li Zhan of the situation and gave the order.

Li Zhan steadily adjusted the left and right positions of the fighter. If he could still see the green reference light, it meant that his left and right positions were wrong, to the left or right. The landing commander asked him to reduce the glide angle by two degrees, which meant that he was flying a little higher and the plane was in danger of rushing out of the sea. At this time, he saw a yellow light.

Therefore, when adjusting the left and right positions, he needs to adjust the up and down positions at the same time, and at the same time complete the adjustment of the relative position between the fighter plane and the mothership. The criterion for judgment is that he can only see the orange light. At this step, you can maintain your attitude and descend steadily. The tail hook will accurately hook the second blocking cable, completing a perfect night landing.

No. 501 J-15 was pulled to a stop, and Li Zhan and Tang Leile instantly withstood several G's of gravity. At this time, they knew that the first real-machine night simulated ship landing training was successful.

Li Zhan hooked the second blocking rope perfectly.

"See orange and then land." Tang Leilei said, "It doesn't seem to be difficult."

Li Zhan entered the take-off position again according to the dispatcher's guidance and said, "Because you haven't learned it yet, you don't think it is difficult. This time you will take off."

"Understood!" Tang Leile cheered up.

No. 501 J-15S took off again with a ski jump under the control of Tang Leilei. It consumed two tons of fuel and became much lighter. Tang Leilei climbed up at a faster speed and flew around the base from east to west. Fly, then enter the landing pattern from the north. This is an action to confirm the position and heading of the mothership. It is essential and is also a common action for queuing for landing.

"Don't be affected by other lights." Li Zhan reminded.

There are other lights in the base, but there are conspicuous yellow light lines on both sides of the runway in the simulated landing area, and there are relatively sparse lights that frame the training area of ​​the simulated flight deck, so pilots can easily identify the landing. district. But it is also true that if a pilot sees the wrong lights, the results can be catastrophic.

Tang Leilei slowly adjusted the attitude of the fighter plane, and the landing commander kept sending correction instructions. Only then did he realize where his gap was. When Li Zhan landed just now, the landing commander only issued one correction instruction, but when he arrived, the landing commander continued to send correction instructions.

"Stay still, don't be nervous, don't focus too much on the hit, otherwise you will misjudge the distance!" Li Zhan loudly pointed out Tang Leilei's problem.

"Understood!" Tang Leile was sweating. Night and day were really completely different!

No. 501 J-15S slid down unsteadily, its movements becoming more and more clumsy and hesitant. Li Zhan knew that Tang Leilei would not be able to successfully block the landing of the fighter plane this time, but he did not plan to take over immediately. He had to let Tang Leile complete the task, otherwise it would be a big blow to his psychology and confidence.

"Adjust the status, follow the adjustment instructions, and be ready for a go-around," Li Zhan said.

Tang Leilei encouraged himself secretly, "I understand! There must be no problem!"

The fighter jet entered a distance of 100 meters, and the landing commander shouted loudly: "Go around! Go around! Go around!"

Sighing in his heart, Tang Leilei had no choice but to go around at full throttle. The fighter jet roared past, and the tires of the rear landing gear were only more than one meter away from the runway.

"I'll take over." Li Zhan said, "You adjust first, and then watch me fly again."


PS: 37000/53000. The next chapter will be at night if not during the day.

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