Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 584? An ocean-going tuna fishing vessel

Chapter 584 An ocean-going tuna fishing vessel

Reality always puts you in a dilemma when you least expect it, because airborne radar cannot achieve 100% detection accuracy. So when Li Zhan saw the second goal, the reality put him in such a dilemma.

"This must be the most difficult decision I have ever made since I joined the army!"

A pelagic tuna fishing vessel flying the five-star red flag was sailing at high speed, while three armed gunboats much smaller than the pelagic tuna fishing vessel were chasing it. Li Zhan could tell at a glance that the ocean-going tuna fishing boat had encountered Pacific pirates.

The displacement of that ocean-going tuna fishing vessel is about three thousand tons, which is considered a big one among the ocean-going fishing vessels. Because tuna swims very fast and the fishing method is different from other fish, tuna fishing boats are very different from ordinary fishing boats. They are more powerful, have high stems, high technical requirements, and high cost. There are very few countries in the world that can manufacture tuna fishing boats.

How expensive are offshore tuna fishing boats? The bow number of this ship is labeled "Gun Tuan Yu 101". The cost of the ocean tuna fishing vessel is as high as 500 million yuan, and the cost of the 056 light frigate of more than 1,000 tons is only 900 million yuan.

The ocean-going tuna fishing vessel "Qian Tuanyu 101" towed a long white track. It was certain that it was sailing at full speed, while three faster armed gunboats with a displacement of about two to three hundred tons formed a triangle. Shape chases pelagic tuna fishing boats in a small radius. The latter is far less flexible than the former, and can be pulled closer in the blink of an eye.

There are two options before Li Zhan. Help the pelagic tuna fishing boat, the result is that the pelagic tuna fishing boat escapes, but he will lose the time to find the Great Wall boat, every minute here is very precious; continue to search for the Great Wall boat, the result is that the pelagic tuna fishing boat may be captured by the West Pacific pirates Even though he was looting, he might not be able to find the Great Wall boat to complete the mission.

A very, very difficult decision.

As a Chinese soldier, he cannot sit back and watch his fishing boat being bullied by pirates, but he is responsible for a very important task. The attention paid by his superiors can reflect that this is definitely a data escort mission of great importance. Although Li Zhan didn't know where the Great Wall Boat received the data information, it did not prevent him from making an accurate judgment - it was definitely important data information related to national defense security.

Li Zhan turned on the afterburner and accelerated the flight at an altitude of several hundred meters. The nose of the aircraft was pointed at the armed gunboat formation. Then the pressure rod quickly dropped to an ultra-low altitude of tens of meters and passed over the head of the armed gunboat formation. Although it was not supersonic, the huge roar of the two aero engines still surprised the concentrated armed gunboat formation. The pirates hurriedly ran out of the cabin and looked up, only to see the black fuselage of the heavy fighter approaching. They subconsciously He lowered his head, but after the fighter plane passed by, he was almost blown into the sea by the strong wake!

Turn and climb at a steep slope, revealing the flag that was painted on the vertical tail just before takeoff.

At this point, it was the limit of what Li Zhan could do.

The armed gunboat formation panicked and quickly dispersed.

Time goes back half an hour.

In the cockpit of the "Quntuanyu 101" ocean-going tuna fishing vessel. This is the ship's maiden operating voyage, so Li Zewen, the chief captain of the ocean-going fleet of Quntuan Fishing Company, is accompanying the ship. They had just finished a fishing operation, and the catch was very fruitful. After two more trips, it would be full. This meant that they could drive back directly and pass two good cold-water fishing grounds on the way back, and then catch two more nets. Can pass by with full load.

The maiden operation was completed very smoothly. The performance of the high-speed ocean-going tuna fishing vessel built by a domestic shipyard is very advanced and the quality is very reliable. More than 30 crew members began to discuss where to go after returning to land.

The captain, Wang Jiu, is a very tall Shandong native, about forty years old. He used to be a deputy captain in the navy. After being injured in an accident, he switched from active service to a gun group fishing company as an ocean-going captain. He has rich experience.

Wang Jiu pointed forward and smiled and said to Li Zewen, who was in his thirties and had a more powerful military background, "General ship, go forward one thousand two hundred kilometers and enter the Korean Strait. During the one thousand kilometers crossing the Sea of ​​Japan, we will continue The warehouse will be full in two operations.”

The chief ship officer, Li Zewen, is said to be even more powerful. He has served in the land, sea and air force, but no one knows what he did specifically. All I know is that after he transferred to Guntuan Fishing Company, the general manager directly offered him a super high package of an annual salary of one million yuan plus high commissions and year-end dividends. Many people thought that he was the prince, but later they found out that Mr. Li had no background whatsoever and relied on his excellent skills to get out. As a result, he won the respect of nearly 10,000 crew members of Qiantuan Fishing Company.

Guntuan Fishing Company is not well-known, and the reasons for this are complicated. The first is because the company never publicizes it, and the second is because they are mainly engaged in offshore fishing operations and rarely conduct fishing operations within a thousand kilometers of our country’s coastline. . But this is a heavy-duty fishery limited liability company with nearly 10,000 crew members and a variety of offshore fishing vessels with a total tonnage of nearly 300,000 tons.

A 300,000-ton ocean-going fishing vessel. How many countries in the world have navies with a 300,000-ton navy?

The Indian Navy ranks sixth in the world in terms of total tonnage, with a total tonnage of 320,000 tons.

Guntuan Fishery Company is a well-hidden fishing giant. Now is the peak period of the development of the domestic shipbuilding industry. The company has placed orders for 30 various types of offshore fishing vessels from more than a dozen domestic shipyards, and its new tonnage has reached Among them, there is a 10,000-ton ocean-going tuna fishing vessel with an order price of up to 2.5 billion yuan. It will become the company’s new flagship and can catch 5,000 tons in one operation.

What is strange is that their flagship, which has completed the overall design, looks like an enlarged version of the 052C from the design drawing. The stern section is a platform that can take off and land heavy-duty helicopters, and has a hangar that can carry a heavy-duty helicopter or Two Black Hawk-class utility helicopters. In fact, the ship is equipped with two fishery reconnaissance helicopters, which can quickly detect and observe fish schools, greatly improving the efficiency of fishing operations.

Mr. Li smiled steadily and said, "We are about to enter high-threat waters. I remind brothers to be more vigilant and prepare all self-defense weapons. Check the 14.5mm heavy water cannons on both sides of the ship to ensure they are ready for use at any time. "

"Understood!" Wang Jiu immediately conveyed the order.

What? The fishing boat has a 14.5mm heavy machine? That's a heavy water gun.

Just as everyone was making preparations, three armed gunboats appeared. The flags hanging on the masts clearly told everyone that they had encountered the notorious West Pacific pirates.

Wang Jiu quickly called up the information about the West Pacific pirates from the fishery operation tactical intelligence terminal and briefly introduced, "The West Pacific pirates began to appear in the late 1990s. At first, they were just a few old-fashioned ships with limited combat capabilities, pretending to be ocean-going ships. Fishing boats plundered passing merchant ships. Later, it was said that they occupied several small islands in the Western Pacific and developed, and at the same time included ocean-going fishing vessels as targets for looting. Last year’s Interpol report showed that pirates in the West Pacific have developed into 30 thousand-ton ships. A huge illegal maritime armed force with multiple ships and more than 70 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.”

"Yes." Li Zewen nodded slightly without any nervousness, "According to Interpol's analysis, there may be support from transnational consortiums behind the West Pacific pirates, otherwise they would not have developed so fast."

"Chief ship, do you need SOS?" Wang Jiu asked for instructions.

Mr. Li shook his head slightly and said, "Report to the company headquarters. SOS will not be used for the time being."

"Yes!" Wang Jiu immediately reported the situation to the company headquarters via satellite phone.

Captain Li held up his binoculars to observe the three armed gunboats chasing after them at full speed. After putting down his binoculars, he said in a deep voice, "We may have encountered a reconnaissance formation of the West Pacific pirates. Tell the chief engineer that I want full power!"

"Yes!" Wang Jiu tacitly retreated to the position of first mate and handed over the captain's power to Mr. Li.

Captain Li once again issued the order, "Let the bow gun squad be ready and on standby."

"Do I need to raise the bow cannon?" Wang Jiu asked for instructions.

Mr. Li shook his head, "Goodbye for now."

An elevating water cannon is installed on the bow of their ocean-going tuna fishing vessel. The gun barrel has a caliber of 76 mm and a standard range of 12 kilometers. In critical moments, it can fire deadly water cannons for legitimate defense. This bow water cannon is more threatening than the water cannons on the sides of the ship.

Captain Li saw that the three armed gunboats were all equipped with 25 mm caliber machine guns on their bows. In addition, they were light and heavy machine guns deployed in other positions. He really didn't take these armed gunboats seriously. He could kill one with one shot using the 76mm water cannon on the bow. They couldn't stop such a water cannon attack at all.

However, the range of these armed gunboats is extremely limited, and it is impossible to rely on their own endurance to appear here. Therefore, it is certain that their mothership is nearby, and may even be a fleet of ships.

Not long after, the diesel engine unit operating at full power pushed the ocean tuna fishing vessel "Qian Tuanyu 101" to a maximum speed of 30 knots per hour. However, Captain Li did not allow the engine room to maintain speed, but allowed the vessel to surge out. Explosive speed!

The corner of Wang Jiu's mouth twitched, he glanced at the speed indicator that was trembling at the top, and said, "The chief ship is off the charts."

"Yes." Mr. Li nodded slightly.

The fishing boat of more than 3,000 tons started running at a speed of 30 knots per hour, and the speed was still increasing slowly. The three armed gunboats obviously did not expect the target to run so fast, and after being surprised, they pursued them at full power. Their armed gunboats could run at a maximum speed of 38 knots, and they managed to reach 40 knots. With their more flexible maneuvers, they caught up to the "Gun Tuan Yu 101" two kilometers to the rear left in half an hour.

It was at this time that Li Zhan discovered the situation here.

Return to the cockpit of the ocean-going tuna fishing vessel "Qian Tuanyu 101".

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by three armed gunboats, Captain Li was about to issue an order to raise the 76mm water cannon on the bow to prepare for a life-and-death fight with the West Pacific pirates. Wang Jiu's sharp eyes saw the fighter plane climbing upward at low altitude. He quickly raised his telescope and looked over, and saw the five-star red flag on the vertical tail. He was stunned for two seconds - can our fighter jet fly here? This place is two thousand kilometers away from the motherland!

Two seconds later, he subconsciously shouted, "Look! That's our fighter jet!"


Mr. Li quickly raised his telescope and looked over. The five-star red flag on the vertical tail of the fighter plane was clearly the five-star red flag. Even if he forgot his last name, he would never forget the appearance of the five-star red flag.

"Huh? How did they fly here?" Mr. Li asked with a frown.

Wang Jiu was also extremely puzzled, "Yes, this is not normal. The only fighter aircraft within the combat radius of Hainan Airlines that can reach here is the Su San0 of that regiment, but that regiment is in Dachang, more than 2,000 kilometers away from here, much more than The combat radius of Su Sanling has been exceeded. Is it from the Air Force?"

Mr. Li put down his telescope and said, "It's from Hainan Airlines, painted by the manufacturer. It should be an aircraft of the carrier-based fighter force that has not yet formed combat effectiveness."

"Then he got lost?" Wang Jiubai was puzzled.

Mr. Li's brows twitched, "Maybe it has something to do with that submarine."

"That Great Wall boat we met two hours ago?" Wang Jiu's eyes immediately showed the Great Wall boat that had a power system failure but refused to accept help from the "Qian Tuanyu 101" ocean tuna fishing vessel.

"This can only be explained. It seems that the troops are encountering difficulties." Commander Li pointed with his chin at the No. 533 J-15 fighter jet that climbed to mid-altitude and resumed level flight, and said, "He is probably here to meet the Great Wall boat. It should be It’s not connected.”

Wang Jiu frowned, "Maybe they caught up and met us on the way back."

"No." Mr. Li said calmly, "The Great Wall boat is in the northwest direction. If he catches it and is returning, he will never pass through this sea area."

Wang Jiu quickly walked to the fishery combat table, quickly checked the relevant positions, directly drew the possible route, and said, "Yes, he probably didn't find the Great Wall boat."

However, Mr. Li picked up the radio transmitter fixed on the international channel and called, "Wu San San, I am Yaodong Yao from the Gun Corps. Do you need help? Over."

Li Zhan, who was still hesitating, was dumbfounded. He actually asked me if I needed help. Isn't this my line? Honey, could it be that I encountered a fake fishing boat?

For a while, Li Zhan didn't know how to reply. Does he need help? Objectively speaking, he needs help. He needs help very much. But can the ocean-going tuna fishing boat "Qian Tuanyu 101" tell him where the Great Wall boat is? How could he believe that there was such a coincidence in the world that the "Qian Tuanyu 101" ocean tuna fishing vessel had encountered the Great Wall boat.

Chief Li thought there was a communication failure and called again, "Repeat, military plane 533, this is Yaodongyao of the Gun Regiment. I see you. Do you need help? Repeat, do you need help?" "

He could not mention the information about the Great Wall boat on the international general channel. His call to the three armed gunboats of the West Pacific Pirates could also be heard, so he had to communicate with the pilot of the No. 533 military aircraft before finding a way to send important information. comminicate.

Li Zhan finally came to his senses and asked, "Gun Tuan Yu Yaodong Yao, you have encountered pirates from the West. I think you need help. I will help you drive them away, but I can't stay here for too long. "

He finally decided to help the fishing boat solve its immediate dilemma.

PS:10000/56000. There will be more later.

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