Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 585? Water cannon fires!

Chapter 585 Water cannon fires!

Li Zhan's kindness was not rewarded.

Mr. Li said: "Military aircraft 533, we understand your kindness. We have enough capabilities to defend ourselves. I mean, you seem to have encountered a problem. I may have the answer here. Over!"

These words made Li Zhan first stunned, then shocked, and then uncontrollably excited, "Do you have an answer? What I encountered is a world-wide problem in the navy, over."

"I think I should have the answer, about power." Mr. Li replied with a smile, "The following is the route of my ship after entering Qingqing Channel."

Captain Li reported a set of data, which was their route in the past five hours, and Li Zhan also received another important information - the Great Wall boat had a power failure.

The route of the "Qian Tuanyu 101" in the past five hours had a section that happened to pass by the location of the Great Wall boat. Li Zhan believed it and said, "How do you protect yourself? Please note that what you encountered may just be the West Pacific Ocean." The forward formation of the pirate fleet, these three armed gunboats are most likely responsible for reconnaissance missions, completed."

Mr. Li and Wang Jiu looked at each other.

Mr. Li: This guy is very experienced.

Wang Jiu: He must be a master.

Mr. Li said into the transmitter, "Yes, our judgment is consistent with yours. I will give you the answers you need, and you can go about your business. Any minor issues our ship encounters will be solved by our own ship. Over."

"Gun Tuan Yu Yaodong Yao, I think I have to confirm that you have the ability to protect yourself before you can leave. You have to know that protecting you is the duty of our soldiers! Over!" Li Zhan was relieved, as long as "Gun Tuan Yu 101" had Having been to the Great Wall Boat, he could complete the mission within the specified time. The worst result would be to have a tanker fly over to refuel, and both sides would have enough fuel to return home, so he was not in a hurry at this time.

In fact, the position of the Great Wall boat will not change much. It must be because in an emergency, it dived and took cover just when Li Zhan arrived.

Another reason why Li Zhan made this judgment was because of the West Pacific pirates. These three armed gunboats must have come out of the mothership, which means that there is the main fleet of the West Pacific pirates somewhere in its rear hemisphere. Perhaps the Great Wall boat discovered the main fleet of West Pacific pirates and dived urgently to avoid danger.

This is completely explainable.

Regarding his worries, Mr. Li didn't talk nonsense. He glanced at the three armed gunboats that were already within one kilometer and said, "They will attack our ship soon. Military aircraft 533, then you are in the air." Provide air cover for our ship, and then we will prove our ability to protect ourselves, over."

"Military aircraft 533 understands, over."

Li Zhan knew that there was a senior boss on the "Qian Tuanyu 101". Like other special industries, the possibility of retired military personnel to emerge is very high, especially in the navigation industry. Those old sailors who drive warships are definitely excellent employees that various shipping companies are eager to get. Old sailor here does not refer to age, but to experience. On the contrary, most of the veteran sailors who retire from the Navy are in their twenties or thirties. They usually receive strict military navigation training at the age of 18 to 20. If they retire at the age of 28, they already have ten or eight years of sailing experience.

How much does it cost to recruit a sailor with ten years of sailing experience?

The cost of recruiting a sailor from the army with ten years of military sea navigation experience is much lower!

Therefore, my country's shipping industry, especially ocean shipping companies, has a large number of retired navy sailors in its crew. Retired officers of the Navy's maritime force are even more valuable.

Therefore, Li Zhan was not surprised by the sophistication of the captain of the "Qian Tuanyu 101".

Li Zhan hovered at low altitude with peace of mind, without making any aggressive flying movements, waiting for the performance of "Qian Tuanyu 101". He was confident that even if they messed up, they would not be fatally injured. Not to mention that air-to-air missiles can be used as rockets in emergencies, the thirty-millimeter cannon alone can tear the three armed gunboats into pieces.

Three armed gunboats opened up the encircling formation, and the distance between each other was shortened to one kilometer. This is a dangerous social distance when sailing at sea.

"Gun Tuan Yu 101, we are the Japan Coast Guard, stop the ship immediately for inspection!" The armed gunboat called "Gun Tuan Yu 101" through the international channel.

When Mr. Li heard this, he immediately laughed angrily and said to Wang Jiu, "These rubbish guys actually pretend to be the Japan Coast Guard, which has the best reputation in the world?"

Wang Jiu laughed and said, "They may not know that we have already seen through their tricks."

Captain Li's face turned cold and he said: "Raise the bow water cannon! All combat positions are prepared for legitimate defense!"

"Yes, chief ship!" Wang Jiu's blood surged up and he gave the order.

A gap opened in the deck at the bow of the ship, and a 76mm water cannon rose up. It was a water cannon device that looked very much like a naval gun, but it was semi-automatically controlled and required two gunners in the turret to operate it. The slender gun barrel quickly pointed at one of the armed gunboats. At the same time, the two 14.5mm heavy water gun holders on the port side also tore off their camouflage and entered combat mode, aiming at the approaching armed gunboat!

Wang Jiu was extremely excited. After so many years of military service, he finally had the opportunity to fire a cannon again, even though it was just a water cannon!

Unexpectedly, when the armed gunboat called for the second time, Captain Li said, "Secondary battery warning fire!"

As soon as he entered the state, he habitually used the commanding language he used when he was in the army!

Wang Jiu subconsciously passed on the order: "Warning fire for the port side secondary battery!"

One of the 14.5mm heavy water cannons on the port side fired a short burst into the side of one of the armed gunboats, causing a series of water splashes there. This is an internationally accepted warning shot and is the final warning.

"Skull and Bones gunboat! Leave immediately! Otherwise our ship will be forced to defend itself!" Captain Li warned seriously.

However, he was answered by a barrage of 25mm shells. Those are real cannonballs! It hit the left side of the hull of "Qian Tuanyu 101" and triggered a series of sparks. Well, it was definitely sparks.

Mr. Li was furious, "Shameless! Fire the main gun! Blow them away!"

The 76mm water cannon on the bow opened fire.

"Dong dong dong!"

It was actually three rapid shots!

The gunner was so good. The first round of rapid fire hit the armed gunboat on the right side. The armed gunboat was directly destroyed by less than half, and then quickly ignited a fire!

Li Zhan in the sky was dumbfounded. What kind of water cannon is this? It's so powerful! He knows very well that there are no offensive weapons on fishing boats, but they are equipped with water cannons, similar to those used in firefighting. This is a common practice in the world and is a more effective self-protection measure to prevent pirates from boarding the ship!

Next, he saw a shooting performance that was no different than the naval force's naval force's naval gun-to-sea live-fire training. There are not only large-caliber water cannons, but also large-caliber water cannons, all taking care of the approaching armed gunboats. At this distance, the water cannon on the bow of the ship can shoot horizontally, hitting the target at the initial velocity stage, maximizing its power.

Within ten seconds, the other three armed gunboats were blown up by intensive water cannon fire like balloons floating on the sea. One of them even exploded and then fell into pieces. The three armed gunboats didn't even have time to send out a distress signal!

Commander Li raised a smile and called Li Zhan, "Military aircraft 533, we have the ability to protect ourselves."

You can all go to war!

The corners of Li Zhan's mouth twitched.

PS: 12000/56000, the end of today.

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