Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 586 The bomb truck arrives on the battlefield

A KJ-2000 large early warning aircraft stationed for training in the Northeast received an emergency takeoff order. A certain air command unit conducting random training quickly boarded the aircraft, and the KJ-2000 took off in an emergency, codenamed "Peeping Man".

The "Peeping Man" can detect large air targets 500 kilometers away, the detection distance of sea targets reaches 300 kilometers, and the longest stay in the air is ten hours. In other words, only three aircraft are needed to ensure that there is a target at any time. It is patrolling in the air and on standby.

They took off thirty minutes earlier than Li Zhan, so after Li Zhan left the command range of the tower, he contacted them directly. The ground command post only existed as a backup command organ at this time.

This was Li Zhan's first time fighting under the command of an early warning aircraft.

"Bomb truck, there is a civil airliner in front of you, go up to 13,000, and it's over." The peeping man called Li Zhan, guiding him to avoid the opposite direction and come to the international airliner.

Li Zhan pulled the lever to climb and said, "The height is 13,000, I understand, it's over."

It is quite inflexible for the J-15 to continue climbing when it is fully loaded. Of course, this is relative to normal conditions, and it is definitely much more flexible than a civil aviation aircraft. The weight of the mounted weapons and ammunition did not reach the maximum mounted weight. This was mainly due to the impact on the aerodynamic shape when fully loaded. The air resistance was greater and the engine almost had to work at full power for a long time.

This kind of heavy-weight climb is very harmful to the engine, and Li Zhan still turned on the afterburner. Time was running out and he couldn't care about that much. The Great Wall boat and the "Gun Tuan Yu 101" ocean tuna fishing boat arrived at the scene a minute earlier and they would have more vitality. He did not think that the water cannons, water cannons and water bombs on the "Qian Tuanyu 101" could stop the main fleet of the West Pacific pirates. Besides, there was also a malfunctioning Great Wall boat that needed to be taken care of.

A distance of nearly a thousand kilometers, a normal flight would take at least fifty minutes. In addition to the preparation time for returning and taking off again, it would be at least two hours before he arrived at the sea area where the incident occurred. So he must do his best to reduce the time required on the way!

Human life is at stake. If the engine is scrapped, it will be scrapped!

Li Zhan flew almost within the afterburner cooling time. He fought for every minute and every second without giving in, racing against time. He pushed the stick hard to climb, and then pressed the stick hard to make a small dive. After the fighter plane reached an airspeed of 1,200 kilometers per hour at an altitude of 13,000 meters, he turned on the afterburner again!

Just when the fighter plane was about to go supersonic, Li Zhan suddenly remembered that aerospace rocket launchers could not fly at supersonic speeds, and randomly took an emergency deceleration action to stabilize the airspeed when the fighter plane was about to cross the speed of sound. At the same time, he had a very intuitive impression of the J-15's heavy-load acceleration performance. He believed that it would be no problem for the J-15 to fly at Mach 1.1 under heavy load.

The J-15 should use the AL-31F engine, but it feels to Li Zhan to be friendlier than the J-11A.

Li Zhan ran wildly, while the Great Wall boat and the ocean-going tuna fishing boat "Qian Tuanyu 101" were chatting and laughing in the original waters. More than an hour ago, the ocean-going tuna fishing vessel "Qian Tuanyu 101" sent several mechanics to board the vessel with some parts that might serve as spare parts to assist the Great Wall boat in repairing its power system.

Tu Meiri was surprised to find that the mechanics sent by Mr. Li were very familiar with the submarine power system, and their technical level was no worse than those in his engine department. What surprised him most was that the spare parts they brought were actually suitable. of!

The fishing boat gave him the feeling of carrying a treasure chest.

He and Mr. Li, who led people on board the boat, stood on the observation deck of the command enclosure, observing the surroundings and talking from time to time.

He glanced at the ocean-going tuna fishing vessel "Qian Tuanyu 101" parked a few hundred meters away, and asked Mr. Li, "Mr. Li, your fishing boat is more than 3,000 tons, right?"

Mr. Li said with a smile, "More than 3,000 tons is the standard displacement, and the maximum displacement is close to 5,000 tons."

"No wonder you have everything on board, there is a lot of redundancy." Tu Meiri thought thoughtfully, looking at the fishing boat with high freeboard, slender hull and neat appearance. The more it looked, the more it looked like the newly famous youth platform.

But if you look closely, you will find that it doesn't look like it. The stern section of the ship has a tapered tail instead of a flat tail that pursues stability. Looking at it this way, this is really a tuna fishing boat.

Mr. Li nodded slightly and said, "We are out for a few months, sometimes fifty or sixty days, so redundancy is more important. Secondly, because we are an ocean-going fishing vessel, we need to be prepared for any difficulties when we are far away from the mainland. You can solve it yourself, so the preparations are generally quite sufficient.”

"Indeed." Tu Meiri nodded slightly.

The bosun climbed up and reported excitedly, "Captain, all the faults can be eliminated in ten minutes."

"Can the battery be repaired?" Tu Meiri asked.

"Yes." The boatswain nodded with a smile and said to Mr. Li, " Mr. Li's men are very familiar with the situation. Many of them have served in the navy and are very powerful."

Captain Li smiled politely and was about to say something when the walkie-talkie in his pocket shouted: "Chief ship! The sea radar has detected a large number of sea targets! Direction 090, fifty kilometers away!"

Tu Meiri quickly looked at the time and said to the boatswain, "Please let the brothers on the fishing boat leave, and we will do the rest ourselves."

"There's no need to worry." Mr. Li said calmly and with a smile, "It's still far away. Let's fix it first. I hope you will be caught off guard when the fight starts."

The corners of Tu Meiri's mouth twitched and he said, "The performance of your sea radar is as good as that of the military, and it is more than enough to deal with pirates."

Mr. Li just smiled and said nothing more.

He knew that Tu Meiri was holding his breath and wanted to win the game - who could accept that an advanced AIP submarine was rescued by a fishing boat? The protector was saved by the protected. This kind of thing is really embarrassing!

"The main ship can be determined to be the main fleet of the West Pacific Pirates. The radar reflection model characteristics match 95%. In addition, two slow-speed air targets were found to have separated from the fleet. It can be determined that they are on board Helicopter." Wang Jiu, who stayed in the cockpit, reported again.

"Got it, let the brothers get ready." Captain Li replied, and then said to Tu Meiri, "Captain Tu, leave the ship-borne helicopter to me. I guess it is a helicopter with anti-submarine capabilities. I will cover it." You, you are the main attacker."

Tu Meiri was very satisfied, "No problem, as long as you can kill their anti-submarine helicopters and suppress the firefight distance, leave the rest to me."

They don't even know that a large wave of reinforcements are on the way.

In fact, Tu Meiri, Captain Li, and the crews on the two ships did not take the West Pacific pirates seriously. They were confident that they could deal with the pirates, but there was no way to ensure that they would remain unscathed. The Great Wall boat is better underwater. The ocean-going tuna fishing boat "Qian Tuanyu 101" needs to withstand all the firepower on the water, and casualties will be inevitable.

Five minutes later, the fault of the Great Wall boat was declared to be eliminated. Mr. Li led the people back to the fishing boat, and the two boats immediately separated according to the agreed plan. The battle alarm has been sounded for a long time, and the anti-ship water bombs on the "Qian Tuanyu 101" have been prepared. The sea radar continues to track the target, and the target parameters input into the water bombs are continuously updated.

After entering the thirty-kilometer range, Wang Jiu asked Captain Li for instructions, "Chief ship, the target fleet has entered the range of water bombs. Do you want to turn on the fire control radar?"

Mr. Li's eyes fell on the radar signals of two ship-borne helicopters flying rapidly, and he thought rapidly. The anti-aircraft water bombs equipped on the ship can only hit fifteen kilometers. If the helicopter is fired first, then the opportunity to fire first on the surface ships of the main fleet of the West Pacific pirates will be lost. But if their ship is hit first, then the two ships Carrying helicopters would threaten the Great Wall boats.

Either expose yourself to the enemy's view, or let the Great Wall Boat share part of the pressure.

After only thinking for a few seconds, Captain Li made a decision and said, "Hit their helicopters first, and be on high alert for anti-ship water bombs. If necessary, launch them first and then conduct a radio-guided attack."

"Yes!" Wang Jiu immediately gave the order, "The air defense department is ready! The drone squad launches the drone!"

Relevant departments took action immediately.

The drone squad launched a drone with a wingspan of more than four meters by catapult from the stern deck. The drone has a signal relay function. After receiving the instructions from the mothership, it will guide the water according to the instructions. It is a must-have electronic instrument for home travel and fishing.

The anti-ship water bombs of the ocean-going tuna fishing vessel "Qian Tuanyu 101" have a maximum range of only 30 kilometers and an effective range of 20 kilometers. This distance does not require signal relay at all, but the problem is that the ship uses a relatively For primitive water bombs without autonomous homing capabilities, the mother ship must use fire control radar to continuously illuminate the target during the entire attack process.

Launching a drone to stay on standby in the air can ensure foolproofness - if the mother ship loses its guidance capability, the drone can be used as a last resort.

Captain Li is very familiar with the armed ships of the West Pacific Pirates. They do not have anti-ship missiles but they have bow guns with a caliber of 76 mm. Their performance is similar to the 76 mm bow guns equipped on the "Qian Tuan Yu 101", but Their ship-borne helicopters can mount anti-sea ammunition, and it is not impossible to mount a few light anti-ship missiles.

Therefore, Mr. Li does not want to take risks. Another function of taking off the drone is to increase the distance and accuracy of the sea search.

Mr. Li's judgment was very accurate. Two AS-332 "Super Puma" medium-sized helicopters carrying anti-submarine equipment and light anti-ship missiles rushed towards them respectively. Light anti-ship missiles that rely entirely on autonomous guidance for attack will not alert the target before being launched. At this time, the brand new AS-332 "Super Puma" medium helicopter has already begun to send light anti-ship missiles to the light anti-ship missile based on the target location information provided by the mother ship. The missile has a preset flight direction. As long as the target enters the ten-kilometer range of the seeker, the seeker can lock on the target and guide the missile to complete the final attack.

This kind of light anti-ship missile is basically unable to deal with modern mainstream destroyers and frigates, but it can be said to be accurate when used against civilian targets.

All the anti-aircraft weapons of the "Qian Tuan Yu 101" were ready, and the crew members with bronzed skin and eyes shining with unusual light were not afraid. Instead, each of their faces was filled with the desire to fight!

The unshaven middle-aged sailor Li Pingguo, who was smoking a cigarette and wielding a 14.5mm heavy water gun, smiled and said to the new sailors beside him, "Shooting missiles is different from shooting other targets. You must grasp the lead time and use the fastest rate of fire. It shoots out a barrage in front of its flight path, so it is possible to intercept the missile."

"Brother Pingguo, is it difficult to intercept missiles manually?" the new sailor said doubtfully, "We should equip multiple 30mm close-in defense guns. That thing can also shoot at sea targets."

"You think we are warships! Wouldn't it be better to let the chief ship officer apply for the construction of a straight-deck aviation fishing vessel?" Li Pingguo took a puff of cigarette and reprimanded loudly.

The new sailor laughed loudly, "Aerial fishing is the future fishing trend!"

Similar conversations occurred in various positions, with all kinds of emotions but no tension. Eighty percent of these crew members have served in the naval force. Even putting them directly on a warship can directly form combat effectiveness. Their strength cannot be underestimated.

The ocean-going tuna fishing boat "Qian Tuanyu 101" and the Great Wall boat are ready for battle, but there are always some people who like to steal the spotlight, including Lieutenant Colonel Li Zhan, the deadliest player in the history of the multinational air power friendly competition.

He arrived in time in the No. 533 J-15, entered from the right rear side of the main West Pacific pirate fleet, and launched an R-77 medium-range air-to-air missile at a distance of fifty kilometers. An AS-332 painted with a skull and crossbones flag The "Super Puma" medium helicopter was hit by a missile while it was completely unresponsive.

The forty-pound warhead hit the rotating main wing of the AS-332 "Super Puma" medium-sized helicopter. The split rotating main wing spread out in all directions. One of the fragments, about 30 centimeters long, flew hundreds of meters away and hit the helicopter. The tail wing of another AS-332 "Super Puma" medium helicopter was hit.

"I AM the dogs are here!" The second AS-332 "Super Puma" medium helicopter that was hit still had a chance to call for help, but the pilot in the cockpit of the first one was directly killed.

Li Zhan saw the two air targets disappearing one after another on the radar screen and was puzzled. How could it be possible to hit two targets by just launching an R-77 medium-range air-to-air missile? He didn't put his mind here, and he only had one medium-range blank bomb. To shoot down the second one, he needed to close the distance and use fighting bombs or aerial cannons to solve the problem.

Now he can focus on dealing with the main fleet of West Pacific pirates.

"Peeping man, I have discovered the main fleet of West Pacific pirates and are preparing to attack. It's over!" Li Zhan called the KJ-2000 early warning aircraft and asked for instructions to take action.

The commander on the Peeping Man checked the positions of the air strike team code-named "Firepower" and the air cover team code-named "Fighting." After some thought, he said, "The bomb truck can launch an attack. It will arrive after five minutes of fighting. Firepower 7 Arrive in minutes, pay attention to the target's anti-aircraft firepower! Over."

Li Zhan grinned, "The bomb truck has been received, over!"

PS: 24000/68000. There will be more later.

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