Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 606: Go solo

Chapter 606 Let’s go solo

Yu Xumei piloted a J-10AY fighter jet and landed steadily on the runway of Xiding Field Station. The female pilots on the temporary observation platform next to the parking space burst into cheers.

The first female pilot to modify a J-10 to fly solo appears!

The training is over and the countdown has begun. Today is the third to last day, and it is the day to fly solo.

Li Zhan, who was wearing flying sunglasses, was also very excited. The female pilot who had been trained by himself showed her due level, and Yu Xumei started her training. He was like an old father sending off exams, quietly waiting for his children to bring good news one after another.

In order to support today's solo flight, the Bayi Aerobatic Team transferred three J-10AYs to support the female pilots' solo flight. Without the guidance of an instructor, they flew a fighter aircraft alone for the first time and completed the required actions. This actually proved that they were qualified to fly the J-10 fighter.

After passing the exams in the next two days, they will have an important prefix - combat.

Yu Xumei returned to the temporary observation platform. Lu Xiaoran brought a bouquet of red roses to Li Zhan and said, "Teacher, come here."

"Haha, I haven't given flowers to my wife yet." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Lu Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, feeling that the world was collapsing. She stared at Li Zhan and said with difficulty, "Teacher, are you, are you married?"

"Yes." Li Zhan didn't know that his unintentional words had pierced the heart of a young girl.

Lu Xiaoran smiled reluctantly, put the flowers into Li Zhan's hand, and returned to his seat in a daze. Ayimu, Udongdong and others next to him asked, "Why does your face look so bad?"

"The teacher is married." Lu Xiaoran said with the corner of her mouth twitching.



They were all stunned, feeling that the world was collapsing, and then very unreasonably cast all their resentment on Li Zhan with resentful eyes, and cursed fiercely in their hearts - scumbag! How could you get married so early, how could you marry someone else, you scumbag! Very feminine logic - how can you eat, you scumbag!

Li Zhan gave the flowers to Yu Xumei and stretched out his hand, "You are the first female J-10 fighter pilot to fly solo. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, teacher!" Yu Xumei was very excited. Although the occasion was simple, her ups and downs were of great significance. Whenever the female J-10 fighter jet is mentioned in the future, her name will definitely be mentioned the most. This is a huge honor!

Taking a photo with Li Zhan, the photo is fixed at this moment.

Li Zhan walked to the team and said, "My superiors want me to be cautious and ask me to select students to fly solo. I think each of you has the ability to fly solo, so I ask each of you to fly solo today." Look at Comrade Yu Xumei, as long as you perform stably as you usually do, you will definitely be able to fly solo."

Flying solo is not that simple. If some students cannot meet 100% of the requirements, their superiors will not approve them to fly solo. Without a teacher to follow, it will be difficult for students to deal with unexpected situations unless they have basic handling capabilities. Catapult parachuting is always a desperate choice. There are hundreds of millions of fighter planes, and even if you have money, you can't build them like this.

Therefore, Li Zhan was convinced that every female pilot had the ability to fly solo, so he dared to apply for them all. The superior leadership agency only approved the solo flight plan after confirming that every female pilot was capable of flying solo.

If you are unable to fly solo, you will not be eligible to participate in the combat qualification examination in the next two days. This is a threshold for female pilots. In just twenty days, they completed the modification training that normally takes two to three months or even longer. Who knows what they went through.

The female pilots take off in an assembly line manner with twenty-minute intervals. Each female pilot flies for thirty minutes and completes the prescribed flying movements. After landing, it means that she has completed her solo flight. This is the first third-generation fighter aircraft that can be piloted, not just a high-education aircraft.

Ayimu is more nervous. Her overall level is a little worse. She has just reached the required standard. She even looks a little unstable compared to Udondong's baby face.

Before she boarded the plane, Li Zhan personally sent her to the fighter plane and encouraged her, "Today the cloud height is 1,800 meters, the wind direction is 30 degrees, the wind force is three meters, and the visibility is more than ten kilometers. There is nothing better than this." It’s flying weather. You are doing movements on the clouds, and you have an altitude of three thousand meters to deal with various problems, so you don’t need to be nervous, just do the movements relaxedly and trust yourself.”

Ayimu stared at Li Zhan and asked, "Teacher, do you believe I can do it?"

Li Zhan took off his flying sunglasses, nodded seriously and said, "I believe you can do it."

Ayimu said, "Teacher, I want to hug you."

"When you land, I will give you a big hug." Li Zhan said with a smile and put on his flying sunglasses again.

"It's a deal!" Ayimu raised his fist, encouraged himself, and turned around to board the plane.

Watching Ayimu slide out and stop firmly on the take-off line, watching her slide steadily and then lift the wheels to take off, Li Zhan felt relieved. Psychological quality is very important when flying solo. Newbies already lack confidence in themselves. Without a trainer behind them, they usually hesitate to perform movements. Li Zhan felt relieved when he saw Ayimu's take-off movement was very clean. She handled her nervousness well.

Returning to the temporary observation deck, the next fighter plane took off twenty minutes later, and Ayimu's solo flight was mostly completed. She kept the instructor's advice in mind - don't lose height, and completed the prescribed movements very steadily. Although it was quite satisfactory, at least it was carried out smoothly.

When Ayimu landed safely, Li Zhan showed a discouraged smile. If Ayimu is fine, he can basically be sure that all members of his female flight will be able to fly solo smoothly today. There have been several accidents and dangers during solo flights over the years. Xinfei handled them very well on several occasions and credited them as soon as he landed. There were also a few cases where the problem was caused by Xinfei being nervous and performing maneuvers that did not comply with the procedures. When this happens, your flying career is basically over.

Li Zhan has always advocated a dialectical view of safe flight issues. His understanding of safe flight is battlefield survivability, not flight safety in the ordinary sense. Based on this starting point, his footing is different. He always believes that as long as the pilot's ability is high enough, most dangers can be solved.

It was under this concept that he used different teaching methods from traditional ones when training female pilots.

Because it was a solo flight today, the ground command was different. There was a backup command over the tower, and the main command seat was placed on the temporary observation deck. Li Zhan could direct the female pilots' movements at any time here. The flight area is limited to a radius of fifteen kilometers above the field, and the attitude of the fighter can be clearly seen using a telescope.

In the afternoon, the weather conditions changed somewhat. The wind speed increased to five meters and the cloud height dropped to 1,200 meters. However, it was still good flying weather. The solo show continues, and the last one is Lu Xiaoran. Those ranked later are more difficult, their physical strength and energy are worse, and the weather is not as good as in the morning, so Li Zhan temporarily adjusted the order and put the relatively better ones last.

Lu Xiaoran's comprehensive ability is the most comprehensive, not as top-notch as Yu Xumei's, but she is better in comprehensiveness than in stability. Li Zhan hoped that she would bring a successful conclusion to the female flight's solo flight of the J-10 fighter jet.

When Lu Xiaoran arrived, Li Zhan noticed that she was a little uneasy, so he pulled her aside and asked, "You are not in the right state, can you do it?"

"A woman can't say no, I can do it, I have no problem!" Lu Xiaoran said.

Li Zhan frowned, "No, you look so restless. What's going on?"

Because you are married, I have no chance, so I said it in my heart. Lu Xiaoran was very steady and knew the importance clearly. She said, "It's okay, it's just a little emotion. Teacher, you should believe in my ability. I mainly compare I’m worried about the live-fire shooting test tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If I fail, I won’t be qualified to join the combat force.”

"Oh, it's because of this." Li Zhan suddenly realized, patted Lu Xiaoran's shoulder and said, "You have to eat in one bite. Let's fly solo first and then think about the live-fire assessment. You have to have confidence in yourself, come on, Push up your chest!"

Lu Xiaoran was dumbfounded, let me go, I am a woman and you treat me as your brother. But there is nothing wrong with what Li Zhan said. The requirement for military posture is to hold your chest up and your head up, regardless of male or female soldiers.

She had no choice but to puff up her chest.

Li Zhan nodded with satisfaction, "Go and have a successful ending!"


Li Zhan smiled happily as he watched Lu Xiaoran go to board the plane. There is no distinction between men and women at work, and he treats everyone the same. He is not as dirty as some people think.

Chen Jialiang also came over, said hello to Xiao Zhengyang, who was conducting at the temporary observation deck, and ran over to talk to Li Zhan. After Lu Xiaoran flew the plane into the air, and the outfield returned to silence, Chen Jialiang withdrew his gaze and said, "This time you have shown your face. In twenty days, all members of the J-10 fighter jet were modified and trained to fly solo. I didn't expect you." There is also a way to teach how to fly a plane well.”

"One set is not enough, you have to have several sets or even a dozen sets." Li Zhan said, "I use a targeted and special teaching method, which is difficult to copy. Another reason is mainly because the female flying comrades have strong willpower. Withstand such high-intensity training.”

Chen Jialiang said with a smile, "Don't be modest. Everyone sees your ability. I guess the flight commander will have to give you credit again. This is the first time for a female J-10 fighter pilot in our army."

"It doesn't matter whether you take credit or not." Li Zhan smiled and waved his hand.

Chen Jialiang lowered his voice and said in a deep voice, "I have unanimously agreed that you will pick the people, and whoever is picked will stay. The political commissar and I will do the rest, and we can transfer to other logistics units or arrange for them to be transferred. We'll handle it."

"Being a leader is not easy either." Li Zhan said with emotion.

"You will feel it soon." Chen Jialiang said with a pun.

Li Zhan shook his head, "I'm not suitable to be a leader, and my interest is not in this area."

It is important for people to know themselves. Li Zhan had a clear self-understanding very early. In the final analysis, he was destined to fly a plane.

"All in all, if the soldiers of our unit can have an ideal distribution plan, I, as the division commander, can be regarded as fulfilling my responsibilities as the unit commander. From now on, I can fly safely until the grounding, and that will be like this for the rest of my life." Chen Jialiang sighed. explain.

Li Zhan was surprised and said, "You want to transfer?"

"Well." Chen Jialiang said, "After arriving at Hainan Airlines, the division was transformed into a regiment, and the number of leadership positions was reduced by more than two-thirds. As a division commander, I cannot compete for the position of other division commanders. I have already applied to leave the leadership position and fly while I can still I’ll be an ordinary pilot again and fly for a few more years. I’m forty-two years old, so I’ll fly for three years after I finish flying.”

Li Zhan couldn't help but be in awe.

The commander of the bomber division, and he is considered a younger division commander. This is a strategic bomber division, an aviation unit with nuclear strike capabilities. Chen Jialiang doesn't need to do this at all. The higher-level leadership must have good arrangements for him. With his ability and age, it is very possible for him to join the ranks of generals.

But he not only gave up but also offered to give up his position. By doing so, he had almost no chance of entering the ranks of generals. He not only gave up better treatment but also gave up the possibility of joining the ranks of generals. There is no other explanation for him to make such a decision except his noble sentiments and a thorough understanding of the dedication of revolutionary soldiers.

Without the position, only the level of salary is left. The gap between the rank of a full teacher and the rank of a full teacher is huge, and the position is still a division commander!

"Old Chen, you are the one who should be credited." Li Zhan said seriously.

Chen Jialiang smiled heartily, patted Li Zhan on the shoulder, and said nothing. During the development of the army, many people have made silent sacrifices, but people rarely focus on them.

"Tower! The engine is losing speed!" Lu Xiaoran's voice suddenly sounded.

The voice was not loud, no different from usual, very calm. It's just that the words in the words are easy to stimulate everyone's nerves, so it feels like a thunder in the ground.

Xiao Zhengyang said quickly: "Is the thrust at maximum? Is the engine stopped?"

"Maximum thrust, not stopping, but the speed is dropping." Lu Xiaoran answered.

Xiao Zhengyang quickly gave instructions, "Keep level flight and perform power system inspection procedures."

"Understood, execute the power system inspection procedure." Lu Xiaoran carried out the procedure in an orderly manner. She was indeed a little nervous when she discovered the abnormality, but she quickly calmed down and focused on how to deal with the fault, and she no longer felt any other emotions.

Li Zhan had already ran over, picked up the telescope and looked up at the sky, but he could not see Lu Xiaoran because Lu Xiaoran was still above the clouds. He quickly read the ground surveillance radar data, picked up the transmitter and directly took over the command, giving instructions to Lu Xiaoran, "Dong 3, turn 180, aim at the runway, and prepare for an emergency landing."

"Understood, turn to 180 and prepare for an emergency landing." Lu Xiaoran began to turn, pointing the nose of the plane towards the southeast end of the runway.

It was only twelve kilometers away from the field, and Lu Xiaoran was at an altitude of three thousand meters. The success rate of an unpowered forced landing was very high, and the engine was still rotating, which meant there was still power. Ground surveillance radar can provide real-time detailed flight data of fighter aircraft, so ground commanders omit the step of asking pilots for flight data, reducing the time for land-air dialogue.

Undoubtedly, Li Zhan has the richest experience in handling dangerous situations.

"The engine stopped." Lu Xiaoran said.

In line with Li Zhan's judgment, linear speed drop faults usually include the following types: fuel supply system failure, engine system failure and... no fuel. There will be no lack of fuel, and there will be strict pre-flight preparations for every takeoff and landing. According to Li Zhan's experience, 80% of the time it was an engine failure. The mid-air stop he encountered when flying the J-10A solo in Dahongying was somewhat similar to what Lu Xiaoran encountered now, except that his engine stalled immediately that time.

"Dong San, check the power condition of the APU and execute the aerial driving procedure." Li Zhan issued the second instruction.

Lu Xiaoran replied, "Understood! Execute the air driving procedure!"

She confirmed that the power of the APU was normal and shut down the engine first. This step was very important. The engine stopped abnormally. Before driving again, make sure the engine is in a stopped state during operation. She was very calm. If she was nervous, she would probably skip this step out of habit. People have inertia of thinking. Since the engine has stopped, of course it needs to be restarted. The consequence is that if the fuel supply system is supplying fuel normally, driving directly will cause the engine to detonate or even explode.

Repeated three attempts to drive in the air failed.

Li Zhan said, "Prepare to make an emergency landing. Xiaoran, your current altitude is too high. Lower the pressure bar to 1,000 meters. Don't slow down and fly level with inertia. Do you understand?"


Li Zhan quickly formed a plan in his mind. Now Lu Xiaoran's altitude was not not enough but too high. If she didn't get under the clouds, she would miss the airport. Moreover, if she didn't get under the clouds, she wouldn't be able to see the runway visually, making an emergency landing impossible. One thousand meters is just below the clouds, and there is enough altitude to glide and land.

During the conversation, Lu Xiaoran was already close to ten kilometers away. The fighter plane itself had a speed of more than 600, so it was approaching very quickly. After she lowered her height and passed through thick but not very dense clouds, her eyes suddenly opened up, and she suddenly saw the runway less than three kilometers ahead.

She was startled.

Li Zhan's instructions arrived at the right time, "Xiaoran, don't be nervous. Follow my instructions and you will be able to land the fighter plane safely on the runway."

"Understood!" Lu Xiaoran took a deep breath, and her heavy breathing was heard through the loudspeaker.

"Height 300, okay, keep it."

"Landing gear down, gear good."

"Takeoff flaps, good, good, hold!"

"Attention, after the main landing gear touches the ground, the flaps change to landing mode. OK, keep it."

The rear landing gear of the No. 03 J-10AY landed steadily on the runway, splashing two clouds of smoke. Lu Xiaoran quickly adjusted the flaps to landing mode, and then slowly released the lever to let the nose of the aircraft fall slowly. The landing gear bottomed out, and she finally let out a breath of relief.

On the temporary observation platform, the female pilots couldn't help but jump up and down, cheering, "Xiaoran is awesome!"

Li Zhan smiled and said into the microphone, "Xiaoran, I heard that you can hold eight Gs. If we have a chance, we will compete, and I will also go to eight."

"Teacher, please stop teasing me, you are a man who can withstand eleven Gs!"


Chen Jialiang took the lead in applauding, and all the male soldiers present applauded vigorously to express their admiration and sincere admiration. That was a female pilot who had just started flying solo. It would have taken some effort for a senior male pilot to handle it.

Women will not give way to men!


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