Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 607: Teacher Li Zhan, we love you!

Chapter 607 Teacher Li Zhan, we love you!

In the afternoon flight briefing room, the female pilots were sitting neatly there. Li Zhan and Xiao Zhengyang were also there. The atmosphere was very solemn and a little tense.

Today is the last day. The female pilots completed the live-fire shooting at the air target yesterday and the live-fire shooting at the ground target today. They are now waiting for the final results to be announced.

The ones in charge of the assessment were not Xiao Zhengyang and Li Zhan, but the flight crew sent down an assessment team to strictly control the assessment in person. After all the live-fire shooting is over, the assessment team will conduct a comprehensive analysis and finally give the results - who has passed the combat qualification assessment and who needs to continue to work hard.

Compared with flying solo, this is the real test.

Li Zhan's requirements are not high. As long as a female pilot is qualified to fight, his hard work in the past twenty days will be in vain, and it also proves that his teaching plan is feasible. On the basis of completing the high-education aircraft, it only took 20 days to modify the third-generation aircraft and obtain combat qualifications. This is of great significance and has obvious characteristics of wartime pilot training. It was a crash course in local driver’s licenses.

He seemed more nervous than the others. He walked around, standing at the window and looking out to see the bomber's huge H-6K taking off and landing. He walked to the door and looked around, hoping to see it earlier. The car to the assessment team.

Of course the female pilots were very nervous, and then they were reluctant to part with each other, as they were about to be separated.

Li Zhan has experienced too many joys and sorrows, and the change of positions cannot shake his rock-solid nerves, let alone a short-term task like this. He is more like an old father anxiously waiting for his child's college entrance examination results. He is restless, behaves and thinks abnormally.

"Xiao Da, it is said that the top base is going to expand?" Li Zhan came back again and asked Xiao Zhengyang casually.

As a result, just as Xiao Zhengyang was about to answer, Li Zhan said, "It's a good thing. The Air Force should also have a comprehensive test base, and Hainan Airlines can also use it in the future. It's great."

Xiao Zhengyang then understood that Li Zhan didn't think about his answer at all, but just randomly found something to say to relieve the tension.

"Stop dangling around. It makes my head dizzy. Why are you nervous? The results will come out sooner or later. Why are you just waiting for your wife to give birth to a baby?" Xiao Zhengyang shook his head and said.

The female pilots couldn't help laughing.

Li Zhan glared at the grinning female pilots, raised his chin and said, "Am I nervous? I'm nervous for you, but you guys are so heartless that you can still laugh."

"Instructor, we have all asked. After flying solo, you will be qualified to fly the J-10 fighter. The live-fire shooting subject is an advanced subject. In fact, there is no such thing as a combat flight qualification. You deliberately confused the concept and deceived it. Us." Udondong was bold, he smiled and looked like "we figured out the trick of this scumbag like you."

Li Zhan was stunned, his mouth twitched, a little embarrassed, and looked at Xiao Zhengyang for help. The latter spread his hands and gave a "you asked for it" expression.

"Ahem, cough, cough, this matter is not what you think. Let me explain."

"If we don't listen, we won't listen!" Of course, female pilots would not dare to say this. This is the army!

Li Zhan said, "Of course, ordinary troops do not have combat flight qualifications, but there are exceptions. For example, our carrier-based fighter unit has several qualification assessments just for taking off and landing, covering various situations. You didn't take it?" If you don’t have the relevant qualifications, you won’t be able to fly accordingly.”

"You are the elites among the elites. You have been selected from thousands of people. The leadership of the cabin crew attaches great importance to it. Just being able to fly is not very convincing. You must be able to at least fight, right? We don't require every one of you to be able to do it. At any rate, you have two or three people who can do it, right? Besides, it’s just a simple target shooting in the air, without presetting other enemy situations. In fact, this requirement is very low."

Lu Xiaoran said, "That is the requirement under normal conditions, but we only have twenty days of training time!"

"Huh?" Li Zhan was surprised, subconsciously leaning back and observing the female pilots again.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't fool anymore, and then I realized that for the female pilots, the devil-like modification training was over. Without the high pressure and the more than ten hours of training every day, my brain suddenly became more alive, and naturally I couldn't live the same day. Then he spoke.

Li Zhan stopped making excuses and spread his hands and said, "Okay, it's true that I brought in the private goods, but in the final analysis, it's for your own good. Don't you want to go to the fighting force? If you don't have any ability, you don't want to be in the fighting force."

Finally, the instructor lost for a while, and the female pilots laughed happily.

The atmosphere became less tense and depressing as they chatted. When the female pilots wanted to seize the opportunity to talk to the instructor and ask some questions, there was a sound of a car engine outside, and then the footsteps got closer and closer. Everyone stopped in unison and locked eyes with the door.

Li Zhan couldn't help but stand up straight and stared at the door.

The leader of the assessment team and the two deputy leaders walked in and greeted Xiao Zhengyang. The leader smiled and walked straight to Li Zhan. Li Zhan saluted him. The leader returned the salute, handed the cowhide portfolio to Li Zhan, and Li Zhan shook hands and said, "I think it should be announced by the teacher. This right belongs to the teacher."

"Thank you, leader!"

Li Zhan walked to the team and slowly opened the portfolio. The female pilots' hearts suddenly rose to their throats, as if the portfolio contained the results of the college entrance examination that year.

The leader and deputy leader of the assessment team looked relaxed and happy. Li Zhan felt confident and thought to himself that at least three people must have passed the assessment and got a stepping stone to work in the combat force, which is the so-called combat flight qualifications. Three out of sixteen people passed, about one-fifth of the passing rate, which was the ideal result in his mind.

He slowly took out the still warm A4 paper that recorded the final results. When he saw the content clearly, his eyes almost popped out of his head, and he was so surprised that he could fit an egg into his mouth.

"All passed!"

Li Zhan suddenly raised his transcript and announced loudly.

The female pilots were in deathly silence at first, and then they suddenly stood up, jumped, danced their hands wildly, and shouted excitedly, no longer afraid of the presence of their leaders. The flight briefing room suddenly turned into a wild dance scene. The result that I didn't dare to hope for really happened to me. The middle and lower level students who had never thought of being admitted to the "985" actually received the admission notice from Xi'an Jiaotong University. That feeling is really refreshing!

Then they hugged each other and cried, screaming and crying at the same time, releasing all the bitterness and bitterness of the past twenty days. It wasn't until this moment that they really started to enjoy the results, and just a few seconds ago they were still tensed and ready to receive high-intensity training.

The leader of the assessment team greeted Xiao Zhengyang and Li Zhan and left quietly after congratulating them. The happy time belonged to the female pilots. They completed the twenty days of special modification training with the strength and strong willpower of women, and Now, they have reaped the rewards.

This result is another milestone in Li Zhan's career. His flying skills are recognized as superb, and his combat capabilities are recognized by the world as powerful. He may be the youngest super ace in the world. In this regard, in everyone's opinion, he is already at the top.

If he is allowed to play a greater role and bring out a large number of outstanding pilots, this has always been a matter of consideration for higher-level leadership agencies. Taking some time off from his busy schedule to transfer him from HNA Flying Shark to lead the female flight class was obviously for the purpose of testing his teaching ability. For Li Zhan personally, from personal technology to the diffusion of personal technology, it means that his professional ability has entered a new stage.

The fact that all the female pilots passed the combat flight assessment is a great affirmation for Li Zhan.

He was satisfied. When he was grounded in the future, he could at least do ground teaching work, even if he couldn't fly. Switch to civil aviation? It is impossible to fly civil aviation in this life, and I can only love fighting uninhibitedly throughout my life.

Li Zhan and Xiao Zhengyang left quietly after saying a few words. The commuter bus was waiting outside. After getting on the bus, they went straight to the small guest house to pack their luggage and then went straight to the airport to return to Mud Island.

Lu Xiaoran noticed it when he went out and quickly asked Xiao Zhengyang, "Xiao Da, what did the teacher do?"

At this time, everyone became quiet and wiped away tears to calm down.

Xiao Zhengyang said, "Your teacher is going back to his original unit today and has booked a flight for two hours, so he has to rush to the airport now. He asked me to say goodbye to you, asked me... Hey, hey, hey, why are you running!" Is there any organizational discipline left?”

Before he finished speaking, the female pilots rushed out like crazy.

"Hey! What the hell is this!" Xiao Zhengyang sighed.

Li Zhan packed his luggage and went out. As soon as he left the small guest house, he was stunned. Sixteen beautiful women lined up neatly and looked at him with tears in their eyes.

It seems that I can't leave quietly without taking away some feelings.

He walked to the front of the team and put his backpack at his feet, looking at the female pilots one by one. The young Song Jia-like Lu Xiaoran with a serious expression and tight lips, the baby-faced Udongdong, the exotic Ayimu, the resolute and courageous Yu Xumei... He looked at them one by one, and looked at them seriously.

"I have remembered each of you in my mind." Li Zhan tapped his temple, "The moment your combat assessment results came out, my status as a teacher was terminated. Standing as a veteran From my perspective, I would like to send you a few words."

"Flying is a career for the brave, and you must never lose courage; safety is always relative, and you can neither take chances nor be dogmatic; combat is the only characteristic of combat pilots, and battlefield awareness is very important; the best survival in the battlefield The rule is always to fire first."

In a few simple sentences, professional advice without any emotion, he summarized Li Zhan’s dozens of actual combat experiences in the past.

He stood at attention, saluted the female pilots, clasped his fists, and finally smiled, "I wish you all a bright future!"

He picked up his camouflage backpack and turned around to leave.

All the female pilots cried, their eyes filled with tears. Strict discipline controlled their desire to rush over and hug Li Zhan, and years of training allowed them to desperately control their emotions.

Wu Dongdong suddenly shouted at Li Zhan's back: "Teacher Li Zhan, I love you!"

The whole team shouted in unison: "Teacher Li Zhan, we love you!"

Many heads popped up from many offices in the office building and looked here. They watched Li Zhan get into the car from a distance, and silently sighed in their hearts, maybe this is Shuai's troubles!

PS: 3000/20000. The numerator and denominator are easy to remember except for one. Since the serialization of this book, there has been no appeal on the issue of reading platforms. Today, we are officially calling for subscriptions. I hope brothers who have the conditions can subscribe to read through the Qidian Reading APP. Only the monthly ticket of the first platform will be effective, and the author can get the thousand words. The manuscript fee is 0.015 yuan. This is my rifle as a retired soldier, my only job.

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